The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 349 Borrowing from the Lord God

The bell in Li Mu's hand is the so-called "Spirit Summoning Bell". After shaking the bell, all ghosts within a certain range will be attracted.

Li Mu put down the summoning bell, and said to Nie Xiaoqian and other female ghosts: "You are all people who died unexpectedly, you should go to the city of vain death to settle down, and wait for the end of your lifespan before going to the underworld. The merits and demerits of your life will determine which child you will be born in."

"But now the City of Dead Dead has been occupied by the big devil, Old Black Mountain Demon, and all the ghosts who enter it will be controlled by him, and they will never be reborn forever."

"Today, I am going to transcend for you and extradite you directly into the reincarnation tunnel, but because of this, all your merits and demerits during your lifetime will be cancelled."

"Those who have merit may not be able to have a good birth, and those who have merit will not need to go to hell to suffer. Everything in the next life depends on your own creation."

Nie Xiaoqian said: "I am so grateful to be able to break away from grandma's control and be a human again, I dare not ask for anything else."

Li Mu nodded and stopped talking, picked up the mahogany sword on the table, jumped up, and jumped in front of the altar with a front somersault.

Afterwards, he stepped on his feet, and while performing the special sword formula for super crossing, he recited: "The heaven and the earth are natural, and the filth is dispersed; the mystery in the cave, the brilliance of Taiyuan; the majesty of the eight directions, make me natural..."

After reading this, Li Mutao slapped the wooden sword on a stack of talisman papers on the table, and the stack of talisman papers was immediately firmly attached to the sword.

With a wave of his arm, Li Mu threw the talisman paper all over the sky immediately, and continued to read: "Lingbao talisman, tell the nine heavens; Gan Luo Dana, Donggang Taixuan; Slay demons and bind evil, cross ghosts..."

As Li Mu's incantation continued, the gossip diagram on the ground shimmered, and when his last sentence of the mantra fell, the whole gossip diagram seemed to come alive.

After Li Mu jumped back to the altar, he put down the mahogany sword, put his hands together with a "snap", and bent his fingers sequentially starting from the little finger, and finally formed a handprint.

Then he read again: "The emperor's decree will surpass your lonely soul; all ghosts and ghosts will be favored by the four generations; those with heads will surpass, those without heads will rise; kill with guns and knives, jump into water and hang ropes..."

A light and shadow of the Eight Diagrams chart slowly rises from the ground, flies to a distance of about ten feet from the ground, and rotates slowly.

"Death and death in the dark, injustice and death; creditors and enemies, begging for life; kneeling in front of my platform, gossip shines; standing on the edge, surpassing others; being a man or a woman, you bear it yourself; rich or poor, you decide for yourself ..."

Li Mujie pointed at the Bagua diagram with his hand, and the light and shadow of the Bagua diagram floating in the air immediately accelerated its rotation.

"Rescue all the people, rush to reincarnation; order to save all the people, urgently to resuscitate... Open the tunnel of reincarnation."

When the word "open" exits, the gossip diagram on the ground rotates with the light and shadow above, and a deep vortex appears, which is the reincarnation tunnel of the human realm in the six reincarnations.

Li Mu looked at Nie Xiaoqian and other female ghosts, and said, "The reincarnation tunnel has been opened, you can enter from the threshold, everyone go."

Nie Xiaoqian and the female ghosts kowtowed to Li Mu three times again, then stood up.

Nie Xiaoqian was about to enter the gossip, when she suddenly turned her head to look at Xiao Honglu who was standing aside, and said, "Young master, I'm leaving, you have to take care."

Everyone looked at Xiao Honglu one after another, with strange expressions on their faces.

Xiao Honglu scratched his head with a dumbfounded smile, and said, "Go, if there is a destiny, I will keep my promise."

Nie Xiaoqian showed a beautiful smile, then stepped into the gossip from the threshold, submerged into the vortex and disappeared, and other female ghosts also entered one by one.

After all the female ghosts had entered the reincarnation tunnel, Li Mu cut off the mana output, and the gossip, light, shadow and vortex disappeared without a trace.

After finishing this transcendence ceremony, Li Mu found that he had consumed [-]% of his spiritual power. It can be seen that it is not so easy to avoid the Netherworld and directly open the reincarnation tunnel.

At the same time, a reminder from the Lord God sounded in Li Mu's mind: "The 15 people who have crossed the lonely souls and wild ghosts will get an A-level branch plot once, and 15000 reward points."


Li Mu sucked in a breath of cold air immediately, and Zhang Qin hurriedly asked with concern, "What's the matter? Is there any problem?"

Li Mu stared at her with wide eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "I got a total of 15 reward points for crossing 15000 female ghosts, an average of 1000 points."

Gao Hongliang blurted out "Damn it", and shouted, "I only got 10 reward points after beating that Xiaoqing to death. The difference is too big."

Li Mu grinned, and continued: "In addition to the 15000 reward points, there is also an A-level side plot."


