Chapter 359
Changzhou Prefecture.

Fu Tianchou and Zheng Zha lived in a house arranged by the prefect of Changzhou in the north of the city.

After negotiating with Zhang Qin about the "Qing Emperor's side" before, he originally planned to return to Nandu immediately and call officials at all levels of the Nanzhili Metropolitan Command and Envoy Division to discuss major issues.

But it will take some time from the time the order is issued until the officials of the various guards arrive at Nandu, and King Xin has not been invited to Nandu yet, so he can only wait and do nothing when he goes back now.

And the disaster relief matters here have not been properly handled, so he plans to return to Nandu a few days later.

At that time, the head of Emei and other disciples will also come to meet up, and the cards in his hand will be stronger.

It was dark at night, but Fu Tianchou was still dealing with official duties in the study, and hadn't fallen asleep yet.

Zheng Zha, Chu Xuan, and Changkong Wuji are in the wing room next to the study, and they practice meditation instead of sleep.

Bachi-sama and Zhao Yingkong live next door to sister Qingfengyuechi's room on the second floor.

Suddenly, Zheng Zha downstairs and Bachi-sama upstairs opened their eyes one after another.

"There is a situation, everyone pay attention."

A thought of Zheng Zha awakened Chu Xuan, Changkong Wuji and Zhao Yingkong.

Except for Zhao Yingkong, everyone else cast their consciousness one after another, and the scene around the house was immediately captured in their minds.

They each got up, opened the door and walked out quickly.

Lord Bachi and Zhao Yingkong each ran to the room of sister Qingfengyuechi, while Zheng Zha and the others went straight into the study.

"grown ups."

Fu Tianchou looked up at Zheng Zha, seeing his serious face, he asked in surprise, "Mr. Zheng, what happened?"

Zheng Zha said in a deep voice: "There are a large number of men in black approaching here outside, there are no less than two hundred of them, all of them are masters, and they should be here for the Lord."

"What?" Fu Tianchou got up abruptly, walked out from behind the desk, and said with an ugly face, "Maybe you can handle it?"

Zheng Zha nodded and said: "Don't worry, my lord, the number of ordinary martial arts masters is meaningless to us, even thousands of troops can be easily slaughtered."

"It's just that we won't slaughter mortals at will if it's not necessary. Excessive killing will hurt peace after all, but there is no problem in eliminating these two hundred assassins who are working for tigers."

Fu Tianchou calmed down a little, and said, "Quickly go and call Qingfengyuechi and the others down, it's easier for us to stay together for protection."

The house they live in is a typical Jiangnan garden style. The main building is a two-story building, the bedroom is upstairs, and the downstairs is a study, main hall (living room), side hall (dining room) and other rooms.

Zheng Zha said: "My lord, don't worry, the senior sisters and junior sisters have gone to call them, Wuji, you and the senior sisters and sisters will protect the adults and the two young ladies and go to the main hall. Brother Chu and I will go out to meet the enemy."

"If there is a fish that slipped through the net and evades our obstruction, and let the junior sister fight, you and the senior sister will stick to the lord's side, and you must not fall into the trick of diverting the tiger away from the mountain."

Zhao Yingkong's extreme speed, coupled with her assassination technique, can easily slaughter the invading enemy without causing too much noise.

So if there are people in black avoiding them, it is most appropriate for Zhao Yingkong to take the shot.

Chang Kong Wuji answered "Yes", Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan exchanged glances, walked out the door and jumped onto the roof.

Tonight, the wind is strong and the clouds are thick, the stars and the moon are dark, and the sky and the earth are so dark that you can hardly see your fingers. It is a typical night with a dark moon and a high wind.

But for monks like Zheng Zha and those martial arts masters who attacked, night vision is a basic practice.

To the north and northeast, many people in black were running on the deserted streets.

Some jumped onto the roof, leaped silently between the houses, and quickly approached the house.

Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan were not in a hurry to act, they were waiting for the man in black to invade the house, and it would be justifiable to kill them like this.

There is no need to think about the identity of the other party, it must be from the capital.

