Chapter 37

Walking into the gate, Obadiah saw Pepper and Xia Le at a glance.

Pepper, as Stark's secretary and life assistant, is not surprising here.

But the appearance of Xia Le, a stranger, made Obadiah raise his eyebrows and said to Tony Stark.

"Did I interrupt you to talk about something?"

Even though he said that, there was no sign of apology on his face, instead he seemed to be anti-client.

Obadiah smiled at Xia Le, and handed Stark a gift box in his hand, with a kind smile of a father on his face.

"This is the coffee I brought you from New York, your favorite brand."

"Thank you."

Stark took the gift box and nodded to Obadiah with a slightly dazed expression.

Before the accident, he never would have imagined that this old man who was not a relative but was better than a relative, who he regarded as an uncle, would put him to death for the shares of Stark Corporation.

Is it because Obadiah is too old, so his mind is confused, and he has become dementia?

He had only heard that this kind of thing had happened to other people's companies and families before, but he didn't expect it to be his own turn now!

Seeing Stark's distraught look, Obadiah expressed concern for him.

"What's the matter, Tony, haven't you had a good rest these days? Have you had a nightmare? It must be very difficult to escape from Afghanistan!"

He patted Stark on the shoulder, sighed empathetically, and hugged Stark.

"Anyway, it's good that you come back alive."

Obadiah's caring behavior made Tony Stark feel a chill, and his spirit, which was a little sluggish because of the night, became high.

On the surface, this person is very concerned about himself, pretending to be a generous elder, but in fact he wants to kill him quickly.

How could there be such brazen people in the world!
Letting go of Stark, Obadiah looked at Xia Le, and stretched out his hand with a smile like a master.

"Who is this?"

He came today to persuade Tony to withdraw his decision to abolish Stark's arms department, and he didn't want others to disturb him.

After all, during this period of time, the stock price of Stark Corporation has been diving every day, and large sums of dollars have been plopped away. Hearing that he is about to suffer from angina!
Xia Le held Obadiah's hand and smiled at him.

"Hi, Mr. Obadiah. I am your destined light."

When Xia Le said that, Obadiah didn't even know what was going on.

Doomed Light?

What do you mean?
Riddler get out of the gram!

But the next moment, Xia Le grabbed his hand and stepped forward, stretching out his right leg, tripping Obadiah's right leg severely.

Then, Xia Le tightly clasped Obadiah's right hand, pulled back, twisted behind him, and then pressed hard on the ground.

Obadiah didn't even react, he just felt dizzy for a while, and Xia Le pressed him on the carpet that wasn't cold, and his neck was pressed against his knee.

Because of the intense pain coming from his face and hands, the middle-aged and elderly man, who was nearly sixty years old and might still have some osteoporosis, couldn't help crying out in pain.


Xia Le took out a can of spray from the hidden pocket on the back, and sprayed wildly at Obadiah's eyes and nose.

The liquid with a strong pungent smell was sprayed into Obadiah's eyes, nose and mouth, causing him pain in the pampered state.

"Ah!! Ah Choo, Ah Choo!"

Obadiah covered his eyes with the other hand, struggling desperately, and let out a more miserable scream.

Because of the irritating gas, he was sneezing continuously, and at the same time, tears were streaming down his face, and he couldn't even open his eyes.

Finally, Xia Le picked up the coffee cup Stark had just used and slammed it on Obadiah's bald head.

The white porcelain cup shattered, and Obadiah's body trembled violently, and he was knocked out.

Looking at Xia Le's smooth movements, it seems that he has performed many times, and the extremely skilled movements, Stark and Pepper are stunned.

"What are you doing?"

With a terrified expression, Pepper pulled Stark back two steps, away from Xia Le who suddenly burst into flames.

Who knows if he will attack them next!
How could Tony let such a person have access to the villa!

Xia Le picked up the napkin on the side, slowly and carefully wiped his hands wet with coffee, and said to the astonished Tony Stark.

"I know that you and Obadiah are like father and son. Your father, Howard Stark, almost raised you when he was alive. It was Jarvis and Obastan who accompanied you for a long time. After the unfortunate death of Mr. Howard That's right."

"But it doesn't matter. If you don't have the heart to do something to him, I'll help you! After all, Uncle Huang once said, don't do something small. All the monsters from all over the world know that I am a warm-hearted banker!"

Xia Le reached out and groped Obadiah for a while, and took out the wallet, car keys and a bunch of cards.

He took out the plastic clasp from his pocket, clasped Obadiah's hands and feet, and asked Stark.

"Can you find me a quiet place? I promise he will talk about everything later."

Stark knew before that Xia Le was not very human, and his methods were also very special.

After all, he was either dealing with the killer, or he was on his way to deal with the killer.

But Stark never expected that Xia Le would act so recklessly!
When I met Obadiah, he would be knocked out if he said he was knocked out, leaving no room for it!

What if Obadiah wasn't actually his murderer?
But things have come to this, Stark can only say weakly.

"Then you can't just do it like this! Intentionally hurting people and extorting confessions by torture are extremely bad crimes!"

In this regard, Xia Le showed a confident smile that "every customer in my hand will give a five-star praise".

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark. I guarantee that nothing will be found in those notes afterwards."

Listening to the conversation between Xia Le and Stark, Pepper realized that there seemed to be something he didn't know.

She frowned high, turned her head away, and asked Stark with a fierce expression.

"Mr. Stark, what is going on?"

"Calm down, Pepper."

Seeing the woman whose mood fluctuated greatly and might call the police, Stark had no choice but to tell the truth.

"I was attacked in Afghanistan a few days ago, and Obadiah probably did it. Xia was my helper. Don't you always ask how my wounds were healed? Xia helped me heal .”

Upon hearing this, Pepper immediately exclaimed.

"Oh my God! How could Obadiah do that!"

After all, she glared fiercely at the unconscious Obadiah.

Before that, he was still Stark's respected elder, the vice chairman of Stark Corporation who is under one person and above ten thousand people.

Now, it is her enemy who can't wait to step on ten thousand feet!
A woman who can become Stark's personal secretary and life assistant is certainly not easy.

Pepper quickly calmed down and thanked Xia Le.

"Thank you for curing Mr. Stark."

Xia Le smiled politely.

"You're welcome, this is just a transaction. After all, Mr. Stark will help me a lot later."

(End of this chapter)

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