Chapter 49

The bullets of the two submachine guns in Xia Le's hands didn't last long, and they were quickly emptied.

At the same time, the black car he was driving also rushed past the remaining gang members.

Xia Le threw the two guns aside, picked up the M1911 pistol next to him with his right hand, and held the steering wheel with his left hand and spun it sharply, making a 180-degree spiral U-turn directly on the spot.

On the co-pilot, Mindy was half lying on the edge of the broken window, holding the MP5 in both hands, shooting at the gangsters.

Holding a pistol in one hand, Xia Le rolled the roll while driving.

At the same time, Damon also put a cold gun behind them.

Under the attack from front and back, the gang members almost died soon.

The last gang member shivered behind a red tin mailbox.

As soon as Xia Le turned the steering wheel, he bumped into it directly, pushing the gang member against the metal fuel tank.


The gang member was so painful that he couldn't even hold the gun in his hand, and fell to the ground with a thud.

He opened his mouth and let out a scream, which smelled faintly of garlic.

What did this guy eat tonight?

Xia Le frowned, pointed the gun in his right hand at the gang member, and asked him forcefully.

"You night... oh bah! Where's Vigo?"

Although facing a dead end, the gang members are very loyal, and they gritted their teeth and said to Xia Le.

"I won't say it!"

Xia Le is not used to him.

Seeing that the gangster was stubbornly resisting, he shot the gangster's arm with a single shot, and blood spurted out.

At the same time, Xia Le stepped up the accelerator slightly, and the black car pushed forward little by little, trying to squeeze the gang members into meatloaf.


A sharp pain came from the gang member's waist, which was supported by the car, and he slapped the hood of the car vigorously, grinning in pain.

Xia Le still had a clown-like smile on his face, and his gentle tone revealed the indifference in his bones.

"Say it!"

"I do not know I do not know!"

Seeing the gang member shaking his head desperately when he was about to die, Xia Le didn't know if he really didn't know where Vigo was, or if he just refused to say anything.

But John Wick should know.

And Perkins will go to trouble him tonight, and he can ask this woman then.

"I don't know anything, so why do I need you? Go to hell and report!"

With a bang, Xia Le pulled the trigger and shot the gangster in the head.

Soon, Damon also walked out of the church.

The three of them cleaned up the battlefield, packed all the weapons on these gang members, and then found a car driven by these gang members, which was relatively light in damage, and turned around and drove to the Continental Hotel.

In his mansion, Vigo waited for a long time, but the person he sent did not respond, and no one answered the phone.


Smoking a cigar, he slapped the table vigorously, his eyes were bloodshot, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat.

"Who! Who the hell! The Hand? The Irish? The Vipers?"

In order to compete for the territory vacated after Jin Bing's death, he had exchanged fire with several other gangs in New York, causing mutual casualties.

At this time, he couldn't find any suspects at all, or everyone was suspect.


In front of the strangely shaped Continental Hotel, Xia Le stopped the car.

He made Damon and Mindy wait in the car and walked straight to the front desk.

"Which room is Mr. Wick in?"

The black guy at the front desk was on the phone at this time, and the person who was calling happened to be John Wick who made a lot of noise upstairs and was complained about.

He glanced at Xia Le and said directly to the phone.

"Mr. Wick, the Mr. Clown who sent you here before wants to come up to you."

John Wick was taken aback, put down Perkins who had just been knocked out by him, and said on the phone.

"Then let them come."

Xia Le took the old-fashioned elevator in the hotel straight up to the ninth floor, and found John Wick in room 918.

At this time, there were traces of a firefight in the room, and bullet holes were everywhere.

John Wick was sorting out guns and grenades in the room, and asked Xia Le.

"What else do you want from me?"

Xia Le touched the bullet hole on the head of the bed and said to John Wick.

"I want to know where Vigo is."

Hearing his question, John paused.

He turned around, and the indifferent eyes looked up and down at him a lot.

"You have a grudge against him?"

Hearing this, Xia Le immediately shook his head.

He raised his index fingers, shook slightly at John, and smiled.

"No, no, kind, gentle and peace-loving Mr. Clown, how could he make enemies with others? I just happened to see an ant on the road and wanted to crush him to death out of curiosity."

John Wick believed him a ghost!

But regardless of whether the clown had a grudge against Vigo, or simply accepted a reward for Vigo, this could also explain why the clown appeared in that nightclub and happened to help him.

If he was one step late, I am afraid that the three of them would rush in tonight.

After a short thought, John Wick also felt that in the current situation, it would be better to kill Vigo than to keep him.

So he said to Xia Le.

"Vigo can give it to you, but his son has to be given to me."

Xia Le nodded readily.

"no problem!"


After being hunted down by John Wick, he killed more than a dozen people in person, and now Joseph is scared to death.

Seeing his frightened appearance like a quail, Vigo really didn't like it.

Tiger father and dog son!
he secretly said.

"If you weren't my son and caused the gang to lose so many manpower, I should kill you now!"

But after all, Joseph is also his only son, and it is impossible for him to have another one at his age.

So while continuing to arrange manpower to investigate the problem of the small treasury, Vigo is also mobilizing personnel.

If Perkins and Marcus failed to assassinate, then these people would also get a part to protect their own waste snacks.

Soon, one car after another came from all directions in New York and gathered in Vigo's mansion.

One of the cars seemed to have been scratched on the road, but the license plate was fine, and it followed the end of the traffic flow.

In the car, Xia Le slowly released the accelerator, turned and smiled at Mindy in the co-pilot.

"Ready to start a big show?"

Mindy held a grenade in each hand, and smiled so much that his big teeth were exposed.

"I'm ready!"

The next moment, the windows on all sides of the car were lowered.

Damon and John Wick stretched out two black submachine gun muzzles.

Mindy snapped off the ring of the grenade with her teeth twice, handed one to Xia Le, and threw it vigorously into the traffic ahead.

Xia Le also smiled and threw the grenade out.

In an open space used as a parking lot, the two cars in front of them were about to stop without knowing what happened. A grenade fell from the sky and exploded on the roof of the car.

In the violent explosion, the two vehicles lost control instantly.

A car rolled over on its side, rolled several times, and finally overturned on its four wheels.

The other car accelerated forward violently, and plunged into the swimming pool in the mansion with a crooked broken wooden fence.

(End of this chapter)

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