The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 283 Killing the Alien Queen in the First Battle

Chapter 283 Killing the Alien Queen in the First Battle
When Li Mu and Chu Xuan finished analyzing the current situation, Li Shuaixi finally breathed heavily, walked into the hall while leaning on the wall.

He slid against the wall and sat on the ground, saying intermittently: "Big...big brothers...fufu...can you... wait for me a little...fufu..."

Everyone looked at him, both Zero Point and Overlord frowned insignificantly, Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses expressionlessly.

Zhang Jie said indifferently: "You are lucky, you only came in this time. If it was the last horror movie, you are already out now with your physical fitness."

None of them expected that as a young man, Li Shuaixi's physical fitness would be so poor. If it was the last horror movie, he would have been finished running up the stairs.

Li Shuaixi's face changed slightly, he lowered his head slightly and stopped talking, but no one saw the flash of resentment in his eyes.

Among all the people, only Zheng Zha smiled and said gently: "It was our negligence, and we will take you with us later."

"However, coming from there is a lonely road. Even if there is danger, the person in front will bump into it first. You don't have to worry about it."

Li Shuaixi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he was relieved, raised his head to look at Zheng Zha and said gratefully: "Thank you Brother Zheng."

"Ah ah ah..."

" me...ah..."

At this moment, in the passage on the other side of the hall, there was a sudden and shrill scream from a distance.

Li Shuaixi, who was sitting on the ground, was so frightened that he got up reflexively.

The screams lasted only a dozen seconds before disappearing. Zhang Qin looked at Li Mu and said a little uneasy, "It's those three punks. They should have been attacked by aliens."

Li Mu said decisively: "Zheng Zha and I will go over to have a look first, you fight hard, if we encounter a strange shape, we will try to fight first."

Zhang Qin said with concern: "Then you have to be careful, if you can't hold it, don't hold on, return it and we will work together."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Li Mu nodded to Zheng Zha, then took the Xiuchun knife and rushed out of the passage first.

Zheng Zha followed immediately, but he did not forget to remind: "Brother Jie, bring some Li Shuaixi with you."

After the two rushed out, the main force was led by Zhang Qin, because she was the most powerful person besides Li Mu and Zheng Zha.

Even if she didn't dare to use a large-scale thunderstorm, her wind energy spread out in such a narrow place was enough to blow the Alien Queen away, making it impossible for her to get close to the large army.

Overlord and Zero, armed with assault rifles and shotguns each, follow her right and left, ready to provide fire support.

Chu Xuan, Zhan Lan, and Li Xiaoyi walked in the middle, while Zhang Jie pulled Li Shuaixi to the back.

This kid's physical fitness is really bad, even if Zhang Jie dragged him to run, he hardly put in much effort, but he was still terribly tired.

Zhang Jie felt a little bit pained. Although this kid was stronger than others, his physical ability was not as good as that of Zhan Lan when he first came in. He was simply a burden.

In the past, Zhang Jie would have ignored his life and death at all, but now that they have formed a group, they have to follow the team rules, and he is not the first to break the rules.

Ahead, when Li Mu and Zheng Zha arrived at the place where the screams came from before, and saw the situation clearly, Zheng Zha turned his head against the wall and vomited out.

This is a crossroads, the passage on the left is a mess, blood is sprayed all over the passage, and the ground, wall, and ceiling are all scarlet.

And there are various bones, internal organs, and minced meat on the ground. If it weren't for some pieces of clothing scattered on the ground, no one would be able to tell that the minced meat here was once human.

Zhang Qin and his party, who caught up behind, saw Zheng Zha vomited there, not in a fighting state, and knew that there should be no danger, so they went over directly.

When everyone saw the situation in the passage clearly, they were overwhelmed by the strong smell of blood. Except for Zhang Jie, Zero Point, Bawang, and Chu Xuan, everyone else accompanied Zheng Zha and vomited wildly, including Zhang Qin.

Chu Xuan and the others walked to Li Mu's side, while Zero Point and Bawang squatted down to check.

Overlord picked up a few pieces of cloth from the ground, identified them, and said with certainty, "It's those three gangsters, but the flesh of two corpses is missing."


Zheng Zha and the others, who had already vomited almost, heard the word "meat volume", and an uncontrollable feeling of nausea rushed into their chests, and they vomited again and again, this time they even vomited out gastric juice.

But Chu Xuan shook his head and said, "It's not two, it's the flesh of three corpses."

"Look carefully, the rest are either crushed bones, or internal organs that are difficult to enter."

"In other words, all the parts that can be eaten have disappeared, and what is left is what the aliens do not eat."

