The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 171 The Time to Slay the Dragon Arrives

Chapter 171 The Time to Slay the Dragon Arrives
Li Mu didn't have any bad feelings towards Huang Ying, but he didn't have any good feelings either.

There is no bad feeling because his martial arts spirit is worthy of admiration.

The reason why he doesn't like it is because he only has martial arts and all the people and things related to martial arts in his heart, other than that, he can be called heartless.

After he obtained the Jingji Saber back then, because he couldn't communicate with each other, his cultivation stagnated and it was difficult to make any progress.

He couldn't get it out of his mind, and in order to communicate with Jingji Dao, Huang Ying waited in front of Jingji Dao day and night, never sleeping or eating, and even his wife and daughter were no longer close.

His wife, whom he loved so much, gave up the Jingji knife in order to impress him, and stayed by his side with his daughter.

Huang Ying remained unmoved, he thought that the knife was his only life, and his wife, who was also dying, was finally desperate, desperate to die, and ran to the Jingji knife to kill her.

After the death of his wife and daughter, Huangying felt no sadness at all. He thought hard for three days and three nights, until his forehead burst, before he suddenly realized.

It turned out that apart from the Jing Ji Dao, he could no longer hold anything else in his heart.

He realized that his wife, daughter, wealth, and fame are all the burdens of practicing swordsmanship. Only by giving up everything and having nothing can he match up with the sword.

In the end, Huangying gave up her bright future and power, her heart and sword were connected, and she realized the seven-style sword intent, and thus became the number one swordsman in Dongying.

Li Mu has always sneered at all those who walk the path of ruthlessness, but treats those who walk the path of love differently.

Can a person who can't even be moved by the death of his wife and daughter be considered a person?
So he didn't have the slightest psychological burden when he sent Teng Ganier to kill Huang Ying to seize Jing Ji.

Li Mu prefers the phrase "Only with extreme love can one achieve extreme sword", he also told this sentence to Tengganier, and at the same time told the story of Huangying to their couple.

Li Mu felt that Tengganier's behavior of abandoning his pregnant wife four years ago to challenge Master Pu Hang at the Motolanruo Temple already had some ruthless meaning.

But fortunately, this guy is not in deep trouble. Judging from his attitude towards his wife and children, there is still hope.

After listening to Li Mu's narration, as a woman, Wu Mei didn't have the slightest affection for Huang Ying, but hated her deeply.

On the other hand, Tengganier seemed to have received a blow to the head, enlightened, and had a new understanding of the bipolar swordsmanship.

Since then, the word "two poles" in the two poles swordsmanship has a new definition.

The two extremes are the two extremes, the extreme of love and the extreme of the sword are also the two extremes.

The bipolar swordsmanship that was originally biased towards the ruthless way suddenly changed to the sentient way.

Moreover, Teng Nier's comprehension of the "two poles" sword intent can be said to be rapid, and it is completely biased towards the realm of the sentient dao of swordsmanship, and it is improving at an extremely fast speed.

The phenomenon reflected in daily life is that he is more gentle and patient with Wu Mei, and more loving and kind to Long Er.

And the more he is like this, the faster his kendo realm will improve, and the more powerful the bipolar swordsmanship will be.

Wu Mei's life was like being soaked in a honeypot. She knew that her husband's changes were all because of Li Mu's advice, so she was very grateful to him in her heart.

Teng Nier also felt that since he realized that "only when you are extremely emotional can you be extremely skilled at the sword", his state of mind has become calm and pure, and this state of mind makes him feel very comfortable.

He gradually became less interested in challenging masters everywhere and understanding the way of swordsmanship in battle.

But this will not make his fighting spirit lessen when facing the enemy, on the contrary it will become more intense.

Because for the sake of the one he loves, he can't be defeated, let alone die, so instead he will burst out with a stronger fighting spirit.

Half a year later, Teng Nier and Wu Mei, together with ten commanders, led a thousand elite gangs, and a large number of pilizi, set sail from the mouth of the Yangtze River in the East China Sea on a dozen warships, heading for Dongying.

Li Mu devoted himself to teaching Long Er, just like Xiong Ba taught Feng Yun 15 years ago.

Long Er was indeed born for the sword, Li Mu only needed to use any sword technique once, and he could fully learn it and quickly practice it.

Although other martial arts are not as heaven-defying as swordsmanship, they are also not slow to learn.

Li Mu found that it didn't take long for him to have nothing to teach.

