Chapter 319 Master Bachi joins the team
This reincarnation is really an unprecedented harvest. There are four A-level branch plots alone, and three B-level branch plots are enough to make up five.

Counting all the C-level and D-level plots together, you can add an A-level branch plot. In this way, there are two S-level branch plots.

And the reward points are even more terrifying. The Fujiang Legion alone has contributed more than 24 reward points to the team.

There are also bosses such as Aunt Hong, Sadako, Kayako, Mimiko, etc., the kill bonus plus assist bonus, all of which add up to 11 bonus points.

In other words, the total reward point income of this reincarnation is more than 35 reward points, which is enough for seven people to leave the main god space and return to the present world.

But now no one is willing to leave like this, and they haven't even got immortality yet, so why go out?

With extraordinary power, power and wealth are at your fingertips, but in just a few hundred years, everything is empty, so what's the point?
If you don't believe me, ask Emperor Qin and Han Wu, if they are allowed to exchange the throne for immortality and extraordinary power, would they be willing to exchange it? There is no suspense at all.

What's more, now that they are all used to the plot world, and with the strong survival guarantee brought by Li Mu, no one will have any fear anymore.

Now there are exactly ten reincarnators in the team. If Mr. Hachichi joins in, there will be 11 people. If they are distributed evenly, each person can get more than 3 reward points.

Even after removing the 7 bonus points that Li Mu must have, there are still more than 27.

But now is not the time to allocate resources. Everything has to wait for Li Mu and Chu Xuan to return from the plot world. After all expenses are removed, it is time to consider resource allocation.


At noon the next day, everyone gathered for a dinner in the leisure area of ​​the Main God Square, and Zhao Yingkong was welcome to join the team.

This killer girl who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, after feeling everyone's enthusiasm and sincere acceptance of her, a faint smile began to appear on her cold face.

But this time, Zero Point finally brought out his creation.

It was a handsome little boy who was only eleven or twelve years old and looked prettier than a girl.

Zero introduced that this is his younger brother.

The little boy was very shy. When he came out, he hid behind Zero, poking his head out to observe everyone secretly.

When he found that everyone was looking at him, he immediately blushed and hid behind Zero Point, looking shy and cute.

His appearance is too handsome, coupled with this shy and cute appearance, he has full lethality against Zheng Taikong.

After eating and chatting in the leisure area for a while, Li Mu got up and said to everyone: "We have enough food and drink, it's time for us to get down to business."

He took out a reincarnation watch from the universe bag and handed it to Chu Xuan, which he exchanged last night.

"You have to go there for a few days, you can decide for yourself. I believe that with your ability, it should be fine."

Chu Xuan took the reincarnation watch and said to him: "One day is enough, how many days do you plan to go?"

Li Mu looked at Zheng Zha and said, "For us, the main reason is that Zheng Zha needs to exchange for a few more days. We have more than two days."

Chu Xuan said: "Wait for me, I have something to give to you."

After speaking, he returned to his room, and when he came out again, he was carrying a backpack in his hand.

Chu Xuan handed the backpack to Li Mu and said, "Bringing these things will be helpful to you."

"What?" Li Mu took the backpack and asked in surprise.

Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses and said, "Last night, I spent 500 reward points to exchange for an ordinary T virus stock solution. Using this stock solution, I made a T virus antigen detection stick."

"In addition, there are two documents in the backpack, which can make things more convenient for you."

Suddenly, Li Mu gave Chu Xuan a thumbs up and praised, "Professional."

He opened the backpack, and sure enough, he found that in addition to some blood collection tools and testing sticks, there were also two blue-covered documents in the backpack.

Printed on the cover is a pattern of two olive branches surrounding a world map, which is the symbol of the United Nations.

Li Mu took out a book and opened it, and couldn't help but laugh.

The identities that Chu Xuan prepared for him and Zhao Yingkong were special service personnel under the United Nations Security Council, and their official name was International Security Investigators.

Li Mu handed Zhao Yingkong's certificate to her, and said amusedly, "Don't mention it, this identity is quite bluffing, so let's go our separate ways!"

This time Chu Xuan did not take Arnold with him, but returned to the world of neon urban legends alone. Since it was a world he had just experienced, he only needed to spend 10 bonus points.

There are six people on Li Mu's side, and each person needs two days. A total of 600 reward points are needed, plus a D-level branch plot to open the world.

Zheng Zha plans to go for a week and spend 350 reward points.