"Not surprisingly, the meat was sent to the alien's lair and used to feed the humanoid alien."

Chu Xuan's words were no different from a critical blow, even Zhang Jie's throat moved, and his face twitched violently a few times.

But Zheng Zha and the others really couldn't even spit out the gastric juice this time. They just felt their internal organs twitching non-stop, and their whole body was feeling weak.

Except for Zheng Zha and Zhang Qin who still have the strength to move normally due to their super physical fitness, Zhan Lan, Li Xiaoyi, and Li Shuaixi can barely keep standing by leaning against the wall.

Zero frowned and glanced at them, feeling a little helpless in his heart.

Even if they are all strengthened seniors, what can become stronger after all is only the body, and they are still just ordinary people in terms of consciousness and experience.

Compared with these fighters who have really come out of the blood and fire, they are still too far behind, and there is no comparison at all.

After hearing Chu Xuan's words, Li Mu said solemnly: "If your guess is correct, then this humanoid alien has probably obtained enough nutrition to grow into a mature body."

"You know, the human-shaped alien in Alien No. [-] was just born and hadn't eaten anything. It can kill an alien queen with a single slap. If it is a mature body..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and shouted: "Everyone, be careful."

Everyone hurriedly turned around, only to see a huge black figure rushing out from the passage on the right, reaching the end of the large group in an instant.

Because the huge black shadow was so fast, only Li Mu and Zheng Zha could see its appearance clearly, and even Zhang Qin could only vaguely see a black shadow flashing past.

This is exactly what a strange-shaped queen looks like, with a height of three meters and four five meters, and a body length of five meters away from the tail.

She was all black and shiny, with a shiny metallic shell. On her huge head was a huge mouth with sharp teeth like knives.

Each pair of claws is like a sharp blade, and the tail is composed of bones that look like spines, and the tip of the tail is directly like a dagger-like blade.

The most frightening thing is that the tongue protruding from its mouth is also covered with sharp teeth. This is a monster that can scare ordinary people to death just by its appearance.

At this time, Li Xiaoyi and Li Shuaixi were at the end of the line. Before, they were leaning on the wall to vomit.

The moment the Alien Queen appeared, the two turned around together. Before they could see the situation clearly, the terrifying tongue of the Alien Queen had already ejected.

Although the two are at the end of the team at the same time, but the alien queen only has one tongue, the probability of being attacked by the two is half of each other.

And Li Xiaoyi obviously had bad luck, the alien queen was after him.

Just when he turned around, the alien queen's tongue pierced his shoulder, dragging him to the right passage.

"Ahhh...don't, brother, sister-in-law, save me, save me...I don't want to die..."

Li Xiaoyi howled crazily. After all, he was just a boy who hadn't graduated from high school. When he encountered a crisis, he couldn't respond other than to call for help, even though he still had an AK hanging on his chest.

All the people with guns pointed their guns at the alien queen, but they were afraid that they would hit Li Xiaoyi, so they didn't dare to shoot rashly.

Zhang Qin's ability would not work at this time, if she used the lightning ability, Li Xiaoyi would be electrocuted to death.

As for Zheng Zha, who vomited violently just now, although he still has the ability to move, he is completely out of shape, and can't react at all at this time.

Just when Li Xiaoyi was about to be dragged into the corner, everyone felt a gust of wind passing by, and a vague figure rushed towards the alien queen who was quickly evacuating.

There is no doubt that there is only one Li Mu among all people with such speed and reflexes.

Li Mu spread out at full speed, at a faster speed than the Alien Queen, and in less than two seconds, he chased in front of the Alien Queen.


A silver light flashed, and with the sharp sound of breaking through the air, the Alien Queen's tongue snapped.



In the angry and painful roar of the Alien Queen, the severed tongue spewed out a large amount of mucus, and as soon as it fell on the ground, it began to corrode the floor.

Green smoke rose from the steel floor, and it soon became potholed.

At this time Li Xiaoyi was present, Li Mu was afraid that he would be affected, so he did not confront the alien for the time being, but pulled out half of his tongue stuck in his shoulder, and then grabbed him and retreated.

When he retreated close to the entrance of the passage, he threw Li Xiaoyi back and shouted: "Connect it."

Zhang Qin immediately raised her right hand to face Li Xiaoyi, a whirlwind was born out of thin air around Li Xiaoyi, and carried him back to Zhang Qin.

"Zhan Lan, help Xiaoyi deal with his injury."


Zhan Lan immediately took out a powerful hemostatic spray, tore off the clothes on Li Xiaoyi's wound, sprayed wildly on the blood holes on the front and back of his shoulders, and even sprayed the spray into the holes.


