The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 121 Sunflower and Flower

Chapter 121 Sunflower and Flower

After the Murong father and son were resolved, the hero meeting would naturally come to an end, and since then there will be no such person as "Nan Murong" in the world.

Of course, because Qiao Feng changed his name to Xiao Feng, "Northern Qiaofeng" also ceased to exist.

The Central Plains Qunhao did not kill the four great generals, but Deng Baichuan and Gongyegan still died, they committed suicide.

Only Bao BuTong and Feng BoE survived, and they went down the mountain with the corpses of the two of them and Murong and his son.

Both Li Mu and Xuan Ci opened their mouths, asking the heroes of the Central Plains to let them go, not to make things difficult for them.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoE chose to live, not because they were afraid of death, but because Deng Baichuan and Gongye wanted them to save their lives and take care of their families before committing suicide.

And after all, Bao BuTong and Feng BoE had no reason to commit suicide.

In fact, none of the four generals were from Xianbei, but Han people. Except for Deng Baichuan's ancestor who was originally a general of Houyan, the other three followed the Murong family because of their kindness.

Deng Baichuan's ancestor died in the "Battle of Canhepo" that led to Houyan's demise.

The descendants of later generations were persecuted because they opposed the domineering power of Feng Ba, the great general of Houyan.

Gongye's ancestor was a military official of the Later Zhou Dynasty, and he was loyal to the Later Zhou Dynasty.

Zhao Kuangyin and Chen Qiao had a mutiny and added a yellow robe. After the establishment of the Great Song Dynasty, the survivors of the Later Zhou Dynasty who opposed him were wiped out, and the Gongye family was one of them.

The Gongye family was secretly rescued by the Murong family when they were in danger, and they have become followers of the Murong family ever since.

The ancestor of Baotong was originally a general of the Southern Tang Dynasty. After the Southern Tang Dynasty was destroyed, the ancestors of Baotong were murdered, and the Bao family became poor.

Later, because his family's martial arts were not weak, he was valued by the Murong family and paid under his command.

Feng Bo Ei was originally a Han Chinese in the land of Yanyun, Shi Jingtang ceded the sixteen prefectures of Yanyun to the Liao State, and he became a survivor of the Song Dynasty in the Liao land, and fled back to the Song Dynasty, where he was also taken in by the Murong family.

Deng Baichuan's suicide was regarded as his loyalty to the Lord, while Gongye did it because he was not in common with the Song Dynasty.

But Bao BuTong and Feng FengEi had no reason to die, and with the entrustment of their two elder brothers, they chose to live.

They had no intention of avenging the Murong family, because in the final analysis, the Murong family had a way of taking death.

Both Li Mu and Xuan Ci did what a Song person should do, out of righteousness, not personal enmity.

Besides, with the abilities of Bao BuTong and Feng BoE, neither the Sky Sword Sect nor the Shaolin Temple could afford to offend them.

Li Mu and Xuan Ci tried their best to protect them in front of the group of heroes, and with their distinct personalities, they would never repay their kindness.

Now they only live for the family members of the four families, and will not go to the rivers and lakes to stir up wind and rain.


The hero conference is over, and the next most important thing is that Song Dynasty declares war on Xixia after the beginning of spring.

Li Mu of the Sky Sword Sect has already made arrangements, and the top priority is to rectify the beggar gang.

Li Mu first went to Luoyang together with Xiao Feng, it was to support his disciples.

The group of beggars knew that Wu Changfeng and others were welcoming the leader back, so they were overjoyed and came to see him one after another.

Naturally, Quan Guanqing, Chen Guyan, and their helmsman were not present.

To Xiao Feng's surprise, his good brother Bai Shijing, the head of law enforcement, also disappeared.

Fortunately, Lu Zhang, the elder of Chuangong, came, four of the six elders of the Beggars' Clan were present, and [-]% of the leaders of the major branches came, Xiao Feng regained the position of the leader of the Beggars' Clan, and he did not encounter any obstacles.

