The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 326 What are you fighting for with only a few dollars in a month?

Chapter 326 It's only a few thousand dollars a month, what are you fighting for?

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Just as the five helicopters flew over the fence and before they had time to lock on to the two vehicles, rockets flew out one after another from a window of the bus.

"Boom boom boom..."

The chip controlling Matt had been destroyed, disconnecting Umbrella from him, but not the systems inside him.

With the assistance of the system, Matt's accuracy is frighteningly high.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 300 meters. It took just over a second from the time the rocket ejected to the target. The pilot had no time to react, and the five helicopters exploded in the air one by one.

This time, whether it was the armed men on the fence who had not yet died in battle, the Delta soldiers surrounding Li Mu, or Kane in the camp below, all of them were stupefied.

When Kane reacted, he could no longer maintain his gentleness. He cursed angrily: "Asshole, we were deceived, the tracker is not dead at all."

Since he didn't count the pursuers, he had no defense at all, otherwise he would never have let the helicopter go into the air so hastily.

The main reason was that Li Mu's appearance was too sudden and his fighting power was too strong, which completely disrupted his deployment.

The most critical point is the alloy gate.

As long as the door is not open, no matter what the situation is, he can deal with it calmly.

Even if the tracker is in the opponent's camp, there is nothing he can do about him, he can only be at his mercy.

But as soon as the gate was opened, all the deployments became a joke. In a short distance of 240 meters, at the speed of a car, it would take less than 20 seconds to pass.

On the fence, Li Mu glanced at him, and the Delta soldiers who were in a commotion said, "Everyone, what are you trying to do with only a few thousand dollars a month?"

"Umbrella doesn't treat you as human beings at all. In the eyes of the higher-ups, you are just a group of tools that can be discarded at any time."

"The Alpha Squad has become an abandoned child. In the car below, among my companions, there are two survivors of the Alpha Squad."

"To put it bluntly, killing you will not be much more difficult than killing chickens, but I don't want to kill you, you better think clearly."

The salary of the Beacon Country is every Friday, once a week. The salary of Umbrella's emergency countermeasures soldiers is 1600 dollars a week, and that of ordinary soldiers is 1200 dollars.

In the lighthouse country, the income already belongs to the middle and upper class. The income of the white-collar workers is basically around 800 dollars a week, and the income of the working class is only between 400 and 500 dollars.

But even so, a monthly salary of several thousand knives is obviously not comparable to life.

They are not government troops, they do not have any beliefs and beliefs, they are just a group of workers.

So after listening to Li Mu's words, the soldiers looked at me and I looked at you, and their bodies responded honestly.

They retreated slowly, leaving many gaps in the encirclement.

Li Mu nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It's a wise choice. When the fight starts, play it by ear and try to avoid the gate. It's not worth dying in such a situation."

After speaking, he walked out of the encirclement from a gap, returned to the wall, and jumped off the wall under the watchful eyes of Delta soldiers.

These Delta soldiers didn't bring guns, they all held cold weapons, and they didn't pose any threat to the large army. Li Mu didn't want to waste time and effort to kill them.

The most urgent task is to help the large troops to break through the blockade of the armed forces inside the gate. It is the most time-saving and labor-saving way to solve the problem in a few words.

Seeing Li Mu jumping off the fence, the car and the bus immediately slowed down, and the people in the car were still suppressing the top of the fence.

Although the morale of the above-mentioned armed personnel was completely demoralized, and none of them dared to stand up, it was still necessary to fire a few shots occasionally.

Otherwise, if they stop shooting, the armed personnel above will not move, and it will be unjustifiable on the company side, so this is a tacit understanding between the two parties.

As long as the gunfire doesn't stop, the armed men on the fence can lie there with peace of mind and don't have to risk their lives to stand up and fight back.

Li Mu sheathed his knife, pulled out his pistol, and shouted at the bus: "A large number of armed men have gathered behind the door, Matt, we need you to open the way."

Hearing Li Mu's words, Matt jumped off the bus without saying a word, and rushed towards the door with big strides.

Except for Zhang Jie, the special police who were driving, and Ajie, Terry, and Angela, who had no combat effectiveness, everyone else got out of the car one after another.

If the obstacles are not cleared away, they will only become living targets if they drive out.

