The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 311 The Scary Kayako

Chapter 311 The Scary Kayako

The kitchen knife was raised very slowly, but when it came down, it was so fast that even Zheng Zha couldn't react.


Zheng Zha's left arm snapped off at the sound, but strangely, the broken left arm didn't fall to the ground, but disappeared without a trace along with the sleeve.

The next moment, he felt a sinking in his stomach, and there was a strange feeling of fullness in his stomach.


Zheng Zha's face changed drastically, and he retched immediately.

While retreating hastily, he cursed angrily: "Damn it, the part that was cut by that kitchen knife will directly enter my stomach. This attack method is so fucking disgusting."

Said that the whole person turned into a cloud of blood mist, and a piece of sleeve fell from the blood mist to the ground.

Afterwards, he condensed into a human form again, and his left arm had returned to its original shape, intact, except that a piece of sleeve was missing.

Li Xiaoyi said enviously: "An immortal body is arrogance, and it's nothing to lose a limb or even a head."

Zheng Zha winked at him proudly and raised his head, which made Li Xiaoyi make up his mind that when he went back this time, he had to exchange for a more awesome bloodline.

The best is the kind of blood that can transform between the physical body and the energy body, and is not afraid of damage to the physical body.

Chu Xuan and Zhao Yingkong suddenly said in unison: "I understand."

The two looked at each other, and they both found that the other's eyes were blank, and the words just said had no emotional ups and downs.

Everyone looked at the appearance of the two and immediately understood what was going on.

Zhang Jie said in amazement: "Fuck, Chu Xuan, you have already unlocked the gene lock? You are tight-lipped."

His facial expressions and emotions were very normal, but his heart sank secretly.

In this way, there are four players who have shown the state of unlocking the gene lock.

According to the rules of the main god's space, when there are three or more players who have unlocked the gene lock in a team, they will be included in the team battle list by the main god and participate in the team battle.

Before the opening of this reincarnation, only Li Mu and Zheng Zha showed the state of unlocking the gene lock.

Although Chu Xuan had activated the gene lock before entering the main god's space, he had never entered the unlocked state in the story world or the main god's space.

Therefore, the main god defaulted that there were only two members in the team who had unlocked the gene lock.

But this time there was another Zhao Yingkong in the reincarnation, and Chu Xuan finally showed the unlocked state, and there were four members in the team who unlocked the gene lock.

If nothing else, the next round of reincarnation would be a team battle, and he was one step closer to the end.

Chu Xuan said: "I didn't want to hide it from you, it's just a plot world, and I didn't have the chance to do it."

After speaking, he looked at Zhao Yingkong again, and said, "Come on!"

Zhao Yingkong nodded, looked at Takeo Saeki who was walking towards Zheng Zha again, and said calmly: "He can't be touched at other times, his body should be in a different dimension."

"Only at the moment of his attack, will he really appear in this world. To kill him, there is only that moment of opportunity."


Zheng Zha snapped his fingers and said, "OK, I understand."

After speaking, he held the knife to meet Takeo Saeki again, and there was a strong glow of blood on Xueyin's knife.

Once again, he walked in front of Takeo Saeki, stood slightly sideways, and still extended his left arm within the range of his attack.

Sure enough, Takeo Saeki slowly raised the kitchen knife again, and Zheng Zha stared at his right shoulder.

When he noticed that his right shoulder moved, Zheng Zha's eyes flashed brightly, and it was now.


Takeo Saeki's kitchen knife fell down like lightning again, but at the same time, Zheng Zha's Xueyin knife also flew up.

Zheng Zha's left arm disappeared again, but Takeo Saeki's body was cut in half by Xue Yindao from his left rib to his right shoulder.

The scarlet blood spirit power erupted, corroding the two halves of Takeo Saeki's body in a few seconds.

However, before he could be happy, a black mist rose out of nowhere in the field, and the black mist condensed and returned to the body of Takeo Saiki.

This time it was not only Takeo Saeki, but the body parts of Kayako who had been dismembered also gathered together, forming a twisted and weird appearance, slowly crawling towards Zheng Zha.


Everyone looked at this scene speechlessly. Zheng Zha, who had just recovered from the blood mist, shouted a little frantically: "What the hell is this? Why are you still recovering? If you fight like this, you will be exhausted to death." gone."

Li Mu and Zhan Lan who rushed back fell from the sky and landed behind him.

Li Mu said: "No accident, it should be to kill Saeki Takeo and Kayako at the same time to completely resolve this wave of attacks, let's do it together."

Zhang Qin said nervously: "You have to be careful. The moment the opponent attacks, the speed is incredible. If you can't dodge, you will be injured."

