Chapter 131 Epic Drama
Yushu bedroom palace, atrium.

When Li Mu came back here, the eunuchs and maids had already finished their medicine, and when they saw Li Mu coming, everyone forced themselves to salute him.

At this time, they all knew that Li Mu was an official in the residence of Mr. Su, not an ordinary doctor.

It is also because of this that they have more confidence in Li Mu.

Just like what he said, if he is not sure, how can Zhan Shi, the dignified son, take such a risk?
You know, Mr. Fusu is likely to inherit the throne in the future, and when the time comes, Zhan Shi of the son's mansion will be promoted to the young mansion minister by himself.

This is one of the nine ministers, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is powerful. Although the official position is not the highest, he is the person most trusted by the emperor.

The prime minister who is under one person and above ten thousand people has to be courteous.

Li Mu asked: "Is there food in the palace, and it will be better to drink some porridge after taking the medicine."

A eunuch quickly replied: "Yes, since the plague broke out in the palace and the gate of the palace was blocked, the imperial guards did not let us go out, but only sent enough food for the palace for a month, and left us to fend for ourselves."

Li Mu nodded and said: "Okay, those who still have the strength to move can cook some porridge. After drinking the porridge, everyone will go back and sleep with the quilt covered. The quilt should be thicker, and they will sweat."

"Not surprisingly, your symptoms will improve after waking up. After getting up, take a hot bath, change into clean clothes, and drink half a bowl of medicine two minutes after eating."


This is a major matter related to one's own life, all the court ladies and eunuchs dare not neglect, and kept Li Mu's words firmly in mind.

After he finished speaking, those who can still move will go to work on their own.

After more than half an hour, everyone drank the porridge.

Li Mu ordered them not to go to the inner palace to disturb the concubine Li, so everyone found a place in the inner palace and the outer palace, took out more bedding, covered them thickly, and went to sleep.

Li Mu returned to the inner palace and said to Yi Xiaochuan: "I'm just idle right now, let me teach you the technique of Qigong Daoyin! After practicing this, you will be able to toughen Xiang Yu in a few years. "

Yi Xiaochuan's eyes lit up, and he followed Li Mu to the ear room with great interest.

What Li Mu passed on to him naturally couldn't be the first tier of exercises, but Huashan Neigong and Zixia Divine Art.

How could he really pass on his top-level inner strength, but he knew that Yi Xiaochuan would improve it sooner or later, so he casually taught him two kinds of strength to deal with it.

However, he is a little older, and it is difficult to achieve results in Huashan internal energy, so as not to arouse his suspicion, Li Mu also passed on the dynamic energy of the tendon and bone forging chapter to him.

He told Yi Xiaochuan that this set of movements can improve physical fitness and strengthen strength. After he pulls up the rebel army, he can teach them on a large scale in the army.

Only in this way can the civilians who take up arms have considerable combat power.

Yi Xiaochuan didn't know the details of this technique, he just thought it was a technique similar to Wu Qinxi, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

In this way, the days passed day by day, and under the auspices of Li Mu, the plague in Yushu's bedroom was suppressed.

Both Yu Shu and the eunuchs and maids are getting better.

After Li Mu's inspection, it was found that the medicine given by Cui Wenzi was not a medicine that directly targeted the virus, but a medicine that could greatly improve immunity and enhance resistance to the virus.

To put it more post-modern, this drug can quickly generate white blood cells, so that the virus cannot divide faster than the white blood cells, and then rely on the white blood cells to swallow up the viruses in the body.

In other words, this drug can not only cure flu, but almost most viruses.

Moreover, after taking this medicine, the body's immunity will be raised to an extraordinary level. It is a bit unrealistic to say that all diseases will never occur, but she will basically never get [-]% of the diseases.

This medicine contains more than a dozen kinds of extremely rare and precious medicinal materials. No wonder Cui Wenzi claimed that it took ten years to get this medicine together.

With Cui Wenzi's immunity-boosting medicine and Li Mu's flu medicine, Yushu recovered in less than a week.

Those eunuchs and maids were a little slower, but not much slower.

In a few days, after Li Mu diagnosed everyone, everyone has recovered.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers in the bedroom, and Yi Xiaochuan and Yushu in the inner palace heard the cheers and knew that it was time for them to say goodbye.

And the guard outside the door heard the cheers and immediately realized something.

