The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 280 Lun Zhang Zai Qiqin's brother-in-law is here

Chapter 280

The basement of Zhang Jie's house was set up by him as a comprehensive training ground, which was the size of more than a dozen football fields, and it was even more complete than the training ground of special forces.

There are fixed shooting ranges, outdoor scene simulation shooting ranges, simulated confrontation ranges, equipment ranges, professional parkour sports-level obstacle ranges, fighting ranges, stunt driving training ranges and so on.

The outer circle of the training ground is the runway, with a circle of exactly 5 kilometers.

"From now on, we have to start training at full capacity, which means training for at least twelve hours a day."

"In terms of physical fitness, you don't need to train deliberately, and you won't get much effect in just nine days."

"We only need to accurately grasp our physical limits. Only by knowing our physical limits can we plan to preserve our physical strength in the plot world."

"So our main training goal is to digest the attributes strengthened by the main god, and perfectly control the current physical conditions, especially strength and nerve reflexes."

"Besides, there are combat-related skills such as shooting, fighting, parkour, and driving."

After briefly introducing the training outline, Zhang Jie said to Zhang Qin: "Sister Qin is relatively professional in shooting and fighting, and it's up to you to formulate specific training methods."

"I can be responsible for parkour and stunt driving. At the same time, I can also serve as a sparring partner to help everyone train their fighting skills. Sister Qin, are you okay?"

Zhang Qin gestured OK, indicating that there was no problem.

Zheng Zha asked, "How do we solve the shooting training? Here you have a Sand Eagle with unlimited bullets. Don't we just practice handjobs?"

In the past, Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi couldn't control the recoil of the Sand Eagle at all, but after strengthening their muscle tissue, they can easily control the Sand Eagle now.

Zhang Jie explained: "Didn't I say that when we are in the room, we can create any non-magical legendary items out of thin air, but we can't take them out of the room."

As he said that, he closed his eyes and made a gesture of holding the gun with both hands, and an M4A1 assault rifle appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Seeing this, everyone suddenly realized, Li Xiaoyi also closed his eyes excitedly, spread his hands, and then an AK47 appeared in his hand.

Zhang Qin thought of something and said to Zheng Zha: "Zheng Zha, in addition to shooting, you also need to focus on practicing cold weapons."

"With your blood count's physical fitness, especially your speed, the lethality of shooting weapons may not be as powerful as a poke of your finger."

"If you advance further in the future, maybe your speed itself is faster than bullets, so your fighting style should be inclined to close combat."

Zheng Zha agreed: "That's right, I think so too."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, held his right hand empty, and soon an Xiuchun knife appeared in his hand.

Zheng Zha made a few slashing movements at random, and the blade pierced through the air with a sharp chi chi sound, making the scalps of Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi on the side tingle.

Zheng Zha caressed the blade and nodded in satisfaction. The blade was really easy to use.

The Xiuchun Knife has absorbed the advantages of Tang Hengdao, Songshoudao and other famous knives of the previous generation, and also partly borrowed the advantages of Dongying Knife and Mongolian Knife. It can be called a masterpiece of East Asian combat knives.

It can be held with one hand to flexibly exert its huge lethality of stabbing, or it can be held with both hands to exert its power of slashing and slashing. It is an extremely practical sword.

He looked at Zhang Qin subconsciously, thinking to himself, before starting the reincarnation, he would have to borrow some reward points from Sister Qin to buy a knife.

He spent all of his own reward points, strengthening the mutated bloodline to Earl level, 4000 reward points are just enough, there is really not any left, and he even has to eat with Zhang Jie these few days.

The same goes for Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi, Zhang Jie doesn't care about the three melons and dates, he earns some reward points for killing zombies, which is more than enough for living expenses.

Zheng Zha also checked the price of cold weapons before. A hundred-smelting iron knife only costs 30 reward points, so Sister Qin must not refuse to borrow it.

