Chapter 24

Looking at the fine shrapnel faintly reflecting the light in the blood stain on his upper body, Tony Stark looked very excited.

He let out a long sigh of relief, and lay relaxed on the temporary operating table. He felt a big stone fall from his heart, and his whole body became more relaxed.

Since returning from Afghanistan, the shrapnel in these blood vessels is like a time bomb, threatening Stark's life at any time.

Once the micro-reactor located in his chest fails, death will come to him.

How could a normal person be willing to implant a nuclear reactor that releases radiation and contains a large amount of radioactive elements in the body?

Even looking for excitement is not the case!

After the shrapnel in the blood vessel was removed, the remaining wound was the large hole in the center of Stark's chest.

Under the healing of the energy of light, Stark could feel his bones and flesh growing little by little, straightening out the bones and muscles deformed by the surgery little by little.

Under the gaze of Xia Le and Stark, the metal device on Stark's chest, together with the miniature reactor, was squeezed out bit by bit by the regrown flesh and bones.

To be honest, it's not a comfortable feeling.

There was a mild pain in Stark's chest, but it was not a slight pain.

Accompanied by a very intense, unbearable itching, he really wanted to stretch out his hand and scratch it vigorously.

But Stark himself also knows that he can't do this now, he can only grit his teeth with perseverance.

Sweat quickly spread all over his body, making Stark look like he just got out of the water.

At the same time, the visual effect of this large metal block being squeezed out of his body is also full, which makes Tony Stark feel very uncomfortable.

"Oh my god, please end it quickly!"

During the treatment, a small amount of blood flowed from Stark's chest, which looked like a murder scene.

Ten seconds later, the reactor in Stark's chest was completely squeezed out, rolled from his upper body, and fell to the ground with a clatter.

And Stark himself is also expelling toxins, and his body is relaxed.

He let out a long breath, watched Xia Le withdraw his right hand, lay powerlessly on the operating table, closed his eyes, put his hand on his forehead, and moaned in a low voice.

"My God, it's finally over!"

At this time, the sweat and blood on Stark's body were mixed together, exuding a smell like pickled garlic.

Xia Le took two steps back and gave him a caring smile.

"The treatment is complete. Congratulations, you have successfully become a girl."

"What the f**k?"

Hearing what Xia Le said, Tony Stark was taken aback.

He opened his eyes suddenly and jumped off the operating table,

It turns out, whether you're a billionaire, a superstar, or just an ordinary person, doing it looks lewd.

Stark breathed a sigh of relief.

He glared at Xia Le angrily, speechless.

"Don't make such a joke please? I'd rather sleep wearing a microreactor every day!"

Xia Le: ( ̄︶ ̄)
Looking at Xia Le's cheerful appearance, Stark wanted to say something, but he also noticed the stains on his body.

He sniffed the extremely tragic smell on his body, frowned, showing disgust, and walked upstairs to the bathroom.

"I'll take a shower first. There's wine in the wine cabinet and snacks in the refrigerator. You can do what you want."

But same as before.For the food in other people's homes, Xia Le is not sensitive.

His previous relationship with Stark was not so good.

But if you come next time, you can try it, and try the snacks and wine that billionaires usually eat.

So, Xia Le said to Stark.

"No, I'm going back to New York to find Bullseye now."

Stark turned his head and said to Xia Le with some surprise.

"In such a hurry?"

Xia Le twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a sneer.

"He wounded my friend's father. The Master said: Repay the grievance directly, and pay back ten times!"

Xia Le said the following words in Chinese, so Stark couldn't understand, but he probably knew that it was not a good word.

"Okay. I'll continue to look for Bullseye and send you real-time information."

"Thank you."

Xia Le thanked Stark, and then said.

"By the way, ask Jarvis to grant me access. Also, don't forget to turn off Obadiah's access. I don't want to show up at your funeral next time."

Although Xia Le reminded him kindly, except for the time in Afghanistan, Stark used to bully others, how could he be bullied by others?
He subconsciously retorted to Xia Le.

"Thank you for your concern. I will definitely go to your funeral and hire a professional funeral team for you."

Xia Le waved at Stark and left from the main entrance.

Looking at his leaving back, Stark said.

"Jarvis, cancel Obadiah's access control and open the access control for Xia Le. Then look up what Xia Le said just now. It sounds like Chinese?"


After staying in the hotel for another night, Xia Le bought a plane ticket and flew back to New York from Los Angeles early the next morning.

Arriving at JFK Airport in New York, he took another taxi to the hospital.

In the hospital, Damon looked fine.

Although he couldn't eat yet and had to rely on infusions to maintain his nutrition, he spoke clearly and was awake, talking to Mindy.

But after realizing that he would not even be able to do heavy work in the future, let alone punishing rape and eradicating evil as before, this man still suffered a lot.

"But that's okay. Although I didn't avenge myself, Frank is dead, and I have killed a lot of his people these days. From now on, I will find an easy job in an office and be with my Mindy grow up."

In the past few days, Mindy also told Damon that because she was bored, she used his name to invite Xia Le to the training ground to relieve boredom.

Mindy has done everything, what else can Damon say?
She also told Damon that Xia Le went to Los Angeles to find friends to track down Bullseye.

Regarding this, Damon said to Mindy with a serious expression.

"Bullseye is too dangerous. It's not something you can win with a rookie. Don't go to him."

But Damon didn't expect Xia Le's friends to spot Bullseye.

As a well-known professional killer, it would be really embarrassing if someone found him casually.

But as soon as Qiliao Xia Le came to the hospital, he shook his mobile phone without saying a few words, and smiled at Damon and Mindy.

"I've found a clue about Bullseye, fuck him tonight!"

Ming Di trusts Xia Le very much, and has no doubts about it.

She cheered and exclaimed very excitedly.

"Great! I'm going to have to drill holes in him!"

Buddy Bullseye, as a killer, are your hidden skills so poor?
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(End of this chapter)

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