light is like this

Chapter 186 The Tragic Way of Driving

Chapter 186 The Tragic Way of Driving

"The world is on the verge of destruction, and we have no other choice but to put all our eggs in one basket. We didn't even get involved in Xiao Zhang's crazy plan, so naturally we have to prepare other plans just in case."

"You appeared unexpectedly at Lao Chen's funeral, and even succeeded in inheriting Lao Chen's money tricks when I was not sure, then this is probably God's will."

Luo Lao admitted that he was actually gambling at that time.

But even if Xia Le didn't succeed, it was nothing more than building another big tomb in his graveyard.

"You are not the first seed we left behind, nor will it be the last. We hope that a seed like you can solve the serious problems in your generation, at least you can wait for hundreds of years without despair, leaving behind People who will solve it a hundred years later."

Elder Qin continued to speak.

"Technology is advancing with each passing day, and there are geniuses like Professor Wang Xiaoming. Maybe we can't do anything about the supernatural, but technology can succeed?"

Under the narration of the two, Xia Le has a strange sense of déjà vu.

This routine of gaining strength after being arranged by others, and then saving the world, feels so familiar!

At this time, Xia Le can't refuse, and won't refuse.

According to the meaning of the two, if they succeed, they will become a cultivator with super growth potential.

Not to mention a smooth road to Xiuxian, at least there will be fewer mountains and mountains and it will become much smoother.

If it fails, anyway, he only has 3 months left to live, at worst, he will live 3 months less.

If you don't work hard to cultivate immortals, you should not be able to eat three dishes and one soup in this life!
He took a deep breath to stabilize his mind, his eyes were shining brightly, and he asked Luo Lao with an excited expression.

"what should I do?"

Looking at Xia Le's expression, Luo Lao was very satisfied.

Controlling Li Gui is a matter of idealism, discipline, and luck.

If your heart is very depressed and you feel that you can't succeed, then there must be no way to save it, just wait for death.

If you have confidence in your heart and are bold and careful, you have more opportunities than others.

Luo Lao raised his hand, and the soil on the ground suddenly retreated in all directions, revealing a bright red coffin.

This coffin looked familiar to Xia Le—it seemed to be the one he lay in before?

"First of all, I will release the starving ghost in the coffin, pull out the coffin nails, and let you lie in it. This coffin has the ability to restrain the power of Li Gui, so that the starving ghost will not eat you so fast. You need While letting the money trick in your body be eaten by the starving ghost, gaining the power of the money trick, at the same time trying to control the starving ghost."

"Because you have controlled Qian Gui, this process is very painful. It is equivalent to starving to death and eating your flesh and blood. You need to successfully control the starving to death before Qian Gui is completely eaten, otherwise you will be starved to death." Eat it alive. The pain is like Ling Chi."

After hearing this, Xia Le took a deep breath and made her own contribution to global warming.

Do you want to use your body to trick you as soon as you come up?

Playing so big?
"What about after controlling the starvation trick?"

"Let's talk about the next thing later."

Mr. Luo told Xia Le not to be so ambitious.

But at this time, he hesitated for a moment, and said to Xia Le.

"Laosheng, you shouldn't have done this, and the process is very dangerous. I have made an exception for letting you inherit Lao Chen's Qian Gui. If you don't want to, forget about it."

Seeing what Luo Lao said, Qin Lao was stunned.

But he didn't say anything, just waiting for Xia Le's answer.

Xia Le did not disappoint them either.

Obviously he was going to do something very dangerous, but there was a relaxed smile on his face.

"Old Luo, I told you before. If you don't even have the courage to die and live again, then why do you cultivate immortality? Just do it, and death is mine!"

Seeing Xia Le's heroic spirit, the two old people laughed.

Luo Lao nodded in satisfaction.

"Sure enough, he is indeed the young man chosen by me. This kind of heart is very good! Be careful!"

With a kick, he kicked off the lid of the red coffin, and let Xia Le take off his clothes and lie down by himself.

In the next moment, Luo Lao pulled out the coffin nail from the head of the starved to death, threw it directly into the coffin, and immediately closed the coffin lid.

A thick layer of grave soil that seemed to have been soaked in blood buried the coffin layer by layer, and at the same time buried Xia Le and Xingshigui in it.

Seeing Xia Le being buried in the coffin, Mr. Qin asked Mr. Luo.

"Old Luo, is it true that such a good young man is eaten by starving to death?"

Luo Lao threw away the coffin nails in his hand, grasped the ax in his right hand, and showed a domineering smile on his face.

"Of course not. Although we are about to die, we are not dead yet. It is not yet the time for future generations to fight for us old people."