Zhang Qin didn't know what Zheng Zha was thinking, so she just clapped her hands and said, "Okay, now put down the guys in your hands, and let's conduct an extreme physical fitness test."

"The content of the test is to sprint around the outer track at full speed until the physical strength is exhausted."

"Zheng Zha doesn't need to participate in this test. You should first find a place to explore the use of blood energy, and at the same time test your speed limit, strength limit and other data."

After listening to Zhang Qin's words, Li Xiaoyi quickly put down the AK in his hand and stood on the runway. Following Zhang Qin's order, the four of them rushed out together.

Although Zhang Qin's Storm Girl bloodline surpasses ordinary people's physique, it is not too much, and it is roughly equivalent to the level of Widow Sister, so she also needs to be tested.

Ability is her main combat power, but she can't completely rely on it. After all, she has not yet reached the Omega level, and her energy is not unlimited.

So far, everyone has entered into intense and fulfilling training.

After conducting the extreme physical fitness test and having an intuitive impression of everyone's physical strength, Zhang Qin asked everyone to rest for an hour, and then began to learn the use of various firearms.

The fixed shooting range began to sound one after another, with continuous gunshots.

Sharpshooters are all fed with bullets. No matter how poor their marksmanship is, after firing [-] rounds, they can point to where to shoot purely based on experience and gun feel, without needing to deliberately aim.

When the reincarnation is in the room, the ammunition is unlimited. You only need to think about refilling the ammunition, and the magazine will be replenished in an instant, saving even the time for reloading the ammunition.

Nine days is enough for them to feed themselves into sharpshooters.

So shooting is the simplest training subject, nothing else, just keep shooting after Zhang Qin explained the shooting skills to them.

And after the marksmanship has reached a certain level, it is no longer a stationary shooting, but a practice of rapid shooting, that is, shooting while constantly moving, which also requires a lot of bullets to feed.

Everyone spends half a day practicing shooting every day, and the second half of the day is training in melee fighting.

The content includes unarmed combat, dagger assassination, cold weapon fighting and so on.

In terms of fighting with cold weapons, since no one has systematically learned any martial arts, they practice unrestricted fighting, and the weapons are unified with Xiuchun Dao.

Unrestricted fighting, that is, there are no routines, everything is aimed at beheading the enemy, at most it is to practice the basic usage of the knife, such as chopping, chopping, stabbing, teasing and so on.

Then it is to use these basic usages to fight based on on-the-spot reactions.

They used wooden knives during sparring, which would be painful, but not fatal. Zhang Qin and Zhang Jie, as sparring partners, were very measured.

Zheng Zha can only practice by himself, and no one can be his partner, because his speed is so fast that even Zhang Qin can't keep up.

Putting a storm on her body only made her move faster, but her nerve reflexes and her own movements did not speed up, and she couldn't react to Zheng Zha at all.

Although both of them are B-level reinforcements, they have completely different styles. It is not enough for Zheng Zha to kill a hundred Zhang Qin in close combat.

But if it is a full-scale fight, Zheng Zha will lose more than win at this stage.

Because Zhang Qin can send out a large-scale thunderstorm, Zheng Zha couldn't resist it at all, and couldn't even get close to Zhang Qin, and the storm she triggered made it difficult for Zheng Zha to even keep flying.

Zheng Zha wanted to win against Zhang Qin, unless it was a surprise attack, and if he confronted head-on with preparation, Zheng Zha would either turn into an explosive head, or be blown away to nowhere.

After the fighting training in the afternoon, there will be an hour of parkour training, mainly to train the coordination and sensitivity of the body, and also train the physical fitness by the way.

Of course, what they are after is to cross various obstacles with the fastest speed and the least effort, and climb up and down. They will not pursue cool and difficult movements like real parkour athletes. Everything is based on practicality. Set off.

After dinner, Zhang Jie will teach everyone to perform stunt driving training, including cars, off-road vehicles, vans, commercial vehicles, trucks, RVs and other types of vehicles.