Li Mu turned around and smiled at her, saying, "Don't worry, I'm faster than her."

He reached out and pulled out the Xiuchun knife behind his back, pouring the red fire spirit power into the blade, and walked straight to Jiaye.

Zheng Zha paid attention to Li Mu's position, silently calculated the distance, and both of them entered the state of unlocking the gene lock.

At this time, Zheng Zha was highly concentrated, and his left arm was cut off twice in a row, and then stuffed into his stomach. He didn't want to experience this feeling for the third time.

So this time, he must kill the opponent while avoiding the opponent's attack.

Everyone suddenly noticed that Zheng Zha's left arm, which was missing a piece of sleeve, seemed to have become thicker.

At this time, his body contained explosive power, whether it was strength, speed, or reaction, it had all been upgraded to a higher level.

Chu Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "This is... the second level of the gene lock."

Zhao Yingkong, who had exited the gene lock state, turned his head to look at him, and then looked at Zheng Zha again, showing some surprise.

What's up with this guy?Didn't it mean that the gene lock can only be opened at the moment of life and death?Why is it so easy for him to open the gene lock?
Others who haven't unlocked the gene lock don't quite understand this feeling, they just think that Zheng Zha is awesome.

Zheng Zha opened the second-order gene lock, and Li Mu opened the fourth-order gene lock, and the two entered the attack range of Saiki Takeo and Gayeko at the same time.

Takeo Saeki raised his kitchen knife again, and Kayako raised his right arm.


The moment the kitchen knife fell, Zheng Zha suddenly took a step diagonally upwards, and the snow knife brushed against Saeki Takeo's waist.

Li Mu on the other side, when Jiaye's right hand suddenly grabbed his thigh, took half a step aside and slashed down at the same time.

Both avoided the other's attack this time and delivered their own.

Takeo Saeki and Kayako collapsed at the same time, and the sliding door disappeared without a trace.

Li Mu turned around and walked towards Zheng Zha, raised his left hand to him, and at the same time said in consciousness: "There is still no reward, this coconut is really hard to deal with."

Zheng Zha also stretched out his left hand and slapped Li Mu, then his expression changed, he bent down and let out a cry of pain, and the Xueyin knife was stuck on the ground with a "crack".

The faces of the team members changed slightly, and Zhan Lan stepped forward to support him nervously, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you injured? You shouldn't have it with your physique!"

Li Mu said: "It's the sequelae of unlocking the gene lock. His gene lock has already opened the second layer. This is damage at the genetic level, and special abilities cannot eliminate this kind of damage."

"However, with his current physique, it is impossible for his genes to collapse. At most, he will suffer for a while, and he will be fine after carrying it over."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but Zheng Zha gritted his teeth and raised his head, looked at Li Mu and said, "With my current physical strength, I have to endure such a lot of pain. You actually carried it with the body of an ordinary person back then. You really deserve it." 'The legendary brother-in-law Qin', I admire."

Zhang Qin smiled and looked at Li Mu with pride and admiration.

Li Mu also smiled, and said: "It is impossible for a real ordinary person to carry it over. It must be the result of genetic collapse and die, just like the old lady who lifted the car to save her grandson."

"I was not an ordinary person back then. I had learned qigong, whether it was hard qigong or breathing."

"Although hard qigong and breath breathing are not real methods of cultivation, they have actually strengthened my physique and genes. This is why I flew at low altitude and barely passed the test."

Speaking of this, he looked at Chu Xuan and said, "In the past, people should have paid equal attention to cultivation and gene locks. Practice can make the body stronger and allow people to survive the sequelae of unlocking the gene lock."

"Unlocking the genetic lock can allow people to better exert their cultivation power, and the two can be said to complement each other."

"If you just unlock the genetic lock, but don't have extraordinary power, then it won't be much stronger."

"Without the support of the gene lock, the power of practice cannot be perfectly mastered, nor can it be cultivated to a high level, let alone become a fairy."

"The higher the degree of unlocking the gene lock, the smoother the practice will be, and the faster the cultivation base will improve, and the higher the cultivation base, the safer it will be to unlock the gene lock."

"This may be the reason why the fourth-order gene lock was called the innate body by the predecessors, what do you think?"

Chu Xuan nodded and said: "That's true. I have also practiced the hard qigong and breathing and breathing that you mentioned."

"It's just that we are more scientific and call it the abdominal breathing method instead of exhalation. Zhao Yingkong should be the same, right?"

Zhao Yingkong nodded silently. Compared with Chu Xuan and Li Mu, she has a deeper understanding of Huaxia Chuanwu.

After this experience, everyone has understood that in order to become truly powerful, and then to become a saint, one must seek to unlock the genetic lock while practicing.

