light is like this

Chapter 34 Light is only in charge of sending you a one-way ticket to hell

Chapter 34 Light is only in charge of sending you a one-way ticket to hell
Xia Le's attack speed is very fast.

Here, Sloan and the others just received a report from his younger brother. He had turned into a gust of wind and came inside the textile factory, where he saw these assassins gathered together.

Xia Le's moving speed exceeds 300 meters per second, close to the speed of sound, similar to the speed of ordinary pistol bullets, and ordinary people can't react at all.

But each of the Brotherhood's assassins is a "chosen son" who is carefully selected. To get started with "gun fighting", one needs to be able to catch the trajectory of the bullet fired by the pistol with his eyes.

They tried their best to stimulate their special blood inherited from the ancient assassins, and their hearts entered a state of overload, with each heartbeat exceeding 400 times per minute, and their dynamic vision ability kept up with Xia Le's moving speed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the eyes of these assassins seem to be convulsed, moving frantically left and right, their eyes are bloodshot, and a pair of eyeballs seem to jump out of their sockets.

But the dynamic vision can keep up with Xia Le, but it doesn't mean that their physical fitness can keep up.

This can only make them watch Xia Le pick up the bricks and knock down the assassins of the Brotherhood one by one. Because of the growing fear and fear, they are under tremendous pressure and become more painful.

From Xia Le's point of view, it seemed as if the time around him had been slowed down, and each of these assassins was a master of slow-motion mechanical dancing.

Reach out, lift your clothes, touch the gun, raise your hand, and shoot.

After doing this series of actions, it took four or five seconds to pass.

As long as he didn't close his eyes, and didn't forcefully hit the bullets, he could easily avoid the muzzles of these black holes, and then harvested the assassins in the textile factory one after another.

But to be reasonable, it doesn't matter even if these pistol bullets hit Xia Le, because it doesn't break the defense at all.

This gathering of members of the Assassin Brotherhood made it easier for Xia Le to do it.

He moved in a circular motion from the outside to the inside, and while knocking down the assassins one by one, he also pulled the distance, forcing the assassins to turn around to catch their own trajectory.

Only after Xia Le knocked down more than a dozen people with bricks did the members of the Brotherhood fire the first shot.

But the direction of the bullet was more than three meters away from Xia Le, and finally hit an ordinary textile machine used to cover people's eyes with a bang, and couldn't hit Xia Le at all.

Walk full marks!

Seeing the fall of one "brother" after another, while the opponent was unscathed, some assassins' hearts collapsed.

They no longer thought about killing Xia Le, but turned around and ran outside.

This is also commonly known as I don't need to run faster than the bear, as long as I run faster than my companions!
At this moment, as the leader of the Assassin Brotherhood, Sloan has completely lost the pride and composure he had before.

Holding the gun in his hand, he looked ferocious, and roared at the assassins around him with a distorted face.

"We can't escape without killing him!"

This sentence sounds intermittent from Xia Le's perspective, which is very interesting.

But Sloane's shouts were in vain.

Hearing this sentence just after he shouted, Xia Le gave him a brick for free.

Sloan only felt a pain in his head, his eyes went dark, and then he didn't know anything.

The assassins saw that the boss who was still shouting slogans just now was knocked down, and now they ran faster.

However, none of these assassins could even run out of the gate, and Xia Le overtook them and knocked them down.

From Xia Le entering the textile factory to the present, it took about three seconds.

But except for Fox, all the assassins were knocked to the ground by him.

However, there were also two unlucky ones who were unlucky and were shot to death by Xia Le.

For this, Xia Le can only blame their brains for being too fragile, they can't even compare with bricks.

Looking down at the "brothers and sisters" who were lying on the ground, Fox let out a long breath and looked at Xia Le with a complicated expression.

She just saw Xia Le rushing in directly, facing more than 20 well-trained assassins at the same time, and she was still a little nervous.

She originally wanted to turn her back, kill Sloan first, and then kill as many as she could.

As a result, in just a few seconds, everyone was brought down by Xia Le.

Fox thought to himself, it turned out that Xia Le killed Ivan easily at such a speed the night before yesterday, and captured her and Bullseye.

Thinking about it carefully, if the other party showed such speed in the bathroom the night before yesterday, would I still be able to live?
Unexpectedly, in just one night, she encountered the crisis of losing her life twice!
When Fox settled down a bit, seeing that most of these assassins were still angry, he asked Xia Le with a puzzled expression.

"Why not kill them?"

"It's a waste to kill directly, and you won't be able to live if you look at it."

Xia Le got out of the transformation state, dragged these assassins together one by one, tied them up with Xia style binding method, and motioned for Fox to help.

"The Assassin Brotherhood is an organization with such an orderly inheritance, and it is used by Sloan for profit. It must have a lot of background. Besides, the formula for the medicinal bath has not yet been obtained. What are you in such a hurry for?"

After transporting these people to the butcher's site and stacking them against the wall, Xia Le woke up the repairman with cold water.

In the fraternity, no matter how badly injured you are, as long as you don't die, you can recover from the magical bath in just one night.It is the repairman who is configuring.

After splashing the repairman awake with two basins of water, the repairman suddenly opened his eyes, and then found that he was now tightly bound and could not break free.

He looked at Xia Le in the field and the only Fox who was not tied up, and gave Xia Le a friendly smile familiarly.

This smile has been specially trained by him, and even with the use of psychological knowledge, he can unconsciously narrow the spiritual distance with others and make them let go of their defenses.

"Are you here for the fraternity? I can quit the fraternity, and I will do whatever you say!"

The repairman knows that people have a future if they live, and if they die, it will be over.

But Xia Le ignored him and turned to the butcher instead.

He took two huge iron hooks used for hanging pigs, dragged the butcher's strong body and hung him up.

The sharp iron hook matched the weight of the butcher, and two bloody hooks quickly pierced through his two lutes, bringing up a cloud of blood.

The severe pain caused by the piercing of flesh and blood instantly awakened the butcher.


He screamed loudly, opening his mouth so wide that the uvula could be seen.

The butcher's body subconsciously struggled on the iron hook, making the iron chain on the iron hook rattle.

But the thick and cold iron hook rubbed against the bone, making a creepy creaking sound, which made the butcher cry in pain.

Standing beside the butcher, Xia Le asked him with a smile.

"Do you believe in light?"

But at this time, the butcher, who was in severe pain and had a sensory disorder, could not answer Xia Le's question.

As a result, Xia Le's expression changed.

"Answer me, cub!"

With a roar, he was like a lion king offended by a hyena, kicking hard on the butcher.

This force kicked the butcher's body shaking in the air, shaking the chain on the iron hook, and making a cold rattling sound.

PS: The new book is released, ask for monthly tickets, ask for recommendation tickets, and ask for follow-up reading!

 I was bitten by some kind of insect, and I had more than a dozen bumps on my body, which was extremely itchy.I originally wanted to go to the hospital, but today all staff were tested for nucleic acid and were not allowed to leave their respective communities.The hard-working author can only deal with cooling oil and essential oil...

(End of this chapter)

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