The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 278 Sister Qin's Strengthening

Chapter 278 Sister Qin's Strengthening

This is a huge and empty square. A large ball of light hangs in the center of the square, like the sun, illuminating the whole square.

There are no more, no less, exactly [-] houses on the edge of the square, and the surrounding area outside the square is filled with endless darkness, a kind of remote darkness that is so dark that there is not even a trace of light.

The square, which was originally dead and silent, suddenly became noisy with the appearance of several figures out of thin air.

"Lord God, heal."

As soon as he appeared here, Zhang Jie said four words weakly.

At this time, his condition was a bit miserable, his entire left shoulder and his left arm had disappeared, and a huge claw mark on his chest almost ripped open his stomach, and his whole body was bloody.

Just after he said those four words, a beam of light shot out from the main god's big light ball, covering him in it.

Zhang Jie's broken body floated in the beam of light, suspended at a height of four or five meters above the ground.

The dots of light kept sinking into his body, and Zhang Jie's body gradually began to recover like a video played backwards.

Parts that disappeared reappeared, even clothes.

At this moment, Zhang Qin, Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, and Li Xiaoyi were sitting slumped on the ground, looking at this scene in shock.

During the final hours of the plot world, they decided to stay in the main computer room and wait for the time to end.

There is no doubt that the Lord God will not allow them to pass the test easily and safely.

With only the last ten minutes left, the Red Queen was suddenly shut down again, and a crawler rushed into the laser channel, forcibly breaking through the alloy gate and rushing in.

The five of them tried their best to avoid the creeper's attack in the small space of the computer room.

Zhang Jie intended to fight back and shot at the creeper, which made him the key target of the creeper.

Fortunately, when he was entangled by the creeper's tongue and was about to be dismembered by the creeper, the time ended and they returned to the main god's space in an instant.

When Zhang Jie was being treated, a beautiful girl in a cheongsam rushed out of a room on the edge of the square.

Seeing Zhang Jie's miserable appearance, she tightly covered her mouth and wept, tears pouring down like springs.

Zhang Qin and the others were not too surprised by the girl's appearance, because during the final waiting time, Zhang Jie told them many things about the main God's space.

So they all knew that this girl was created by Zhang Jie.

After about a few minutes, Zhang Jie recovered completely, and slowly floated down from mid-air, and the beam of light was retracted into the big light ball again.

The girl wept and rushed towards Zhang Jie. This man, who had always been fierce and decisive, showed the tenderness of a tough man for the first time.

He also rushed towards the girl, hugged her and gave her a painful kiss in front of everyone, before leaving for a long time.

Zhang Jie picked up the girl, hugged her horizontally in his arms, walked to his room, and said in his mouth: "If you don't understand anything, just ask the Lord God, just communicate with your consciousness."

"Choose a room at will, and construct whatever layout you want with your consciousness."

At the same time as the voice fell, the person had disappeared into the door, and with a heavy closing sound, the square became quiet again.

After Zhang Qin and the others looked at each other for a while, they all lay softly on the ground. It was only at this moment that they really realized that they survived.

Zhang Jie's remnant body just now had a great impact on their hearts.

Zhan Lan said weakly: "This guy's nerves are really tenacious. He has become that virtuous just now, and he still has the sexual interest to do such things. My hands and feet are still soft!"

Zhang Qin sighed: "This is the difference between a veteran and a rookie. After all, he has experienced several worlds, and his will is not comparable to that of a rookie."

After the two fell silent for a while, they didn't hear the movement of Zheng Zha and Li Xiaoyi, and looked up in surprise.

But he saw the two of them standing under the big ball of light of the Lord God with their eyes closed. Seeing the way their lower bodies were raised, they should be thinking about the woman they wanted.

Zhan Lan said in embarrassment: "You two idiots, you just experienced such a dangerous thing and were so frightened, and now you think about such a thing, men are all idiots."

Zhang Qin got up and went to a room, and said in the mouth: "It is because of such a dangerous experience just now that I need to vent more, or I will go crazy sooner or later. Take a good rest and see you tomorrow."

Zhan Lan glanced at the two men again, snorted, and went to the room next to Zhang Qin's choice.


Zhang Qin had a good sleep, opened the room after waking up, and came to the main god square.