Now, he has taught all that Long Er can learn, and the rest is what he can't practice yet.

Li Mu asked him to devote himself to cultivating inner strength and accumulate inner strength.

He is too young now to use Blood Bodhi to improve his skills, because the meridians are not tough enough to withstand the huge medicinal power of Blood Bodhi.

Four months later, the Tenganiers returned and brought back the Jingji Dao.

Only seven commanders came back, and there were more than [-] members left in the gang.

Although the casualties were not small, the record was even greater.

In a fair duel, Teng Nier killed Huang Ying head-on at the cost of minor injuries, won the Jingji knife, and gained fame in the Chinese martial arts.

Afterwards, Emperor Zhaomu Kazuo Kammu was killed, more than [-] daimyo families were wiped out, no less than [-] Dongying warriors were killed, and no less than [-] of Dongying's top masters were defeated.

Although in Li Mu's view, such a record is still far from destroying Dongpu.

But you must know that this is just the achievements of the Teng Nier and his wife, plus ten commanders and a thousand gangs, which can already be called brilliant.

The couple made great achievements, and Li Mu was rewarded by himself, and the main altar of Shuntian Mansion has added a "Two Pole Hall" since then.

Those commanders and helpers who followed the couple to Dongpu and came back alive were all included in the Liangji Hall and became Tenganir's direct descendants.

After all, they had the experience of fighting side by side in Japan, living and dying together, and those leaders and gang members were already convinced by Tengganier's martial arts and worshiped him extremely.

Incorporating them into the Bipolar Hall can also have a higher cohesion.

The couple were also allowed to go to the arsenal to choose a top-level martial art. Neither of them chose swordsmanship, because they both have their own inheritance of swordsmanship, and both are top-notch in the world.

Wu Mei chose Lingbo Weibu, and Teng Nier chose Hayamizu Wuhen.

As a family, Li Mu allowed them to teach each other, one person's gain is equal to two people's gain.

That Jingji knife was given to Dugumeng by Li Mu to use. She doesn't force her to be able to connect with swords, but simply treat it as a good weapon.

It is worth mentioning that a year ago, the number one evil emperor who had practiced Bing Xin Jue for many years was able to keep his demonic nature from attacking without using his hands.

After doing it, although he will still be possessed by demons, he can still maintain a little rationality when he is possessed by demons, but after a long time, he will still lose his sanity.

Therefore, the evil emperor will not do anything if he can do it now.

But what annoyed him was that the guy from the Second Knife Emperor was always making noise, and he couldn't avoid it if he insisted on challenging him.

In desperation, he had no choice but to bring Dugu Meng to Shuntian Mansion and ask Li Mu to help them arrange a place to live.

He didn't believe it anymore, that bastard Dao Huang dared to chase after him to the Supreme Palace.

Li Mu was overjoyed by this, and shouted for the sword emperor to assist.

He arranged Xiehuang in Jingshan, which was originally the Supreme Royal Garden, with beautiful scenery and quiet environment, which is most suitable for those who need tranquility.

Dugu Meng took the initiative to ask to go to the Six Gates to work, but for some reason, this girl actually took Long Teng down.

Dugumeng is destined to become a daughter-in-law, of course Li Mu has to treat her differently, that's why the Jingji Dao was handed over to her.

Now that all the seven weapons needed to slay the dragon have fallen into the hands of Li Mu, Di Shitian has fallen completely passive in front of him.

As long as he still wanted to slay the dragon, he would not dare to fight against Li Mu.

Within ten years, Li Mu can practice martial arts and develop his power with peace of mind.


Time flies, time flies.

Ten years passed day by day in the ordinary but fulfilling days.

On New Year's Eve, the Supreme Palace is brightly lit and lively.

"Disciple (grandson) pays homage to master (grandfather, grandfather), wishing master (grandfather, grandfather) good luck and longevity."

In the harem, Li Muduan sat in the main seat with a smile on his face.

In front of him, a group of little kids respectfully kowtowed to him for the new year.

The voices are quite messy, and there are all kinds of names, because there are his grandsons, disciples, and grandchildren.

After years of hard work by Li Mu, the scars in Long Teng's heart were finally healed. He called Li Mu again and recognized his father.