The time Chu Xuan chose to enter was 1 minute after their return, and the location was the front yard of the Lukang Shrine.

But he said that after they disappeared, within three seconds, Lord Bachi appeared in the residence of Li Mu and others out of thin air.

"Suddenly disappeared? What's going on?"

Master Bachi frowned beautifully, and his spiritual power instantly enveloped the entire Lucang Mountain, but he did not find any trace of Li Mu and others.

There is not the slightest sinister aura on the mountain, and there are no spatial fluctuations, obviously not some evil spirits.

She walked out of the room in a daze, and walked around the shrine where she was the only one left, her eyes were a little dazed.

But soon, an aura she was already very familiar with suddenly appeared in the front yard out of thin air.

She focused her eyes, regained focus, and then disappeared in place, and when she reappeared, she was already standing in front of Chu Xuan.

She looked at Chu Xuan and asked calmly, "Why did you suddenly disappear? Where did they go?"

Chu Xuan raised his head slightly, looked into her eyes, and said calmly: "They have returned to the place they should go back to, and it is also the place we came from."

Hachi-sama asked slowly: "What about you? Why did you come back?"

Chu Xuan said: "I'm here to invite you, follow me to the place we came from."

Bachi-sama said: "What kind of place is that?"

Chu Xuan said: "That is the realm of the gods, go there, and you have a chance to become a real god."

Master Hachichi was stunned for a moment, and murmured, "God's Domain? Gao Tianyuan?"

Chu Xuan shook his head and said, "It's not Gao Tianyuan, maybe Gao Tianyuan and Amaterasu, or even the gods in the hearts of people from other countries in the world, are just like ants in the eyes of that god."

Hachi-sama narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked suspiciously, "Is there really such a place?"

Chu Xuan said decisively: "Yes, everyone who has just entered there has a chance to resurrect someone who has passed away from his own memory."

Hachi-sama wondered, "Resurrection from memory? What do you mean?"

Chu Xuan said: "According to my understanding, God manifests someone in your memory from your memory."

"Take Senior Zelan as an example. When you revive her, if you think about her 16-year-old appearance, then when she is resurrected, she will be 16-year-old."

"If you think about what she looked like when she was 60, then she will be 60 when she comes back to life, but her memory will not change, she will still be her."

Master Hachisha's pupils shrunk. If what he said is true, then only God can do all this.

She was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Why did you invite me?"

Chu Xuan said: "Because I want you to go."

Bachi-sama showed her face with a smile, which instantly made everything pale. She smiled charmingly and said, "You say that, do you fall in love with me?"

Chu Xuan looked at her calmly and said, "I can't understand what love is, you know, but I hope one day I can understand."

Master Hachisha looked at him with a smile, and then asked: "Then after I go there, can I come back?"

Chu Xuan said: "I am standing in front of you now, and I have explained everything."

Bachi-sama stopped hesitating and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

Chu Xuan nodded and said: "There are some things I have to tell you first. After entering there, I will go to parallel worlds one after another, perform various tasks issued by the gods, and experience various battles."

"After completing the task, you will get rewards from the gods, continuously strengthen yourself, and eventually turn yourself into a real god, but because of this, there will be certain dangers. Are you still willing to go?"

Hachichi-sama said: "Then, the world I am in is just one of the parallel worlds you have experienced?"

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Yes, our mission in this world is to survive the attack of various evil spirits for seven days first, and then to eliminate those evil spirits."

"You helped us defeat the evil spirits and gave us rich rewards. This is not only our luck, but also your opportunity. If you seize this opportunity, you will have the opportunity to become a god."

Hachi-sama said with a half-smile, "So the main reason why you invited me is because I'm strong enough, right?"

Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses and said, "It is undeniable that this is indeed one of the reasons."

Lord Bachi rolled his eyes and said, "I understand the situation, how are you going to take me to the realm of God?"

Chu Xuan took out the reincarnation watch from his pocket, handed it to Lord Bachi, and said, "Wear this watch, and you will be called by God."

Hachishi-sama took the reincarnation watch, looked deeply at Chu Xuan, and said, "Isn't your name Kudo Shinichi?"

Chu Xuan nodded and said, "This is my alias in this world, my real name is Chu Xuan."

Bachi-sama smiled and said, "My name is Bachizhe, from now on I will be called Zan."

Chu Xuan said kindly: "Okay, 様."

Bachi-sama put on the reincarnation watch contentedly, and a majestic and dignified voice immediately sounded in her mind.