The hundred generals pondered for a moment, then ordered his subordinates: "Unlock, open the palace gate, I'll go in and have a look."


The guard who kept the key unlocked the door immediately, and the hundred generals stepped into the palace gate with two of his subordinates, and went to the middle palace where the cheers came.

It's just that they were still covered with silk and didn't dare to take it off rashly.

When they arrived at Dezhong Palace, they saw all the maids and eunuchs kneeling down to Li Mu, thanking him for saving his life.

Li Mu said to everyone: "Everyone, get up! Now you go back and hang up your used bedding, clothes, etc. with bamboo poles. We still need to carry out final disinfection."


After all the maids and eunuchs agreed, they dispersed separately.

Seeing that all the palace maids and eunuchs had recovered, the hundred generals finally pulled off the scarf on his face and asked Li Mu, "Dare to ask Zhan Shijun, how is your condition?"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Even these maidservants have recovered, so how can your empress be an exception?"

The hundred generals clasped their fists and said with a smile: "Congratulations Zhan Shijun, the reward promised by His Majesty is already in Zhan Shijun's pocket."

Li Mu clasped his fists in return and said, "We're all happy together, brothers don't need to guard the plague den anymore, worrying about it all day long."


The hundred generals and the two guards all laughed.

But Li Mu said again: "Although everyone has recovered, the palace is still full of plagues."

"It's just that the maids in the palace have drug resistance in their bodies, so it's not a serious problem. It's better for a few of you to cover your mouth and nose temporarily."

The expressions of the general and the two guards changed slightly, and they quickly pulled the silk up again.

Li Mu continued: "I need to trouble my brother to send a letter to ask the imperial physician to prepare the incense. It will take a few days to smoke and moxibustion in the bedroom before the plague can be completely eradicated."

The hundred generals clasped their fists and bowed, "No, I'll report this to the general."

The hundred generals immediately left the bedroom and reported the situation to the first emperor. The first emperor was overjoyed and immediately ordered the imperial physician to fully cooperate with Li Mu.

After Li Mu sent away the imperial guards, he walked towards the inner palace, and just as he reached the door, he heard Yu Shu's cry.

"Why, God, let me die and leave you, or let me leave you alive? Wuwuwu..."

Li Mu looked behind him speechlessly, then walked in, and said, "Life and separation are better than death. If you are so reluctant to part, life and separation will really turn into death."

The two who were hugging each other hurriedly separated, Yu Shu lowered his head and wiped away his tears, but he couldn't wipe them away.

Li Mu glared at Yi Xiaochuan, and reprimanded: "Don't you know how to close the door? If any eunuch and maid find out, I can only die with you, a pair of fateful mandarin ducks."

Yi Xiaochuan said in a depressed mood: "I didn't pay attention, I'm sorry."

Li Mu sighed, and said: "Yu Shu doesn't have to be too sad, the future will be long, as long as you don't give up, you will be able to stay together forever."

"In the name of disinfection, I bought you a few more days. This is your last time together in a short period of time. Cherish it!"

"I will use the excuse that Yushu's illness has not fully healed, so I won't let them get close. You have to be careful yourself, and don't be caught by others."

Yi Xiaochuan said gratefully: "Thank you, Lao Gao."

Li Mu shook his head and sighed, turned to go out, and said, "You don't need to thank me, you'd better tell Yushu about what you're going to do."

"Maybe she will worry about you, but at least she has a hope to hold on, and she will take good care of her body and wait for you. Otherwise, I'm afraid that she will lose all hope and lose her reason to live."

Yi Xiaochuan was shocked, knowing that Li Mu was right, Yushu finally stopped crying and looked at him fixedly.


The incense was delivered quickly, and after three days of continuous smoking, Li Mu announced that the dormitory was completely lifted.

In less than two quarters of an hour, the first emperor who received the news came to the palace, Li Mu and Yi Xiaochuan greeted each other in the middle palace, and the surviving palace ladies and eunuchs knelt on both sides.

"Your Highness wants to kowtow to Your Majesty."

"The villain kowtows to His Majesty."

"Ai Qing, please get up quickly." Shi Huang stepped forward to help Li Mu himself, while Yi Xiaochuan behind him was directly ignored.

Li Mu said to the First Emperor: "Thanks to Your Majesty's great blessing, I will live up to my mission. From now on, my Daqin will completely eliminate a major plague."

