light is like this

Chapter 82 Light seems to have ruined a relationship

Chapter 82 The light seems to have ruined a relationship

The silver-white Zapelio light turned into sharp arrows soaring into the sky, and countless light energy came from the sea of ​​stars, replacing the Milky Way above the town, illuminating the entire dark night sky.

Under Xia Le's domineering ravages, the Destroyer, which was only half repaired, did not respond under Loki's control, and stopped in place and took a big move.

Countless light energies were injected from the Destroyer's chest, emitting extremely strong rays of light, covering its entire body.

The material of the Destroyer is Uru metal, one of the most precious materials in the universe, with very high magic resistance.

Xia Le maintained the posture of emitting light for several seconds, illuminating the Destroyer like a light bulb with tens of thousands of watts, but still felt powerless.

Xia Le was surprised.

"Shouldn't I fight Destroyer and I will transform into Shining Tiga, right? After Thunder God regained his strength, he smashed it with a hammer. This is unscientific!"

In fact, Odin awoke from his slumber the moment the Destroyer was awakened by Loki.

His eyes passed through the Nine Realms, and when he saw Xia Le in the form of a giant of light, he froze on the spot.

"What is this? The new giant?"

Xia Le's form is different from the Frost Giant, and also different from the Flame Giant, but somewhat like the legendary Titan.

But I haven't heard that the Titans will wear tights!
Seeing that the Destroyer was about to be destroyed by Xia Le, Odin's only remaining one eye moved slightly, sending divine power through the back door of the Destroyer.

If it was Thor who broke his armor, it would be blue out of blue and better than blue.

This can also strengthen Thor's weight in the hearts of the people of Asgard.

But if he accompanied Odin to conquer the north and south, conquered one planet after another, and the Destroyer full of honor was destroyed by other people, especially if it was not done by the natives of Asgard, then this matter would be of great importance to Odin. It's a blemish on Sgard.

Xia Le did not expect that what he was fighting against now was not the fool version of the Destroyer controlled by Loki, but the real master of the Destroyer, the God King Odin who was sneaky and engaged in tricks.

But at this moment, Odin noticed a line of sight that he couldn't ignore coming from the earth.

He looked around and found that the gaze came from the ancient master of Karma Taj in the Himalayas.

The two looked at each other in the air, and Odin's face was calm and silent.

The ancient master showed a mysterious smile that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. His wise eyes seemed to penetrate the secrets of the universe and break through infinite changes. Even his shiny forehead shone with light representing wisdom and intelligence.

Her smile is like an old man, like a child, like an ordinary person, and more like a saint.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds without saying anything.

But Odin consciously withdrew the divine power on the Destroyer.

He was going to die, and so was Gu Yi.

But once he died, Hila would break out and be incapable of being ruled by others, but Ancient One was able to pass on the time gem and cultivate the next generation of supreme mages.

At that time, maybe Thor will still ask Karma Taj for help, so he can't hate this ally.

When Odin withdrew his divine power, the ancient mage also lowered his eyelids, and continued to close his eyes to rest.

No one is going to stop my old lady from retiring this time!

Without Odin's hidden tricks, the Destroyer would soon be unable to hold on.

When Xia Le withdrew his hand, he planned to fight it for another [-] rounds.

Now the energy of light he has collected has exceeded nine figures, and about a million of the energy of light is recorded every day.

The consumption of a little ordinary form is not taken seriously at all.

As a result, the Destroyer suddenly exploded in the next moment.

The Destroyer with a distorted figure was shattered into seventeen or eighteen pieces in the strong light.

But these fragments did not turn into light spots and dissipate. Instead, they flew across a strange trajectory in mid-air and landed on Thor.

The sky where the stars could still be seen just now suddenly became cloudy.

Dark clouds weighed down, Thor rumbled, and the oppressive atmosphere covered the entire town.


In the blink of an eye, in the thick clouds, countless lightnings turned into brontosaurus, galloping and roaring in it.

The dazzling blue-purple electric lights flickered continuously, and the momentum was huge, giving people a feeling of the end of the world.


The next moment, a large amount of lightning came straight to Thor, like a thunderbolt.

These thunderbolts did not harm Thor, but combined with the fragments of the Destroyer, they were forged into a set of silver-white mighty armor with thunder.

Xia Le knew at a glance that it was obviously Odin's hands and feet.

Bathed in the thunder, Thor's figure floated up.

He subconsciously stretched out his right hand, calling for his hammer.

In the temporary research center of S.H.I.E.L.D., a large number of instruments sounded alarms.

Sensing Thor's call, Mjolnir, who was unsealed by Odin, soared into the sky after a burst of frantic tremors, traveled more than ten kilometers, and came to Thor's hands.


With a roar, Thor regained his divine power in the endless thunder.

There are lightning flashes in his eyes, and his brilliant blond hair dances wildly in the hurricane, just like the god of thunder descending into the world, the god of heaven descending to earth!

Thor turned around and looked at Xia Le with fighting intent in his eyes.

But now is not the time to make friends with a hammer.

Seeing that Loki actually sent the Destroyer to Midgard, Thor realized that he had made a big mistake and had to return to Asgard to stop Loki.

Wearing a majestic red cloak behind him, he said to Xia Le with some regrets.

"You are very strong, warrior of Midgard. I have something to go back to Asgard now, and we will compete again when we have a chance next time."

After all, Thor raised his head, raised his hammer and shouted loudly to the sky.


The next moment, a crimson beam of light with rainbow light around it descended from the sky, leaving a wonderful rune magic circle in place and taking Thor away.

Seeing this, Xia Le nodded slowly and changed back to human form.

But at this moment, Xia Le was suddenly taken aback.

Wait, it's only been a few days, Thor doesn't seem to have time to develop a relationship with Jane Foster, right?

Did he inadvertently stop a love affair between man and god?
But if you think about it, you will know that one is an ordinary earth woman who has no power to restrain a chicken, and the other is an Asgardian prince whose light life span exceeds 5000 years, and his three views are very different from human beings.

Even without mentioning reproductive isolation, the two are not a good match in terms of life expectancy.

In Thor's concept of time, a year is like a human week.

To him, not seeing each other for a few years is just a temporary excuse, but to Jane Foster, he is simply an alien scumbag, who will run away when he is done scumbag, and never come back!
Xia Le smiled indifferently.

"Maybe it's still a good thing?"

It's as if the police are always the last to arrive.

After Xia Le finished playing here, Coulson arrived late.

Seeing Xia Le, he got out of the car, and thanked Xia Le first.

"Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Xia. Otherwise, that metal giant doesn't know how much casualties and damage it would cause."

Xia Le rubbed his fingers realistically at Coulson.

"Want to thank me? It's very simple, give me more money!"

Coulson: (* ̄︶ ̄)
"Haha, you really know how to joke."

(End of this chapter)

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