Li Xiaoyi clenched his teeth, not allowing himself to scream, his forehead was soon dripping with sweat.

But his eyes were fixed on the opposite passage, looking at the figure who saved his life, fighting with the alien queen without hesitation.

However, after Li Mu rescued Li Xiaoyi, he raised the Adamantium alloy embroidered spring knife, and without any sign of weakness, he killed the alien queen who was rushing towards him.

His 1.8-meter figure is small in front of the Alien Queen, and although the Alien Queen is large, she does not mean to be bulky and slow at all, on the contrary, she is more sensitive and faster than ordinary Alien Queens.

The moment the two sides approached, one of the alien queen's paws slanted down on Li Mu.

If this blow is real, it may be enough to cut people open.

Li Mu didn't dodge or dodge, the Xiuchun knife in his hand pointed at the falling paw with a counterattack.

However, such things as aliens are creatures born to fight and kill.

Even if it is an ordinary alien, the fighting consciousness is almost equivalent to that of a human being with a first-order gene lock, let alone the alien queen who is ten times stronger.

The moment it swung its paws down, the dagger-like tail tip behind it suddenly swung across its left shoulder and pierced towards Li Mu's head.

That is to say, its tongue has been cut off, otherwise its full attack would definitely be more than that.

If Li Mu didn't change his moves at this time, even though he could cut off one of the alien queen's claws, his forehead would also be pierced by the alien queen.

However, what Li Mu sensed made him not choose to change his moves, and he still firmly slashed at the alien queen's claws.


As the blade flashed by, the alien queen's right claw fell from her right arm, but the tail thorn it stabbed at Li Mu's head failed to land on Li Mu's head.

Because a whip, a whip as scarlet as blood, suddenly wrapped itself around the alien queen's tail.

When there was a sudden change, Zheng Zha was a little slow to react due to various changes.

But after Li Mu rescued Li Xiaoyi, he had already reacted, and immediately spread out a pair of bat wings, almost flying over against the ceiling.

When the Alien Queen's tail spurs were ejected, he used blood energy to condense the bleeding whip to wrap around it.

After wrapping around the Alien Queen's tail thorn, he flew directly over her head, landed behind it, and pulled the tail thorn off.

The corrosiveness of blood energy is no weaker than that of alien blood.

The tail entangled by the blood whip was quickly damaged by the corrosion of the blood energy. According to its corrosion speed, it could be corroded and broken in seven or eight seconds at most.

But the Alien Queen naturally couldn't give him seven or eight seconds. After its right claw was cut off by Li Mu, it immediately understood that it couldn't resist the opponent's weapon.

Therefore, it pointed the broken claw's arm at Li Mu, causing the strong corrosive blood sprayed from the broken mouth to cover Li Mu's face, and Li Mu was successfully forced back by it.

After forcing Li Mu back, the Alien Queen turned around abruptly, and with the force of her turn, Zheng Zha, who was wrapped around its tail with a bloody whip, flew up and hit the steel wall.

Although this blow did not cause any harm to Zheng Zha, it also interrupted his blood energy output and made the blood whip disappear.

Then the Alien Queen took two steps forward, raised her remaining left claw, and grabbed Zheng Zha. It didn't believe that everyone could cut off its claw.

Now it was betting right. Although Zheng Zha's blood energy could hurt the alien queen, it would take time for the blood energy to corrode.

In the case of empty-handed, without the instant lethality of a sharp weapon, he really has no good way to take the Alien Queen.

Just like brushing the boss in an online game, he has to grind slowly, and it will take some time to kill a strange queen.

Just when the Alien Queen fitted her body and threw herself at Zheng Zha, grabbing him with one claw, Zheng Zha turned into a group of bats and scattered with a whoosh, leaving the Alien Queen in the air.

At this moment, the Alien Queen couldn't help being stunned for a moment, even if her fighting consciousness was already full, she would inevitably be at a loss for a moment when she encountered an incomprehensible situation.

And at this moment, Li Mu behind it had rushed up again, and jumped up, holding the knife in both hands and slashing at the neck of the alien queen.


The hard carapace of the Alien Queen failed to provide any protection, and Li Mu chopped off her huge head directly.

After the Adamantium alloy is synthesized in a liquid state, once it cools down, it will be 50 degrees Celsius high, and it cannot be melted anymore.

Therefore, Adamantium is said to be indestructible, so when it becomes a weapon, it will become indestructible in turn, provided that you have enough strength.

In the space of the main god, that is, in his own inner universe, Li Mu set himself up to be an expert in unlocking the fourth-order gene lock, so he naturally has no shortage of strength.

"Kill the alien queen, get a C-level horror storyline, 3000 reward points."

