Chapter 97
At this moment, Mrs. Gao's body was covered with blood, and her face was bitter.

She consciously fell for the trick, and now she treats Xia Le coldly with swords and fish.

"What a good plan! Old woman, I have lived in vain for so many years, and I have fallen for the advice of you two juniors!"

Xia Le:? ? ?
Although she didn't know what Madam Gao was talking about and where she was thinking, Xia Le still said modestly.

"Where is it? Compared with Senior Gao, I still have a lot to learn."

And since Mrs. Gao mentioned keel, Xia Le took advantage of the opportunity to ask her.

"Where's the keel?"

He is also very interested in this thing.

Mrs. Gao swallowed the blood in her mouth, and spat it out with a bah sound mixed with broken teeth.

Because of the severe pain of her limbs being cut off, her nerves are almost numb now, so instead, she no longer feels pain.

There was a numb feeling rising from her body, her complexion also turned strangely rosy, and her mental state suddenly improved.

For ordinary people, this situation is called excessive blood loss, serious injury and dying, returning to the light.

But in Mrs. Gao who has practiced "Qi", this stage can last for a long time.

"Will you let me go if I tell you?"

Xia Le shook her head, and said to Mrs. Gao honestly.

"Of course not. What if you retaliate against me after I let you go? An old woman who has lived for more than 400 years is still terrible."

Now the terrible old woman in his mouth was being chopped off, and fell to the ground like a toad without a leg, ready to be slaughtered.

Seeing Xia Le being so honest, Mrs. Gao was on the brink of death anyway, and even laughed out loud.

"Then why should I tell you?"

Xia Le said to her seriously.

"Because then I will make your death easier."

Mrs. Gao gave Xia Le a cold look, and said disdainfully.

"You can use whatever you have! Old woman, I have lived for so many years, why haven't I seen it?"

Mrs. Gao is hoping that Xia Le can press herself to buy time for others to rescue her.

When the battle started, she had already notified the other three fingers in New York, Botu, Suwanda and Murakami.

Of the five fingers of the Hand, except for Alexandra who mainly runs her own luxury stores in Europe, the other four have their base camps in New York.

Among them, Mrs. Gao is responsible for earning money and opening a drug factory, which is the money bag.

Boto and Murakami opened a martial arts gym, recruiting children from Hell's Kitchen who couldn't survive by serious means, and trained them as hand-guided ninjas to escort the factory.

These ninjas will also accept bounties for assassinations and thefts.

Suowanda is a fighter who is proficient in combat, and he is also a bit taken away.

Alexandra has been living the life of a so-called high-society celebrity, eager to be chased and pursued with envious and fanatical eyes, and she is a bit out of line with the other four.

If it wasn't for Keel's longevity and eternal youth, she would have already been separated from the Hand.

For hundreds of years, the keel has been consumed almost, and it can only be used two or three times, with a life extension of 30 to [-] years.

She and the other four were even more divorced, and basically never came to New York.

Seeing Mrs. Gao being so stubborn, Xia Le also nodded very readily.

"It's the first time in my life that I've heard someone make this request. Well, the helpful Mr. Clown will definitely satisfy you!"

Xia Le returned to the Grand Cherokee, took out a glass of Monotov cocktail, and slammed it down beside Mrs. Gao.

Suitable for all ages, the simple incendiary bomb that even children can use exploded immediately, and the fuel and oil in it immediately stuck to Mrs. Gao's body.

The flame burned along with the fuel and grease in an instant, turning Mrs. Gao into a burning man.


In the flames, Mrs. Gao screamed, her voice was shrill and full of fear.

What about torture?Don’t ask any questions, just bake it!
With severed limbs, she had no strength to struggle, only increasingly terrifying cries of pain echoed in the factory.

Dragon bones and black sky can revive people, but the premise is that there are certain remains.

If it was burned to ashes, it would really be a bit embarrassing for the keel.

"I said! I said!"

At this time Mrs. Gao wanted to ask for mercy, but it was too late.

Her screams lasted only a few minutes before disappearing, and she died in pain in the flames.

But just a bottle of cocktail is not enough to complete the cremation.

On the other side, Fox just walked out of the factory carrying two large bags full of knives and gold.

After these factories were raided by her, they were all set on fire, leaving nothing behind.

Xia Le found a place with a lot of fuel and threw Mrs. Gao's body and limbs into it, letting her experience what it means to be fully cremated.

First let Fox drive away with the banknotes, Xia Le kept a few guns, found a hidden place to hide, and waited in the middle of the fire.

The fire in the factory was so out of control that anyone in the Hand would be able to see for sure if they weren't blind.

He stayed where he was, to see if he could wait for them.

Hard work pays off.

A few minutes later, Murakami and Hiroto rushed to the factory first.

Seeing the thick smoke billowing in the factory building, the two of them felt a little bit of a bad premonition.

They looked at each other and rushed into the factory.

But at this time, the fire has become too large to be controlled.

When they came to the sea of ​​flames, Murakami and Hiroto stared at the flames and thick smoke wantonly engulfing everything, their faces like concubines.

"It's over, it's over!"

"Bagaya Road!"

Murakami punched the Toyota car he was driving, and made a clear fist mark with a bang.

His eyes were red, and he looked extremely angry, shouting loudly.

"Where is Mrs. Gao? Where is she?"

The next Botu called Mrs. Gao's mobile phone, but the voice kept telling her to turn it off.

At this moment, a slight switch sound suddenly came from the sea of ​​flames.

Before Murakami and Botu could react at all, a rocket flew out of the fire and exploded between the two of them with a bang!

The explosion and flames instantly engulfed the unsuspecting two people.In the astonishment and pain of the two, their bodies were blown up high, even split into several pieces, and died on the spot.

The car driven by the two people next to them was also shaken, and the surrounding windshields were all shattered, spilling all over the place.

Covering his body with the energy of light, Xia Le walked out of the flames unscathed.

He held two guns in his hand, bathed in flames behind him, and shot the hand ninja brought by the two with a bang, every shot was a headshot.

The ninja brought by Murakami and Botu saw that the two were dead, and they fought to the death.

There is no way to retreat.

In Xia Le's hand, the two magazines with enhanced capacity have a total of 50 bullets, and there is even a ninja left for each shot.

To get rid of this group of support from the Hand, Xia Le directly used the energy of light to decompose their bodies and vehicles, and quickly cleaned up the scene.

Then he clicked twice, replaced the pistol with two magazines, and found a place to hide again, to see if the next group of people came.

After more than ten minutes, Xia Le was not waiting for the Hand, but firefighters.

Seeing the firefighters start to work, he put away his weapon and used the portal to return to the stronghold in Hell's Kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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