Before anyone else came out, the square was completely silent at this moment, so she went straight to the big light ball and closed her eyes.

This is a very strange feeling. The moment she closed her eyes, she felt as if she had merged into the light cluster.

In front of her mind, there was an interface similar to a computer screen, in which four categories of options were listed: technology, magic and legend, auxiliary, and entertainment.

In addition, there are six personal attributes: intelligence, mental strength, cell vitality, nerve reactivity, muscle tissue strength, and immunity strength.

Then there are reward points and the number of horror branch plots. At this time, her reward points are 15032 points, plus an A-level horror branch plot.

Zhang Qin patiently began to familiarize herself with the exchange of the main god, and kept asking various questions to the main god.

With the deepening of her understanding, she also had a vague understanding of what kind of exchange she should make.

Looking at the prices of various exchanges, Zhang Qin found that whenever the mysterious power of the East was involved, the exchange prices would be extremely expensive.

But judging from the main god's description of it, the price/performance ratio is far inferior to some science fiction and fantasy powers.

Zhang Qin knew that perhaps the growth potential of the mysterious power in the east was very high, but for the reincarnated, the most important thing was to form combat power as soon as possible.

If you pursue potential too much and cannot form immediate combat power, the biggest possibility is that you have fallen in the cycle of reincarnation before you grow up.

So she directly passed the exchange on the mysterious side of the East, and set her sights on science fiction and fantasy.

In her opinion, the blood of those sci-fi mutants may also belong to a special physique.

With this special physique, if you have the opportunity to encounter the relevant oriental mysterious side world in the future, maybe you will have a congenital physique or something?

For example, the fire man in the Fantastic Four, could it be the so-called innate fire spirit body?What would happen if he was asked to practice fire attribute exercises?

Of course, this is just Zhang Qin's wishful thinking, and she is not sure if it is so.

But even if there is no such benefit, it's nothing, anyway, its bloodline itself is not weak.

Zhang Qin opened the sci-fi category, and looked at bloodline exchanges that she could afford.

"Spider-Man's gene mutation bloodline, with an evaluation of 83 points, is suitable for horror movies that require high agility. The skill spider silk can be used in any situation. It needs a B-level horror branch plot once, and the reward points are 2000 points."

"The blood of the stone man gene mutation, with an evaluation of 85 points, is suitable for most horror movies. It has super high defense and strength. It is in a normal state and can actively alienate into a stone man. When it is attacked or feels threatened, it can automatically alienate into a stone man. , need a B-level horror branch plot once, rewarding 2500 points."

"Pyroman's gene mutation bloodline, rated 92 points, suitable for most horror films, can be transformed into Pyroman, has the ability to fly, can survive in space, the highest temperature can reach the surface temperature of the sun, is in a normal state, and can actively alienate into fire People who are attacked or feel threatened can be automatically alienated into Pyroman, which requires an A-level horror sub-story and rewards 4500 points."

What Zhang Qin is looking at at the moment is all one-shot exchanges, which do not require preconditions, and there are no follow-up advanced exchanges.

The characteristic of this kind of exchange is that once it is exchanged, it can become stronger immediately, almost instantly becoming that person.

Of course, it was the opponent's state when he just mutated. To perfectly master his own mutation ability and develop it to the extreme, he had to practice a lot by himself.

However, such an exchange, while inheriting the ability of mutant blood, naturally also inherits all its advantages and disadvantages, so it is easy to be targeted.

Finally, the upper limit of this kind of exchange is not high, and there is no growth potential.

So Zhang Qin gave up this one-shot exchange, and turned to look at the exchange from weak to strong, step by step.

"Bloodline earl's mutant bloodline, rated 90 points, is suitable for most horror movies, the skill bloodline energy can use some bloodline skills, the vitality of the earl-level bloodline is greatly increased, the brain and heart are not damaged, and life can be continuously restored, because it is Mutated blood, so the changer will not be afraid of the sun, silver, etc., needs a B-level horror branch plot, rewards 2000 points, and the blood viscount has a mutant blood."

