Chapter 285 Rules
After listening to Chu Xuan's words, Li Shuaixi took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and finally said in a concentrated voice: "Okay, I am willing to accept the test and be this bait."

"But I want to ask, if I insist on not going, what are you going to do to me?"

Chu Xuan looked directly at Zheng Zha and Zhang Jie, and said, "That depends on the rules they set when they established the team."

"The so-called no rules, no rules, I personally have no right to decide your fate, only the team rules recognized by most of the team members can decide your fate."

Zhang Jie looked at Zheng Zha and Zhang Qin, Zheng Zha nodded to him, and Zhang Qin said, "Let's talk about it!"

Seeing this, Zhang Jie glanced at Zero Overlord and the others, and said, "When we decided to build a team, we made a core rule, which is how to treat newcomers."

"In every horror film, we will select newcomers with high ability and quality, or qualified mentality and character for protection, and develop them into regular team members."

"As for the burden that has no value to the team, let it fend for itself, neither target nor help, but if it threatens the safety of team members, it will be resolutely removed."

"Although we can't kill newcomers directly, it is very simple for seniors to kill newcomers, such as breaking limbs and throwing them into dangerous areas."

Speaking of this, he looked at Li Shuaixi, and continued: "According to the team rules, if you insist on not being the bait, we won't do anything to you."

"It's just that you can't get our shelter anymore, no one will take you away, and you won't be given food and water. If you want to survive, you have to rely on yourself."

"If you successfully complete the task this time and pass the test, you will become an official member, and the team will treat you equally and give you maximum help and protection."

"The skills mastered by other people will be taught to you one by one after returning to the main god's space, training you to be a qualified fighter and increasing the chance of survival."

After Zhang Jie finished talking about the team rules, Li Mu, Zero Point and Bawang all showed satisfaction.

Chu Xuan also said: "Very good rules. You have given the fairness and justice that you can give to the extreme. Generally speaking, you senior people are relatively benevolent."

"If I were to formulate the rules, I would stipulate that for newcomers who want to join the team and become official members, half of the proceeds from the first horror film must be handed over."

Good guy, Zhang Jie and others are direct good guys.

Zhan Lan supported her forehead and said, "You are more capitalist than capitalists, and capitalists are not exploited as hard as you."

Li Mu smiled and shook his head, "Not to mention exploitation, Chu Xuan's rule is actually very reasonable, half of the benefits that newcomers can get, is nothing more than three melons and two dates to veterans."

"So asking for half of the income is not the fundamental purpose, what is needed is an attitude, which can test the newcomers' disposition to a great extent."

"In the space of the Lord God, you are always on the verge of life and death. Every decision is linked to your own life. Seniors who protect newcomers have to bear certain risks themselves, and this is not the obligation of seniors."

"If the newcomer is willing to give half of the income in exchange for the protection of the senior, and spend money to buy peace, it means that he understands very well that if he wants to get it, he has to pay."

"If the rookie takes it for granted that the senior protects himself, then the rookie is not out of his mind, but has a high probability of being a selfish white-eyed wolf. Such a person is not suitable as a teammate."

After hearing Li Mu's words, everyone suddenly realized that their perception of Chu Xuan had changed.

Zhang Qin thought for a while and said, "Since the rule proposed by Chu Xuan is of real benefit to the team, we might as well implement it from the next world."

"We don't necessarily require newcomers to hand in half of the proceeds, but we must tell them so when we first enter."

"Newcomers who express their willingness to hand over their income, even if they pass the preliminary screening, can be included in the team's protection first."

"In the subsequent actions, by observing the performance of the newcomers, we will finally decide whether to recruit them as regular players."

"After going through the plot world and returning to the main god's space, the newcomers who have been recognized by the team naturally don't need to really hand over their income. On the contrary, if the team has surplus resources, they still need to support one or two."

"As for the newcomer who does not perform well and cannot be recognized by the team, he will be discarded directly. Even if he returns to the main god's space alive, it has nothing to do with the team. Everyone will go their own way."