While speaking, the faces of Li Mu, Zhang Qin, and Zheng Zha all changed, and Li Mu said vigilantly: "Everyone, be careful, Kayako strikes again."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they all resumed their tactical formation. Li Xiaoyi held up the particle gun nervously and turned back and forth, asking repeatedly: "Where is she? Where is she?"

When Zhang Qin swiped her fingers, a series of exorcising talismans formed all over her body. Her spiritual sense fully sensed it, and she said with a slightly ugly face: "It's right beside us, very close to us, but we can't determine the location."

At this time, Granny Zelan knelt on the ground, trying her best to recover her spiritual power, and completely entrusted her safety to the reincarnators.

No one noticed that Ming Yanwei, who was unconscious on the ground, frowned, her body twitching unconsciously.

A few seconds later, she opened her mouth and spewed out a large amount of black blood with a puff, and there were many pieces of internal organs in the black blood.

The action of Ming Yanwei spurting blood finally attracted everyone's attention.

With his eyes closed, Zheng Zha, who forcibly condensed his consciousness, opened his eyes suddenly, and shouted: "In Ming Yanwei's body, this time, Kayako is attacking directly from within."

Zhang Qin didn't say a word when she heard the words, and jumped in front of Ming Yanwei, and the dozens of exorcism talismans that had just been condensed hit her.


As soon as the exorcism talisman touched her body, thick black air immediately rose from Ming Yanwei's body. Seeing this, Li Mu also began to gather the exorcism talisman and hit everyone a dozen times.

"These talismans can guarantee that within 15 minutes, Kayako will not be able to invade your body again. I want to see what other means she has."

After Zhang Qin helped Ming Yanwei get rid of the Kayako in her body, she checked her condition, finally stood up sadly, and shook her head at Li Mu.

Overlord scolded angrily: "Damn bitch, you actually know how to pick and squeeze persimmons."

Ming Yanwei's talent for bow and arrow has already been recognized by senior practitioners.

If we cultivate her, try to untie her knots, and arouse her desire to survive, she will become another powerful force in the team.

But now it's gone like this, which really makes people feel angry.

Chu Xuan said: "Li Mu, Zhang Qin, Zheng Zha, and Senior Ze Lan who have the power of cultivation, she can't intrude. If other people are intruded, they will be discovered immediately."

"Only Ming Yanwei is in a coma. We can't even notice that we killed her by that method. By the time we notice, it will be too late. It's really a good plan."

Li Mu said angrily: "I should have blessed you with talismans as soon as I came back. This was my mistake."

Zhang Qin blamed herself even more, and said: "No, it's my fault. I came back first, and I didn't think about it."

Chu Xuan said calmly: "It's none of your business, none of us knew that Kayako would have such an attack method."

"In the face of unknown enemies and unknown abilities, no one dares to say that they can be watertight, and neither can I."

"Giggle cluck..."

At this moment, another burst of clucking sounds came from all directions.

Zhang Jie said angrily: "It's this trick again, my mother... er..."

Just when everyone thought that this time, it was another endless Kayako sea, a huge Kayako with a height of ten meters stood up from the courtyard on the other side of the wall.

Everyone can see that the body of that giant Kayako is made up of faces.

Those are hideous and painful grimaces, each face has a different appearance, old and young, male and female, they gather together to form this huge Kayako.

And the countless gyako clones on the ground are still crawling towards that giant gyako.

Every time a group climbs up, the size of the giant Kayako will become bigger, taller and thicker.

Li Mu shouted: "Attack, don't let her grow any longer, Zhan Lan pays attention to mental protection, and guards against Sadako and Mimiko's surprise attack."

Zhan Lan responded, "Understood."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"Da da da da..."

All the firearms fired at the same time, constantly breaking up a certain part of the giant Kayako's body, but with the replenishment of Kayako's clone, it will soon return to its integrity.


The 15-meter-high giant Kayako had just lifted his foot, and the wall in front of him was kicked into pieces.

The broken bricks and stones slammed towards everyone, but they were blocked by Zhan Lan's mental power barrier. They were all suspended three meters away from everyone, and then fell to the ground.

As the giant Kayako came towards them, a terrifying sense of oppression hit everyone's hearts, and they retreated subconsciously.

Grandma Zelan was also awakened by the huge evil spirit when the giant Kayako appeared, and she could no longer recover her spiritual power with peace of mind.

Looking at the wall that was destroyed by Kayako, she felt distressed, glaring at the giant Kayako and gnashing her teeth, but she had to retreat with everyone.

To make matters worse, Zhan Lan suddenly groaned, and two streams of blood flowed out of his nostrils.

(End of this chapter)

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