Under his leadership, the Beggars' Gang can be regarded as useful, without Xiao Feng's Beggars' Gang, it is just a gang of mobs, at least in this era.

The most important event at present is the upcoming war against Xixia, Xiao Feng has no time to clean up the whole party.

He immediately began to arrange the disciples of the beggar gang to start collecting information on Xixia.

After Li Mu and his party lingered in the beggar gang for several days, a shocking news came that the Dali Zhennan King died in the residence of the deputy head of Ma in Xinyang.

The most difficult thing for Xiao Feng to accept was that the law enforcement elder Bai Shijing was involved.

Mrs. Ma and Bai Shijing were suspected of murdering Duan Zhengchun, and while disposing of the corpse, they were caught by the four great ministers of Dali Yuqiao, Farming and Reading.

The four of them worked together to capture Bai Shijing, and secretly imprisoned him together with Mrs. Ma, and then Zhu Danchen rushed to report to Luoyang.

When Li Mu and Xiao Feng rushed to Xinyang and saw Duan Zhengchun's body, they couldn't help but turn pale with astonishment.

But he saw Duan Zhengchun's corpse was mangled with blood and flesh, his body seemed to be eaten by something, a lot of flesh and blood were bitten off, the fatal injury was a dagger inserted into his heart.

According to what the four great ministers said, the injuries on Duan Zhengchun's body were bitten off by Madam Ma.

Li Mu immediately performed the soul-transfer method on Mrs. Ma, in front of everyone, and under his questioning, the truth of the matter came to light, and the beggar gang was in an uproar.

Ma Dayuan died at the hands of Bai Shijing, and Mrs. Ma, a chaste and strong woman in the eyes of others, is actually a slut with a heart like a snake.

Quan Guanqing, Xu Chongxiao, and Bai Shijing are all her servants, and at the same time, she is the old lover of Zhennan King of Dali.

The reason why Quan Guanqing and others wanted to expose Xiao Feng's background was because Xiao Feng didn't take Mrs. Ma seriously, so he held a grudge, so they forced Quan Guanqing and Xu Chongxiao to expose Xiao Feng's background and drive him out of the Beggars' Clan .

Such an unbelievable truth, if told by others, no one would believe it.

But Madam Ma said it herself, and Bai Shijing readily admitted it, and asked for death, so the group of beggars had no choice but to believe it.

Xiao Feng was furious, he urgently promoted Jiang Tuozhu, the sub-helm of Dayi, as the law enforcement elder, immediately took the magic knife, went to Xu Chongxiao's residence, and enforced the rules of the Beggar Clan.

At the same time, he personally led the three elders, gathered all the troops, and went to Dazhi to capture and kill Quan Guanqing.

As for Bai Shijing, Xiao Feng gave him a chance to kill himself.

With Mrs. Ma's testimony, Quan Guanqing had no way out. After Li Mu used the soul-shifting method to make him admit everything, he was shot dead by Xiao Feng on the spot.

Because Chen Guyan was deceived by Quan Guanqing, Xiao Feng let him go.

Xiao Feng just punished him by removing one bag, depriving him of the title of elder of the nine bags, and appointed him as the head of the Dazhi sub-helm, replacing Quan Guanqing as the helm of the Dazhi sub-helm.

At this point, the Beggars' Clan has once again condensed into a single piece of iron, with one heart and one mind, contributing to the conquest of Xixia.

When Duan Yu received the news of Duan Zhengchun's death, he immediately rushed to Xinyang with Mu Wanqing. After crying bitterly, he and Mu Wanqing, escorted by several Changkong disciples, transported Duan Zhengchun's coffin back to Dali for burial.

Mrs. Ma was killed by Mu Wanqing herself, because she was Duan Zhengchun's biological daughter, it was only natural to avenge her father, but no one stopped her.

