The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 352 Yan Chixia: Are you from the Emei sect?Then guess what school I am

Chapter 352 Yan Chixia: Are you from the Emei sect?Then guess what school I am


Seeing Fu Tianchou's reaction so fiercely, Zheng Zha scratched his head in embarrassment, and comforted him: "Don't worry, my lord, my brother who is the head of the family should have more than 2 taels of gold."

"If it is used to help the victims, I believe that the senior brother in charge will not be stingy with the money. Besides, if the Lord can find Hero Yan first, wouldn't the 1000 taels be saved?"

Converting one ton of gold into taels in the Ming Dynasty is about 25700 taels. If all of it is used to buy grain, it can buy more than 4700 million catties.

During the famine, the people must cook gruel, and it is impossible to cook dry rice, so on average, only two or two meters per person per day is enough.

Calculated in this way, it is completely enough for 200 million people to eat for three or four months.

People who can afford to eat will have the energy to plant the land. After three or four months, the next crop of grain will be ripe, and the famine will resolve itself by then.

In other words, the batch of gold brought by the Zhongzhou team is enough to keep 200 million people alive, which can be described as immeasurable merit.

Fu Tianchou was overjoyed, stood up and cupped his fists and said, "Thank you in advance on behalf of the disaster victims, I will give you an order to order the local yamen to find Hero Yan as soon as possible."

Everyone got off their horses and cars one after another. Seeing this dilapidated mansion, Li Mu and others were completely relieved, there was nothing wrong with this place.

Several policemen and a dozen government servants guarded a sedan chair and stopped at the gate of the abandoned mansion.

The county magistrate said: "It's not that I am looking for Daoist Yan, but someone else is looking for the Taoist. I just came to say hello to the Taoist. I don't want to go out for the time being."

After arriving at the atrium, Shi'er shouted as usual: "Master, those fellow Taoists who are looking for you are here!"

Immediately he got up and went to the window, looked down, and saw the magistrate of Nanling County, with a group of government officials standing in the courtyard.

Hearing Zheng Zha's words, Fu Tianchou was very moved, this is the true cultivator who truly cares about the common people!

Arriving at the atrium, Shi'er raised his head and shouted to the second floor of the main room: "Master, the county magistrate is looking for you!"

The county magistrate said: "At first, a group of monks offered a reward of a thousand taels of gold to find the Taoist priest. Later, Mr. Fu, Minister of the Ministry of War, also ordered to find the whereabouts of the Taoist priest."

Yan Chixia clasped her fists and said, "My lord, you are too polite. I have been away from officialdom for many years. I wonder what my lord is looking for?"


The magistrate took two steps forward with a smile on his face, and said kindly: "It turns out that the little brother is a tall man of Taoist Yan, so I'm sorry and disrespectful."


Everyone in the Zhongzhou team beamed with joy, and Li Mu said happily: "That's great, I have Laosun to lead the way."

"In addition to gold and silver, there are also high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn. In the future, we will also have to bring some. Maybe in some reincarnation worlds, it will have miraculous effects."

"Hehehe..." Yan Chixia laughed strangely, then pointed to her nose and said, "Then guess what school I am from."

The knight rushed forward, when he saw Li Mu and his party's attire, he suddenly reined in his horse, ran slowly to stop in front of Li Mu and Zhang Jie, cupped his fists and said, "May I ask you, are you Mr. Li?"

Zhang Jie nodded and agreed: "As long as Fu Tianchou leaves the impression of being selfless and caring for the common people, then many things will become easier in the future."

Yan Chixia's heart moved, of course he knew about Fu Tianchou, he could be said to be the only good official left among the high officials of Ming Dynasty.

Ever since he became an official, he has been upright and upright, and has been the master of the people. He has won the trust of Emperor Shenzong, and he has always admired him very much.

When they encountered a place with a town, they lived in an inn in the town. If they missed a place, they pitched a tent in the wild for the night.

Li Mu and his party didn't keep them waiting for too long. About two hours later, when the sun had just set to the west, Sun Ji brought a group of people to Wumenjuwai.

"Hehe..." Li Xiaoyi was overjoyed by Li Mu's praise, scratched his head and giggled a few times.

Seeing this, the master had no choice but to shout loudly: "Is anyone at home?"

"In order to prevent the monster from using indiscriminate means to capture the adults, I have to do this, and I hope the adults will understand."

The main reason is that except for the sleeping place, he hasn't cleaned up the other places. No matter the main hall or the side hall, they are all dilapidated, covered with cobwebs, and there is not even a place to entertain guests.

At present, apart from the bearers, the master, four policemen, and a dozen or so yamen servants followed behind the magistrate, and walked to the depths of the house.

The gazes looking at Zheng Zha and the others flickered slightly, as if they were thinking about something.

Li Mu clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Catcher Sun, for leading the way. We will meet later."

Not long after, a strong young man with sweat on his forehead and a hatchet in his hand came out from inside.

