The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 303 Killing One of Her and There Are Tens of Thousands of Her

Why did the newcomer and Li Xiaoyi fall in love with Fuling crazily as soon as they saw her.

Why did Ming Yanwei dislike her inexplicably.

Why did Qi Tengyi and the others kill her frantically.

All of this, with the appearance of this name, has the answer.

At this moment, Chu Xuan also remembered Fuling's self-introduction when they first met: "My name is Fuling, and this is the name given to me by Grandma Zelan."

Yes, Fuling is just the name given to her by Zelan's mother-in-law, so she actually has her own name.

Her real name is Tomie, Kawakami Tomie.

Zhang Jie frowned and said: "No, brother-in-law, hasn't he tried it? The exorcism charm didn't respond to her at all, how could she be Fu Jiang?"

Li Mu's eyes flashed brightly, and said: "This is where our blind spot lies. Fu Jiang is not a ghost at all, so how can the exorcism charm work on her?"

Zhang Jie stared and said, "It's not a ghost? How is this possible? Fu Jiang is so weird, what is it if it's not a ghost?"

Zhan Lan explained: "Brother-in-law is right, Fu Jiang has never been a ghost, she is a living human being."

"Apart from making men madly obsessed, killing her because they don't want to lose her, killing her by making women jealous, and infinitely dividing and multiplying, she has never shown any abilities possessed by ghosts, and she has never even killed a person with her own hands. "

Li Mu interjected: "If you really want to give Fu Jiang a characterization, she should be a mutant. Her mutant genes are similar to leeches and earthworms, and she has the ability to regenerate infinitely."

"As for making people extremely obsessed, making people crazy and distorted, it should belong to a passive attribute of her, which is matched with the ability of infinite splitting and rebirth."

"Reproduction is a biological instinct. Fu Jiang needs a man to fall in love with her, then kill her and dismember her body. Once she is divided into several pieces, she will become several Fu Jiangs."

"If you give her enough time, there will be more and more of her. Maybe hundreds or thousands of years later, the whole world will be full of rich rivers."

Zhang Qin looked at Li Xiaoyi and said: "If Qi Tengyi and the others didn't kill her today, in a few days, Xiaoyi either went crazy and killed Qi Tengyi and the others, or Qi Tengyi and the others went crazy and killed Xiaoyi."

"Fortunately, Qi Tengyi and the others didn't dare to attack Xiaoyi because they were afraid of the seniors, so they had to attack Fu Ling."

"As long as she is killed, she will no longer belong to others. This should be their motivation and psychology for killing Fuling."

Chu Xuan continued: "When they killed Fu Ling, there should be a reminder from the main god in their minds. They killed Fu Jiang and got a reward."

"But the notification sound of the main god let them know Fu Ling's true identity, so Fu Jiang's psychological influence on them should have been eliminated."

After hearing Chu Xuan's words, Li Mu looked at Li Xiaoyi and asked, "Xiao Yi, how about you? Do you still love Fu Ling so much that you can't extricate yourself?"

Now Li Xiaoyi was only left with fear, and his underwear was almost drenched in cold sweat.

Hearing Li Mu's question, he shook his head again and again and said, "I can be sure now that I have never fallen in love with Fu Ling, and I was just fascinated by her."

"Although Fu Ling is beautiful, she is not my type. Marilyn is."

Marilyn was the big blond horse made by Li Xiaoyi, so everyone had no doubts about it.

At this time, Zhan Lan's face changed again, and he said urgently: "Grandma Zelan just rushed to the kitchen, she killed Lu Renjia, Qi Tengyi and Xiao Bingyi ran out of the kitchen, and they are being chased by Granny Zelan."

Li Mu immediately said to Zhang Qin: "My wife quickly take us there."

Zhang Qin didn't say a word, and immediately activated the wind energy, carrying everyone to the shrine.

Zhan Lan also sent out thoughts to control the bodies of the people and reduce their weight, making Zhang Qin more relaxed and faster at the same time.


Inside the shrine, after Qi Tengyi and Xiao Bingyi rushed out of the kitchen, they separated and fled.

It was Qi Tengyi and Lu Renjia who did the fighting in the kitchen. When Granny Zelan entered the kitchen, she saw two people holding a kitchen knife and hatchet dripping blood, so she immediately knew who the murderer was.

