"Amitabha, sin is sin."

Li Mu's face was full of compassion, and his body exuded a warm and peaceful Buddha's light, and He Shi proclaimed the Buddha's name.

As soon as those female bandit leaders saw Li Mu, they couldn't help clasping their palms together and knelt down facing him. Only Bai Lianhua and Bai Suzhen were still standing.

Bai Lianhua did not kneel, not because she was special, but because Li Mu's "potential" did not target her.

Bai Lianhua paused for a moment, then subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

Li Muwen said slowly, "Poor monk Fahai."

Bai Lianhua asked suspiciously: "Fa Hai?"

The five girls on the side "changed their expressions", Xiaoqing exclaimed, "Dawei Tianlong Mingwang Bodhisattva!"

When Bai Lianhua heard the word "Bodhisattva", she couldn't help being shocked. Of course, she knew the meaning of these two words.

Immediately, he knelt down on the ground with a plop, kowtowed and said, "Bodhisattva is merciful, please save Ling'er."

Li Mu said slowly: "Good cause and good fruit, good fruit and good cause, bad cause and bad fruit, bad fruit and bad cause, sowing a cause reaps a cause, sowing a fruit reaps a fruit, white lotus, can you understand the cause and effect?"

Bai Lianhua straightened up and said with tears streaming down her face: "I understand that Ling'er is willing to sacrifice her own life just to arouse my kindness so that I won't commit any crimes again."

"I just hate that I realized it too late. He was saving me, but I killed him. I beg Bodhisattva to save Ling'er. As long as you can save him, you can do whatever you want me to do."

Li Mudao: "In order to save Qiao Ling'er, are you really willing to do anything? What if it's your life for his?"

Bai Lianhua said decisively: "I am willing."

Li Mu nodded and said: "Okay, as long as you are willing to dismantle the cottage, return the looted property, and surrender to the county government, Qiao Ling'er can be brought back to life."

Bai Lianhua trembled slightly, looked back at Qiao Linger's body with nostalgia, and asked Li Mu: "Bodhisattva, if I do this, can I see Linger for the last time?"

Li Mudao: "The fate arises and the fate dies, the fate gathers and the fate disperses, everything has a definite number, if there is a fate, we will see each other again."

After saying this, Li Mu waved his hand and shot out a golden light, which enveloped Qiao Linger's body, and then disappeared into the cave together with him.

There was only an echoing voice left in the air: "The day when the government's judgment is made is when Qiao Ling'er is resurrected, Amitabha, so good."

Bai Lianhua stood up, and following Li Mu's departure, the leaders also came to their senses, and got up and surrounded Bai Lianhua.

A leader said nervously, "My lord, are you really going to do what the Bodhisattva said?"

They all fell into a special state just now, the whole person was hazy, dreamy and awake, full of devotion and reverence for the Bodhisattva, and no other distracting thoughts.

But they knew clearly what happened around them, and they didn't return to normal until Li Mu left.

Bai Lianhua wiped away the tears from her face, and said: "Only in this way can Ling'er be saved."

Another leader said anxiously: "Your Majesty, no, if you surrender yourself, the government will definitely sentence you to death."

Bai Lianhua smiled at her, did not respond to this sentence, then looked at Bai Suzhen, and said: "Suzhen, there is an account for all the things we have robbed these years."...

"Tomorrow morning, you and your sisters will return all the things in each family one by one according to the account book."

Bai Suzhen frowned, and asked, "Have you really decided?"

Bai Lianhua nodded slowly but firmly.

Xiaoxue asked, "What about the sisters?"

Bai Lianhua took out a key from her waist and handed it to Bai Suzhen, saying: "This is the key to the storeroom, it contains our savings for many years, you share it with the sisters, go down the mountain and become a good citizen!"

"Over the years, thank you sisters for your love, Lotus... I will never forget it."

When she said this, her voice choked up again, and after she finished speaking, she quickly left and went down the mountain.

Seeing her decisive back, the leaders were anxious and sad. One leader asked Bai Suzhen: "Sister Suzhen, the king is going to die, you should think of a way!"

Bai Suzhen comforted: "Everyone, don't worry, although we can't stop the king's decision, we will never let her die."

"Your Majesty is right, we can't be bandits all our lives, the way out is to go down the mountain and be a good man."