On both sides of the main hall, juniors such as Qin Shuang Dingning, Bu Jingyun Kongci, Nie Fengmingyue, Duanlang Youruo, Teng Nier Wumei, Jianchen Yu Chuchu, Longteng Dugumeng, Long Er, Yu Yue, Wuming, No. Yi Xiehuang and other relatives and friends watched this scene happily.

Li Mu stretched out his hand to help, and said happily: "Good boy, all good boys, get up quickly, come here to collect the lucky money."

A group of children, big and small, got up one after another, chattering and laughing, gathered around Li Mu, and received red envelopes one by one.

There are twelve children, seven boys and five girls, the oldest is 12 years old and the youngest is nine years old.

Qin Shuang and Ding Ning gave birth to two sons named Qin Hao and Qin Ming.

Bu Jingyun and Kong Ci gave birth to a son and a daughter named Bu Tian and Bu Ting respectively.

Nie Feng and Mingyue also have a son and a daughter, named Nie Yu and Nie Qing respectively.

Duanlang and Youruo are the most powerful. They have three children, two sons and a daughter. The daughter is the second child, named Duanjin, Duanyu and Duanliu.

Jianchen and Yu Chuchu gave birth to two daughters named Jianping and Jianling.

Longteng and Dugumeng have only one son, Dazhi.

Long Teng is his name, and his father's surname is Xiong. Naturally, his surname cannot be Long, and the same is true for You Ruo.

Looking at a group of little kids, everyone received 100 taels of silver tickets for the New Year's Eve money, standing beside the Tengganiers, the 14-year-old Long Er sighed enviously.

"Hey, I'm obviously not much older than them, so why don't I have any lucky money to get?"

Everyone laughed, and You Ruo joked: "You still want to receive the lucky money? You are an elder, it should be you who give the lucky money to the nephews."

Long Er rolled his eyes and said: "Senior Sister, don't come here, I haven't reached the crown, I'm still a child! It's not too bad to receive the New Year's money, and you still want me to give the New Year's money?"

The crowd burst into laughter again, this guy who kept on saying he was still a child, but he was the number one expert in the world besides the gang leader and Wuming.

Even his father Teng Nier is no longer his opponent.

Under Wuming's advice two years ago, this kid actually comprehended Sword Twenty-Three. This is a peerless ultimate move that even the Sword Master could not comprehend back then.

As soon as this move was made, everything within a certain area was frozen, and even a finger could not be moved.

Tengganier, who had personally experienced that feeling, said that facing this move, he had only one feeling in his heart, and that was despair.

Dugu dreamed that his family's unique learning was carried forward by a child, and he couldn't help feeling gratified and embarrassed.

The sword twenty-three comprehended by Long Er is naturally the sword twenty-three of the sentient world.

It's just because no other sword twenty-three has appeared in this world before, so there is no distinction between exterminating the world and the sentient world, so it is directly called Jian twenty-three.

His comprehension, after Li Mu communicated with him, he naturally practiced it very quickly.

It's just that Li Mu has never performed it in front of others, so no one knows that he has also practiced this move.

If it is not necessary, Li Mu does not intend to use this trick in this world.

Anyway, he does not lack peerless martial arts, so why let others know that he has mastered this move by relying on his apprentice's guidance, that would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, he told others that this trick only belonged to Long Er, and only he could control it.

It is also worth mentioning that after more than ten years of painstaking training, You Ruo has finally mastered all the top ten martial arts, integrated the true black martial arts, and can perform ten directions kill and ten directions annihilate.

When she used these two moves, it was enough to match the wind and cloud, and Maha Wuliang fought recklessly without losing the wind.

Of course, this was estimated by Li Mu and others from the side. After all, they are all killer moves. Naturally, it is impossible for him to let You Ruo and Nie Fengbu Jingyun really fight. It is unnecessary and meaningless.

In case both losers suffer and both die together, the fun will be great.

Li Mu himself has also practiced all the top ten martial arts, but he has not yet comprehended all the moves, so he cannot perform killing moves and killing moves.

But with You Ruo's experience, at least he already knows the direction and how to comprehend it, and it's just a matter of time to practice it.

After distributing the New Year's money to the juniors, Li Mu took the children to the outside world, and his servants had already prepared all kinds of fireworks.

No matter adults or children, everyone had a great time this night. The No. 15 years since Li Mu came to this world, he just spent it in laughter.


Years later, Qin Shuang returned west with Li Mu's secret order.

The Tengnier couple, Longer, Xiehuang, Wuming, Longteng and other masters also took the people from Liangjitang and the four famous arresters to the west, but Li Mu left the others behind.