And Xiao Bingyi was standing aside with a face full of horror, with empty hands and no blood on his body.

So when Granny Zelan confirmed that Poria was dead, she violently murdered in grief and indignation. She poured her spiritual power into the Yubi stick in her palm, and gave Lu Renjia a blow to the head, beating him to death.

Although Granny Zelan's spiritual strength was not high, it would not take much effort to kill ordinary people like them.

After the two rushed out of the kitchen, since Qi Tengyi was another murderer, she chased Qi Tengyi.

Her plan was to kill the direct murderer first to avenge Fu Ling, then go after Xiao Bingyi, his accomplice, and finally settle the score with the others.

Especially Li Mu, the captain, he had to give himself an explanation.

Although Granny Zelan is old, she has spiritual power to support her, allowing her to walk lightly and quickly to catch up behind Qi Tengyi.

"Ah... don't kill me, she's not human, she's a ghost..."

Qi Teng let out a terrified howl, but how could Granny Zelan, who was filled with grief and indignation, listen?

Poria is a human being or a ghost, isn't she a witch who doesn't know?
This Akagi Takenori is just an ordinary person without the slightest spiritual power, and even his physical fitness is only ordinary, so how can he distinguish ghosts?
Granny Yi Zelan held up the white-glowing imperial coin stick, and roared angrily: "Damn murderer, you dare to slander someone even if you kill someone, you will die."

"Senior, show mercy."

At this moment, a cry came from far away in the sky, but Granny Zelan didn't hesitate at all, and the imperial coin stick fell heavily, Qi Tengyi's brains splashed out on the spot, and he fell to the ground dead.

That is to say, Li Mu and the others didn't plan to really stop her, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hit her with this stick, and even if she hit it, she wouldn't be able to hit anyone.

But it's okay not to stop it, but this one has to be shouted, otherwise it's unreasonable.

After beating Qi Tengyi to death, Granny Zelan looked up at the sky, seeing Li Mu and his party coming against the wind, she couldn't help shrinking her pupils.

She had already overestimated the strength of Li Mu and his group, but unexpectedly, she underestimated them in the end.

She stuck the imperial coin stick on the ground, and took out the eight-foot mirror from her waist pocket.

"Senior, take your time and listen to my explanation." Seeing Granny Zelan's movements, Li Mu hurriedly shouted.

This time, Granny Zelan didn't act rashly again, because she knew very well that if she really did, the result would be death.

Facing the group of people like Li Mu, she is absolutely impossible to be an opponent. The only way is to sacrifice herself and summon the gods to deal with them.

If it wasn't the end of the road, she really didn't want to go to this point, and she still wanted to pass on this shrine.

Seeing that Li Mu didn't seem to want to do anything at this time, she didn't rush to fight, but roared angrily: "What else can I explain?"

"I kindly took you in, and I am willing to help you deal with the evil spirits, but how did you repay me?"

"You killed the child I depended on, such a good child, why? Why did you do this?"

When Grandma Zelan roared, tears were streaming down her face and her whole body was trembling.

Li Mu said solemnly: "Don't worry senior, we will definitely give you an explanation, Lan, first catch that guy Ruchuan Feng."

Zhan Lan's pseudonym: Mao Lilan.

"Yes." Zhan Lan responded, and the scattered mental power immediately condensed into thought power, and raised his right hand like a claw to face a direction, and made a movement of grabbing back.

In the direction where Zhan Lan's hands were facing, Xiao Bingyi, who was about to run out of the shrine, was about [-] meters away in a straight line, and flew backwards uncontrollably.

"Ahhh...don't kill me, I don't want to die..." Xiao Bingyi danced in mid-air, hissing and screaming.

Granny Zelan couldn't help being taken aback when she saw this scene. Since they had this kind of means, if they were determined to save that person just now, it was just a matter of raising their hands.

But they didn't do it directly, but made a request to themselves.

After ignoring it and resolutely killing their companions, they didn't get angry, and instead wanted to give themselves an explanation.

From this point of view, they didn't want to be hostile to themselves, and this matter had nothing to do with them, it was entirely the private behavior of those three guys.