After beheading the alien queen, this reminder sounded in Li Mu's mind.

But in the mind of Zheng Zha, who had just been reunited by a group of bats, what sounded was: "Assist in killing the alien queen, get a D-level horror storyline, 1000 reward points."

Zheng Zha's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Assists are also rewarded."

Li Mu turned to look at him and asked, "How much did you get?"

Zheng Zha looked at him enthusiastically and said, "A D-level branch plot, 1000 reward points, what about you?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "A C-level branch plot, 3000 reward points. If the knife is in your hands, I believe you can kill the alien queen solo. Next time we meet, I will let you be the main attack, and I will help you as a support."

Zheng Zha also laughed and said, "Everyone is on our own, why should we be divided between you and me? Isn't everyone who kills the same!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he could only hear a few roars from the corner in front of the passage, and the expressions of the two of them changed slightly.

The next moment, I saw four queens with different shapes rushing over from the corner.

Of the four queens, one was running on the ground, two were running on the left and right walls, and the other was directly hanging upside down from the ceiling, rushing towards this side like walking on flat ground.

Li Mu and Zheng Zha spit out a Chinese quintessence in unison: "Fuck."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran, Li Mu shouted loudly: "Run, get out of here, there are still four alien queens here."

Hearing Li Mu's cry, Zhang Jie and the others changed their expressions drastically, and immediately ran deep into the passage without saying a word.

Li Xiaoyi was seriously injured and couldn't run at all, so Zhang Qin had no choice but to cover him with wind energy and control him to fly forward at a height of half a meter above the ground.

Li Shuaixi was still dragged away by Zhang Jie, and Zhang Qin brought Li Xiaoyi, which had already slowed down her own speed, so naturally she couldn't take others with her.

In fact, no matter whether Li Mu or Zheng Zha, if they singled out an alien queen, they could kill it with a little effort.

But four heads together, even if the two of them teamed up, it would be enough. The aliens are not only terrifying in combat power, but even more terrifying is their fighting awareness.

When they form a cooperation, the combat power displayed is by no means as simple as 1×4=4, it is likely to be 1×4=8, or even stronger.

So facing the arrival of four alien queens, they could only retreat first.

Among the crowd, Zhan Lan was still the weaker one even after being strengthened, and she soon fell behind.

After Li Mu and Zheng Zha followed, they hurriedly grabbed her from left to right. Under the speed of the two, Zhan Lan almost turned into a human-shaped kite, and the whole person was in the air.

But no matter what, although Chu Xuan, Overlord, and Zero Point are far superior to ordinary people in physical fitness, they are still in the category of ordinary humans after all, so how can they be faster than the Alien Queen?
The four alien queens were chasing closer and closer. Zhang Jie saw that this was not possible, and when he was about to reach another crossroads, he shouted: "Separate and run."

Both Li Mu and Zheng Zha were moved. If they split up and the aliens split up, then they would have a chance to attack each of them and kill them one by one.

And if the aliens don't divide their forces and just focus on chasing one way, then the other two ways will be safe.

So when they reached the crossroads, Li Mu and Zheng Zha had a tacit understanding of left and right.

Zheng Zha pulled Zhan Lan to the left passage, Li Mu turned to the right passage, and the others still followed Zhang Qin and ran straight ahead.

When the four alien queens chased to the intersection, they only paused for a moment before decisively chasing Zheng Zha and Zhan Lan.

They actually became vigilant because of the death of one of their companions, and they refused to divide their troops no matter what.

In fact, alien hunting is similar to wolves. They like to drive their prey first, look for opportunities in the chase, avoid the strong and attack the weak, and avoid the strong and attack the weak.

The most perfect state is naturally that there are prey left behind, so that they can swarm up and eat them.

And when the prey is divided, they must of course choose the most cost-effective way to hunt first.

There is only one person in Li Mu's route, and there is not much meat for each of the four aliens. Zhang Qin's route has the largest number of people and is the most difficult to deal with.

So they decisively pursue Zheng Zha's way. There are two of them, and they have more meat than Li Mu alone, and they are more confident in four against two.

Zhang Qin didn't have any aliens chasing her along the way, and soon after Chu Xuan's analysis, she calmly found the central control room.

Li Mu also used Chu Xuan and others to use the communicator to guide him to the control room to meet up.

Only Zheng Zha encountered some problems, but crises are often accompanied by opportunities.

Because Zhan Lan also encountered Li Xiaoyi's situation, Zheng Zha not only killed an alien queen when he broke out, and got a generous reward, but also unlocked the first-order gene lock.

So far, he has made up for the shortcomings of lack of combat experience and combat awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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