Duan Zhengchun spent his whole life in trouble, and finally died at the hands of a woman, which can be regarded as a natural law, and the retribution is not good.

But with his death, when Duan Yu ascends the throne in the future, he will be able to explain his life experience, and establish Mu Wanqing as his queen in an upright manner.

In the middle of the twelfth lunar month, Li Mu bid farewell to Xiao Feng and returned to Liangshan with everyone, but Ah Zhu chose to stay in the Beggar Clan.

Li Mu simply took the opportunity to clarify this matter, and personally promised "the order of his parents" that after the conquest of Xixia was over, he would marry Xiao Feng and A'Zhu.

Xiao Feng was overjoyed, he was full of gratitude to Li Mu, A'Zhu was also very willing, secretly happy.


When the hero meeting was held in the Central Plains, a major event happened in the Liao Kingdom.

Yelu Nielugu, the king of Chu in the Liao Kingdom and the great king of the Southern Academy, and his father Yelu Chongyuan, the emperor's uncle, launched a rebellion in Shangjing when Yelu Hongji, the king of the country, was out to preside over the Martial Arts Day.

When Yelu Hongji rushed back, he was exhausted, now without Xiao Feng to capture Yelu Chongyuan for him, Yelu Hongji has no chance of turning back.

In order to protect the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, he killed himself in front of the battle, and the history of Liao Kingdom took a big turn from then on.

At the same time, the Jurchen Wanyan tribe in the northeast, assisted by Song Jiang, Wu Yong, and Song Qing, was rising with ferocious momentum and annexed several Jurchen tribes one after another.

When the three of them mixed into the Jurchen tribe, they never used their real names. Li Mu gave them three aliases, Song Jiang called Wanyan Lie, Song Qing called Wanyan Qinghe, and Wu Yong called Wanyan Po.

Before heading to the Northeast, they learned the language, customs, dress, etc. of the Jurchen tribe, and they easily integrated into the Jurchen tribe.

Everything is going according to plan. With their current development momentum, the Jurchen tribe can at least unify the Jurchen ministries more than ten years ahead of schedule and conquer the Liao Kingdom.

At that time, as long as the Jurchen is eliminated, the Great Song Dynasty will have no foreign threats for at least hundreds of years.

As long as the royal family of the Song Dynasty is not stupid enough to destroy the Great Wall by itself, or have any bad thoughts about the Changkong Sword Sect, the country will naturally last forever.


On this day, on the way back to Liangshan, Li Mu and his party passed through the area of ​​Yingtianfu.

As he rode his horse and walked slowly on the official road, he suddenly saw two figures in front of him, one in front and the other behind, passing over the canopy in the forest on the right, flying across the official road, and disappearing in the woods on the left.

These two people have extremely high lightness skills and extremely fast speed. The man in front of them is a man in Tsing Yi, holding a long sword in his hand.

The person behind was slender and slim, dressed in red, she was actually a woman, also holding a long sword in her hand.

"Huh? Where did he come from? He's so young." Ruan Xingzhu said to Li Mu in surprise.

Li Mu said to Lu Da Chao Gai and others: "You guys wait by the side of the road, don't leave rashly, be careful."


"Sister Bamboo, let's follow and have a look."

"it is good."

The two jumped up immediately, stepped in the air, and immediately jumped tens of feet high, far exceeding the height of the tree crown, and chased in the direction where the man and woman were leaving.

After they leaped into the air, they were nowhere to be seen. They must have fallen into the forest below.

After chasing forward for several miles, they finally heard the sound of clothes fluttering, mixed with the sound of piercing through the air.

The two descended silently, landed on a branch of a big tree, and followed the swaying of the branch lightly, up and down gently.

After seeing the scene in the forest below, both of them showed surprise on their faces.

But he saw that the man in green and the woman in red were fighting fiercely, their speed was extremely fast, they were not inferior to their husband and wife.

Only a group of green shadows and a group of red shadows could be seen in the field, splitting and merging, or circling around each other, and the sound of chi chi piercing the air continued to resound, but the two long swords never crossed once.

