The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 274 Belonging to Zhang Qin's Infinity

Chapter 274 Belonging to Zhang Qin's Infinity

The rising sun slowly emerged from the east, gradually infiltrating the light blue sky, and the warm breeze blew across the tree-lined path, bringing a bit of comfortable coolness.

As always, Li Mu and Zhang Qin, who got up early in the morning, walked slowly side by side on the tree-lined path of the community in the warm morning light, enjoying the tranquility and elegance of the morning.

"Honey, are you busy recently?"

Zhang Qin tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "There's nothing going on recently. Sister Qiu is in charge of business matters. Several new designs of clothing are being launched, and there is no need to develop new products for the time being."

Li Mu smiled and said, "That means I'm free. It just so happens that my book will be finished in the next two days. I plan to settle down for a while and take a good rest first. I'm not in a hurry to start a new book."

"Why don't we go out and have fun, we've never traveled together before!"

Zhang Qin was very surprised and said: "Really? Then where shall we go?"

Li Mu asked back, "What do you think?"

Zhang Qin giggled and said, "I can do anything, as long as I'm with you, I can go anywhere."

Li Muluo pondered for a while, and said: "Then let's go from near to far. This time, we will go to Southeast Asia first, starting from Annan, and then going around in Khmer, Siam, and Pyu."

"Yeah, listen to you."

After making a decision, the two immediately prepared to drive when they got home, and Li Mu went online to contact a private tour guide.

Traveling these days, as long as you have money, basically you don't have to worry about anything, the private tour guide will arrange everything.

All travel matters were prepared in just three days, and the two of them took their luggage and set off directly.

Li Mu did not take Zhang Qin on a trip this time on a whim, but planned it, as can be seen from the itinerary he arranged.

Two days before going out, they were playing normally. On the third day, Li Mu took Zhang Qin to the live ammunition shooting experience hall.

This kind of live ammunition shooting experience hall also exists in China, but it is all run by the government in China, the gun types are not so rich, and the price is a little expensive.

Zhang Qin loves sports and fitness, and is also very interested in firearms. In the live ammunition shooting experience hall, Li Mu taught her how to use various firearms.

He also took her to sign up for simulated actual combat, a game similar to military exercises.

The gun is real, and the bullets are blank. The gun is equipped with an infrared sensor, and there is also a pyrotechnic sensor on the person. Once the gun is sensed, it will emit smoke.

Naturally, Li Mu didn't expect to make her a master in a few days, but let her get in touch with it first, to get a little familiar with the feeling of fighting.

After a week like this, it was another few days of normal scenic spots, and then Li Mu took her to the wilderness area of ​​the Golden Triangle. They went camping.

During this process, Li Mu cast a spell secretly, creating a scene in which the militants fought and they were forced to get involved.

The best way for a person to grow up at the fastest speed in terms of combat is to place her on the battlefield.

This time the scene was not too big, Li Mu mainly wanted to let Zhang Qin experience the feeling of facing life and death first, so that she dared to pick up a gun and hit people.

In order to train his own little daughter-in-law, Li Mu has also taken great pains.

With him in charge, although the process was thrilling and exciting, there was no real danger.

Of course, in order to obtain the greatest effect, Li Mu also had to be ruthless, causing Zhang Qin to suffer some injuries, and he himself was shot a few times to protect her.

But it was because he was shot that Zhang Qin's anger and vigor were aroused, and she finally let her shoot someone.

After several battles hovering between life and death, Zhang Qin grew up rapidly, and her whole temperament became different.

In the end, it was naturally Li Mu who turned the tide with his super fighting power, solved all the troubles with a heroic attitude, and returned to China through the embassy smoothly.

But because of this, his identity could no longer be concealed, and he had a showdown with his wife.

This time the showdown is not for him to say, but for Zhang Qin through the mouth of the official, so that the effect will be better.

Officials privately told Zhang Qin that Li Mu was once a legendary mercenary in Africa, a ruthless man who defeated a rebel organization by himself, and now he doesn't know what he wants to do when he returns to China.

So they advised Zhang Qin to carefully consider whether to continue living with him, because this person is very dangerous.

At first Zhang Qin was full of bewilderment, but after she calmed down, her heart was filled with happiness, and she only had endless admiration for her husband.