In the dark coffin, Xia Le felt an extremely cold aura coming from the starving ghost who was pressing down on him.

The coffin is not big.After starving to death, the coffin was filled with the rancid smell of rotting corpses.

After breaking away from the shackles of the coffin nails, the starving ghost immediately woke up.

Sensing that there was food beside him, he opened his mouth and bit Xia Le's neck.

Xia Le subconsciously stretched out his hand to press the mouth of the starving ghost, and activated Qian Gui's power.

As a result, anyone who came to starve to death would not refuse, and bit down on Xia Le's right hand.


After being starved to death and biting off a piece of flesh, Xia Le couldn't help crying out in pain.

Blood flowed out from the wound on his palm, but it further stimulated the ferocity of the starved to death.

Xia Le tried to use the money trick to hold the starving ghost, but the money trick in his body seemed to be down, and he didn't give a price for a long time.

Xia Le probably guessed what was going on.

"Mr. Qin said that he had eaten a lot of ghosts before starving to death, and his price must be very high!"

And Xia Le wanted to control the starvation trick this time, not exchange the starvation trick for money.

Xia Le took out a handful of money that had been prepared in his pocket, took out a piece of money, and stuffed it into the mouth of the starving ghost.

Starved to death with money in his mouth, he no longer came to trouble Xia Le, but chewed and ate the money in his mouth.

After eating the money, he lay there motionless after starving to death, but stared at Xia Le with straight eyes.

Xia Le breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, trick money is still useful."

He looked at the starving ghost in front of him, and remembered the method Luo Lao said to control the starving ghost.

"You have to let him eat the money trick first, and then control the starving trick!"

"I understand the truth, but the problem is that if Qian Gui is eaten, I will be eaten too!"

Hearing the question on Xingshigui's body, Xia Leyue almost vomited out.

"What exactly should I do?"

But Xia Le hadn't figured out a reason yet, and the starving dead ghost suddenly moved again.

The strange money of unknown denomination just now could only stop him for a few seconds, and then he attacked Xia Le again.

Xia Le raised her left hand again, and covered the starving Gui's mouth.

After a sharp pain, Xia Le suddenly felt that Qian Gui in his body vibrated violently for a moment.

"what happened?"

Suppressing the pain, Xia Le picked up another piece of money and stuffed it into the mouth of the starved to death.

He gritted his teeth, trembling with pain, but touched the wound on his hand, and suddenly understood what happened.

"It's copper coins! It's not only my flesh and blood that Que ate to death from starvation, but also the pattern of copper coins on my arm! Could this pattern be Qian Gui's body?"

Just as Xia Le wanted to understand this matter, he was starved to death and moved again.

Although he couldn't see clearly, Xia Le could always feel that he was like a prey being targeted by a hyena, with a pair of extremely greedy and hungry eyes staring at him.

This time, he didn't use the money to block the mouth of the starved Gui, but gritted his teeth and continued to give his left arm full of copper coins.


After a heart-piercing cry of pain, Xia Le could feel Qian Gui in his body vibrating again.

"It really is!"

In the severe pain, Xia Le's gums were bitten with blood, and his mouth was full of bloody smell.

But when he found a way at this time, he laughed instead.

"So you want to let the starving cunning eat the money? Taking advantage of the connection between the starving cunning and me, at this time to activate the power of Qian gui? It is impossible for Qian gui to exchange himself for money, so as to cause Qian gui and hungry The downtime of the deadly ghost? Then I will find a way to recover the money in the body of the starving dead ghost, and drive the hungry dead ghost along the way?"

The more Xia Le thinks about it, the more this is the case.

There was an extremely crazy smile on his face, he bit his sleeve with his teeth, and sent his left arm to the mouth of the starved to death.

"Eat, eat! Eat more and I'll send you on your way!"

Although Xia Le understood the way to control the starvation, it was extremely painful in the process.

He gritted his teeth hard, and almost passed out several times without pain. His body and face were covered with cold sweat, as if he had been fished out of the water.

He starved to death and ate his left arm little by little, and all the copper coins he had exchanged for with his 5-year lifespan went into the stomach of starving to death.

"Finally finished!"

Before the starving ghost opened his mouth next time, Xia Le decisively took out a piece of money and stuffed it into the starving ghost's mouth to buy time.

At the same time, he has been mobilizing the power of Qian Gui to exchange the starving Gui for Gui Qian.

One, two, three...

As more and more coins are eaten by starvation, each starvation shutdown will take longer.

After starving to death and eating most of the money in Xia Le's hands, Qian Gui in Xia Le's body finally reacted.