All the team members were stunned, and they didn't know what to say anymore.

Zhan Lan supported her right arm and elbow with her left hand, and pressed her right fist against her chin. She said thoughtfully, "According to the folk tradition, there is merit in transcending souls. Maybe this reward is a manifestation of merit."

"Moreover, it is much more difficult to surpass the dead soul than to beat the dead soul to death. It is only natural to get so many rewards."

After listening to her words, everyone looked at Li Mu with an inquiring look?

Seeing this, Li Mu nodded with a smile and said, "Xiao Lan is absolutely right. I just wanted to accumulate merits and virtues in the beginning. There will always be some benefits in practice. I never thought that I could get so many rewards."

Zhang Qin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "This means that there will always be good rewards for doing good deeds. People will repay the sky if they don't repay the heavens. It's just that ordinary people do good deeds. The good rewards are invisible and intangible, but practitioners can clearly feel it." arrive."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Chu Xuan asked Li Mu: "What is the reason behind your lighting action just now? Who actually lit the incense head?"

When Li Mu heard this question, his expression became serious, and he said, "I am going to discuss this issue with you. If I say that the incense head was lit by the Lord God, what do you think?"

Everyone couldn't help being startled when they heard this, but Chu Xuan, Zhan Lan, and Xiao Honglu's eyes flickered, and their brains started spinning at high speed.

They felt that this matter was very important to them, and it might touch the truth of the main god's space.

Chu Xuan asked slowly: "You said that the incense head was lit by the Lord God, what is the specific concept?"

Li Mu explained: "Whether it's transcendence or exorcising evil spirits, any method of setting up an altar will involve things like 'borrowing'."

"Especially Transcendence, which also involves the 'authority' of the tunnel. If you want to connect Yin and Yang, and directly open the reincarnation tunnel, you must authorize it from the tunnel authority."

"Otherwise, unless your cultivation is strong enough to forcibly break through the barriers between Yin and Yang, you can connect Yin and Yang, but this is an illegal operation and you will be blamed by the underworld."

"No matter borrowing the law or borrowing the right, you need to communicate with some hidden existence. The other party can be your ancestors, ancestors, or some gods you believe in."

"My way of lighting incense is used to determine the result of communication. If the other party is willing to use the law to authorize, the incense head will be lit, and if they don't want it, it will not be lit naturally."

"But there are no gods and gods in this world, and I can't communicate with any gods at all, so I had an idea and directly designated the object of borrowing power as the main god."

When he said this, Xiao Honglu's eyes were fixed, and he said: "The result is that you succeeded, and the Lord God is willing to authorize you, and its authorization is indeed effective."

Li Mu nodded and said, "Exactly."

Zheng Zha asked, "So what does this mean?"

Li Mu said slowly with a serious expression: "This means... our previous guess may be wrong, and the Lord God is not just a computer program-like existence."

"In other words, although it is something like a computer program, there is a controller or creator behind it."

"In other words, there is a supreme being in the Lord God's Dimension, and that is a true power. He created the Lord God and the Lord God's Dimension, and even created all the worlds of reincarnation."


After hearing Li Mu's words, everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Zhan Lan said in a daze: "If your guess is correct, then how powerful is this powerful being?"

Gao Hongliang said: "Probably at the level of the God of Creation."

Chu Xuan suddenly said: "Actually, there is another possibility."

Everyone turned their heads to look at him, and Li Mu asked in puzzlement, "What's possible?"

Chu Xuan said: "Our previous guess is not wrong. The main god is a program without self-awareness, and what is authorized to you by law is not the main god itself, nor is it the power behind the main god."

"We can regard the world of reincarnation as parallel worlds, and there is no intersection between them, but the main god can communicate with all the worlds of reincarnation."

"Like this Liao Zhai world, the three realms of heaven, earth and man in this world were connected before. After Jedi Tiantong, immortals and mortals are equivalent to living in two parallel worlds that do not intersect."

A smile flashed in Li Mu's eyes, but there was no change on his face. He nodded solemnly and said, "Go on."

Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses, and continued: "Although immortal gods and mortals are in two parallel worlds, the main god, as a special existence, can still communicate with the two worlds."

"When you borrow power from it, it serves as a relay, passing your request to the relevant objects, that is, those immortals."

"Then through the transfer function, the law and authorization borrowed by the other party are transferred to you, which can also achieve your goal."

After listening to Chu Xuan's words, Li Mu couldn't help laughing secretly. This is a common problem of smart people, who have too much brain power.

But I have to say that without knowing the inside story, his speculation is logical.

After listening to Chu Xuan's words, everyone felt that it was reasonable.

Zhan Lan agreed: "I think Chu Xuan's speculation is more reliable. Maybe the main god is an existence similar to the 'Day of Heaven' we know. It is even possible that the main god is the Dao of Heaven."

Zheng Zha nodded and said: "Indeed, the world is ruthless, and everything is treated as a dog, which is the so-called Tao of Heaven."