A legendary mercenary who single-handedly killed tens of thousands of rebels, gave up all his glory and halo, and returned to this small broken county to live an ordinary life with her. What else could she think about?
Zhang Qin announced domineeringly that no matter who Li Mu was, she only knew that he was her husband, and that the two of them obeyed the law and did not commit any crimes, let alone hinder anyone.

The official personnel were originally under Li Mu's control, and after getting Zhang Qin's attitude towards the series of things they did, they naturally had nothing to do.

The two were quickly let go. After returning home, Li Mu told Zhang Qin his story in detail.

Of course, it is a story where the identity of the reincarnation is removed.

After graduation, he went to Africa with his parents to open a restaurant, encountered a rebel rebellion, and his parents were brutally killed by the rebels. He tried his best to train himself, and finally transformed into a legendary mercenary.

After that, it continued to fight against the rebels, which was mixed with some descriptions of suddenly entering some strange states at the critical moment of life and death during the battle.

This is also a foreshadowing left by Li Mu, which will be useful in the future.

After listening to Li Mu's narration, Zhang Qin admired him even more, and became more interested in guns and fighting since then.

She wanted to have more common topics with Li Mu and get closer to him, so she started to learn fighting and fighting, and went to the live ammunition shooting experience hall to shoot every now and then.

In such a state, two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Qin is not what it used to be.

Under Li Mu's personal training, few of the coaches in the boxing gym are her opponents, and her marksmanship is also very good, and she is a thief in rapid-fire sports.

Li Mu saw that the time was ripe, but his next reincarnation had not yet come, so he decided to start his own plan.


"Want to understand the meaning of life? Want to really... live? Yes/no."

In Mu Qin's clothing design and development director's office, Zhang Qin looked at the computer with a slightly changed face. Just now she was designing 3D virtual samples on the computer, when this pop-up window suddenly popped up on the screen.

"It's over, it can't be a virus!"

Zhang Qin was a little flustered at this moment, all her design materials were saved in this computer, so nothing could go wrong.

Naturally, she didn't dare to randomly click on this pop-up window of unknown origin, because there are actually some Trojan horse viruses that can't be selected.

Whether you click yes or no, or even click fork, you will be poisoned immediately, and no one knows what the consequences will be after being infected.

So Zhang Qin took out her mobile phone and prepared to call a professional to deal with it.

In the sky, Li Mupo was a little dumbfounded. This girl was quite cautious, but in desperation she had no choice but to send out a wave of divine sense and forcibly interfered with it.

Zhang Qin was about to make a phone call, but her mind suddenly became confused. She involuntarily grabbed the mouse and clicked Yes.

The next moment, she disappeared at the desk.

And just 1 minute after she disappeared, an employee opened the office door with a document, and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Zhang, the fashion week... er..."

When it was found that Zhang Qin was not there, the employee left the director's office and asked other office colleagues: "Is Mr. Zhang out?"

"Didn't see her come out!"

"Isn't Mr. Zhang in the office all the time?"

"I didn't see anyone!"

"No way!"

"Call her!"

The employee dialed Zhang Qin's phone, but the phone rang on the computer desk.


cold, shaking...

The moment Zhang Qin woke up, when she found herself lying on the cold ground, she jumped up immediately.

After seeing the surrounding environment clearly for a moment, he took a few steps to the position against the wall, stood with his back against the wall, and looked around vigilantly.

This movement is crisp and smooth, very smooth, quite a bit like a rabbit rising and falling.

"Unexpectedly, among the newcomers this time, the one with the best quality is actually a little girl."

An interested voice came from the side, Zhang Qin turned her head to look at the speaker, her pupils shrank slightly.

It was an ordinary-looking young man who looked 24 or [-] years old, but he had several old scars on his face, which made him look a little more hideous.

Zhang Qin is petite, less than 1.6 meters tall, but her proportions are very well-proportioned.

At this time, she was wearing a small beige casual suit, a pair of jeans on her lower body, and a pair of white sneakers under her feet.

A very tender childlike face made her look as pure as a high school girl, making it impossible for others to judge her real age.

She was originally 28 years old this year, but the young man with the scarred face still described her as a "little girl".