If the other party came to the door in broad daylight, and they wanted to catch Fu Tianchou with open fire, they might spend a little time explaining the situation to the other party.

But for these little trash who can't afford to play, have no strength, dare not confront directly, and only dare to sneak attack in the middle of the night, they will not hold back in the slightest.

Chu Xuan asked Zheng Zha, "How's it going? Has anyone found the Yinzhou team?"

Zheng Zha shook his head and said: "No, on the Yangtze River more than 30 miles to the north, I found a fleet of imperial courts, but there are only humans in the fleet, and there are no monsters."

"Judging from their attire and their conversations, those people should be Dongchang Fanzi and Jin Yiwei, people who don't see Western faces."

"The men in black who attacked were part of the Dongchang Fanzi, but in their conversation, the word 'disciple of Cihang' was mentioned."

"Pudu Cihang should have dispatched the little demons under him, but they left the fleet after arriving at Changzhou Mansion. Their whereabouts are unknown, and there is no trace of them within a radius of a hundred miles."

After listening to Zheng Zha's words, Chu Xuan pondered for a while, and then said with certainty: "They should be nearby, but they have avoided the detection of God's consciousness by means we don't know."

"Don't use spells for a while, or even use less spiritual power to fight them, but use martial arts and Adamant alloy weapons to deal with them, so as not to scare the Indian team."

Zheng Zha understood instantly, grinned and said, "Understood."

In all likelihood, this wave of attacks was a temptation by the Indian team, otherwise it would not have been a night attack, but a door-to-door arrest with open fire.

If they act too strongly, the other party may not dare to take the lead.

So they want to give each other an illusion that the Zhongzhou team is strong, but not so strong that they cannot compete at all.

It is even necessary to make the other party feel that the only member of the Zhongzhou team who has obtained the inheritance of the old monster from Youquan is the strongest, while the others are only strong in the ordinary sense.

As long as the other party has such an impression, then they are not far from group destruction.

Originally, according to the basic routine of arresting people in Dongchang, it must be charged with some kind of crime first, and then go directly to the door to arrest people.

If you dare to resist, you will be charged directly, or you will be killed on the spot on the charge of resisting arrest, or you will be escorted back to Beijing and thrown into a prison.

If you don't resist, in the end unless you are willing to surrender to Wei Zhongxian, you will still die.

In other words, as long as you are unwilling to join forces with the eunuchs, whether you resist or not is a dead end.

Obviously occupying the righteous status of the imperial court, he can take people in an open and honest manner, but he chose to sneak attack in the middle of the night.

This is also the most fundamental reason for Chu Xuan to conclude that this matter is a trial of the Yinzhou team.

In a moment, those men in black jumped over the wall and invaded the house.

This house faces south, the main entrance is on the south, the back door is on the north, and the back garden is inside the back door, and the main house is located through the back garden.

Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan nodded to each other, and then they jumped up, each drew their swords, and rushed towards the man in black who rushed into the back garden.

The two of them didn't hide their figures from the very beginning, they stood on the roof openly, and the people in black had spotted them from a long distance away.

Therefore, when the two of them rushed towards the man in black, there was a sharp piercing sound in the air, and all kinds of hidden weapons attacked the two of them overwhelmingly.

There are sleeve arrows, flying knives, steel nails, ox hair needles, pentagram beads, poisonous caltrops, locust stones, thunder diamonds, cross darts, plum darts, money darts, shooting star darts, fire dragon darts, seven star darts, etc.

It can be seen that among these Dongchang fans, there are a lot of people in the Jianghu.

In terms of martial arts alone, they may not all be superior to the top picks from Jinyiwei, but the endless tricks are not comparable to those from Jinyiwei.

"Ding ding ding..."

Facing the dense rain of hidden weapons that almost blocked all their evasive positions, neither of them chose to hide, but brandished their swords to knock down all the hidden weapons in front of them.

Amidst the crisp chirping, sparks flew in the back garden.


Just as the two of them blocked the incoming hidden weapons and landed smoothly, another large piece of flying claws attached to the rope was thrown out, grabbing their heads, shoulders, legs and other parts.