The First Emperor rejoiced and said: "Okay, okay, Aiqing has made great achievements this time, and I will reward you a lot."

Li Mu smiled and said: "Thank you for the reward, Concubine Li has suffered for many days and urgently needs your majesty's comfort. Why don't you ask your majesty to visit the empress first, and the reward will not be too late later."

"Hahahaha...Gao Yao, you are very good, very good." Shihuang Lang smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Li Mu's shoulder, feeling extremely satisfied with him in his heart.

Why does this minister make me feel so comfortable?

The first emperor happily walked towards the inner palace, looking at the gradually closing palace gate, Yi Xiaochuan clenched his fists unconsciously.

Li Mu noticed this scene, and whispered in his ear: "Restraint, don't let people see the problem, first wait for me outside the palace gate."

Yi Xiaochuan nodded, silently turned and went to the layman.

Li Mu found A Lian and Xiao Lan, and said to them: "Stay here for a while, Your Majesty will reward me afterwards, and I will ask His Majesty to ask you for it, it should be no problem."

The two sisters knelt down on the ground gratefully, and said, "Thank you, brother."

"Get up, don't kneel at every turn in the future, we are family members, not masters and servants, if you call me brother, you won't let you call me in vain."


After leaving the palace, Li Mu and Yi Xiaochuan walked side by side, choosing a remote road.

"Old Gao, where do you think I should go to develop my power?"

Li Mudao: "Of course it is a place far away from the Qin land. The farther away from the Qin land, the weaker the control of the Great Qin, and the deeper the influence of the survivors of the Six Kingdoms. The most suitable place is Jingchu."

Yi Xiaochuan nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Can you be more specific?"

Li Mudao: "Let's go to Yunmeng Lake! There are criss-crossing rivers and dotted with lakes. The [-]-mile Dongting Lake in later generations is just the southern corner of Yunmeng Lake."

"Moreover, there are high mountains and dense forests, rich resources, and the conditions are even better than Liangshanbo in the Northern Song Dynasty."

"Now there are many bandits entrenched there. If you can subdue and integrate the bandits in Yunmeng Lake, it will not be a problem to raise an army of tens of thousands."

Yi Xiaochuan was a little uncertain, hesitantly said: "Can I play well with just me?"

Li Mu pondered for a while, and said, "How about this! I'll give you the money I've saved over the years first, and you go to the outside of the city to set up a village, and then go secretly to buy some slaves."

"I will help you train them as quickly as possible, so that you can initially have a team, and then take this group of people to Jingchu, and then you will be able to sweep Yunmeng Daze."

"As for whether you can subdue the gangsters, it depends on your ability. I believe that your wit should be fine."

"I'll try my best to set up the stage for you. How this epic drama can be sung is up to you."

Hearing that Li Mu had arranged for him clearly, Yi Xiaochuan finally felt at ease, he happily raised his hand to hook Li Mu's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Li Mu smiled and said, "It's okay to disappoint me, anyway, we are just passers-by in this era, let's play, the key is not to disappoint Yushu."

Hearing this sentence, Yi Xiaochuan immediately became more determined in his heart, and said in a concentrated voice: "No, I will never let her down."

Li Mu took off the money bag from his waist and handed it to Yi Xiaochuan, saying: "You go to buy a carriage first, drive the carriage outside the west wall of the Young Master's Mansion at night, and I will give you the money."

"Recently, I have to find a way to help you get a batch of weapons. In the early stage, you don't need to think about armor. It's good to have a sword in your hand."

"When you get to Yunmengze, it's best to gather a group of blacksmiths. I'll write you the relevant technical information, and you can find a way to get materials to make armor."

Yi Xiaochuan scratched his head and said, "Raising an army is a waste of money. Do you have enough money?"

Li Mu said angrily: "Are you still pointing at me to get you money? If I can raise enough starting funds for you, you can burn incense! Make money by yourself in the future."

"With so much modern knowledge in your mind, can't you even think of a few ways to make money? Is it because I have done too much and made you dependent?"

"Uh...hehe..." Yi Xiaochuan smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's really a little bit, who made you so capable?"

Li Mu scolded with a smile: "Fuck you, you don't know what level I was before? If I hadn't met Peng Zu, I would really be just a cook."

"Maybe he's working as a cook in the palace now, and he's doing better. Maybe it's the Shaofu Shangshi Order, commonly known as the chief eunuch of the imperial dining room."

