light is like this

Chapter 63 Light and Iron Suit

Chapter 63 Light and Iron Suit
Having experienced a life-and-death crisis in that corner of the Middle East, and dancing in front of the god of death, Tony Stark felt that his whole person was different from before.

He has risen spiritually!

Tony Stark is already a person who has broken away from vulgar tastes and wants to make some contributions to mankind!
Now that Tony Stark's injury has been healed by Xia Le, naturally he will not die soon because of the problem of the micro-reactor, and there will be fear and indulgence before death.

He didn't play around in the Mark suit to attract attention, nor did he invite a bunch of young ladies to have a party at home, or play some extreme sports that Xia Le played in his previous life.

The former playboy is either with Pepper or with the Iron Suit, which means he is very relieved.

Due to the press conference held by Xia Le before, Tony Stark did not disclose his identity with great fanfare.

If he said "I am Iron Man", wouldn't that mean he was picking up Xia Le Yahui?
He Tony Stark disdains it!

He wouldn't say that he actually wanted to do this too, but Xia Le preempted him!

Although Tony Stark has worn the steel suit more than once, the scene of flying out of Stark's company or his own villa mansion has been photographed.

But as long as I deny it, it will be assumed that there is no such thing!

Tony Stark has traveled to the Middle East wearing a steel suit many times to attack local militants, with the meaning of venting his anger by the way.

This is politically correct in old America.

Regardless of the dirty PY transactions involved, for the United States that has experienced 911/[-], as long as you fight militants, you will be knocked out of your teeth and swallowed in your stomach. strongly support.

As for Xia Le, after more than a week of warm-up, Disney ABC finally broadcast the first season of "Giant of Light".

As soon as the TV series was launched, the program received a strong response, and the ratings were surprisingly high, making Disney ABC laugh from ear to ear.

Therefore, the shooting of the second season was quickly put on the process.

Within a week, Xia Le, who had filmed four commercials in a row, came to Los Angeles to prepare for the second season.

Stop by Tony Stark for a drink.

For Xia Le's behavior, Tony Stark said it didn't matter.

If Xia Le likes it, he can just empty out half of his wine cellar, and he can just buy it again.

To be rich is to be arrogant!

The author also hopes that he has a good friend who does not treat money as money!
Holding a bottle of Louis XIII, Xia Le drank while looking at the Mark suit made by Tony Stark.

Although it has only been half a year since Tony Stark returned from Afghanistan, the steel suit manufactured in his laboratory has been updated seven times.

Among them, there are models suitable for air combat, equipped with anti-aircraft missiles.

There are models that are suitable for land warfare, loaded with many rockets and ammunition, and look fatter or stronger overall.

There is also an emergency model that gives up a lot of weapons and equipment, is compressed into the size of a briefcase, and can be carried around.

With so many types of Mark suits, Xia Le can only sigh: Tony Stark is really capable!
Looking at the several Mark suits that were packed in crystal glass and displayed in a vacuum environment, Xia Le said to Tony Stark.

"Stark, give me a set to try and see how your steel suit looks like in use."

Tony Stark, who was working, turned his head and looked at Xia Le strangely.

"What do you want the suit for?"

I have to admit that the giant of light is stronger now.Mark's suit is of little use to him.

——Wait, is it because of the transformation time?
Stark suddenly thought of something, his eyes changed slightly.

Without transformation, even if Xia Le is stronger than ordinary people, his strength should be limited.

So he wants a steel suit to protect himself?
Xia Le said naturally.

"Although this thing flies slowly and is not strong, and the weapons on it are so-so, and it looks easy to be damaged by playing with it, but it is handsome! Whether it is strong or not depends on the version, but whether it is handsome or not is a matter of A lifetime thing!"

Tony Stark:  …

His own research was demoted to be nothing but handsome, Tony Stark rejected Xia Le with a black face.

"Give up! I won't give it to you!"

However, if Xia Le begged him, it was not impossible for him to give away a toy worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

Stark was expecting Xia Le to beg him to give him a set of Mark's suit, but Qi material Xia Le turned around and left.

"If you don't give it, you won't give it. What's the big deal? How stingy!"

Seeing Xia Le's slapped face, Stark was dumbfounded, and couldn't help exhaling in his heart.

F***! S***!


A few days later, when Xia Le was filming, there was a sudden exclamation from the crew.

"Oh my god!"

Zack Schneider, the assistant director of "Giant of Light", turned his head abruptly, and yelled at the prop master who suddenly made a noise and interfered with the normal shooting.

"You bastard, if you don't want to shoot well, get out of the studio!"

The prop master was taken aback and said hastily.

"Director, Tony Stark has been attacked!"


The whole crew was taken aback.

Mr. Stark is an investor in "Giant of Light".

God bless, nothing happens to him!
Xia Le waved to Sharon Carter who was on the side, and the other party quickly ran over with a mobile phone.

Xia Le looked at the freshly released news reports and roughly understood what was going on.

Although Tony Stark can't wait to study the steel suit 24 hours a day, he still has to attend some necessary signing ceremonies.

When he was attending the event this time, a big Russian man who was also wearing a miniature reactor suddenly attacked him with two electrified whips.

Although the attacker named Ivan Vanke caused a lot of property damage, fortunately there were no casualties.

He fought three hundred rounds with Tony Stark, who was wearing a portable suit, and finally walked away.

In order to protect the other people present, Tony Stark did not chase after him, and could only watch the other party leave.

"Thank goodness!"

Seeing that Tony Stark was fine, the crew was relieved.

Then filming continued.

Scarlett came over and asked Xia Le.

"Don't you need to call Mr. Stark?"

"Need not."

Xia Le shook his head.

"He's a guy with a lot of pride. If I call him at this time, he'll think I'm laughing at him for not getting him."

Scarlett blinked and smiled.

"Well, anyway, I don't understand the friendship between you men."

"It doesn't matter if you don't need to understand this kind of thing, Scarlett."

Looking at Scarlett in the victory team uniform, a fiery light flashed in Xia Le's eyes, and whispered to her.

"Tomorrow morning, we will be filming the actors in leather suits, without our scene. Remember to bring this uniform tonight, Team Scarlett?"

Hearing this, Scarlett glanced at Xia Le charmingly, but did not refuse.

"Obey, my Giant of Light."

 The last chapter was deleted a bit... I'm afraid

(End of this chapter)

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