"The name is Bachizhang, the race is demon, and the body is a ten thousand-year-old birch tree. Will you accept the call of the main god, enter the space of the main god, and become a reincarnation?"

Bachi-sama's eyes are slightly focused. For thousands of years, her real body has never been seen through, and even the world can't tell whether she is a demon or a ghost.

Unexpectedly, the main god said it out. This so-called main god is really terrifying.

Bachi-sama collected his mind and said in a deep voice, "Accept."


In the world of Resident Evil, 13 hours after the end of the first episode of Resident Evil, several figures appeared out of thin air on the roof of a hotel called Eaton Chelsea in Raccoon City.

Appearing here are Li Mu, Zhang Qin, Zhan Lan, Zhang Jie, Li Xiaoyi, and Zhao Yingkong.

Zheng Zha didn't go with them, the place he chose to enter was directly at Nihong, which saved him the trouble of flying there.

Returning to the reincarnation world that you have experienced, you can actively set the time and place.

But if you don't take the initiative to set it up, but simply want to rest and relax for a few days, the main god will default you to a safe place far away from the place where the plot takes place.

At this time, Zhao Yingkong was carrying the backpack, everyone was wearing normal clothes, and the weapons and equipment were placed in the Qiankun bags of Li Mu and Zhan Lan.

When they are sure they are ready to move, they will change gear and equip their weapons.

It was six o'clock in the afternoon, but the sun was still high in the western sky.

Raccoon City is located in the northeast of North America, near Michigan.

The sun usually doesn't set until eight or nine in the evening. If it gets dark, it must be after ten in the evening, and then it will be dawn before four in the morning.

In other words, the summer night here in Raccoon City is only about five hours.

Li Mu and the others walked to the edge of the hotel roof and looked down, only to see that the city was already in chaos.

There were more than a dozen police cars parked on the street, and dozens of policemen were trying to catch a group of ferocious-looking zombies who roared like wild beasts and chased after people.

Tens of meters away from the police, there were people from the TV station broadcasting live.

A blond, blue-eyed, well-built female reporter held a microphone and chattered into the camera, looking back nervously from time to time.

"There is still no explanation for the sudden killings that swept across the city, and the atrocities raged seemingly endlessly..."


A policeman finally opened fire decisively after the warning was ineffective, not only failed to hold down the other party, but was bitten instead.

However, the policeman who fired the gun found that the bullet hit the opponent's leg, which only caused the opponent to stagger, and then continued to walk slowly towards him as if nothing had happened.

The police fired again at the zombie's chest, only to find to his horror that the bullet couldn't kill him at all.

The police finally started to panic, and everyone stopped trying to arrest, but opened fire desperately.

"Bang bang bang..."

Gunshots rang out like popping beans, and the zombies were knocked to the ground one after another by the kinetic energy of the bullets, but soon got up unsteadily and continued to approach them.

The police retreated steadily, and some police officers were desperately yelling at the communicator: "We need support..."

For all this, Li Mu and others just watched with cold eyes, and had no intention of going down to be heroes.

They are reincarnators, not saviors.

"Zhan Lan, scan the whole city, find the hospital, and locate Alice."


Zhan Lan's pupils shrank, and his mental power immediately swept out in a linear shape, and then began to spin.

Six or seven seconds later, she said, "I found it, Umbrella Medical Center in Raccoon City, about 6.3 kilometers to the northeast."

Li Mu asked, "How is the guard?"

Zhan Lan said: "There are 32 armed personnel, 6 researchers from Umbrella, and no other patients or medical staff."

"In the entire medical center, only Alice and Matt's mutated trackers are now in a coma."

Zhang Jie looked at Zhang Qin and said, "Sister Qin, I remember that before we left last time, because of your actions, Matthew and the others survived, right? Why is there only one Matt here?"

Zhang Qin said helplessly: "How do I know? Maybe only Matt was injured and infected, so he was included in the Nemesis Project. Most of the others have also been arrested, but they don't know where they are being held."

Li Xiaoyi said indifferently: "These plot characters have their own destiny, we are just reincarnation, how can we control so much? Besides, we don't have much friendship with Matthew and the others."

Zhang Jie said with a smile: "We don't have much friendship, but Matthew and the others still owe Sister Qin a life!"

Zhang Qin shrugged and asked Li Mu, "Husband, what are you going to do?"

The corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he said, "First step, let's rush to the vicinity of the medical center first, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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