He was joking, but when he said this, an inexplicable resentment surged in his heart.

Li Mu knew that it was the boundless resentment from Yuan Gao Yao.

In the original plot, because of this grievance, Gao Yao fought against Yi Xiaochuan for 2000, and finally chose to die with him.

Yi Xiaochuan was unaware of the resentment in the hearts of his good brothers around him. Hearing this sentence, he joked: "You are considered successful now, so you never thought about finding a wife? Is it possible that you really want to enter the palace and become the general manager?"

Li Muruo said nonchalantly, "I haven't met a suitable one. Besides, I plan to cultivate longevity, and women will only affect my cultivation."

"You have to think about it! If you decide to live together with Yushu, even if I teach you the technique of guiding, maybe you can only live for a hundred years at most. It is difficult to live forever."

Yi Xiaochuan shook his head and said in a daze, "If there is no Yushu, what's the point of living for thousands of years? It's just a walking dead."

Li Mu sighed: "Ask what love is in the world, and teach people to agree with each other in life and death."

"Old Gao, it's almost done. Wenqing is not suitable for you. Don't copy the poems and songs of later generations. I will feel embarrassed when I see it. You have to save some for the original author!"



Prince's Mansion.

To celebrate Li Mu's triumphant return, Fusu specially set up a banquet, and invited Xiaoyue and Yingyinman to have a few drinks together.

Fusu was happiest not only because Li Mu cured the plague in Concubine Li's bedroom, but also because of the meaning behind it.

What happened this time shows that at least Li Mu has conquered one kind of plague, and this most prone plague will no longer pose a threat to the people of Great Qin in the future.

Moreover, Li Mu also expressed generously that he was willing to hand over the prescription to the Imperial Physician Order, and at the same time spread it widely throughout the world, so that the people of Great Qin would not be harmed by this plague again.

"Gao Qing, you have not only made great contributions to Daqin this time, but also immeasurable merits. I would like to toast you again."

Li Mu raised his glass to signal to Fusu, and the two drank the wine separately.

After putting down his wine glass, Li Mu smiled and said, "Perhaps this subordinate did have some kind of merit this time! God also rewarded this subordinate with blessings."

Fusu said with great interest: "Oh? What blessing?"

Li Mu looked at Xiaoyue with a smile, and said: "I saw two maids in the palace of Concubine Li, one is Alian and the other is Xiaolan."

Xiaoyue was surprised and happy when she heard the words, and cheered: "It's the eldest sister and the second sister, that's great, I finally found them, thank you brother, I also toast to my brother."

Li Mule happily drank the cup again, Fu Su clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Wonderful, wonderful, this is really a blessing from heaven."

Ying Yinman said happily: "So I will have two more good sisters?"

Li Muqing coughed, with a serious face, but his words were ridiculed: "Alian and Xiaolan are very calm and virtuous, and they are five or six years older than the princess. I'm afraid they won't be able to hang out with the princess."

Upon hearing this, Yingyinman said with a little disappointment, "So, then..."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that her beautiful big eyes were wide open, "What do you mean, Gao Qing? Are you saying that the princess is childish and frivolous?"

Li Mu compensated and said with a smile: "The princess said this, how could it be possible? The minister is clearly saying that the princess is lively and cheerful."

"It's almost there."


The hall was full of laughter and laughter, which made Fusu feel the joy of family affection that he had not seen for a long time.



Li Mu carried a large wooden box on one shoulder, but it didn't affect his actions at all, it just consumed a little more internal energy.

He performed the Fuyao Climbing Cloud Kungfu directly from his own courtyard, and flew across the night sky without anyone noticing.

These two boxes contained most of the gold, silver and jewelry that the First Emperor had bestowed upon him in the past two years.

He only left a small part for Xiaoyue and the upcoming Alian Xiaolan.

He basically has nothing to spend money on himself, anyway, he still has a yearly salary, and the son's house is in charge of food, housing, clothing and use.

Besides, when he goes to court tomorrow, there will probably be a lot of rewards, and there is no place to spend them, so don't use them for rebellion and keep the babies?
This is the difference between working under the top dignitaries and starting a business by yourself.

Now that he is sitting in the position of Zhan Shi in the son's mansion, he won't change it even for a prime minister. With high salary, few things to do, and no need to work hard, where can he find such a good job?
Didn't see that Li Si was only middle-aged, and his hair was all gray?
(End of this chapter)

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