So they followed Matt ten meters behind, sticking to both sides of the gate, and rushed out of the city together, while the two cars followed them ten meters away.

At this time, there was still a rocket in Matt's bazooka, but the rapid-fire machine gun did not fire a single shot. A total of 5000 rounds of bullets were enough to level the camp.

"Da da da da..."

As soon as Matt rushed out of the gate, he was hit by hundreds of automatic fires. The blood on his body exploded, and his predecessor was beaten to pieces in an instant, which made Alice heartbroken.


Matt let out a growl, raised the rapid-fire machine gun and pressed the motor button.

"Woo... chug chug..."

The motor rotated, and the bullets of the rapid-fire machine gun formed a whip of fire, which was drawn towards the crowd.

"Puff puff puff..."

The blood burst again, but this time it was the Umbrella armed personnel who burst the blood.

At this close distance, even if they were lying on the ground, it would be useless, it was nothing more than Matt flicking his wrist.

The rapid-fire machine gun in Matt's hands is much more stable than in the hands of Overlord, and it feels almost recoilless.

When the muzzle of the rapid-fire machine gun turned a fan, the number of ammunition displayed on the ammunition display on the gun was only more than 1600 rounds left.

And there is no one standing in sight, including the camp behind.

Those who were still alive were all lying on the ground, and no one dared to shoot Matt again.

The system in Matt's body allows him to easily distinguish which are dead and which are living.

Anyone with the intention of attacking will be caught by him immediately, and then he will shoot him to kill him.

At this time, the Delta soldiers lying on the wall, and the ordinary soldiers who survived, looked at the colleagues who were lying on the ground below, and couldn't help but get chills down their spines, feeling inexplicably grateful to Li Musheng.

They didn't think about it any more, and immediately got down on the ground one after another, pretending to be dead bodies without moving.

After Matt killed all the armed forces attacking him in the camp, Li Mu and his party also rushed out.

All of them raised their guns and stared at the field. Anyone who dared to make any changes would be shot dead on the spot.

Matt looked at a large tent in the middle of the camp, and strode there first.

The others formed a tactical formation, guarding all directions, and followed closely behind him.

While walking, the bullets that entered Matt's body were squeezed out one by one by his muscles, and the wounds healed immediately.

Matt didn't have any injuries except the clothes in front of him were riddled with holes.

If it weren't for the inhumanity of creating a stalker, Li Mu would have wanted to get some of Matt's genes and go back to let Chu Xuan get the stalker out.

Each reincarnator has a chance to create a human for free, and after using it, you need 500 reward points once.

It is still very cost-effective to transform a man into a stalker, but again, even if it is the main god's creation of a man, it is too cruel to transform a stalker.

This is not the same as Zheng Zha's practice of inhaling human blood. Biochemically transforming living people is simply anti-human.

When a group of people led by Matt was about to approach the tent, the tent was opened first.

First came a wheelchair and, of course, the person in the wheelchair.

Then there was a pistol, a pistol on the head of the man in the wheelchair.

The tent door was opened, and a handsome white man in a suit and leather shoes came out pushing a wheelchair, followed by three women holding pistols.

The pistols of the three women were all pointing at the man in the wheelchair, and they all knew that this man was the only one who could make the other party use the mouse.

Seeing the man, Jill gritted his teeth and said, "He is the person in charge."

Kane glanced at Jill, and then said to Li Mu: "I think we have to talk, if you don't want Dr. Ashford to turn into a corpse."

When Matt swept across the camp just now, Kane saw the opportunity quickly, pulled Dr. Ashford out of the wheelchair, and lay on the ground with them.

Otherwise, Dr. Ashford would have been a corpse by now. After all, Matt didn't know Dr. Ashford.

Li Mu stared at Kane and said, "If you want us to spare your life, it's not impossible. Immediately notify the rear and let them give up launching the nuclear bomb."

As long as Raccoon City is not destroyed, the situation here will be known to the whole world, and Umbrella will no longer be able to hide the truth.

Of course Li Mu knew that it was not up to Kane to decide, but he had to say that in front of other people.

Sure enough, Kane shook his head helplessly and said: "Unfortunately, this is not something I can decide. I can decide the launch time, but I can't decide to give up the launch."

"Even if I don't give the order, the missiles will arrive as scheduled at dawn."

