The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 328 Breaking into the Laboratory

Chapter 328 Breaking into the Laboratory

At 58:21, the sun dipped into the horizon, and the sky and the earth gradually dimmed. At [-]:[-], night finally fell.

Behind the Marriott Hotel at the Detroit Renaissance Center, the manhole cover of the municipal tunnel in the corner was lifted, and Li Mu and his party, who were fully equipped, climbed down the iron ladder one by one.

Zhao Ying took the lead with a tablet in her hand, and the plan of Detroit's municipal tunnel was displayed on the tablet.

The route extending to the Umbrella Science and Technology Park has been marked with a red line by Zhao Yingkong.

This floor plan was copied from the database after she hacked into the central database of the Detroit City Planning Bureau.

A city's municipal tunnel is almost equivalent to a large maze, and it is often difficult to tell the direction when it is underground.

If there is no map to refer to, unless it is a brain that is close to a computer like Chu Xuan, it will definitely get lost.

Under the guidance of Zhao Yingkong, a group of nine people quickly headed towards the science and technology park.

Ten minutes later, they were already in the park. Li Mu climbed up from a fence-style cast iron manhole cover, took out a miniature periscope, and went up through the gap in the manhole cover to observe.

After seeing the surrounding scene clearly, Li Mu climbed down again.

After leaving the manhole cover for a certain distance, Li Mu said softly to everyone: "The exit here is in a lawn, which is still in the front of the park. It is only an area for the production of ordinary goods. We have to go deeper."

As for the welding of the manhole cover, he didn't take it seriously at all, so he didn't tell everyone.

Everyone nodded silently, and continued to follow Zhao Yingkong, and went about 200 meters deeper. After turning a few corners, another manhole cover appeared in front of everyone.

Li Mu repeated his old tricks and went up to observe again.

This time it was on the side of a main road, and the manhole cover was close to the flowerbed. You could see a group of three Umbrella soldiers on the road, patrolling back and forth with high frequency.

Obviously this is already deep in the park, but it is not suitable as an assault location. They will be discovered as soon as they come out, and the group continues to move.

When the fifth exit was found, the time to go out finally came.

The manhole cover was located in the alley between two buildings, and the surrounding area was silent, with no footsteps heard.

Li Mu asked subconsciously: "Zhan Lan, where are we now? How far is it from Isaacs?"

Zhan Lan immediately replied: "You are lucky, this manhole cover is next to Isaacs' laboratory, and the building on the right with a glass front is."

"He deployed heavy troops in another building in the middle of the park. Anyone who sees it will feel that that building is very important. It is either an important person or an important place."

"But in fact, it's just an ordinary medical equipment research and development laboratory, and there are only a few ordinary researchers in it."

"The place where he really is is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. There are no guards outside, and no patrols patrolling."

"Only at the entrance of the building next door, there are two guard posts symbolically arranged, but there are 7 sniper rifles, keeping an eye on that area at all times."

"The aisle leading to the laboratory is very long. It is not only covered with surveillance probes, but also guarded by a full 48 elite soldiers. They are all members of the emergency response force Bravol."

After listening to Zhan Lan's words, the corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched, and he said in consciousness: "You will listen to my notice later, and kill those 7 snipers at the right time."

Zhan Lan said, "Understood."

After communicating with Zhan Lan, Li Mu pulled out the saber, poured spiritual power into the saber, condensed the light of the saber, and then stabbed the saber into the weld of the manhole cover, cutting the weld like cutting tofu.

Then he put away his saber, climbed down again, and whispered to everyone: "This exit is very suitable. Everyone is ready to go out. Xiao Zhao immediately started to attack the surveillance system of the park."

Zhao Yingkong nodded, took out the notebook and opened it, and adjusted the brightness of the screen to the darkest state.

She didn't think the floor was dirty, so she sat down cross-legged on the spot, put the notebook on her lap, and quickly moved her hands on the keyboard.

Half an hour later, Alice and the others saw through the manhole cover that a red light began to flicker in the park, accompanied by the sound of "cheep...cheep...cheep".

Then there was a little girl's electronically synthesized voice: "The system is under attack. It seems that there is an invasion of foreign enemies. Please be vigilant..."

The Umbrella soldiers in various positions immediately became tense, opening and loading safety bullets one after another, and the snipers on the rooftop also focused on searching the area they were in charge of through the scope.

The rhythmic sound, accompanied by the flashing red light, was inexplicably disturbing. Everyone in the tunnel looked at Li Mu and Zhao Yingkong nervously.