"Beta-level iceman mutant lineage, rated 88 points, suitable for most horror films, has the ability to release low temperature, freeze objects, and manipulate ice, and can create a low temperature of minus 76 degrees Celsius in a few seconds, the lowest can reach absolute Zero degree... needs a B-level horror branch plot, rewards 2800 points, and gamma-level Iceman mutant blood."

This is the exchange of advanced bloodlines. If you want to exchange bloodlines for the next stage, you must first exchange for the previous level.

There are six ranks of blood family: Baron, Viscount, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and Prince.

Mutants also have six levels: Ipsilon, Delta, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, and Omega.

The highest level of Omega-level bloodlines has almost unlimited energy, and its power is equivalent to that of the gods in the Marvel world. Thor is roughly similar to Omega-level mutants.

These exchanges all need to be exchanged from the lowest level, and then upgraded step by step.

Whether it is the upper limit of growth or the power of ability, it is much stronger than the bloodline that is bought and sold with one hammer.

So Zhang Qin decided to exchange for this growable bloodline.

Before she decided on the exchange goal, she set a basic standard for herself, that is, what effect should her exchange have.

The first criterion is the panacea, which must be effective in any type of world, not only to kill living things, but also to kill demons and ghosts.

And there is precisely one kind of power that can possess powerful lethality no matter in the world of science and technology, the world of supernatural beings, or the world of magic and legends.

This force is thunder and lightning.

In view of this, after many comparisons, Zhang Qin locked the bloodline she wanted to exchange.

"Omega-level storm girl bloodline, rated 96 points, suitable for most horror films, can manipulate the weather, release storms and lightning, can sense and affect weather energy forms, ranging from minor weather changes to snowstorms, lightning Larger meteorological phenomena such as storms and even tornadoes."

"When the ability is fully used, it can create cosmic phenomena such as solar storms and torrents of cosmic elements, which is comparable to Thor, and can instantly destroy a planet when it is extremely angry. It requires an S-level horror branch story and rewards 20000 points. Alpha-level storm girl blood."

This is the description of the highest level of Storm Maiden's bloodline. Zhang Qin can't afford it at present, but even if she can afford it, it is not weak.

The lowest Ipsilon-level bloodline, no need for side plots, can be exchanged for 1000 reward points, which is the price of all bloodlines.

In other words, as long as they survived the first horror movie, basically anyone can redeem a lowest bloodline.

It's just that this lowest bloodline is really useless.

Take the storm girl bloodline as an example, the Ipsilon-level storm girl bloodline can also emit a paralyzing electric current, which is almost as powerful as an electric baton.

And to buy a 10-volt electric baton, you only need 30 bonus points.

So no one would do it without enough bonus points and side storylines to upgrade bloodlines.

Zhang Qin decided without hesitation to exchange for the blood of Storm Girl, and then upgraded it to beta level in one go.

She exchanged one A-level plot for three B-level plots, took out one B-level plot for three C-level plots, and exchanged one C-level plot for three D-level plots.

To upgrade Storm's bloodline to beta level, she needs to spend a total of one BCD level branch storyline and 10000 reward points.

In the end, she will have one B-level branch plot, two C-level plots, two D-level plots, and 5032 reward points.

The remaining side plots are enough for her to exchange for another bloodline and upgrade to B level, but the reward points are far from enough.

And Zhang Qin doesn't really want to spend all the reward points. As long as she can save some reward points every time she reincarnates, she will be able to collect [-] points sooner or later, leave the space of the Lord God, and return to the real world.

After she made a decision, she informed the main god of her strengthening intention.

The side plot and reward points were instantly deducted, and a beam of light enveloped her.

Zhang Qin only felt that her whole body was numb and numb, every inch of skin, or every cell, was undergoing violent movements.

Somehow, she felt that she seemed to be able to sense the energy elements of the outside world, communicate with them, and then control them.

Zhang Qin didn't know how long it had passed. When she opened her eyes, she was already standing on the ground, while Zhan Lan was standing 30 meters away, looking at her with amazement.

Zhang Qin blinked, smiled at her, and said, "What's wrong? Why are you standing so far away?"

Hearing Zhang Qin's words, Zhan Lan trotted forward and said excitedly, "Sister Qin, what were you doing just now? Why did the sparks bring lightning?"

"Sparks with lightning?" Zhang Qin looked at her puzzled.