Li Mu and Ruan Xingzhu had to focus their eyes together to see their movements clearly.

Occasionally, when the distance between the two is a little far, each of them will raise their hands and shoot out a silver light. When the couple look closely, they are actually embroidery needles.

The martial arts of this pair of men and women seem to come from the same line, and they should be from the same school.

Li Mu's eyes flashed, the martial arts performed by the two of them...has a sense of déjà vu.



Suddenly, the two hit each other's embroidery needle at the same time, and immediately retreated, and then with a shock of luck, they forced the embroidery needle that had penetrated into the body to come out.

The two were separated by a distance of thirty feet, both staring at each other and panting heavily.

Li Mu and Ruan Xingzhu finally saw their appearance clearly.

The man in Tsing Yi looked like he was in his early thirties, with fair skin, no beard on his lips, and a very handsome appearance, not far behind Li Mu.

The woman was 25 to [-] years old, tall and slender, with skin as white as snow, and her complexion was radiant and glamorous.

It's just that a pair of eyes are slightly sharp, which can be seen at a glance, and she is not a woman who is easy to get along with.

After the woman took a deep breath, she said with grief and indignation: "Cao Qingkui, how can we, Baihua, treat you badly? Let you disregard the relationship between husband and wife, and would rather be a eunuch from the palace than grow old with me."

Cao Qingkui, Fang Baihua.


There was a clear look in Li Mu's eyes, it really was them, who did not expect to find the incomplete secret book in Xiaoao World, but met the founder in this world.

According to legend, "Sunflower Treasure" was originally co-authored by a man and a woman. The man's name has the word "Kui" in it, and the woman's name has the word "Hua" in it, hence the name "Sunflower Treasure".

The man and woman were originally a loving couple, but later they turned against each other because of the incident, so the "Sunflower Treasure" was divided into two halves, one for cadres and the other for Kunbu.

Some people in the rivers and lakes also call it "Books from Heaven and Earth" or "Yin Records and Yang Records".

When the couple practiced the complete "Sunflower Treasure", there was no saying "If you want to practice magic skills, you must first go to the palace".

But after the book is divided into two, no matter which half is practicing alone, it must lead the sword out of the palace, otherwise it will be burnt with desire, become obsessed, and die of paralysis.

Li Mu's expression became a little weird. This original version of "Sunflower Treasure", wouldn't it be his mother's double cultivation method?
This possibility is quite high!

No one in later generations will know why the two couples turned against each other. Today, Li Mu seems to have a chance to solve this mystery.

Immediately, he carefully restrained his breath and quietly watched the development of the situation.

After listening to Fang Baihua's words, Cao Qingkui said in a low voice, "The last thing you should do is conceal your identity from me."

Fang Baihua said angrily: "Is my identity really that important? Do you like me, or my identity?"

"Hehehe..." Cao Qingkui said with a wry smile, "If you were from another background, even if you were a gangster, a burglar, I would love you with all my might."

"But you happen to be a member of the Ming Cult, and your elder brother Fang Shisan is the next Ming Cult leader."

"For my woman, I can tolerate everything, but I can never tolerate her being a traitor."

Suddenly enlightened, Li Mu finally understood why the couple who created "Sunflower Treasure" turned against each other.

It turned out that the woman with the word "Hua" in her name was Fang Shisan, the leader of the Ming Cult, Fang La's younger sister, but her husband was loyal to Song Dynasty.

So Cao Qingkui would rather be a eunuch from the palace, join the palace, and become the so-called "Sunflower Patriarch" than be with her.

This Fang Baihua is not an unknown person.

After the Fang La uprising, she served as the marshal of the rebel army, annihilating 5000 troops of Song generals Cai Zun and Yan Dan in the battle, and occupied Qingxi.

Later, together with Fang La, they crossed the land of Wu and Yue, successively conquered 52 counties in six prefectures including Huizhou and Hangzhou, occupying most of the south of the Yangtze River.