"For the kind of newcomers who are lucky enough to survive while hindering the team, we can either hand over all the proceeds in exchange for us not targeting him."

"If you don't want to, then the next horror movie will start, and he will be abolished immediately."

"What do you think of my proposal?"

Zhang Jie raised his hand first and said, "I agree."

Li Mu also said: "Second."

Zheng Zha said, "I agree too."

Afterwards, Zhan Lan, Li Xiaoyi, Zero Point, Bawang, Chu Xuan and others all agreed.

Li Shuaixi was very self-aware and didn't say anything, because he was not yet an official team member and was not eligible to vote.

Since the proposal has been approved by all members, they will officially implement it from the next horror movie onwards.

Chu Xuan said to Li Shuaixi: "Come with me, and I will tell you the whole process of the bait plan."

Li Shuaixi got up silently, followed Chu Xuan to the place where the surveillance video was located, and the others followed suit.

Before getting the surveillance video, Chu Xuan operated the console, and a floor plan appeared on the big screen in the center, and important rooms and passages were marked with numbers.

"Look, the control room we are in is in Room 27..."

Chu Xuan explained to Li Shuaixi the layout of the current cabin and various passages in detail, and then told him carefully what he was going to do.

"You need to make noise in room No.19, that is, throw a grenade to attract the aliens. It is best to bleed some blood yourself, so as to fully attract the aliens."

"There are four isolation doors from this location to where the alien is, so you have plenty of time to escape."

"After throwing the grenade, you immediately flee backwards. Remember, your escape route at this time is to turn to the left, and you must run to the left in every passage."

"Every time you turn a corner, you have to throw a grenade at the corner to guide the alien."

"In this way, you will run in a big circle to room 26 next door, and the alien will be separated by me one by one during the process of chasing you, and will be locked in separate passages."

"As long as you can run back within 1 minute, you are absolutely safe. Although your physical fitness is weak, I have calculated your previous running speed. In fact, you only need forty seconds to run this distance."

"Running at full speed for more than forty seconds, you can fully support it."

Li Shuaixi lowered his head slightly after listening to Chu Xuan's arrangement, and asked in a calm voice: "Then what about the isolation door leading to the control room? Will it be closed after I go out?"

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Yes, I must ensure that everything is safe. Every time the isolation door is closed, it takes half an hour to open again, so I let you run to room 26."

"You only need to hide in Room 26 for half an hour, and Li Mu and Zheng Zha will dispatch to kill the aliens locked outside Room 26 and take you back to the control room."

"Next, you just need to wait for the aliens to be killed and return to the space of the main god."

Hearing these few words, Li Shuaixi breathed a sigh of relief, and finally relaxed.

Because he had already figured out the details of the isolation gate through observation and some knowledge he had acquired.

After the isolation door is closed, it cannot be opened again in a short period of time, and the interval must be more than half an hour.

If Chu Xuan said that he would directly open the isolation door outside the control room and take him back to the control room, then he would not say anything and just die with Chu Xuan.

Because that meant that Chu Xuan had planned to kill him from the very beginning.

But now that Chu Xuan has made it clear and arranged for him to hide in room 26, it proves that he did not intend to deceive himself.

Although Li Shuaixi didn't have any special skills, his IQ was not low either. He could figure out the whole process arranged by Chu Xuan, and there was indeed nothing wrong with it.

In fact, in the original plot, it was Chu Xuan's deception on the isolation gate that was seen through by Li Shuaixi, which caused Li Shuaixi to fall into despair, and finally decided to die with everyone.

But now because Chu Xuan included the "human touch" of Li Mu and others into the calculation conditions, he didn't do anything wrong.

Because he knew that Li Mu and the others couldn't accept his manipulation. If he did that, maybe Li Mu and the others would break his limbs and throw him in front of the alien.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Another reason is that the current team's strength is many times stronger than in the original plot, and it is capable of fighting against the alien, which is also the reason why Chu Xuan changed the layout.

