Chapter 2 Chance
At the foot of Mount Hua.

Li Mu, who was carrying a burden and had a long sword in his waist, looked back at the slender figure standing on the cliff, and couldn't help but waved his hand again.

After getting the response, he finally let go of the reluctance in his heart, turned around and strode away.

Li Mu went down the mountain to look for opportunities this time, he didn't just run around aimlessly, he had a clear goal long ago.

He went to Huayin City to buy a healthy horse and prepared enough dry food, so Li Mu urged the horse to go west.

He went west all the way, passed Lanzhou Wei, passed Xining Wei, left Yumen Pass, and crossed Duogandusi.

I ignored everything along the way and just hurried on the road. After more than a month of continuous walking, I finally approached the destination - the western section of Duogandusi in the Kunlun Mountains.

That is, near where the Kunlun School is located.

At that time, Emperor Hongwu used the power of Mingjiao to drive out the Tartars and conquer the Ming Dynasty.

After securing the world, the Ming Cult was destroyed with a backhand.

Even if he is so ruthless towards his own people, he will not be lenient towards the six major factions that were once hostile to the Ming Cult.

Today, the six major sects that were so powerful at the time, except for Shaolin and Wudang, are still thriving, and the other sects are gradually declining under the suppression of the imperial court.

Both Kongtong and Emei have been reduced to second-rate sects, with few disciples, and they are not accepted, and they have been squeezed out from the first echelon of the martial arts sect.

The Huashan faction had a bad experience at first, but after its decline, it rose again.

But a battle of sword qi made a hundred years of achievements in vain, and now it has declined to the extreme.

Among the six major factions, only the Kunlun faction, because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, and it is located in a corner of the Western Regions, has rarely set foot in the Central Plains martial arts since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, but it has not suffered any major blows.

In modern times, the imperial court's pressure on the Jianghu was gradually relaxed. With the rise of the Wuyue Sword Sect, the Kunlun Sect resumed contact with the Central Plains martial arts.

Zhen Shanzi, the contemporary head of the Kunlun School, is known by people in the Jianghu as "the sword of heaven and earth", but he has such a reputation that he ranks among the top ten masters of the righteous way.

Li Mu came to Kunlun Mountain, naturally he didn't come to visit the Kunlun School, he was not that familiar with the Kunlun School, and there was nothing worthy of his visit.

Kunlun Party is nothing more than a landmark to him.

After finding the location of the Kunlun School, Li Mu began to search for the former site of "Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang" in the nearby villages and towns markets according to his memories.

It took more than half a month, and after many inquiries, I finally learned the approximate location of the former site of Zhuwu Lianhuanzhuang from an old man in a small town.

After all, it was already 60 or [-] years ago, and now it has developed into a village called Hongmei Village.

Neither Wu Lie nor Zhu Changling had any sons, and the Zhu and Wu families had never been seen since the generation of Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying.

After finding here, the next step became very smooth. He only needed to inquire about the location of his final destination.

The place he was looking for was called "Jingshen Peak", where the mountains were steep and there were precipices and cliffs everywhere, even woodcutters who cut firewood would not go there.

Residents living nearby only know that there is such a mountain, but no one has set foot on it on weekdays.


On Jingshen Peak.

Li Mu, who carried a large bundle of thick hemp rope on his shoulders, finally found the place in his memory after several days of searching.

At this time, he was standing on a cliff, surrounded by mountains on all sides, with a valley covered by clouds and mist in the middle, and he could see many trees growing horizontally on this cliff.

On the mountain in the front right, a big waterfall rushes down. It seems that the top of the mountain is formed by melting snow. Under the sunlight, it looks like a big jade dragon, which is extremely magnificent.

After listening carefully, you can still hear monkeys calling and apes crying under the valley.

Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief, with a happy smile on his face.

After more than two months, I finally found this place.

Without further delay, he untied the hemp rope that was as thick as a thumb on his shoulder, tied the end of the rope to a solid boulder, and then threw the whole roll of hemp rope down the cliff.

He took out a piece of sackcloth from the bag and wrapped it around his palm, carried the bag full of dry food again, and then slowly slid down along the hemp rope.

Those trees that grow sideways provide him with a lot of insurance and make him feel at ease.

This cliff is really not low. When Li Mu went down to the bottom, he secretly calculated that it might not be less than fifty or sixty feet.

Fortunately, the rope he had prepared was long enough, and there was still room to spare after landing.

In order to buy enough rope, he went to several markets and bought all the hemp rope he could buy, regardless of the thickness or length.

For the thinner ones, he combined several strands into one strand, re-braided them, and then spliced ​​them together one by one, and finally got such a sufficient length.

After going down to the bottom, Li Mu turned his head and looked around, and it was just as he remembered, this is a green valley full of flowers, with red flowers and green trees complementing each other.

The place where he came down seemed to be in the middle of the valley, and the end of the right side was the pool under the waterfall. Not surprisingly, the cave was at the end of the left side.

At that moment Li Mu walked to the left, within a mile, he saw a group of wild goats grazing with their heads down, they didn't panic when they saw them, and there were many monkeys jumping and playing in the trees on the mountain wall.

Surrounded by high mountains, the valley is steep and precipitous. Tigers and leopards and other ferocious beasts are bulky and cannot cross the dangerous peaks. However, the animals here have no natural enemies and can reproduce freely.

After walking for more than a hundred feet, and finally reached the end, when he saw the cave located on the mountain wall, which was only a few feet high from the ground, Li Mu's breathing couldn't help but slightly quickened.

Walking quickly to the bottom of the mountain wall, Li Mu filled his feet with air, jumped up and jumped into the cave.

The cave was not big, only six feet square, and there was a dark and narrow hole in the lower right corner, which he couldn't get through given his stature.

I don't know if Zhu Changling, who was stuck in the tunnel, still has the bones.

One hundred fifty and sixty years have passed, and this place is not a closed place, and it may have been wiped out long ago.

After entering the cave, Li Mu looked towards the left wall, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

This cave is very dry, and there is no vegetation such as moss on the mountain wall.

Therefore, the six characters "Where Zhang Wuji Buried Sutras" engraved on the cave wall clearly fell into Li Mu's eyes.

Pulled out the saber from the belt with its sheath, leaned it against the mountain wall, squatted in front of the six characters, opened the bag, took out a small shovel used for planting flowers, and dug it open.

The soil on the ground appeared dry and hard due to the lack of moisture. Li Mu spent a lot of effort, and finally dug three feet down, and an oilcloth package appeared in front of him.

Before the invention of plastic film, tarpaulin was the most resistant item to degradation.

It takes about a thousand years for plastic to degrade naturally. Although oilcloth cannot reach this level, it is not a problem if it does not rot for hundreds of years.

When Li Mu took out the package, the oilcloth was still intact.

Opening layers of oilcloth, Li Mu took out the stacked books one by one, including four volumes of "Langa Sutra", one "Medical Sutra", and one "Poison Sutra".


Li Mu couldn't bear the joy in his heart, and finally laughed out loud.

With these few scriptures, there is a foundation for revitalizing Mount Hua and allowing "Yue Buqun" to realize the counterattack in life.

Not in a hurry to start practicing, Li Mu dug out the dry food from the bag, sat down and opened the first volume of the "Langa Sutra" after a full meal, and carefully studied the Chinese characters in the gaps between reciting Sanskrit.

After memorizing the memorization fluently, then I started to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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