In this regard, Zhang Qin really admires Zhang Jie. This guy can drive a 50-ton heavy truck for drifting. In his hands, the small car is like a toy, and he can play with it as he wants.

This project requires a certain talent. Although not everyone can master stunt driving, at least they can drive various types of vehicles under Zhang Jie's teaching.

As the days passed, several members of the Zhongzhou team grew up every day, especially Zhang Qin and Zheng Zha. As they developed and mastered their own abilities, their combat effectiveness changed day by day.

While watching the movie, Zhang Qin felt that the mutants' use of their abilities was too rough and superficial.

Don't talk about others, just talk about Magneto. This guy's abilities are actually very scary, but how does he use it in the movies?
Control cars to smash people, control large pieces of steel to smash people, in short, all kinds of smashing.

But actually the best use of his ability was when he escaped from the plastic prison.

An iron ball, under his control, almost formed the effect of Gatling, gods block and kill gods, Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, no one can stop them.

But since that time, he has never used his ability like this again. He always controls the big lump of steel to hit people, and then they are easily dodged.

If Zhang Qin were to use this ability, she would let everyone see how terrifying the Huaxia Sword Immortal is.

That's right, if Magneto's ability is used to control a light long sword, dagger, or something else, at that unsolvable speed, no one can resist it.

Even if a large amount of steel is turned into a long sword, a "Wan Jian Jue" can be created in minutes. Isn't that better than hitting people with a whole car?
Magneto is just a microcosm of mutants, and other mutants are similar, and the use of their own abilities is too poor.

And the same ability of Storm Girl, in Zhang Qin's hands, she made a fool of it.

For example, Storm Girl's use of thunder and lightning is simply to release the thunder and lightning to shock people. The only difference is single-target attack and range attack.

In Zhang Qin's hands, the lightning element in her body can become a spherical lightning, a thunder pillar, a thunder net, or even a thunderbolt.

She has achieved all the changes that lightning can achieve on the technological side through physical skills.

But she can only work hard on thunder and lightning, she has no good way to deal with wind energy, after all, there are not many changes in wind energy.

As for making lightning whips, lightning spears, wind blades, and wind shields, she couldn't do it no matter what.

Because that is no longer science, but his mother's metaphysics, an ability that belongs to magical legends, and supernatural powers are different from magic after all.

Zhang Qin is constantly improving, and Zheng Zha will naturally not have nothing to gain. He has mastered several innate skills of the blood count, namely blood claws, blood whips, and blood energy balls.

The blood claw is to attach a layer of blood energy to the hands, and attack the enemy with claws.

The blood whip is to condense blood energy into a long whip, which can whip or entangle the enemy.

The blood energy ball is a simple and crude way to condense the blood energy into an energy ball and throw it out to bombard the enemy.

Due to the strong corrosiveness of blood energy, whether it is steel or ghosts, it can be easily corroded completely, and it can even corrode other energies.

So these skills seem simple and rough, but their lethality is not weak.

Only the light element and the thunder element can restrain blood energy and will not be corroded by it, so although Zheng Zha has a long-range attack method, he still cannot beat Zhang Qin.

Because once she protects her body with lightning, neither the blood energy ball nor the blood whip can hurt her.

Not only Zhang Qin and Zheng Zha are improving, Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi are also improving.

After eight days of special training, the only difference between them and the special forces lies in their combat experience, and their personal abilities are not bad.

On the last day, Zhang Qin and Zhang Jie did not let everyone train again, but decided to rest and relax for a day, so that the body can recover to the peak state, so as to deal with the next reincarnation.


With one hour left before the start of the reincarnation, Zhang Jie, Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, and Li Xiaoyi gathered in the square, but Zhang Qin was missing.

"Where is Sister Qin? Didn't you call her?" Zheng Zha asked everyone, and he planned to borrow some reward points from Zhang Qin to buy weapons!
Although the blood energy of Earl-level vampires is not too thin, if they really want to use full firepower, they will not be able to withstand a few blows.