In the original plot, the strength of the team was too weak, and Li Shuaixi was useless and would only consume food and water, so Chu Xuan decisively chose to abandon him.

In the calculation of the original plot, the only thing that Chu Xuan miscalculated was that he never expected that Li Shuaixi could understand such a complicated and high-end operating system, so that he saw through his deception on the isolation door.

"Do you have any questions? If not, get ready!"

Li Shuaixi thought for a while, then finally shook his head and said, "I have no problem."

Zheng Zha put his hand on his shoulder and encouraged him: "Come on, I believe you can do it, and we will become brothers fighting side by side."

Li Shuaixi looked at Zheng Zha and said gratefully, "Thank you Brother Zheng."

Zhang Qin pulled out her own dagger and handed it to Li Shuaixi, and gave him a bottle of hemostatic spray and a strong bandage.

"Aliens are more sensitive to blood. Don't be afraid of bleeding when you cut your hand. You have seen the effect of this spray and bandage before."

Li Shuaixi nodded silently, took off the four grenades on his tactical vest at zero point, and hung one of them on Li Shuaixi's waist belt in a special way.

"The safety rings of these grenades are directly hung on your belt. You don't need to take them off and then pull the rings. You can use a little force when you take them out, and then just throw them out."

Zhang Jie took a puff of the cigarette he had just lit, and said to Li Shuaixi, "We are very well prepared for this plan. I really can't find a reason for failure. Everything depends on you."

Li Shuaixi put the spray and bandages into his pocket, clenched the dagger in his hand, took a few deep breaths, and strode out.

The isolation door opened, and Li Shuaixi paused when he walked in front of the isolation door.

Stepping through this isolation door is the boundary between life and death.

Everyone looked at him silently. After Li Shuaixi paused for four or five seconds, he finally stepped out of the isolation gate, and then walked towards the target without looking back.

The isolation door at the back was closed again, and Li Shuaixi's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. From now on, he can only be seen from the monitoring screen.

There was no need to run when going, so he walked slowly. After walking for about four or five minutes, he reached the passage where the target point was located.

After moving his wrists and ankles and adjusting his breathing, Li Shuaixi rolled up the sleeve of his left hand, attached the blade of the dagger to his arm, and gritted his teeth.

A wound appeared on the arm, and blood immediately overflowed and dripped to the ground.

Li Shuaixi threw away the dagger and took off a grenade from his waist.

The grenade left the belt, but the pull ring stayed on the belt. Li Shuai raised his hand and threw the grenade to the passage ahead, then turned and ran. The blood spots scattered along the way were like a road sign.

A few seconds later, there was a "boom" in the passage.

Everyone in the control room saw that the moment the grenade exploded, the five aliens reflexively rushed towards that side.

At this time, although the seven aliens were all in the same area, they were not together, and there was some distance between them.

When the first alien queen arrived at the place where the grenade exploded, it paused for two seconds, its long head moved towards the bloodstain on the ground, and then decisively chased in the direction where the bloodstain was extending.

It was followed by two other alien queens, and four ordinary aliens were further behind.

In the control room, Chu Xuan calculated the amount in advance, and after the six aliens in front passed through the isolation door, he decisively pressed the close button.

The seventh alien that landed at the back immediately bumped into the closed isolation door. When it turned around and ran back, it found that the isolation door on the other end was also closed.

Zhang Jie couldn't help shouting: "Pretty."

Zhang Qin quickly raised a finger at him, signaling him not to make noise, so as not to interfere with Chu Xuan's judgment.

But Li Mu said indifferently: "Don't worry, this guy is very special, even if you shoot in his ear, you won't be able to disturb him."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Zhang Qin asked puzzled.

Li Mu glanced at Chu Xuan, and said, "I'll talk about it when I have time, now is not the time to talk about this."

While speaking, Chu Xuan had already closed two isolation doors in succession, and locked the other two aliens in a separate passage.