"Then why can the Dao of Heaven be supreme? Because it has no self-awareness, and everything just acts according to instinct. In your words, it runs according to the program."

Li Mu looked at Zheng Zha with a flash of admiration, and what he said really hit the point.

After he created the main god, except for occasional minor adjustments, he would let it run on its own at other times, and would not deliberately interfere.

The main god is indeed equivalent to the way of heaven in his inner universe. Of course he can control it at any time with his own will, but when he does not do so, the main god is supreme.

You need to have the spirit of the game to play games, and often use modifiers, what's the point of playing?
Chu Xuan naturally agreed with Zheng Zha's statement. He nodded to Zheng Zha and said, "You're right. Although I don't know much about metaphysics, I also know that 'the great way is fifty, and the sky is fourty-nine. It's a line of life'."

"In my opinion, this glimmer of life is a loophole, a bug in the main god system, which allows people to take advantage of the main god's loopholes at certain times to achieve the so-called 'defying fate'."

He is very convinced of this, because he used the opportunity of Li Mu and Zhang Qin to return to the real world to bring out the information of the main god's space, but he was not punished by the main god.

It can be seen from this that the main god does not possess spiritual intelligence, and can only run rigidly according to the program.

It was also because of this incident that his judgment was fundamentally biased.

Zhang Jie scratched his head suddenly, waved his hand and said carelessly: "Hey, no matter what the situation of the main god is, it's not something we can control now anyway."

"When we are qualified to touch the truth of the Lord God's space, it's not too late to think about those issues. Now we just need to keep getting stronger, everyone, right?"

Li Mu chuckled, and said, "Ajie's words are reasonable. If we want to find out the truth about the Lord God's Space, we must first have that qualification."

"Now we only need to have a general idea of ​​it. The most important thing is always to improve our strength and keep getting stronger."

Everyone nodded in agreement, Zheng Zha said with a smile: "Then let's set a small goal for the time being, first dominate the space of the Lord God, and become the strongest reincarnation team."

"The next step is to think about it, breaking through the world of reincarnation and finding out the truth about the space of the Lord God."

Hearing his words, everyone smiled. With the current comprehensive strength of the Zhongzhou team, this may really be just a small goal.

The matter of superseding the female ghost has been completed, and everyone returned to the birch tree, still sitting cross-legged under the birch tree to recover their spiritual power.

Gao Hongliang, Qin Zhuyu, and Zhang Heng also meditated silently with the crowd.

Although this is a mass grave, but having seen the strength of Li Mu and others, and knowing that the tree demon's grandmother is dead and the female ghosts have also been transmigrated, they naturally have no fear.

Instead, you can use the quiet environment here to speed up your experience of the state of meditation and concentration.

After one night, although I still can't get into meditation, I have some experience on how to get rid of distracting thoughts and maintain a state of meditation.

Going on like this, I believe that within a few days, they will be able to truly enter into meditation, sense the existence of heaven and earth spiritual energy, and then draw the energy into their bodies.

When the sun was rising, the spiritual power consumed by everyone was basically fully recovered, and Li Mu, who had consumed the most, also recovered seven or eighty-eight.

It will take half a day at most to fully recover.

It was the birch tree that woke everyone up, and when the sun rose, the birch tree shone with white light and its breath soared.

Everyone got up and looked at the birch tree in front of them.

I saw the white light on the tree, as if it had become liquid, gathering towards the bottom, and finally condensed at the root.

The next moment, Bachi-sama walked out from the tree trunk in a white long dress with a faint white light all over his body.

Ze Lan asked in amazement: "Mother Bachi, have you abandoned your body just like the locust tree demon?"

Bachi-sama smiled and said, "No!"

Li Muxi said leisurely: "Sister Bachi didn't abandon her body, this is her primordial spirit. Congratulations to my eldest sister for becoming a primordial spirit and achieving the realm of transforming gods."

Just as an annotation to his words, the towering white birch tree with a height of one hundred feet glowed with white light again, and quickly shrunk, recondensing into the appearance of Mr. Bachi in no time.

She closed her eyes at this moment, and the white light turned into a long white dress on her body.

Lord Bachi's primordial spirit smiled slightly at Li Mu, and said softly, "I would also like to thank the captain for giving me the opportunity to enter the main god's space and obtain such an opportunity."

Li Mu smiled and said, "Sister, please don't say that. It's also the luck of our Zhongzhou team and the blessing of some people that you can enter the main god's space."

Everyone looked at Chu Xuan cheerfully. Although his expression remained unchanged, he said for the first time: "Don't be envious, there are some things you can't envy."


Zheng Zha, Zhang Jie, Mao Xiong, and Overlord Qiqi gave him the middle finger.

Chu Xuan turned his head to look at Mao Xiong and Bawang, and said calmly: "I'm talking about you two, single dog."

"Damn it...what the hell... count on you to be ruthless."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

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