light is like this

Chapter 196 Light Will Not Stop Saving the World

In the world of Godslayers, a few months ago, Xia Le fought with the King of the End, Rama, and killed him with the energy of hundreds of millions of lights.

This made Pandora and Athena and other earth goddesses really relieved.

That night, in order to thank Xia Le, the Goddess of Wisdom created a clone and turned into a goddess knight, which fulfilled a certain wish that Xia Le had always had.

Xia Le said that she felt comfortable.

Afterwards, that clone also followed Xia Le all the time, which made Erica feel very bad.

——If the other party is a goddess, there is no way to compete for the position of wife!

Lukurazia and Liliana who don't have this kind of heart don't care, they just lament that Xia Le deserves to be the strongest godslayer!
Others are killing gods, but his ecstasy is much more amazing than killing gods!
But it is also this kind of Erica that brings Xia Le a lot of fun.

Including life and physiology.

On this day, when Xia Le was playing with Erica, Athena, Liliana, and Luculazia on the island, he suddenly received a notice.

Since Xia Le obtained full authority of the Giant of Light system, Sola and Minato Chaoyang no longer served as his customer service positions.

However, a few people have added friends and can communicate through the Altec network at any time.

Like the Internet, the Altec network has multiple functions.

Including adding friends, setting up group chats, exclusive Altec website, etc., which are not too different from the Internet.

In a chat group called "Giant of Light System User Communication Group", Xia Le received a private chat notification.

"Senior Xia Le, I have a lot of giants here. Although one is not strong, there are too many giants. I can't finish them! They are going to destroy the world soon! Please help seniors!"

Xia Le took a look, hehe, this is still a female rookie system user.

Like Xia Le, there is only one user who has mastered the Giant of Light system from scratch.

The vast majority of users have their own lives and prefer to hide their identities.

It's not like Xia Le's big fanfare, who treats herself as a star to do business.

It is also because of this that the speed at which they obtain the energy of light is not as exaggerated as that of Xia Le, and most of them only have a pitifully small amount of energy of light in their hands.

Not to mention taking the flashing mode as a meal, that is, the battery life after the 3-minute free transformation time ends every day has to be leisurely.

But the strength of the Ultra fighters themselves is extremely powerful, and they can be regarded as top-notch in many universes.

"For ordinary system users, battery life is indeed a big problem. Okay, let me help you."

As the only regular worker among system users, Xia Le has a high prestige among these temporary workers.

The King of Ultra also said that he hoped that Xia Le could help and take care of these system users.

Smiling, Xia Le sent a message to the other party.

"Give me a coordinate."

The other party showed a very surprised and excited look, and quickly replied.

"Thank you, senior! Thank you very much! My coordinates are..."

After talking to Erica and the others, and inputting this coordinate location into the system, Xia Le's figure turned into countless light spots and disappeared on the island.


In the second-generation Giant of Light system, the Ultra warriors used as templates are no longer one Diga, but five, three men and two women.

Among them, the male Ultraman has the original Tiga Ultraman, and the newly added Seven Ultraman and Ace Ultraman.

The female Ultraman is Minato Chaoyang, that is, Ultraman Gericho, and Ultraman Aluvino.

The template for system users who ask for Xia Le's help is Gregory Altman.

Looking at the giant army in front of him, which was overwhelming in size, the number must be thousands, Ayase Eri in the transformed form breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great! With the help of seniors, these giants who only grow in size but not in IQ will definitely be able to solve it easily!"

Biting her lip unwillingly, she looked at the army of giants who had knocked down dozens of 50-meter-high giants in front of her, but still couldn't see the end at a glance.

"It's all my fault that I don't pay attention to publicity, I didn't work hard to earn the energy of light, and I couldn't save the world alone! After I go back, I must work hard, find a way to let more people know about Muse, and get more energy of light! "

At this moment, with a flash of silver light, Xia Le appeared beside Ayase Eri.

Seeing the light spots converging into a human form, Ayase Eri quickly bowed to Xia Le and shouted.

"Senior Xia Le, I am Ayase Eri! Thank you for your tireless efforts to come to help!"