As time went by, the aliens were separated head by head, but the alien queen at the head was getting closer and closer to Li Shuaixi.

Although the Alien was far away from Li Shuaixi at the beginning, the speed of the Alien Queen was many times that of Li Shuaixi.

After passing through room 25, the sixth alien was isolated, and only one alien queen was left chasing after Li Shuaixi, and it could already see Li Shuaixi directly.

In the control room, everyone was sweating for Li Shuaixi, and Zheng Zha murmured unconsciously: "Quick, quick, it's about to succeed, hurry up..."

However, at the next moment, his face suddenly changed drastically, and he froze for two seconds, then turned around and walked away suddenly, a little out of control.

Wiping his face with his right hand, he suddenly let out a "fuck" and smashed down with both fists at the same time, smashing a chair to pieces.

Zhang Jie smashed half of the cigarette on the ground, and shouted angrily: "It's almost, it's just a little bit of fucking, damn it, why do you want to turn around?"

The two women Zhang Qin and Zhan Lan sighed one after another, Bawang shook his head repeatedly, while Li Mu glanced at Chu Xuan's back calmly.

Although this guy didn't do anything wrong this time, he still has some thoughts of abandoning Li Shuaixi after all, because what he wants is an elite team with all members.

Although Chu Xuan's planning process was completely fine, the passage in room 26 he chose was the one most prone to problems.

In fact, he could have left Room 27 alone, the isolation door outside the control room, from the start.

Because there is only one alien queen left behind Li Shuaixi at this time, Li Mu and Zheng Zha can go to meet Li Shuaixi, and even kill the alien queen directly.

But his phrase "in order to ensure nothing goes wrong" made everyone not think there was a problem with his operation.

After all, if the isolation door outside the control room is not closed, it means that the alien has a chance to rush into the control room.

Everything is in case, what if they don't stop the alien?What if the aliens are not completely isolated, and Li Shuaixi is followed by two, or even more aliens?
Based on these considerations, even Li Shuaixi didn't think there was anything wrong with Chu Xuan's arrangement.

Li Mu thought of this from the very beginning, but he didn't say it out loud, because he, like Chu Xuan, didn't want Li Shuaixi to stay in the team.

Compared to Chu Xuan, he knew Li Shuaixi better, and this person's temperament was not suitable to be their teammate.

So he chose to acquiesce to Chu Xuan's actions.

In the final analysis, he is not a good person, and he does not have the heart of the Virgin like Zheng Zha.

The time went back to ten seconds ago, Li Shuaixi was only ten meters away from room 26.

At the end of the passage, the isolation door has been closed, locking the other alien queen in the passage outside Room 25.

The last alien queen has appeared in the isolation door, but given the distance between the alien queen and Li Shuaixi, before Li Shuaixi rushed into room 26 and closed the alloy door, the alien queen could not catch up with him.

But the moment the alien queen saw Li Shuaixi, she suddenly opened her mouth and let out a roar.

At this time, Li Shuaixi started to gasp for breath because of running all the way, and his brain felt a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen.

Hearing the roar suddenly, he was terrified all over, and subconsciously looked back.

But it was this turning around that ruined his chance of surviving.

The moment he turned his head, his footsteps shifted unknowingly, and then he rubbed against an iron shelf next to the passage, losing his balance and falling to the ground.

Yes, the passage outside Room 26 is different from other passages in that it is relatively narrow, with many pipes and shelves on both sides of the passage.

Room 27 is the central control room, and Room 26 is a room similar to the "machine room".

Li Shuaixi fell in a daze for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, the Alien Queen had already chased him not far behind.

At this time, he was less than ten meters away from the door of room 26. He got up and ran to room 26 desperately.

But just as he reaches the door, the Alien Queen pops out that deadly tongue.

In front of the alien queen's tongue, Li Shuaixi's head exploded like a watermelon, completely unable to react.

Compared to the other seven people, he had a good time and didn't suffer much.

(End of this chapter)

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