After listening to Bai Suzhen's words, all the leaders let out a long sigh and said no more.

These things Li Mu did seem to have not changed the result, but in fact they are quite different from the original plot.

The biggest difference lies in the attribution of merit.

In the original plot, Bai Lianhua thought that Qiao Ling'er was dead, and it was she who had a complete understanding and made this series of decisions, so this merit will be credited to Tathagata and Bai Lianhua.

But after Li Mu's operation, the merit has to be credited to him.

Under the law of heaven, the general situation cannot be changed, but the small situation can be changed. Li Mu used this rule to seek merits for himself.


In the early morning of the next day, in front of the doors of the rich and powerful gentry who were robbed by the bandits of Fengtou Mountain in Yingshan County, there was a lot of property in front of them.

When the owner found out about it, there was still a letter on the pile of belongings.

"This is something that was robbed from your house by the Shanzhai. Now we are enlightened by Qiao Ling'er in Qiao's village, and inspired by him, we are determined to abandon theft and follow the good. I hereby return the original amount."

This is the content of the letter written by Bai Suzhen, but the inscription is written on the white lotus.

The wealthy and wealthy gentry who lost and recovered were all grateful for Qiao Ling'er's kindness. For a time, Qiao Ling'er was famous all over the world.

At the same time, Bai Lianhua came to the county government to surrender and surrendered, which surprised and worried the county magistrate.

It was not until it was confirmed that Bai Lianhua had indeed surrendered herself that she bit the bullet and sentenced her to death.

And just as Bai Lianhua was thrown into prison, Qiao Linger gradually regained consciousness. He got up and turned around, only to see that this seemed to be a meditation room in a temple.

In the entire room, there was only the couch under him, with a big "Zen" character on the wall behind him.

He stood up blankly, opened the door and walked out.

But outside was a courtyard, a young monk in a clean white robe was sitting at a stone table making tea by himself.

Looking around, he found that the environment here was very familiar, and soon he recognized it. Isn't this the Dawei Tianlong Mingwang Bodhisattva Temple of Master Zuo Zuo and others?

Li Mu looked at him with a slight smile, and said gently, "The benefactor is awake, come and have a cup of tea!"

Seeing Li Mubao's solemn appearance, Qiao Ling'er exuded an aura of compassion that made him feel very close, she hurried over to pay a tithe, and said, "Xiao Sheng Qiao Ling'er, I have met the master."...

Li Mu stood up and returned the tithe, and said: "Amitabha, you are so kind, the almsgiver please sit down."

Only then did Qiao Ling'er sit across from Li Mu, and asked, "I haven't asked the master's name, what is the relationship with the two masters on the left and right?"

Li Mudao: "The poor monk Fahai, the left and right are the left and right protectors of the poor monk, and Zhizhu is the poor monk's attendant novice."

After all, Li Mu was enshrined in Zen for too short a time, and his reputation in the mortal world is not that great, basically only in the south of the Yangtze River.

People in other places may know the Bodhisattva Dawei Tianlong Mingwang, but they rarely know the name of Fahai.

Naturally, Qiao Ling'er didn't know about it, but when he heard that Master Left and Right was his protector, he knew that he was an unusual person.

"It turned out to be Zen Master Fahai, disrespectful and disrespectful, dare to ask Zen Master, why Xiaosheng appeared here?"

Li Mudao: "In order to enlighten the white lotus, you starved yourself to death, but it took a lot of effort from the poor monk to bring you back to life."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Ling'er quickly stood up again, bowed deeply to Li Mu, and said, "Thank you Zen Master for saving your life."

After he finished speaking, he came to his senses and said in amazement, "Zen master has the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

Li Mu smiled and said, "Do you know who the poor monk is?"

Qiao Ling'er stared at Li Mu blankly, then shook her head honestly.

"I am me and he is also."

As Li Mu said, he pointed to the statue enshrined in the main hall beside him.

Qiao Ling'er was taken aback, and lost her voice: "Are you Dawei Tianlong Mingwang Bodhisattva?"

Li Mu smiled and nodded, "Do you know who you are?"

Qiao Linger said: "Me? Of course I am Qiao Linger."

Li Mudao: "You are Qiao Ling'er, the reincarnation of Buddha Tathagata."