Starve to death: eat a lot of scorpions, worth 98 yuan.

98 yuan!
This number really shocked Xia Le.

Ordinary ghosts are only worth one or two yuan, but starving to death is nearly a hundred times more than theirs!
Xia Le no longer hesitated, and decisively agreed to exchange the starving ghost for money.

A supernatural force erupted from his body and invaded the body of the starved to death strange.

But at this moment, this force formed a reaction with the power in the starving dead crafty body.

Xia Le's face continued to age, and 98 months of her lifespan were soon deducted.

From a young man in his early 20s, he immediately became an uncle in his 30s.

But the starving ghost in front of him still didn't move, and didn't mean to disappear at all.

Obviously, Qian Gui got stuck.

But at the same time, the starving ghost who had mastered part of Qian Gui's ability was also stuck.

From Xia Le's side, she could feel a faint spiritual connection connecting herself and Xingshigui.

His left hand, which lacked a large piece of meat, held down the neck of the starved ghost, and began to try to withdraw the power of Qian Gui in the starved dead ghost.

But this power has been integrated with starving to death.

In the process of Xia Le regaining his strength, the starving dead ghost was also being controlled by him bit by bit.

At this moment, the starving ghost seemed to be aware of the danger, and suddenly moved his mouth again, biting Xia Le in slow motion.

Just in case, Xia Le quickly stuffed some money into his mouth.

Starved to death, Gui immediately stopped moving.

With the passage of time, the whole body of the starving dead ghost stuck to Xia Le's body, and was gradually integrated into his belly.

Both the starving ghost and the money trick in Xia Le's body have already shut down. Although the process is slow, it is not dangerous.

At this moment, Xia Le didn't even seem to feel the pain in his arm.

But as Xia Le gradually controlled Starved to Death, his belly slowly bulged as if he was pregnant in October.

At first, she was only 3 months pregnant, and at most she looked like a beer belly.

But when Xia Le felt that he had mastered the starvation trick, and Xia Le started to let the starvation trick continue to eat the money trick in his body, this fragile balance was broken.

Starving to death is so cruel, not to mention eating a lot of starving to death before.

His level of terror is astonishingly high!
When Qian Gui was slowly eaten by Hungry Gui, and after Hungry Gui gained Qian Gui's power, Xia Le's belly bulged as if she was 7 months pregnant.

It can be seen that a fuzzy human figure is trapped in Xia Le's belly, stretching his stomach open, leaving almost only the outermost layer of skin.

This human figure has a mouth full of fangs, facing Xia Le's throat, it seems that it may come back to life at any time, and bite him to death.

But anyway, it can be regarded as the completion of the first level.

Gritting his teeth, he lit the red ghost candle given by Mr. Qin before. Under this weird green light, Xia Le, who was tortured physically and mentally, fell into a coma.

When he woke up again, he saw Elder Luo and Elder Qin as soon as he opened his eyes.

Turning his head to look at his missing left arm, Xia Le showed an extremely ugly smile to the two old people.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

At this moment, he was like a corpse, his body exuded a faint stench of corpses, and he seemed to be alive for a few days, as if he might recover miraculously at any time.

Looking at Xia Le's tall and big belly, Luo Lao was very pleased.

"Okay, okay! You youngsters can do it!"

Although Xia Le's current state is very poor, as long as he can control the starvation to death trick!
But time waits for no one.

He didn't let Xia Le continue to rest, but together with Mr. Qin, he brought Xia Le to the dark ghost domain.

This is a creepy ghost land.

Elder Luo and Elder Qin looked at each other and shot one after another.

A road formed by the graves decisively invaded the eerie ghost domain, all the way to a dark square coffin.

The crutch in Elder Qin's hand hit the ground heavily, and the coffin lid opened with a bang, revealing Wei Jing's corpse inside.

Luo Lao looked down at Xia Le, and put him into the dark coffin.

"Xiangsheng, you have already done the most difficult thing, just leave it to us."

As the coffin lid was closed, Xia Le's eyes were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

In the headquarters, the ghost masters finally discussed a plan, planning to use another S-level supernatural event, the ghostly painting, to limit the weirdness.

The combination of two S-class supernatural events may cause dire dangers, but they may also contain each other.

Under their operation, the black coffin containing Xia Le was sent to the realm of strange paintings by a group of unknowing people.

At this time, Luo Lao had already left the treacherous ghost domain.

At the same time, Elder Qin silently returned to the side of Professor Wang Xiaoming at the headquarters to protect his safety, as if he had done nothing before.

(End of this chapter)

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