Thinking of this, Granny Zelan felt relieved.

Naturally, Ming Yanwei could not fail to hear such a commotion in the shrine. She quickly ran out of the room and rushed to the scene.

Seeing Qi Tengyi lying on the ground with his head blooming, and Xiao Bingyi who had just been caught by Zhan Lan and fell to the ground, she couldn't help being startled, a little dazed.

She walked up to Zhang Qin and stood still, without speaking, but quietly watching the situation in the field.

When Xiao Bingyi saw Li Mu and his party, it was like seeing a life-saving straw.

Due to the continuous fright, his legs were weak at this moment, unable to stand up, so he scrambled and threw himself in front of Li Mu, hugged Li Mu's leg and shouted: "Captain, Fu Ling is not a human being, she is Fu Jiang."

"That Tomie Kawakami who will confuse men, will never die, and can divide and reproduce infinitely!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed to Granny Zelan and shouted: "This old woman is in the same group as Fu Jiang, and she must not be a good thing. This shrine can't stay here. We have to leave quickly, even if we find someone..."

"Shut up." Li Mu interrupted his words with an angry shout, and then kicked him to the ground.

When Xiao Bingyi pointed at himself and said that he was not a good thing, Granny Zelan was furious, wishing to beat him to death with a stick.

They ran to her house, ate her, and killed her only descendant, and now they still say that she is not a good thing?

Is there a King Fa?Is there any reason?
Granny Zelan took back the eight-foot mirror, held the imperial coin stick again, and shouted angrily: "Please explain to me clearly, what is Fu Jiang, what does it mean to never die, and to be able to divide and reproduce infinitely?"

Li Mu sternly said to Granny Zelan: "Senior, this is exactly what we want to tell Senior, but before I say this, I want to ask Senior a question first."

Granny Zelan's attitude towards Li Mu was much better. After taking a few deep breaths to calm down her anger, she calmly said, "Ask."

Li Mudao: "Dare to ask senior, how long has Miss Fu Ling been at the shrine?"

Granny Zelan said, "More than three years."

Li Mu asked: "How did senior meet Miss Fu Ling? What was she like at that time?"

Granny Zelan frowned and asked, "Does this have anything to do with what happened today?"

Li Mu nodded solemnly and said, "It's very relevant and very important."

Granny Zelan was silent for a moment before she opened her mouth and said, "More than three years ago, I went to visit my friends at Okochi Shrine by Lake Okutama, and on the way back I met Poria cocos."

"She was naked, naked and covered in blood. I asked her what happened, but she didn't remember anything. I had to take her back to the shrine."

"She has never recovered her memory, and she is usually very diligent. After inspection, I found that she is still a virgin, so I decided to train her as a descendant."

After listening to Granny Zelan's words, Li Mu nodded and said, "So that's the case, then basically it's all right, I'll tell senior a story too!"

"During the Meiji period, a strange woman appeared. Her name was Kawakami Tomie. Like a leech or an earthworm, she had a powerful ability to regenerate."

"Fu Jiang has extraordinary beauty, and wherever she goes, there will always be emotional disputes. The men who come into contact with her will fall in love with her madly without exception."

"But in the end, she will definitely be killed by the man who loves her deeply, and the man who kills him will probably dismember her."

"This is the scary part. Even if Fu Jiang is cut into pieces, she will not die. Every piece of her body will grow into a brand new and complete Fu Jiang."

"Then these Fujiangs will spread out again and keep repeating it all."

"Senior, after what happened in the past two days, we have every reason to suspect that Miss Fuling is one of them."

"When you met her, it was probably when she was just reborn, so she was naked and covered in blood."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Granny Zelan was stunned for a long time, she hesitated and said, "Is everything you said true?"

Li Mu nodded and said, "It's absolutely true. We once heard a friend who worked in the Metropolitan Police Department say that from the Meiji period to the present, countless Fu Jiangs have been killed in more than 80 years."

"And these cases are all unsolved homicides, because the police have never been able to find the victim's body."

"This is recorded in the Metropolitan Police Department, and it cannot be faked at all. It is easy for seniors to verify it."

Granny Zelan pondered for a moment, then suddenly thought of something, she stared at Li Mudao: "You don't need to go to the Police Department to ask for a certificate. If Fu Ling is Fu Jiang as you said, then she will be resurrected soon, right?"