Looking up at the face of Altman Gericho, Xia Le transformed into Di Jia and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"It's okay, as a novice, there is no shame in asking others for help. You will only be condemned if you let the world fall into ruin with useless pride."

He turned his head to look at the giant army ahead, and asked Ayase Eri.

"Are these the enemies?"

Ayase Eri lifted her body and nodded vigorously.

"Yes, Senior Xia Le! These giants, led by the leader, are going to break through all the countries in the world and destroy the world!"

There was a look of frustration on her face.

"My transformation time is almost up, and the remaining light energy is only 5 minutes left. There is no way to destroy them in a short time."

The world Ayase Eri lives in is a very peaceful world. She is not good at fighting, and she never thought that one day she would become an Ultraman to save the world.

It is natural to slack off when the first few tasks were completed with ease.

"It's okay, just look at me next."

Xia Le waved his right hand, and the energy of light condensed into dozens of Randy Parr light bullets, which were projected towards the giant army.

Boom boom boom!
These Randy Parr light bombs exploded in the giant crowd like goddesses scattered flowers, each with the power of ordinary missiles.

Thousands of meters away, Xia Le could clearly see that after Randy Parr's light bomb exploded, hundreds of giants were impacted by the extremely strong explosion.

The appearance of these giants did not seem to have skin, and the defense power of their muscles and bones was also very low. They were easily blown to pieces, and they were inhuman.

It's no wonder that the newcomer Ayase Eri can easily defeat, that is, this number is really difficult to deal with.

But what surprised Xia Le was that many giants who were injured by the explosion, even the giants who were blown into several sections by the shock wave from the explosion, were recovering rapidly after falling to the ground.

As billowing steam erupted from their wounds, these giants were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even some of the giants whose heads had been blown mutilated returned to normal, like Extremis.

Although Xia Le caused the death of dozens of giants, the giant army did not stop at all, as if nothing happened.

Later giants quickly filled the place of the dead giants.

Including the lizard-like giant with only a human head and a huge skeleton left, no one even cast a single glance at Xia Le.

Ayase Eri said quickly.

"Senior, the weak point of these giants is the nape of the neck! Only by destroying this nape can we destroy them!"

"That's right, thank you so much for letting me know."

Xia Le nodded to Hualan Eri, stepped on the ground lightly with both feet, and instantly rose into the air.

He came down in front of these giant legions and twisted his arms.

In front of Xia Le, countless giants rubbed their shoulders and moved forward expressionlessly.

Thousands of big feet stepped on the ground, causing a terrible roar like an earthquake.

Whether there are rocks, trees or buildings in front of them, they will be destroyed and flattened in front of the giants, turning into a barren wasteland.

The giant skeleton leading them had dull eyes, even though Xia Le was standing not far in front of him, he didn't pay attention.

"Is he crazy or does he think no one can stand against the power of these giants?"

Xia Le didn't know about it.

He just stretched out his right hand, the timer on his chest exuded a silver light, quickly condensing the energy of light.

As the energy of light gathered rapidly, a giant sword with a length of [-] meters was condensed into shape by Xia Le.

Looking at this giant sword, the giant skeleton headed by it seems to have returned to the gods, and the eyes gradually became brighter.

But at this moment, Xia Le shouted loudly.


His right arm was integrated with the huge energy long sword, and swept across the giant army in front of him.

Swipe two swords, Xia Le cut off the necks of countless giants in the terrifying giant army in front of him.

Their heads and necks flew up from the shoulders, and the nape of their necks instantly gasified under the impact of ultra-high temperature energy.

Losing the nape, these giants fell to the ground like robots without electricity, and their bodies quickly dissipated into high-temperature steam, looking very environmentally friendly.

There was something wrong with the giant army in the rear, and the skeleton giant showed an angry expression on his face.

But without waiting for the other party to make a move, Xia Le didn't say anything, and the giant sword in his hand slashed down on his head, splitting his head and body in two.

Seeing this scene, two people from this world not far away knelt down directly.


Although Mikasa and Ermin knew that Alan's death was not a pity, seeing him die at the hands of the silver giant that suddenly appeared, they were still heartbroken.