Shi'er said: "The county magistrate came to say hello this morning and told my master not to go out. He has been waiting for you at home, so come in first."

"Master Li, Great Xia Yan lives here."

Just as Sun Ji, Li Mu and his party met, a group of uninvited guests ushered in an abandoned mansion in the north of Nanling County.

I saw the words "No Door Residence" engraved on the top of the door, but there was a door underneath, and looking at the new wooden door, it was obvious that it had just been installed.

Li Mu said happily: "Thank you, brother."

"Who is it?" A retort came from the mansion, and the voice sounded very young.

Li Mu took the lead in clasping his fists at Yan Chixia and said, "Li Mu, the current head of the Emei Sect, has met Hero Yan."

Sun Ji nodded and said, "Everyone, please follow me."

Chang Kong Wuji replied after hearing the words: "Yes, Senior Brother."

"The floods in the south of the Yangtze River are serious this year. Those monks donated a lot of money. Now Mr. Fu is presiding over the relief work."

Changkong Wuji took the Qiankun bag and flew to Yingtian Mansion again.

He jumped down to the second floor, and as soon as he landed, the county magistrate hurriedly stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "Daoist Yan, please forgive me for disturbing you."

Liu Zhao praised: "The legendary sword fairy's means of flying through the sky is fortunate to have seen it in this life, and Liu Zhao has no regrets in his death."

"Yes, Master, please, my lord."

Thinking of this, Yan Chixia said: "Well, I won't go out in the near future. After those monks arrive at Nanling, you can bring them to me anyway."

The county magistrate gave a "hmm", and the master immediately stepped forward to knock on the door, but the door opened as soon as he knocked, and the door didn't even have a latch.

It is a pity that since Emperor Shenzong passed away, Guangzong died less than a month after succeeding to the throne. When Emperor Qi succeeded to the throne today, he was gradually marginalized.

On the official road, not long after Li Mu and his party set off, a ray of light descended from the sky, and Wuji appeared in the sky.

Sun Ji came to the door again and ran towards the yamen, while Li Mu and his party followed Shi'er into the courtyard.

Yan Chixia naturally sensed this divine consciousness, but she didn't pay attention to it, and there was still a half-hearted smile on her face.

Seeing the magistrate's kind attitude, Shi'er couldn't help feeling a little more favorable, and said, "My master is cleaning up at home, my lord, come with me!"

The master said to the county magistrate: "My lord, Daoist Yan lives here, and the younger one is going to call the door?"

If this is the case, he can help. Slaying demons and demons is the only meaning of his life now, as long as it doesn't involve officialdom.

But the group of monks who offered a reward of 1000 taels of gold to find themselves did not know where it came from.

Yan Chixia rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily: "How do I know, just wait at home, you will know when the time comes, practice hard, and don't embarrass me in front of outsiders."

The county magistrate shook his head and said: "There is no such order, only that after the Taoist priest is found, please temporarily ask the Taoist priest to wait for a while, and send people to notify the group of monks."

If you don't have to go to see him yourself, but let yourself wait for the group of monks, then there is probably a tricky monster somewhere, and you want to ask yourself to eradicate it.

The journey for the next few days was very peaceful. Zhan Lan and Ze Lan carried sufficient camping supplies in their Qiankun bags.

The county magistrate said happily: "Thank you, Taoist priest, then I will not disturb Taoist priest Qingxiu, so I will leave."

He turned the horse's head and let the horse trot ahead. Li Mu and others also lightly knocked on the horse's belly and followed closely.

Seeing this, Li Mu clasped his fists in return and said, "My lord, Li Mu, what advice does the messenger have?"

"Qingfengyuechi, take care of Mr. Zheng and the others for Weifu, and arrange a place for them."

Yan Chixia was startled when she heard the words, and asked in puzzlement, "Who exactly are you looking for?"

The young man was picked up by Yan Chixia more than ten years ago, so he was named Shi'er.

Li Mu asked suspiciously, "Emei Sect, what's the problem?"

Shi'er quickly ran out, saw Li Mu and others, and asked tentatively, "Could it be that you are the fellow Taoists who offer a reward of a thousand taels of gold to find my master?"

After speaking, he jumped back to the second floor and continued to meditate. Shi'er scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, picked up the hatchet again, and practiced in the courtyard.

Yan Chixia also jumped down from the second floor as before.

But Zheng Zha said: "No need, we are here to protect your safety, so from now on, we will stay by your side for twelve hours."

The master stood sideways and introduced: "This is the magistrate of this county, and he is here to visit Taoist Yan Chixia Yan."

The county magistrate said happily, "Thank you little brother."

The team was advancing on its own, when suddenly a horse galloped in front of it. The knight on the horse was an official in uniform and with a waist knife.

Li Mu left more than 1700 taels of gold contracts, while Chang Kong Wuji took away 24000 taels, a total of 8000 taels.

After three days like this, they have reached the territory of Ningguo Mansion. There is Nanling County dozens of miles ahead. Li Mu plans to rest in Nanling County today.