Seeing Zhang Qin looking at her, with a raised eyebrow on her scarred face, she took a puff of the cigarette in her hand, and asked her, "Have you practiced?"

Zhang Qin nodded cautiously, and asked, "Who are you? Why am I here?"

After a while, she had already seen the surrounding environment clearly. This was a moving train carriage, which was traveling at a very fast speed. The coldness and shaking were exactly the feeling from this carriage.

Not far from her right, four men, two women and six people in different clothes were lying on the ground.

And behind the young man with the scarred face sat a group of foreigners with European and American faces.

Those people were fully armed, with long and short firearms on their bodies, which made Zhang Qin fearful, and what happened two years ago came to her mind again.

That can be said to be the most unforgettable memory in the past 28 years of her life.

At this moment, among the six people lying on the ground, another young man in a suit and leather shoes who looked like a white collar jumped up from the ground.

Scarface looked at the man and said: "The second one wakes up, your quality is not bad."

After the young man turned his head and looked around, he asked Scarface the same question: "Where is this place? Who are you? Why am I here?"

Maybe he saw foreigners at the scene, so he asked this question in English.

Scarface pointed to his own head, and said: "Think about it carefully, it should have implanted all of this in your mind."

Hearing this, Zhang Qin quickly concentrated her energy and found that there were some more memories in her mind.

Lord God space, plot world, infinite reincarnation, survival and strengthening...

Zhang Qin only read web novels when she was a student, and never read them again after graduation, and what she reads were all women's novels, so she has no sense of Infinity Stream, and naturally it is impossible to understand Infinity Horror.

Therefore, when she encountered this kind of thing at first, she was a little flustered. After all, it was different from the time-traveling and Gongdou articles she had read, and it was very terrible.

At this moment, she misses her husband very much, not only because of the sense of security he brought her, but also because she is worried about how sad he will be if he finds out that she is missing.

Although she has also shot people with a gun in the hail of bullets, she has also felt the horror of bullets whizzing past her ears.

But when she went through all this, her husband was by her side, and she was not afraid of anything.

Now facing this strange encounter alone, no matter how strong the will is, it is inevitable that he will feel a little panicked.

At this time, other people lying on the ground also woke up one after another, recalling the memories in their minds according to Scarface's prompt.

After a while, Scarface said: "The plot world this time is the first part of Resident Evil."

"Rookies, you are really lucky. It is the first time you come across such a relaxing horror movie. Even if you die, you will die easily."

A newcomer, Fatty, said: "You mean, we just enter the computer with consciousness now, just like encounters in fantasy novels."

"As long as we complete this game, the conscious body will return to the body and be resurrected?"

Scarface took out a handful of silver sand eagles from his bosom, and while playing with them, he said, "I don't know if it's a conscious body, but you will feel pain, get hurt, and die."

"And you are wrong. When you finish this game, you will enter the next unknown horror movie. Maybe you have seen this horror movie, or maybe you haven't."

"Every time the main god will bring in new members to fill in the newcomers who died in the last horror movie, the number of people is between seven and 20 each time."

"In other words, this Resident Evil is a horror movie with very little danger, so there are only eight of us in total."

The little fat man sneered and said, "How do you know that those who died have returned to their bodies? Maybe they chose to die by themselves?"

Scarface raised his head abruptly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he seemed to be transformed into a black panther. The speed was so fast that even Zhang Qin couldn't react.

Everyone only saw him bend his legs and bounce up, and the next second he was already on top of the little fat man.

The hunting pistol Desert Eagle, which can kill large beasts with one shot, was stuck in the little fat man's mouth.

"Then do you want to try to die? Can you imagine the infinite horror?"

"I have experienced three horror films. The first one was A Nightmare on Elm Street. There were [-] newcomers in that film, and there were also two veterans who had lived through two horror films."

"But do you know the ending? They were all killed in their dreams, only me and one other survived."

"Do you want to know what it's like to be killed by a fantastic dream?"

"Do you want to see everything around you turn into wriggling rotten flesh? In an extremely gloomy factory, do you see with your own eyes the pain of your own body being slowly crushed bit by bit by a pair of scissors?"

"You shit, do you want to die?"

Scarface roared hysterically, the killing intent in his eyes was so obvious.