Of course, it was only Carlos and the others who were nervous, and the reincarnations were safe.

At this moment, Zhao Yingkong said subconsciously: "Sister Lan, I can't figure it out, so I'll leave it to you."

After speaking, he unplugged the wireless network card decisively and crushed it into pieces.

"No problem." Zhan Lan responded, and said after three seconds: "It's done, all monitoring has been destroyed."

Li Mu asked in a deep voice, "What's the situation?"

Zhao Yingkong raised her head and said to Li Mu: "The monitoring system has been completely destroyed, and the Red Empress intends to track and lock my location."

"I directly disconnected her from the Internet, leaving her nowhere to go, and the wireless network card was also destroyed. Even if the other party uses satellites, it is impossible to lock our location."

After listening to Zhao Yingkong's words, Alice and the others admired her very much. This little girl looks young, but she is extremely decisive in her actions, and she does not leak water. She is worthy of being the world's top secret service personnel.

Li Mu cheered up, and said, "Good job, hand over the computer to Xiaoyi, and we will open the way."

Zhao Yingkong closed the notebook and put it into the computer bag, stuffed it into Li Xiaoyi's rucksack, then pulled out the saber and climbed up with Li Mu.

Li Mu gently lifted the manhole cover and got out first, followed by Zhao Yingkong.

Then came Zhang Qin, Zhang Jie, Li Xiaoyi, Alice, Carlos, Nicola, and Matt was the last one to come out.

At this time, Li Mu and Zhao Yingkong had arrived at the entrance of the alley more than [-] meters away, but the others squatted down against the wall, waiting for Li Mu's order.

Li Mu stretched out the periscope to observe, which was naturally for Alice and others to see.

After more than two minutes, Li Mu shook his head at Zhao Yingkong, and the two returned to the mouth of the well.

Li Mu put the manhole cover back on first, then tilted his head slightly, and said softly to the communicator clipped to his collar: "Lan, we are now in the alley between two adjacent buildings in the northwest of the park."

"The front of the building on the right is all glass exterior walls, which are easy to identify. Do you see it? Over."

Zhan Lan's voice sounded in everyone's earphones: "I see, the building with the glass exterior has no guards, and the building on the left that looks like an apartment has two guards at the door, and there is no patrol team nearby. Do you need me to kill them? Over .”

Li Mudao: "They are not the focus. The focus is on the rooftops of other nearby buildings. There are 7 snipers staring at this side."

"Twelve o'clock is the direction opposite to the entrance of the alley, and their positions are at two o'clock, three o'clock, 22 o'clock, and 23 o'clock respectively. Find them as soon as possible, Over."

About half a minute later, Zhan Lan's voice sounded again: "The positions of the 7 snipers have been locked, Over."

Li Mudao: "Very good. According to your observation, where is the strongest defensive force in the park? Over."

Zhan Lan said: "Outside a 12-story building in the middle of the park, there are a large number of soldiers gathered, the guards are very strict, and there are many patrol teams patrolling, it looks like the most important place."

"But I think that's probably an illusion, because I found that there are only two snipers staring at this position. This must be a decoy, Over."

After listening to Zhan Lan's words, Carlos agreed softly and said: "I agree with Lan's analysis, this is a very simple reverse thinking."

"In this situation, arranging a large number of defensive forces in your own position, isn't it clear to tell others that he is there?"

"If it were me, even if I had to deploy a large amount of defensive force, I would never put it on the bright side, but would be loose on the outside and tight on the inside, Over."

Li Mu nodded and said: "It makes sense, so what is the area in the park that appears to have the weakest defense force, but is actually the strongest? Over."

Zhan Lan said: "Coincidentally, it is the building on the right side of where you are. There is almost no defense force there, but there are 7 snipers staring at it secretly."

"And that building is also very special. The floor is not high, only 5 floors, but it covers a large area, with a depth of nearly 200 meters."

"There are no windows at all on the side exterior walls, and the front is also made of one-way glass. The whole building uses a ventilation system similar to an underground building, and the ventilation openings are on the roof."

"So if you're lucky enough, that building is probably where Isaacs' biochemical laboratory is located, Over."

After listening to Zhan Lan's words, Alice and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Could it be that their luck is really that good?
Li Mu grinned, glanced at everyone, and said, "Whether it's true or not, we have to go in and take a look."

"If it is, that would be great. If not, there are no guards here anyway, so as not to alarm the other party, what do you think?"

Zhang Jie was the first to respond: "I think we have to go and see, we have always been lucky."