Fang Baihua served as a general in Mantou Mountain, Fengshan Gate, Hangzhou. She was heroic and powerful, and she was loved by the rebel soldiers.

The Fangla Uprising was suppressed by the Song Army led by Huang Shang and the Liangshan Army who accepted the recruitment. Fang Baihua was unyielding and captured, and was executed in Bianliang.

After figuring out the ins and outs of the matter, Li Mu immediately praised: "Mr. Cao is unparalleled in his loyalty and righteousness. I admire you."


Fang Baihua's backhand was an embroidery needle, and she shot it in the direction of the sound.

Li Mu tilted his head slightly, and poked his two fingers in the middle of the food, and the embroidery needle fell between his two fingers.

Seeing the couple standing on a tree branch as if they were nothing, swaying gently with the wind, and catching her flying needles with ease, Fang Baihua was secretly afraid.

The martial arts of these two people are definitely not inferior to hers.

Throwing away the embroidery needle casually, Li Mu nodded to Ruan Xingzhu, and the two of them flipped lightly, landing beside Cao Qingkui and Fang Baihua.

Li Mu clasped his fists at Cao Qingkui and smiled, "My servant, Li Mu, this is Ruan Xingzhu, my wife. Hello, Mr. Cao."

Both Cao Qingkui and Fang Baihua were taken aback. These two names were known to everyone in Song Dynasty and even the whole world.

Even because of the existence of them and the Changkong Sword Sect, even Mingjiao has restrained itself a lot these years, allowing itself to hide even deeper.

Cao Qingkui hurriedly clasped her fists in return and said, "It turns out that Li Juxiaxian and his wife are in person. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Li Mu turned to look at Fang Baihua, and said, "Mingjiao was introduced to China in the Tang Dynasty, and there have been frequent rebellions. In recent years, there have been signs of rising. Li has long wanted to wipe it out."

"Because the Ming Cult has become more and more secretive in recent years, it is difficult for me, the Sky Sword Sect, to find your traces. I happened to meet Miss Fang today, and God bless Song."

Fang Baihua's face changed wildly, the long sword was clenched tightly in his right hand, and several embroidery needles were clasped in his left hand.

Seeing this, Cao Qingkui had a look of unbearable expression on his face. He cupped his fists at Li Mu and said, "Li Juxia, I will be married to her after all. I beg Li Juxia to forgive her and let her go."

Fang Baihua was slightly startled, looked at Cao Qingkui sadly, opened her mouth slightly, but didn't know what to say after all.

Li Mu said to Cao Qingkui: "Young Master Cao, I believe you know how much the Ming Cult has harmed Song Dynasty. If not, you would not choose to turn against your beloved wife."

"With her martial arts, letting her go would be the same as letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Besides, I also need to get information about Mingjiao from her mouth."

Fang Baihua sneered and said, "If you want me to betray Mingjiao, it's wishful thinking. The most you can get is a corpse."

Li Mu said indifferently: "That's fine too, Mingjiao has one less top expert, and when the Mingjiao is crusade against Mingjiao in the future, Da Song will also be able to kill fewer people."


Fang Baihua froze, feeling angry and afraid, she was still so young, how could she be willing to die just like that?

Cao Qingkui glanced at her faintly, and pleaded with Li Mu: "Li Juxia, with the martial arts of the Xian couple and Changkong's disciple, why worry about a mere Fang Baihua?"

"The so-called one-day husband and wife, one hundred days of kindness, today I will save her life, and I will repay the kindness of the husband and wife. From now on, the kindness will be severed. In the future, Cao is willing to work for Li Juxia and ask Li Juxia to make it happen."

He originally wanted to enter the Great Song Palace to be a palace man after cutting it himself, but now that he met Li Mu, he had a better choice.