Zhan Lan nodded again and again, and said with dancing gestures: "Yes, just now you were floating in the air, with a tornado on your body, and lightning wrapped around the wind column. It was really scary to look at."

Zhang Qin understood that it should be the effect of Storm Girl's ability. She tried to condense those energy elements just now.

"I just exchanged for the bloodline of Storm from the X-Men. It should be that when the main god strengthened me, the ability activated by itself."

"Storm?" Zhan Lan asked curiously, "Why did you choose this one?"

Zhang Qin walked to the open space. She bought a set of leisure furniture from the main god and placed it directly in the open space of the square.

Then he sat down at the leisure table, bought two more cocktails, and handed one to Zhan Lan.

These living utensils are ridiculously cheap. In reality, things worth at least tens of thousands of yuan are worth only a few reward points here.

After clinking glasses with Zhan Lan and taking a sip of their cocktails, Zhang Qin explained: "I have seen a lot of bloodlines, and the price-performance ratio of Storm is relatively high."

"The ability to control the storm, let alone lethality, first of all it allows me to fly, the speed is not slow, this is already a very practical ability."

"Then there is her ability to control lightning. The energy of lightning itself is not weak in destructive power, and the damage output is very high."

"In the words of Taoism, thunder and lightning are the most upright and upright forces in the world, and they themselves contain the power to destroy evil, and to some extent even represent the power of heaven."

"So even in the face of ghost targets, Storm's power can still play a huge role."

"Exchanging for one bloodline, you can master multiple abilities at the same time and be able to deal with any situation. With such a cost-effective ratio, why not change it?"

After listening to Zhang Qin's words, Zhan Lan nodded silently. Anyway, she couldn't afford to exchange it, and she wasn't sure whether Zhang Qin was right or wrong. Naturally, she could only do what he said.

She just asked curiously: "Then sister Qin, how much reward points did you spend in exchange for the blood of Storm Girl?"

Zhang Qin said: "Ten thousand."


After Zhan Lan asked that question, she just took a sip of the cocktail, but as soon as Zhang Qin answered, she immediately spit out the wine she just drank.

"Cough cough cough... How much... how much?" Zhan Lan asked in disbelief with her eyes wide open while coughing violently.

Zhang Qin smiled and said, "Each of those mercenaries should be worth 3000 reward points. I changed the plot of the laser channel and saved four mercenaries. How much income do you have?"

"However, the most important thing to us is actually not the reward points, but something called 'horror side plot'. Without this thing, no matter how many reward points are, it is useless."

While Zhang Qin was speaking, the door of another room opened, and Zhang Jie came out, just in time to hear her last sentence.

Zhang Jie couldn't help but asked in amazement: "So you got the horror plot?"

Zhang Qin nodded and said, "Rescue the four mercenaries, and I will get an A-level horror storyline."


Zhang Jie took a deep breath, sat down on the sofa in front of the tea table, stared and said: "I have experienced the plot world four times, and the only mission I have ever seen that can get a horror side plot is to kill Fred from the world of Elm Street. Leddy, and this is just a B-grade horror side story."

Zhang Qin pondered: "The task you mentioned is a task issued by the Lord God, right?"

Zhang Jie said: "Yes."

Zhang Qin smiled and said: "That's different. What I do is to actively change the plot. If I use the game world view, I can be regarded as triggering a hidden mission, which is different from the mission that the Lord God actively released."

When Zhang Qin said this, Zhang Jie and Zhan Lan basically understood.

The task issued by the main god allows the reincarnation to clearly know what they are going to face.

The reincarnation will take the initiative to prepare, to conceive and plan how to complete the task, and everything is carried out under the condition of preparation.

In a situation like Zhang Qin's, it is a temporary idea, with great uncertainty and greater danger, so the reward is naturally not of the same order.

Zhang Jie looked at Zhang Qin and smiled wryly: "I worked so hard and almost died several times, but I only got more than 4000 reward points, and I didn't even get a D-level in the horror storyline."

"This is only the first story world for you, so you will get an A-level, and the reward points may exceed [-]. It seems that in the future, you will have to hang out with Sister Qin to have a future."

Zhan Lan nodded again and again approvingly, and she became more determined to hug Zhang Qin's thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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