Li Mu looked at Jill, Joss and the others with a questioning expression.

Jill said: "In this case, we can spare your life, but you cannot leave, you must accept our surveillance."

Kane smiled bitterly: "I know what you want to do, but it's useless, you can't beat the company."

Li Mu snorted coldly: "That's our business. After all, we and Dr. Ashford are just a cooperative relationship, and the cooperation still failed."

"Although we do not want him to die, it is only out of humanitarianism. He is not as important to us as you think."

"If you don't even agree to this condition, then you are going to die. The most we can say is sorry to Angela."

"Although killing a small person like you won't solve the fundamental problem, it's at least the beginning, the beginning of our revenge on Umbrella."

"So, do you want to be the beginning?"

Speaking of this, Li Mu raised his pistol and pointed it at Kane's head.


Others also raised their guns, aiming at Kane and the three women behind him.

What made Kane tense the most was that Matt lifted the rapid-fire machine gun and moved the green dot of the laser sight on the gun to his head.

The three women threw down their pistols one after another and walked aside with their hands raised high, fearing that they would be accidentally killed by stray bullets.

Kane smiled wryly when he saw this, and threw away the pistol decisively, raising his hands.

Li Mu turned his head towards Jill, and said, "Valentine, please take the doctor to see Angela, so that their father and daughter can be reunited."

Dr. Ashford said gratefully to Li Mu: "Thank you, thank you very much."

Naturally, he didn't care about what Li Mu said before, he knew it was just to break Kane's psychological defense.

Jill pushed Dr. Ashford towards the direction of the bus, while the SWAT police rushed forward and handcuffed Kane and the three women behind their backs.

The next thing was simple, the gate was closed again, and the armed men were dismissed after laying down their weapons.

The crowd replaced cars and buses with Umbrella's vehicles.

Outside the Heimen Bridge, Li Mu and his party bid farewell to Joss, Jill and others.

Jill and the others will take Kane and the others to Washington in the southeast direction, and Dr. Ashford will be with them as a witness.

Li Mu and the others will go southwest to Detroit.

Li Mu is not optimistic about whether Jill and the others can reach Washington smoothly.

He can even almost conclude that they will definitely be stopped halfway, or simply wiped out.

As for his own journey, Umbrella will most likely not act rashly. After all, Matt, the tracker, and Alice, the evolutionary, are both in this team.

His performance was also recorded by Kane and the others before and uploaded to Umbrella's data stream, which will inevitably arouse Umbrella's fear.

Umbrella would probably spy on them along the way to figure out where they were going and what they were doing before deciding what to do with them.

Of course, even if Umbrella really intercepted them halfway, Li Mu wouldn't be afraid, the worst would be to expose his true strength.

If he really pissed them off, he would take Zhan Lan and Zhang Qin directly into Umbrella's headquarters under the hive, and wipe out all the high-level executives, making "Resident Evil" come to an end.

Li Mu and his party of ten people took an off-road vehicle and a commercial vehicle and headed for Detroit at full speed.

Less than half an hour later, the east was pale, and the sky and the earth lit up.

A column of smoke swept across the sky and flew towards Raccoon City.

Everyone looked at the smoke column silently, feeling sad for the citizens of Raccoon City.

A total of 200 million people became victims, and the ruler of Umbrella was even more insane than the neon ghosts.

On the commercial vehicle, Li Mu and the others were filling the empty magazines with bullets one by one.

Carlos suddenly asked Li Mu: "Mu, if the end is coming as you said, what are your plans?"

Li Mu pondered for a moment, then slowly said: "First of all, we have to work hard to survive, and then we can think about other things. If possible, I will destroy Umbrella."

"Although it seems hopeless, as long as you do it a little bit, it will be done one day."

"Then I will find a suitable place, build a survivor base, and find a way to gather the survivors little by little, and keep some kindling for human civilization."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Carlos and Nicola couldn't help but respect him and feel proud that they joined such a team.

Nicholas asked again: "So how long do you think the end will come?"

Li Mudao: "In less than ten weeks, the entire Beacon Country will become a zombie country. Within a year, the T virus will spread to the whole world. By then, the real end will come."

Carlos and Nicola looked at each other with complicated eyes.

One year, just one year, the world will become completely strange to them.

So, can they adapt to such a world?

(End of this chapter)

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