Hearing this, Zhan Lan suddenly said, "Senior is right. In fact, if you rush to the kitchen now, you can see a real Miss Fu Ling."

Granny Zelan's expression changed, she turned around and ran to the kitchen without saying a word, followed by Li Mu and the others.

After a while, everyone rushed to the outside of the kitchen, and saw Fu Ling, who was dressed in a maiden uniform and was stained red with blood, was squatting by the well to wash the blood on her body.

Granny Zelan looked at Fuling in disbelief. At this moment, she had no doubts in her heart and completely believed Li Mu's words.

I didn't expect that the successor I taught for three years turned out to be a monster. It turned out that since I met her, every word she said was a lie. This is so sad.

Granny Zelan said with a gloomy face: "Fu Jiang, you fooled me like this and caused me to kill two good people by mistake, won't you feel guilty?"

"Oh... Guilt?" Fu Jiang paused, stood up slowly and turned back, the original purity and gentleness could no longer be seen on his face, only arrogance and frivolity remained.

She smiled and said: "Why should I feel guilty? It's just that I didn't tell my origin, but I have served you with all my heart in the past three years, is it fake?"

Granny Zelan froze, and was speechless for a while. For the past three years, Fu Jiang has indeed worked hard and served her well.

From this point of view, she really has no right to accuse her of anything, but unfortunately, she is a monster after all.

Seeing that Granny Zelan was speechless, Li Mu snorted coldly and said, "A monster is a monster. In the past [-] years, I don't know how many people have been killed by you and how many families have been destroyed."

"You mingled with senior because you wanted to learn the skills of a witch. No matter what you say, you are just a monster that harms the world. We will wipe you out sooner or later."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing Li Mu's words, Fu Jiang laughed wantonly, and said while laughing: "Destroy me? Do you have that ability? Do you know how many me there are in this world?"

"I will only get more and more, and in the end the whole world will be covered with my figure, destroy me? How do you destroy me? Destroy the world? Hahaha..."

Granny Zelan's face was extremely ugly, and the reincarnated people looked at each other in blank dismay. This Fu Jiang really did what she said, killing one of her, and there are thousands of her.

According to the neon urban legends, she is not considered a strong person, and her combat power is not even as good as the Gap Girl, but she is the most troublesome, because she really can't finish killing, this is really...


What does it mean to be unkillable?It means that they can spend unlimited reward points!
Li Mu said coldly: "Yes, your ability is indeed difficult to be destroyed, but I really want to know if you can be reborn if you are burned to ashes."

After saying this, Li Mu swiped his fingers in the air, and pretended to recite the mantra in his mouth: "The universe is away from the fire, brilliant and brilliant, punishing evil and demons, not avoiding disaster..."

The incantations he recited were not Chinese Taoist incantations, but from the onmyoji's incantations.

But he still acted like that, Grandma Zelan didn't find it weird, but she didn't know it.

"When you leave the fire, you will appear immediately, and the evil spirits will disperse, rushing like a law."

When he was reciting the mantra, more than a dozen Lihuo Talismans had been condensed into shape, and with a sound of "quick as a law", the Lihuo Talisman immediately shot towards Fu Jiang.

Although Fu Jiang is a mutant, she has no special abilities other than infinite division and rebirth. Facing Li Mu's talisman, she naturally cannot avoid or resist it.

As soon as the talisman was printed on Fu Jiang's body, it burst into flames.


Fu Jiang let out a scream, she turned around and jumped into the well, intending to use the well water to extinguish the fire, but it was of no use.

What the Lihuo Talisman transforms is a spiritual fire, and it is stimulated by the power of the fire spirit cultivated by the Nanming Lihuo Jue. It can be said to add fuel to the fire, and how can it be extinguished by ordinary water?

Before the spiritual power of the Lihuo Talisman was exhausted, it would still burn even at the bottom of the water. Li Mu was afraid that one Talisman would not be enough, so he gathered more than a dozen at a time.

"Ah ah ah..."

The mouth of the well was reddened by the raging flames, a puff of water vapor formed a column of air and soared into the sky, and Fu Jiang's screams still could not be heard.

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