Alice shrugged and said with a smile: "I think so too. They can all survive in such a desperate situation as the hive. This is not ordinary luck."

Zhang Qin and the others showed smiles, and Li Mu said to the communicator, "Okay, then Zhan Lan, kill the 7 snipers and the two guards as quickly as possible, Over."

Zhan Lan said: "No problem, wait a moment, a patrol helicopter is flying over, I will avoid it first."

In everyone's headsets, there was indeed the faint sound of helicopter propellers, and everyone waited quietly.

Two or three minutes later, as the sound of the helicopter propeller approached and moved away, the sound of "sudden... Kaka Kaka... Kaka Kaka" sounded in the headset.

The TAC-50 is a swivel pull-back sniper rifle with a capacity of five rounds and a detachable magazine, so it is no different from a magazine-type rifle, and can be reloaded quickly.

Listening to the average shooting speed of one shot every two seconds in the headset, Carlos and Nicola were secretly stunned.

For a sniper to kill a target at a long distance, the fastest aiming speed is about 2.5 seconds. Including the time to pull the bolt to load, it takes 3 seconds to fire a shot.

But Zhan Lan has clearly broken this fastest record. She can complete the aim lock in only 1800 seconds from 1.5 meters away. It is not an exaggeration to call her the god of sniper at this level.

After five shots, everyone heard the sound of changing magazines, followed by four shots in a row.

During the last two shots, they clearly heard the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground outside the alley.

At this time, Carlos and the others were already enshrining Zhan Lan's level of sniping, and their admiration in their hearts could not be increased.

"All the targets are cleared, I won't be able to help you if you go inside, be careful yourself, Over."

Li Mu said to the others: "Guys, it's time to watch our performance. After rushing in for a while, Matt will still open the way. Everyone else be careful, Go."

Matt immediately picked up the rapid-fire machine gun and the bazooka, and rushed out of the alley first, followed by others.

The ammunition for the rapid-fire machine gun and the bazooka has been replenished in Umbrella's camp outside Raccoon City. At this moment, it is full of 5000 bullets and 6 rockets.

After rushing out of the alley, there were no armed forces outside, only two soldiers fell in front of the gate on the left.

The gate on the right was only thirty meters away from them, and the group quickly rushed into the building.


A moment ago, in the biochemical laboratory deep in the building, red lights were projected on the 3D laser projector, forming the figure of the Red Queen.

She looked towards Isaacs and said, "The system is under attack. Someone intends to destroy the monitoring system of the park."

Isaacs stared, stood up and said, "It's finally here, activate the alarm."

As Isaacs' voice fell, the alarm sounded in the park, and the red alarm lights began to rotate and flash, and the voice of the red queen spread throughout the park.

Isaacs asked the red queen: "How strong is the attack? Can you lock the opponent's position?"

The red queen said: "The power is very strong, the opponent's IT level is extremely high, but they can't break through my firewall, and they are anti-tracking the source of the signal. It will take about..."

The Red Queen's voice stopped abruptly, and the communicator in Isaacs' hand rang a report from the monitoring room: "Doctor, all the monitoring screens suddenly went black, and we have lost control of the park."

Isaacs' face changed drastically, he suddenly turned his head to look at Hong Hou, and asked sharply, "Didn't you say that the other party cannot break through your firewall?"

The red queen said: "The firewall has not been breached, and the system has no abnormalities, but I can no longer connect to any probe."

Isaacs frowned, "What does that mean?"

Hong Hou said: "This means that all the monitoring probes in the park were completely destroyed at the same time."

Isaacs' face became more and more ugly, and he asked: "What method can be used to do this?"

The red queen said: "The database shows that a wide range of electronic equipment was destroyed at the same time, and only electromagnetic pulse weapons can do it."

"But it is clear that the other party is not using this kind of weapon, because what we have been damaged is only the monitoring probe, and other electronic instruments are normal."

"This is an unknown attack method, and there is no relevant data in the database, so it cannot be analyzed."

Isaacs said to a soldier, "Go and remove a surveillance camera."

"Yes sir."

After commanding the soldiers, Isaacs asked the Red Queen again, "Have you traced the source of the signal?"

The red queen said: "No, the other party is very alert. After finding out that I was anti-tracking, they didn't fight me, but directly disconnected from the network."

Isaacs took a deep breath, feeling more and more bad in his heart.

What kind of opponent is he facing?What is the method of getting rid of satellite surveillance and instantly destroying all surveillance probes?
(End of this chapter)

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