In the Sky Sword Sect, he can also hide from the world and concentrate on studying martial arts. Li Mu is the undisputed number one master in the world. With his background, it will definitely be of great benefit to him.

Li Mu's heart moved, at the cost of letting go of Fang Baihua, who was not a threat, and gaining a peerless master destined for the future, this was a bloody deal.

And if, as I thought, the original "Sunflower Treasure" is a double-cultivation technique, not a pure eunuch technique, it will be of great benefit to his future.

The eunuch version of "Sunflower Treasure" was most likely modified by Cao Qingkui after entering the palace in order to pass it on.

Because only eunuchs can inherit his "Sunflower Collection" in the palace.

Li Mu pondered for a moment, finally nodded under Fang Baihua's nervous gaze, and said, "Forget it, Mr. Cao's martial arts and loyalty are enough for Li to treat him as an elder."

"Since Mr. Cao is determined to protect her, Mr. Li should give you this face."

"Miss Fang, let's go! I hope we will never meet on the battlefield, otherwise the day we meet will be the day when Li will kill you."

Cao Qingkui clasped her fists gratefully and gave a deep bow, saying, "Thank you, Sect Leader, for fulfilling the mission."

He is very upright, so he is called the master.

The position of elder of the Changkong Sword Sect has a gold content many times higher than that of the elder of the Beggar Sect.

Fang Baihua took another deep look at Cao Qingkui with red eyes, as if he wanted to keep his appearance firmly in his heart.

After a few breaths, before the tears flowed, she turned around and flew away.


The Sky Sword faction won Cao Qingkui, and the overall strength has risen again by a large margin.

After returning to Liangshan, Li Mu exchanged martial arts with Cao Qingkui.

He guessed right, the original "Sunflower Treasure Book" was indeed a dual-cultivation technique, and Cao Qingkui passed it on to Li Mu and Ruan Xingzhu without reservation.

As a reward, Li Mu also passed on to Cao Qingkui the skills of swordsmanship in the sky and sword qi and sword light.

"Sunflower Treasure" is perfect in other aspects, the accumulation of internal energy is super fast, the method of improving lightness kung fu is wonderful, and the speed of movement is extremely fast.

Only the swordsmanship is not considered brilliant, it is purely relying on the extreme speed of the lightning to exert its power.

In the case that Li Mu's speed is not weaker than him, but his swordsmanship is much more exquisite than him, Cao Qingkui is not his opponent at all.

After learning the sky sword technique and the sword qi and sword light skills, Cao Qingkui's combat power increased greatly, and he became one of the peerless masters in his [-]s.

The reason why Li Mu could keep up with him was because Li Muxiu was much higher than him.

If he is at the same level of cultivation, then Li Mu is definitely not as fast as Cao Qingkui.

Because the core of the "Sunflower Treasure" is to pursue a speed, speed in various senses.

In the case of double cultivation in the original "Sunflower Treasure", the speed of cultivation is unimaginable.

And it is also a balance of yin and yang, and there is no bias.

When Li Muyin's Nine Suns were perfected, all the meridians and acupoints in his body were connected, and he also studied the "Sunflower Treasure" without any problems.

Practicing this technique, the speed of accumulating true qi is several times faster, and the efficiency of condensing and compressing true qi is also greatly increased.

In Li Mu's view, the original "Sunflower Treasure Book" is not like an ordinary martial arts technique at all, but more like a cultivation technique, which is probably at the same level as Xiaoyaozi's "Xiaoyao Yufeng".

The eunuch's technique practiced by one person is simply buying a box for a pearl, and has gone astray.

The only inconvenience for Li Mu is that to practice this technique, a woman must cooperate, and this woman's aptitude and comprehension are not bad.

In other words, he will change his life in the future, and every time he goes to a world, he must first find a daughter-in-law with extraordinary aptitude and understanding before he can practice this technique.

But this is not a difficult thing, even if he really can't find a suitable high-quality wife, he can still practice the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, so as not to waste time.

(End of this chapter)

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