If he is looking for him, then most likely there is some important national event and he wants to ask him for help.


Hearing what the master said, he asked in surprise: "What does the magistrate want my master for?"

The sedan chair fell, and a middle-aged man who looked like a master stepped forward to lift the curtain of the sedan chair very dog-leggedly.

"I have some very important matters, I need to discuss with Daoist Yan, and please introduce me to my little brother."

However, he had long since retired and no longer cared about official affairs. Although he admired Fu Tianchou very much, he didn't want to step into that vortex again.

The knight said happily: "Sun Ji was arrested in Xiananling County, and I came to welcome Mr. Li and his party according to the order of the magistrate of the county."

An official dressed in a green official uniform, a black gauze hat, and a mustache on his lips bent down and walked out of the sedan chair. It was the magistrate of Nanling.

The two sisters of Qingfengyuechi looked at the scene of Changkong Wuji flying away with his sword, their eyes were full of longing.

Yan Chixia paced back and forth, and after thinking for a moment, she asked, "Master Fu, do you want to go down to see him?"

Zheng Zha said happily, "Thank you for your understanding, sir."

Sun Ji at the side said: "Mr. Li, after finishing my errands, I still need to go back to the Yamen to report to my lord, so let's go first."

Li Mu nodded in satisfaction, Sun Ji stepped forward and opened the door when he saw this, and shouted, "Is Hero Yan at home?"

Li Mu smiled to Zhang Jie beside him: "It seems that Zheng Zha and the others have done a good job. It is very necessary for us to have a good reputation for this reincarnation mission."

After finishing speaking, he said to Zhang Kong Wuji: "Wuji, you go to see the senior brother in charge, explain the situation to him, and ask him to hand over the gold to you and bring it back."

"There is no need to delay the disaster relief. If it is too late, things will change. It must be done quickly. If the food is raised every morning, the people will be able to survive more."

Seeing the master and all the officials, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Who are you looking for?"

Li Mu caressed his chin, pretending to be surprised, and said: "Hero Yan's learning seems to be very mixed. Not only does he have the Taoist aura of my Emei Sect, but also the thunder spirit unique to the Shenxiao Sect of the Maoshan Sect."

After speaking, he strode out of the main hall, pointed his sword finger, and the long sword was unsheathed. He jumped onto the long sword and squeezed the formula in his hands. A burst of red light immediately wrapped him up, and then shot straight into the sky and flew towards the south .

Li Mu nodded with a smile and said, "Exactly, if you dare to ask brother, is the respected teacher at home?"

The two sisters said in unison: "Good father."

When Li Mu heard what he said, he looked back and smiled, and said to him appreciatively, "That's right, this suggestion is very good, it seems that you have also grown up."

"Hero Yan, what about you..." Li Mu looked up and down, and turned around Yan Chixia with his consciousness.

Upon hearing Li Mu's self-reported family name, Yan Chixia's eyes widened and she asked in astonishment, "What sect do you say you are?"

He looked over the gate and couldn't help showing a strange look.

A few years ago, the capital, who was squeezed out of the power center, was sent to Yingtianfu in the southern capital.

Hearing this, Yan Chixia had some ideas in her heart.

Fu Tianchou said gratefully: "What did Mr. Zheng say? You have worked tirelessly for the life of this old man and the fate of the Ming Dynasty. How can this old man have any objections?"

He never thought of entertaining guests, so he had to talk to people in the courtyard every time.

Yan Chixia nodded and said: "My lord, go slowly, pick up my children, and see off the guests."

This group of monks are willing to donate money for disaster relief, which shows that they are also righteous people with a heart for the common people.

After Shi'er sent the magistrate and his party outside the door, he hurried back and asked Yan Chixia: "Master, what do you think the monks who are looking for you are?"

Li Xiaoyi thought of something, and said to Li Mu: "Brother, it seems that when entering the world of reincarnation, it is still very beneficial to bring more gold and silver."

"The Great Xia Yan that Mr. Li is looking for lives in seclusion in this county, and Heifengya is a dangerous place in this county."

Yan Chixia, who was meditating in the room, suddenly opened her eyes, muttering inwardly.

I have been away from the officialdom for many years, what can the county magistrate do for me?

He reported the situation to Li Mu in detail, and without further ado, Li Mu took out hundreds of gold bars for future use, and then directly handed over the Qiankun bag to him.

"In addition to these Taoist exercises, there is also the breath of Buddhism. It seems to be the Buddhism of the Wutai Mountain lineage. This is amazing."

This is the reason why Yan Chixia's combat power is extremely high, but she cannot live forever.

There is a method in the Tao, a technique in the law, a method learned from the east, and a technique from the west, but it is still not systematic, unable to comprehend the Dao, and naturally has no destiny with the immortal way, and can only practice the human way.

After listening to Li Mu's words, the smile on Yan Chixia's face gradually disappeared, and she became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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