When the giant army was eliminated, Ayase Eri also received the news from the system, and smiled at Xia Le from a distance.

"Senior, the task is completed!"

Xia Le nodded towards Ayase Eri.

"It's fine when it's finished. Then I'll go back first. Don't feel embarrassed next time you encounter problems, and ask me for help in time."

Xunse Eri bowed to Xia Le again.

"Hi, senior!"

In the next moment, the giant sword in Xia Le's hand turned into light particles and dispersed, and his figure also slowly dissipated into the air.

Watching Xia Le leave, Ayase Eri stuck out her tongue.

"This senior really has a cold face and a warm heart!"


Xia Le originally thought that after becoming an official worker in the Kingdom of Light, she would have a lot of leisure time at work.

Turns out he was wrong.

This wave of the Kingdom of Light released a full 100 Giants of Light 2.0 systems.

With Xia Le as a sample, there are no other restrictions except that the selected ones are required to be kind-hearted and between the ages of 16 and 60.

This has resulted in many pure newcomer world saviors like Ayase Eri being selected by the system.

Some older people with rich social experience are fine. Many young people often think that they are the children of destiny when they encounter this situation. There are so many situations that Xia Le has to wipe their butts from time to time.

"What happened this time?"

Angrily, he opened the group chat, looked at the distress coordinates inside, and turned into a ball of silver light and rushed over.


Azeroth, Archimonde, who has the second strongest strength in the Burning Legion, has just come to this planet, erasing Dalaran like erasing a sand sculpture.

Then he was attracted by the Well of Eternity on Mount Hagar, and led the demon army to attack the night elves.

In the land of the night elves, the demigods of Azeroth attacked Archimonde one after another, but they were easily defeated by him.

He killed the furbolg god with rough skin and thick flesh, and broke the neck of Malorne, the father of demigod Cenarius. Even the guardian dragon could not stop his progress.

Ultraman's Ultra skin is excellent in physical resistance, but it doesn't have a good defense against spells.

In front of Archimonde, the system user who came to save the world was beaten out of the transformation form, almost dying.

He looked down at a group of ants-like mortals, who could spit out a large amount of evil energy with every breath, polluting the world, and laughed loudly.

"Finally! The road to the World Tree has been cleared! Witness the end, mortals! The time of the end has come!"

Looking at the invincible Archimonde, the night elves showed dead mother expressions.

Tyrande and Malfurion Stormrage looked at each other, and they both understood that in order to defeat Archimonde, the night elves would lose their eternal life from now on, as well as countless little elves they regarded as brothers and sisters.

But for Azeroth, several demigods have lost their lives, so why are they reluctant?

Just as Archimonde continued to move towards the Well of Eternity, a bright silver light unfolded in front of him.

Looking at the big devil in front of him, Xia Le was startled.

"Archimonde? Shining form! The energy of millions of lights accelerates!"

Without saying a word, he directly entered the shining form, and then punched Archimonde's head.

The golden shining bursting fist swayed, and the brilliant golden light strangled Archimonde's soul, completely ending his life.

After Archimonde's death, looking at the demon army in front of him, Xia Le waved his hand gently, summoning a mighty energy of light in the sky.

In the next moment, these light energy turned into countless sharp swords and poured down, destroying the large group of demons amidst howls.


In the world of Dragon Ball, facing Androids 17 and 18, Xia Le gritted his teeth and spent the light energy of the two small targets, bleeding heavily to kill them.

In the world of the god of death, Xia Le shot with a blank face, expending tens of millions of light energy to smash Yuhabach.

In the cosmic starry sky, Xia Le ran here and there, killing the interstellar Zerg entrenched in multiple planets with a waste of strength.

A certain god intends to destroy the human world, Xia Le took the Chaos Blade from a certain bald god of war, and cut off the heads of many gods!

Running down the worlds one by one, Xia Le felt busier than when he was saving the world alone!

On this day, while Xia Le was sleeping, another message for help came from the group chat.

He woke up with a big head and shouted to the sky.

"King of Ultra, when can I retire!"

(End of the book)

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