The little fat man was so frightened that he was so weak that his mouth was stuffed into the muzzle of a gun, which made him unable to even beg for mercy.

Zhang Qin looked at the others, swallowed, stepped forward boldly, and said in a soft voice: "Hey, don't be like this, you are a senior, he is just a newcomer who doesn't understand anything, why do you bother?" Are you familiar with him?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, others also spoke to persuade her. Scarface took a deep look at Zhang Qin, and finally pulled the gun out of the little fat man's mouth, and walked back to the seat she had just sat down on.

While wiping the little fat man's saliva on his coat, he said calmly: "Death in horror movies is real death."

"And tortured to death by the demons in these horror movies, you will die miserable, so if you don't have the determination to live, if I were you, I would kill myself immediately."

A girl who unconsciously walked up to Zhang Qin and stood with her, with a pair of rimless glasses on her face, although not as good-looking as Zhang Qin, was not bad, a girl who seemed to have a calm and calm demeanor, asked Said: "Then we can't go back to our body?"

Scarface frowned, and said, "Let me emphasize again, you didn't enter your consciousness into the computer. Do you think this game is something that human technology can do?"

"No, this is God's masterpiece. We are just bugs in their eyes. To make them laugh, they catch us and throw us into horror movies."

"We entered this world together with our bodies and spirits, and we can't go back. At least I don't think we can go back."

Zhang Qin grasped an important point in an instant, and asked, "What do you think?"

The girl with glasses also said: "Judging from your tone, it seems that there is really hope of going back, but that hope is not great?"

Scarface looked at the two women standing together, a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes, and said: "The quality of the newcomers this time is really good... Yes, there is indeed hope of going back."

Zhang Qin was overjoyed, and said firmly: "As long as there is hope to go back, no matter how small the hope is, I must try my best to meet the conditions."

Scarface smiled and said: "Desperate? Little girl, have you tried your life? Do you understand the meaning of these two words?"

Zhang Qin looked at him and said seriously: "I did it. Two years ago in the Golden Triangle, my husband and I fought with hundreds of militants. We survived the hail of bullets."

"Also, don't call me a little girl, I'm 28 years old this year, older than you."


The newcomers stared blankly at Zhang Qin, and Dao Scar looked at her strangely and said, "You and your husband...can't be drug lords or arms dealers?"

Zhang Qin shook her head and said, "No, I'm just an ordinary person. My official occupation is a fashion designer, but my husband is a retired legendary mercenary."

"I have received his training, I have also experienced the battlefield, and I have faced life and death, so I will definitely survive. Do you have any extra weapons, can you lend me one first?"

Well, she said so much, the main purpose is to get a weapon from the veteran Scarface.

Although her fighting ability is not weak, it is stupid to attack zombies with bare hands.

The corner of Scarface's mouth twitched, and he said, "The Desert Eagle in my hand has unlimited bullets, so I don't have any other spare guns, so I'll give this to you!"

After speaking, he pulled out a military dagger from his back and threw it to Zhang Qin.

Zhang Qin took it with a copy of her hand, holding the knife tip backwards in her hand, with the blade clinging to her forearm.

Seeing her posture holding a dagger, Scarface nodded, it was really professional.

Only a layman would hold a dagger with the tip facing forward like a sword. That would not be able to exert the power of the dagger at all, especially when it was used to deal with zombies.

Because killing zombies can only stab the head, holding a dagger is impossible to operate at all.

After this episode, Zhang Qin has a certain prestige in this team.

Scarface explained to everyone the condition for going back, which is to collect [-] points, and then explained the mission.

When he was about to finish speaking, the car started to slow down and smoked the last cigarette. He threw away the cigarette butt and said in a low voice: "Okay, the plot is about to begin, and they can hear our conversation."

"Remember, if they hear any topic that may reveal the existence of the main god's space, ten points will be deducted."

"Every sentence is ten points, and the negative part will be deducted from the next reward, rookies... Live well!"

The carriage stopped, and the group of mercenaries and Scarface walked out one after another.

Zhang Qin took a deep breath, clenched the dagger in her hand, and followed with strides.

The girl with glasses followed closely behind Zhang Qin, as if Zhang Qin was the only one who made her feel safe among all the people present.

(End of this chapter)

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