So in battle, if he can use his blood energy, he will try not to use it as much as possible, and only use it at critical moments, so it is very important to have a weapon at hand.

Zhan Lan said: "She knows the time, it's still early, women always need some personal space, call her after half an hour!"

Before waiting for half an hour, Zhang Qin opened the door and walked out after ten minutes, carrying two large rucksacks in her hand.

Zheng Zha hurriedly went up to meet him, and took the rucksack from Zhang Qin.

"What did Sister Qin prepare? It's quite a weight."

"You'll know in a while."

Walking to the leisure area, everyone stood up and called "Sister Qin".

Zhang Qin waved her hands dumbfoundingly and said, "Sit down, what are you doing? This is making me look like the leader of a gang."

Li Xiaoyi laughed and said: "Although we are not a gang, I don't think anyone will object to the fact that you are the head of the eldest sister."

Zhang Qin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You are the only one who can talk, and my sister is not in vain to take care of you."

As he spoke, he opened one of the rucksacks, took out a brand new AK47 from it, and smiled at Li Xiaoyi: "Hey, this is for you."

As he spoke, he threw the gun over, and then took out a tactical vest, four spare magazines, a Glock 18 pistol, two spare pistol magazines, and four grenades from the rucksack.

"And these are all yours, equip them!"

Li Xiaoyi stroked the gun in his hand in great surprise, and shouted excitedly: "Sister... No, sister-in-law, from today on, brother Mu is my own brother, and you are my own sister-in-law."

His surname is also Li, and he is in the same family as Li Mu, so there is nothing wrong with him.

Zheng Zha, Zhan Lan, and Zhang Jie uttered a "wow" to him, and Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie raised their middle fingers together.

Li Xiaoyi glared at Zheng Zha angrily and said, "It's fine that Brother Jie despises me, Brother Zheng, what right do you have to despise me?"

"Cough cough."

Zheng Zha coughed twice, put down his middle finger as if nothing had happened, and then looked at the backpack with burning eyes.

I saw Zhang Qin also opened the other rucksack, and took out an M4A1, a Remington M870 shotgun, two MP5 submachine guns, two Glock 18 pistols, and three tactical vests from the two rucksacks. Several military daggers, grenades, supporting spare magazines, and some bullet boxes.

In the end, Zhang Qin took out an Xiuchun knife from the backpack, handed it to Zheng Zha, and said, "This is specially bought for you, the Edman alloy version of the Xiuchun knife, worth 200 reward points."

Zheng Zha was very pleasantly surprised, took the Xiuchun knife happily, and said "Thank you sister" repeatedly.

Zhan Lan looked at Li Xiaoyi and said, "See, this is my real brother, you only recognize your sister-in-law now, it's too late!"

Zheng Zha triumphantly raised his head to Li Xiaoyi and blinked his left eye.

Zhang Qin patted Zhan Lan dumbfoundedly, and said: "Okay, don't be sour, I heard from Zhang Jie that you have spiritual talent, the next step is to focus on training you!"

Zhan Lan immediately smiled like a flower, "Sister Qin said yes, of course, hehe."

After speaking, he quickly put on the tactical vest, tied the Glock 18 holster on the outer thigh, and inserted the spare magazine of one of the MP5 submachine guns into the bullet bag one by one.

The recoil of the submachine gun is relatively small, and the two MP5s are naturally used by her and Zhang Qin, the M4A1 is by Zhang Jie, and the Remington shotgun is for Zheng Zha.

Because Zheng Zha mainly uses melee combat to ensure flexibility, he doesn't need to wear a tactical vest.

The Magnum 12 shotgun used by Remington uses a chain-type bullet pouch with a capacity of 50 rounds. Zhang Qin prepared two for a total of 100 rounds.