Qiao Ling'er pointed at herself in astonishment and said, "Tathagata Buddha reincarnated? Me?"

Li Mu sighed: "That's right, a major change occurred in the Three Realms. The great sage of the demon world, Wutian, was born out of nowhere, suppressed the Heavenly Court, occupied the Lingshan Mountain, and forced the Tathagata Buddha to reincarnate for a lifetime."

"You are born with great compassion, and you have the thought of saving all sentient beings, because you are the reincarnation of the Tathagata Buddha."

Qiao Ling'er was stunned for a moment before recovering, he did not doubt Li Mu's words.

What his family told him, the vision he had when he was born, and the seal of Buddha on his back all had a reason now.

He sat back on the stone bench again, frowned and said, "Then what can I do for the Three Realms?"

Li Mu shook his head and said, "You don't have to do anything, just live well and ensure that you will not be harmed by Wutian."

"The number of days is fixed. Dao eliminates demons for 33 years. Within 33 years, the destiny is in the sky."

"Thirty-three years later, the demons will disappear, and the Buddha will be reborn from Nirvana. He will regain his control of Lingshan, and the universe will be clear and clear, and the jade universe will be clear."

"But once you are harmed by Wutian, then the ashes will be wiped out, and the Buddha will have no return date, and Wutian will be able to capture the three realms forever."

"So keeping you from falling into the hands of Wutian is the most important task for poor monks and gods and Buddhas in the Three Realms who have not been suppressed by Wutian."

"So you need to go to a hidden place with the poor monk to avoid the search of the magic soldiers under Wutian's command."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Qiao Ling'er nodded slowly. He didn't have any fear at all, but because his own life and death were related to the safety of the Three Realms, he felt a little stressed. …

Qiao Ling'er pondered for a moment, and said, "Bodhisattva, before going to the hidden place with you, I have a wish."

Li Mudao: "But want to visit the cottage again?"


Li Mudao: "Then you don't have to go, because the cottage is empty."

Qiao Linger asked in confusion: "Why?"

Li Mudao: "Inspired by you, Bai Lianhua decided to abandon evil and do good. She has disbanded the cottage, returned all the looted things, and went to the county government to surrender herself."

"What?" Qiao Ling'er suddenly stood up, her eyes were extremely complicated, and her heart was both relieved and inexplicably painful.

He said in a daze: "She...she surrendered herself, what will happen?"

Li Mudao: "The county magistrate has sentenced her to death, and she will be executed tomorrow."



Qiao's Village, Qiao's residence.

Mrs. Qiao was a little uneasy and asked to the left and right: "Masters, that Bai Lianhua has already surrendered, why didn't Ling'er come back?"

Xiang Zuo comforted: "Old layman, don't worry, Ling'er is fine, he will be back soon."

Mrs. Qiao asked, "Is this true?"

"It's true..."

"Old master, old master, the young master is back, he is back."

Before Xiang You finished speaking, he saw Aaron rushing into the room suddenly, and happily said to Mrs. Qiao.

Xiang You smiled and said, "Hey, isn't it coming back?"

Grandpa Qiao stepped out of the room in surprise, and saw Qiao Ling'er walking side by side with a young monk in white robes.

"Ling'er, are you alright?"

"Grandpa, I'm fine. Bai Lianhua didn't embarrass her grandson."

Qiao Ling'er held the old man's hand, and said in a warm voice that he didn't intend to tell the old man the truth, so as not to worry him.

"That's good, that's good, who is this?" The heart that Mrs. Qiao was holding was finally put back in her stomach, and then she looked at Li Mu.

Without waiting for Qiao Ling'er's introduction, Xiang Zuo, Xiang You, Zhi Zhu, and Chen Xiang greeted the young monk on their own initiative, He Shi bowed and said, "I have seen Zen Master."

Li Mu smiled and nodded, "There's no need to be too polite."

The three got up, stood to the side, and introduced to the old man Qiao to the right: "Old layman, this is Chan Master Fahai. We are Chan Master's left and right protectors. Zhizhu is Zen Master's attendant novice."

As for Chen Xiang, because he pretended to be an apprentice from left to right before, it is difficult to explain it now.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Qiao hurriedly paid a tithe and said, "I've seen Zen master."