Li Mu has already explained to everyone the matter of Qiwu slaying the dragon and the existence of Tianmen.

If he didn't know that there was such a force that disrupted the world, how could Wuming make a move?

However, Li Mu only said that the dragon element can make people's skills increase dramatically, but he didn't mention immortality.

The day of surprise will only appear once in ten Jiazi, that is, a cycle of 600 years, and the specific date is the day when the second dragon raises its head in February.

Not surprisingly, Di Shitian will come looking for him soon.

Sure enough, at the end of the first lunar month, Di Shitian came to the door.

This old guy flew directly to the harem of the Supreme Palace, and asked Li Mu for the Dragon Slayer Qiwu.

Li Mu didn't make any fools, he just warned him not to backtrack, otherwise even if he got the dragon yuan, he would never have a chance to digest it.

In order to reassure Di Shitian, Li Mu only sent people with the seven divine weapons, and did not lead the team himself.

In fact, Nie Feng, Mingyue, and You Ruo secretly went out to sea to lurk on Dragon God Island in the East China Sea as early as the second day after the Lantern Festival.

The location of Dragon God Island has already been found out by the Tianxiahui in the past ten years, and Li Mu has even gone up there.

If Li Mu didn't know Shenlong well, and didn't know where the seven dead spots were, why would Di Shitian take the lead?

When he came to Shuntian Mansion before Emperor Shitian, he asked Qi's people to kill him, and then he took people to slaughter the dragon.

Of course Li Mu wouldn't wait at home honestly, if he didn't go, with the strength of Bu Jingyun and others, they could at most injure Di Shitian, and it was almost impossible to kill him.

With Li Mu's ability, there is no need to take a boat to go to Dragon God Island, and it is even faster than taking a boat.


A port in the Zhoushan Islands in the East China Sea.

A huge two-story building ship is docked at the port, and the Tianmen flag is planted on the guardrail around the building ship, fluttering and flying with the sea breeze, showing unparalleled domineering.

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, Huaikong, Dugumeng, Jianchen, Xue Antian, and Lengbufang stood side by side on the shore, looking at the flag of Tianmen and those people in Tianmen, with a bit of chill on their faces.

Especially Bu Jingyun, his Feiyuntang is located in the eastern part of Shenzhou, including the coastal areas are all under his jurisdiction.

But under his nose, the Tianmen forces built such a big building with so many people lurking, and he didn't even notice it. This was a slap in the face.

Duan Lang turned his head to look at him, patted his shoulder, and said: "Don't worry too much, the power of Tianmen doesn't even dare to be underestimated by father-in-law, it's very normal that you didn't notice it."

Bu Jingyun glanced at the surrounding Tianmen minions, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "After the dragon slaying is over, we must destroy them."

Duan Lang nodded, and said: "It's natural, father-in-law will never allow, there is such a force with ulterior motives hidden in the dark."

Everyone waited for half an hour, and all the minions of Tianmen suddenly shouted in unison: "Welcome to the master."

Bu Jingyun and others turned around to look, and saw Di Shitian sitting on a walking chariot, being carried over by four Tianmen minions.

They just watched indifferently, without any expression.

Di Shitian didn't mind either. He stretched out his index finger and tapped on the ice mask on his face, looked at Bu Jingyun and the others and said, "The dragon slaying plan that I implemented during the period of surprise is the first-class plan that has never existed before. event."

"Since Tianxiahui has chosen to cooperate with this seat, I hope that you will go all out. After all, the income here is half of that of the leader Xiong. If you mess up things, you may not be able to explain it."

No one else was interested in talking to him, only Duanlang sneered and said: "The sect master had better serve himself some snacks, don't use us to die and create opportunities for you, otherwise the sect master will definitely regret it."

Di Shitian froze, he really had such an idea, and now that he was broken by Duanlang, he couldn't make it too obvious.

"Don't worry, I attach more importance to this matter than you, so I won't talk nonsense, let's go!"

After Di Shitian gave an order, everyone boarded the boat one after another, the boat weighed anchor and set sail.

And when they set off, somewhere under the sea, Li Mu was sitting cross-legged on the back of a huge devil fish, swimming towards Dragon God Island at an extremely fast speed.

This is what he did when Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun went to kill Xiongba at the beginning of the first episode of the film and television drama "Fengyun II".

At that time, they took the devil fish and rushed directly to Tianshan Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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