Just hang the two bullet bags crossed on the shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, which makes Zheng Zha look a little more sturdy and mighty.

Looking at Zheng Zha like this, Zhan Lan suddenly chuckled and said, "I think it will look more interesting if you put on a leather jacket and sunglasses."

Zheng Zha's eyes lit up, it was true, he quickly asked Zhang Jie for a reward point, rushed to his room, and went to change clothes.

The others are all fully equipped, and all they need is a multifunctional tactical helmet, which is no different from special forces.

However, this batch of equipment and materials had already cost Zhang Qin a total of 1000 reward points, and the tactical helmet was not a necessity, so she did not exchange it.

After taking out the weapons from the two rucksacks, there are hemostatic first aid spray, oral antidote, strong bandages, food, drinking water, tents and other supplies, which can be regarded as very complete.

After spending this reward point, she only has 4026 reward points left, the fraction is used as living expenses, and the 4000 points are the reward points she saved this time.

There is no way, these expenses are necessary, and now that the combat power has been formed, the future harvest can be saved according to the situation.

If she was lucky, she might be able to save enough [-] reward points within five or six rounds of reincarnation, and leave the main god's space.

Zheng Zha quickly changed his clothes and returned to the square. He really dressed himself up like Schwarzenegger, which caused the team members to burst into laughter.

I saw him wearing a tight black T-shirt inside, a black leather jacket outside, a pair of black hiking pants on his lower body, a pair of marine boots on his feet, and a pair of big sunglasses on his face.

Two bullet chains are crossed on the shoulders, the Xiuchun knife is carried on the back with a special buckle belt for carrying swords, and the handle of the knife protrudes from the right shoulder.

Then put the Remington in one end of his hand, and the momentum came out.

Although his appearance is too handsome and does not match the temperament of the Terminator, the obvious eight-pack abs under the prudent T-shirt is still very convincing.

At least with his appearance, no one would associate him with the blood count.

In the last 10 minutes, Zhang Jie made his final confession before entering: "Anything can happen in horror movies, everyone must be careful."

"Before deciding to change the plot to earn profits, you must think twice. It is best for everyone to discuss it first, and try to keep the variables within a controllable range."

"We try our best to help newcomers, but when a newcomer hinders the safety of the entire team, don't be merciful and kill him decisively."

Hearing the last sentence, Zhan Lan and Li Xiaoyi were obviously hesitant, but Zheng Zha and Zhang Qin nodded silently, obviously approving of it.

Zheng Zha asked: "How did we enter the plot world? Did it disappear suddenly?"

As he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at the door, but none of the women came out to see them off. Maybe the girls were all worried about their lovers in the same way.

They didn't dare to come and see them off, because their men were going to die with unknown dangers, and this kind of parting was too sad.

Zhang Jie said: "No, when the time is up, the main god will send down twenty beams of light, you just need to find one beam of light and stand in it. It's about this time every time you go to a horror movie."

Zheng Zha nodded, no more words, and everyone waited quietly.

After 10 minutes, the main god's large light ball suddenly became brighter and brighter, and the intense light was like the sun, blazing and dazzling.

The next moment, twenty beams of light thicker than a millstone were projected down, and the old-fashioned voice sounded in the minds of the five people: "Enter the beam of light within 30 seconds, and those who do not enter after the time will be killed."

"Let's go!"

Zhang Jie greeted, and the five people each found a beam of light and stood in.

After 30 seconds, the voice sounded again: "The transfer target is locked, and the alien will start teleporting."

The five of them felt a blackness before their eyes, and instantly entered a half-dream and half-awake state, but this state did not last long.

However, when Zheng Zha and the others regained consciousness, Zhang Qin's exclamation came from their ears.

"Husband, husband, wake up..."

Then came a gentle male voice with a thick and unbelievable voice: "Wife?"

An exclamation mark popped up in Zheng Zha's mind at the same time.

That life is a legendary Qin brother-in-law also came in?

(End of this chapter)

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