Chapter 76
Under the hospitality of Daisuke Sato, Xia Le and Sharon Carter visited several famous attractions in Tokyo.

Daisuke Sato also seemed to have misunderstood the relationship between Sharon Carter, a beautiful female assistant, and Xia Le. Every time he arranged the itinerary, he disappeared automatically without disturbing the two of them.

Should it be said that he has good eyesight or bad eyesight?
Soon, at Sensoji Temple, Xia Le successfully met Nick Fury, who came here pretending to be a tourist, wearing a baseball cap, sneakers, and a camera around his neck.

The two sat down in a hidden forest kiosk, with Sharon Carter letting the wind pass by.

Xia Le wore a mask on her face, and she was holding a crepe, a special dessert of the island country.The identity of the yellow race allowed him to blend in with the crowd, and he caught a lot of them.

On Nick Fury's face was a fake beard that covered half of his face. He also took off the blindfold that he didn't wash all the year round and replaced it with a fake eye. He was holding up the camera in his hand to take pictures.

The two of them are like ordinary tourists, completely unable to tell that one is a rising world-class star, and the other is the top executive of the world's largest secret service organization.

Xia Le took a bite of the crepe in his hand, and the moment he opened his mouth it was Wang Zha.

"Your boss, Alexander Pierce, is one of the leaders of Hydra, as is Gideon Malik."

It really is a heavyweight piece of information!
Although Nick Fury didn't feel that Xia Le's words were groundless and deliberately brushed him off for fun, he couldn't believe it immediately, but instead asked rhetorically.

"Hydra? That's the old calendar from World War II."

As the king of secret agents, Mf Man, his position naturally makes Nick Fury suspicious of everyone.

Although Alexander Pierce is his boss, who single-handedly promoted him to his current position, this does not mean that Nick Fury is loyal to him.

Otherwise, they would not make friends with aliens in private, embezzle public funds to build secret bases and safe houses everywhere, and still not report it.

While eating the crepe, Xia Le talked about the origin of Snake and Shield.

"The United States was complacent after breaking Adolf Germany, and in order to fight against Hongsu, S.H.I.E.L.D. absorbed many outstanding German scientists. Among these people were many Hydras. They did not give up their ideas, but That's how it developed in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Hydra is an ancient organization with a history of thousands of years, and its members are spread all over the world. The Red Skull who hooked up with Mustache was just a member of Hydra. Under the iceberg is a monster that makes you unimaginable."

"It's not just Alexander Pierce. The Special Forces led by Brock Rumlow, John Gartler, Grant Ward, etc. are all Hydra members."

"To be precise, under Alexander's control, more than half of the people in SHIELD are now Hydra. Perhaps it is more accurate to call it the Hydra SHIELD branch. In their eyes, you are just a person pushed out by Alexander. The puppet of the puppet, the clown who has been fooled without knowing it, and the one who takes the blame."

A rare sunny day in winter.Even though the sun was shining brightly above his head, Nick Fury felt cold all over his body, and his heart was extremely shocked.

However, his strong psychological quality and expression control ability still allowed him to maintain a paralyzed face, and said to Xia Le with a serious voice.

"Do you know what you're talking about? This is a very serious allegation!"

Although he had suspected some small problems with S.H.I.E.L.D. before, any large organization would inevitably have some flaws.

His deputy, Maria Hill, was installed by the United Nations Security History Commission, specifically to divide his power.

It's just that Nick Fury never imagined that the problem of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be so big!
For Xia Le's words, he only believed three points, and wanted to see more tangible evidence.

"Aren't you the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a tenth-level agent, who not only has contact with the Skrulls, but can also recall Captain Marvel from the universe? Are you really going to check it yourself!"

Xia Leniao didn't even glance at this person, but told more, even Nick Fury's own secret.

"Also, the core of the insight plan you are running is to rely on the space carrier and artificial intelligence to kill all people who may pose a threat to Hydra, and even allow nuclear bombs to be released if necessary. This is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and money-consuming It is because of your strong support that we can continue to push forward the project, and Alexander really wants to laugh out loud in his dreams."

"I'll check."

Nick Fury was silent for a while, then left without saying a word.

Halfway there, he saw a flower that seemed to be very beautiful, and he bent down to take a photo, which can be said to be very professional.

Seeing Nick Fury leaving, Xia Le took a big bite of the crepe in his hand.

The sweet cream is mixed with kiwi fruit, and the taste is not bad.

"Although I am humble and tolerant, I still can't forgive three kinds of people. 1. People who order me. 2. People who resist me. 3. People who annoy me! Dare to attack me? Shit, thunder !"


After playing around in Tokyo, when Xia Le returned to Los Angeles, he was watched and cheered by many people at the airport.

Being assassinated by bombs, snipers, dump trucks, and [-] gunmen, the result was that he was killed on the spot. This is a real-life Hollywood blockbuster!
Even when Xia Le was still in Tokyo, several TV stations approached him, wanting to make a talk show about it.

The highest one has already paid 200 million US dollars!
Taking advantage of this trend, Xia Le also increased the price to the outside world.

In the future, if you want to find his transformation event, it will cost $30 per second, and the minimum price will start at [-] seconds. Don’t play if you’re not happy!
Back from Tokyo, Xia Le was envied by Mindy for a while.

She also wants to play gunfights in the streets!
This caused Damon next to him a headache.

He is already thinking about it now, what kind of fake wine and cephalosporin did he drink so many years ago that he decided to raise Mindy to what he is now?

After looking for black corned eggs, Xia Le went to find Tony Stark again.

He didn't forget that there was also a blood feud between Tony Stark and Hydra.

In Stark's laboratory, Tony Stark watched Xia Le operate with a complicated face.

"Jarvis, erect this Mattel model designed by Mr. Howard Stark and remove the walkway centered on the globe in the middle. Remove the bushes, trees! Remove the parking lot, exit, entrance! Reuse the gazebo As structures, build protons and neutrons!"

After one operation, a design drawing of a new element is born!

Xia Le pointed to the digital model attached in mid-air.

"This is something your father left you, a low-radioactive element that can replace palladium! Although limited by the level of technology at the time, I have to say that your father is a genius scientist no worse than you!"

"of course."

Tony Stark's eyes fluctuated obviously, and he wanted to laugh, but felt that he couldn't laugh.

"It's been 20 years. I didn't expect him to teach me anything."

(End of this chapter)

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