Li Mu stretched out his hand to help him up, and said: "That's good, old layman please get up quickly."

Afterwards, Mrs. Qiao invited Li Mu into the room, and arranged for Su Zhai to entertain him without mentioning it.

After Qiao Ling'er had dinner with Li Mu and the others, she proposed to visit Bai Lianhua, and Mrs. Qiao would not object.


County jail.

Bai Lianhua, who was wearing a prison uniform, had just eaten a hearty meal, and was sitting in the prison with her knees hugged, her mind was full of every detail since she met Qiao Linger.

Suddenly, a call came from beside her that haunted her dreams: "Lotus."

Bai Lianhua turned her head away in disbelief, both surprised and delighted.

She actually saw Qiao Linger squatting outside the cell door, looking at her with pity. …

"Linger." Bai Lianhua climbed to the door, grabbed Qiao Linger's hands, and said happily: "Linger, you really came back to life. The Bodhisattva didn't lie to me, that's great."

Qiao Linger clasped her fingers with her backhand, choked up and said, "Lianhua, I know that all you have done is for me, and I will not let you die."

Bai Lianhua smiled sadly: "Ling'er, don't be sad, I am willing to die for you."

"Linger, there is something I should have told you long ago, I... I like you, I have liked you since the first time I saw you, Linger, what about you? Do you like me?"

Tears rolled down from Qiao Ling'er's eyes, he nodded repeatedly and said, "I know, I knew a long time ago, I like you, and for you, I am also willing to die."

The white lotus wept with joy, and the tears gushed out like a bank bursting.

Qiao Ling'er held her hand tightly, and said resolutely: "Lianhua, don't cry, trust me, I won't let you die, I will always be with you."

Bai Lianhua cried and said: "Fool, how can you accompany me? I will be beheaded tomorrow, we two are really... destined to have nothing to do with each other!"

"I hope we can still be together in the next life. If there is a next life, I will never be a bandit. I will stay by your side obediently and be your good wife."

Hearing Bai Lianhua's true feelings, Qiao Linger's heart trembled, and she made up her mind to rescue Bai Lianhua.


Just when Qiao Ling'er set off to visit the white lotus in the county, Li Mu and the others who had returned to the temple welcomed the returning Golden-winged Roc, and Monkey King and Zhu Bajie who followed him.

"Junior brother, Chen Xiang, here we come!"

"Greetings to Master Uncle, Master Pig."

"Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother, I finally met you guys. These days, you have made me very worried, Senior Brother."

"Hey, I went to Tianmu Mountain and Haoranzong to look for you, but you were not there. I thought something happened to you. Why isn't my old grandson worried about you? Fortunately, I met King Dapeng Ming today."

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Li Mu suddenly looked at Zhu Bajie suspiciously.

Zhu Bajie was puzzled and said: "Junior Brother, why are you looking at me like that? Is there a flower on my face?"

Li Muzhan smiled and said, "Second Senior Brother, the first time I went to Mount Emei to visit you and Senior Senior Brother, I brought you a greeting gift, do you still remember what Senior Brother gave you?"

"Uh..." Zhu Bajie was stunned, scratched his head and said, "It's been decades, how can I remember?"

Sun Wukong's eyes flickered slightly, and he said with a smile: "You idiot, you ate a lot of flat peaches brought by my junior brother at that time, and you don't even remember it."

Zhu Bajie looked suddenly enlightened, patted his forehead and said: "Yes, yes, look at my memory, but how can I remember that you eat a lot, senior brother?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Mu and Sun Wukong's expressions suddenly darkened, and there was an inexplicable silence in the field.

The three of Zhizhu from left to right are still a little unclear, so the clever and quick-witted Chen Xiang has already seen the problem.

Monkey King came behind Zhu Bajie in a flash, and without saying a word, he stretched out his hand and plucked it into his ear.

Seeing this, Chen Xiang also dodges to Zhu Bajie's side, and with a swipe of his sword, the Yitian Sword circles out, and the three form a triangle to surround Zhu Bajie.

Li Mu shouted heavily: "Bold and wicked, you dare to pretend to be my second senior brother. I want you to show your true colors."

"Dawei Tianlong, Daluo Dharma Mantra, Prajna Buddhas, Prajna Ba Ma Hong, appearing in form."

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