light is like this

Chapter 80 The Despicable and Evil God of Tricks Hates the Righteous and Kind Light

Chapter 80 The Despicable and Evil God of Tricks Hates the Righteous and Kind Light

"Because she is the taboo of the entire Asgard, and it is the eternal pain in Odin's heart. The reason why Odin set up a test against Thor this time is because he does not want you to repeat the mistakes of Hela."

Xia Le canceled the transformation state, and while telling the story, he communicated with Cou Chaoyang in his heart.

"Chaoyang, can you sense whether Odin is looking at this place?"

Cou Chaoyang replied.

[I don’t know if it’s Odin, but I can feel a line of sight looking at this place. 】

Xia Le guessed.

"Only one line of sight? That's probably the gatekeeper Heimdall. Odin should really be in a deep sleep right now, suppressing his power."

Heimdall has eyes that can watch the entire Nine Realms, and he can be called a cosmic-level voyeur.

But he didn't have a good ear, and couldn't hear what Xia Le was saying.

Otherwise, he would immediately report the matter to God King Odin.

Even in Asgard, there are very few people who know Hela, the goddess of death, let alone Midgard.

There must be something wrong with this person!

"Before you were born, she was sealed in the underworld by Odin. Don't you wonder why the famous Valkyrie has become history? Because except for the only surviving Valkyrie among the Valkyrie, most of the The Valkyries all died in the battle against Hela. Valkyrie himself was also disheartened because of this, and left Asgard, drinking like hell all day long, hoping to use alcohol to numb his pain."

"Hela is the eldest daughter of Odin. She was blessed by the whole of Asgard when she was born. As long as Asgard still exists, this land will provide her with unlimited energy, and in Asgard Immortal. She was originally Asgard's last line of defense, and also Odin's most outstanding general."

"But she herself is too warlike and murderous, slaughtering tribes in the Nine Realms at every turn, taking pleasure in slaughtering cities and slaughtering, Odin believes that she cannot inherit the throne, and will even destroy Asgard in the endless flames of war, so be ruthless Sealed her more than 1000 years ago."

"This seal is with Odin's life. When Odin falls, the seal will be lifted, and Hela, the goddess of death, will return to her Asgard and become king, bringing the most desperate and cruel rule to the Nine Realms .”

Saying that, Xia Le looked at Loki and told the truth that he never knew.

"Only with strong power can you deal with Hela, so Odin has always been inclined to let Thor, who contains the power of lightning in his body, inherit the throne of God King. This has nothing to do with other things. Loki, no matter how smart you are, as long as you can't If you have the power to resist or defeat Hela, you are not qualified to become the God King of Asgard."

"Odin gave you the opportunity to learn magic from Queen Frigga. But instead of learning powerful attack or defense magic, you learned some tricks like clone and invisibility, which disappointed him very much."

"Odin does not reject conspiracies and tricks. After all, soldiers are cunning, but he hates the seemingly smart, but actually stupid little cleverness. It's just that you two have been under his protection, and your vision is not high enough to see the whole universe from the perspective of the whole universe. Look at the problem. Thor, it was really well-intentioned for Odin to knock you down from Midgard."

Thor's eyes filled with tears when Xia Le said these words, while Loki's face changed drastically.

This time it was his turn to shout in a gaffe.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

After venting loudly, Loki regained some sanity.

He gave Xia Le a hard look, and said coldly.

"Who knows if what you said is true? I won't give up!"

After that, he disappeared into the room.

Cou Chaoyang reminded Xia Le.

【Xia Le, he came to your right rear invisibly. 】

Hearing this, Xia Le suddenly turned his head, wrinkled his eyes slightly, and stared hard at his right rear.

Loki, who was about to sneak attack him, was so frightened that he took two steps back and raised the staff in his hand in a defensive posture.

This mage of Midgard can really see through my magic!

Under Xia Le's gaze, his face was cloudy for a while, and finally he let out a cold snort and left here.

While listening to Asgard's royal secrets, Coulson and Sharon Carter really enjoyed it.

It's just that the millennium-level span shocked the two of them.

More than 1000 years ago, Europe was still in the Middle Ages, and America was dominated by ancient Indians, and there was no such country as America at all.

People at that time saw aliens who could control lightning or flames, and it was easy to understand them as gods.

After Xia Le finished speaking, Thor shouted happily.

"It turns out that my father didn't give up on me! This is just his test for me!"

When you feel better, your appetite will improve.

He picked up the beer on the table, and then threw it to the ground hard.

"one more bottle!"

The beer can hit the ground with a bang, making a crisp sound.

Coulson and Sharon Carter took two steps back, looking at Thor nervously, thinking that he was going to explode suddenly.

"Cough cough."

Seeing this, Xia Le explained.

"It's an Asgardian custom. If they throw a cup, it means happiness."

Two people: (_)
What a strange custom!

But beer is not expensive, just give him a drink.

At this moment, a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent walked in outside the door and whispered something to Coulson.

Coulson nodded, and said to Thor with a smile on his face.

"Since your friends have come to pick you up, you can leave with them. They have my phone number. If you have any questions, Your Highness Thor, you can contact me by phone."

"Phone? Is that how you get in touch here? Yes, I will."

Thor heard someone coming to pick him up, and probably guessed who it was, stood up happily, and said to Xia Le.

"Thank you, my friend. I am the prince of Asgard, Thor! Although I don't know what test my father will test me, I will definitely complete it!"

Before leaving, he turned his head to look in the direction of Thor's Hammer, with a firm expression on his face, completely different from what Xia Le saw before.

Watching Thor leave, Xia Le reminded Coulson.

"Mjolnir is a magical weapon made by dwarves, which also added magic and runes, which is not something you can research. If you have this spare time, it is better to evacuate the people in this town first. Although Loki is Aspen Gard's little prince, but unlike his bold and informal brother Thor, he not only has a small belly, but also holds a grudge."

"At present, there are only two princes in Asgard, he and Thor. Once Thor dies, he will definitely become the king of gods, so Loki will definitely attack Thor. His plot is doomed to fail, but it will inevitably hurt innocent people."

When Xia Le said that, Coulson immediately understood.

Although Loki is also the prince of Asgard, the throne seems destined to belong to Thor.

Even the actions of the other party are very likely to be seen by God King Odin, and even regarded as part of Thor's trial.

Of course, the struggle for the throne is accompanied by intrigue and bloodshed, and Coulson is not surprised by this.

PS: Thanks to "Sui Feng Feng Shi 123abc" for the reward of 300 starting coins.

(End of this chapter)

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