This time it was Fan Zi from Jin Yiwei who made the move. With this flying claw formation, many martial arts masters fell into their hands.

The flying claw seemed ordinary, but once it grabbed any part of the target's body, it was difficult to break free.

Even if the flying claws fail, the target will be surrounded by ropes. At this time, the fans will hold the end of the rope and turn it, and the target will often be entangled and eventually tied into a rice dumpling.

But all of this is equal to zero in front of Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan.

The Edman alloy sword blows the hair and breaks the hair, unparalleled sharpness, it is invincible when cutting hard objects, and it is also two points when cutting soft objects.

Facing their swords that danced into a light curtain, not only the flying claws were broken, but the connecting ropes were also broken inch by inch, turning into broken rope ends.

Seeing that the hidden weapon and the flying claw couldn't do anything to them, the man in black had no choice but to pull out the embroidered spring knife from his waist, and went towards them to surround and kill them.

The fighting styles of Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan are completely two extremes, one is the ultimate "strength" and the other is the ultimate "skill".

Facing the five or six Xiuchun knives that came, Zheng Zha held the knives in both hands and slashed horizontally. Amidst the crisp sound, the Xiuchun knives in the hands of the man in black immediately broke in two.

He then took a step forward, and made another backhand with his backhand.


The five or six men in black in front of him staggered back holding their throats, and then fell to the ground, with blood gushing from their fingers.

After beheading the frontal enemy with one blow, Zheng Zha turned around to avoid one, and stabbed the Xiuchun knife at his waist from the side. With a slanted stroke of the big knife, the man in black was almost chopped diagonally from his left rib to his right shoulder. open.

However, Zheng Zha grasped the measure, only wanted to kill the enemy, and tried not to make the scene too bloody, so as not to appear too cruel.

So that long knife mark only split the opponent's ribs and cut off his heart, it didn't really cut the person in two.

The Edman alloy sword is so sharp that it can easily cut a person in half. With his fighting style, it will take more trouble to make the scene less bloody.

Compared with Zheng Zha's opening and closing, simple and rough, Chu Xuan's battle on the other side can be called an artistic killing.

With extremely dexterous footwork and bodywork, he walked in the encirclement of the man in black, always avoiding the practiced sword light of the man in black by a hair.

The long sword in his hand is like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, stretching and shrinking rapidly, every time it is handed out, there must be a man in black covering his throat or pressing his heart, staggering and falling down.

When he wields the sword, he seldom swings his arm sharply, basically he just turns his wrist.

To kill an enemy, you only use the tip of the sword, or cut through the opponent's neck, or pierce the opponent's heart. The sword body will hardly touch the enemy's body, and at most block the attack.

It can be said that he has brought the word skill to the extreme.

The killing efficiency of the two of them was terrifying. It took only a few breaths of time to meet each other just now, and the two combined had already killed no less than 20 people.

In the case of many enemies with one enemy, especially when the individual force of the besieging party is not weak, if you can kill one person in ten steps, you can be called a top expert.

And Zheng Zha and Chu Xuan, how can they kill one person in ten steps?As the footsteps move, almost every step will cause someone to fall down, and sometimes even a single step can kill several people instantly.

Although there are more than 200 people in black, only the dozen or so people in the innermost circle can attack two people at the same time.

Therefore, some people on the periphery directly bypassed the battle group and rushed to the main room, wanting to take down Fu Tianchou's family directly, threatening to capture them without a fight.

Seeing this, the two didn't stop those people and let them rush over.


In the side hall on the left side of the main hall, there is a door that leads directly to the back garden.

At this moment, the door was wide open, and Fu Tianchou stood in the middle, watching the battle outside.

The Qingfengyuechi sisters separated him to the left and right, Bachi-sama and Changkong Wuji stood guard at the side, while Zhao Yingkong stood outside the door, leaning his back against the board wall and standing quietly.

Originally, because the moon was dark and the wind was high, Fu Tianchou's father and daughter could not see the battle in the back garden.

But in order to see the situation clearly, they used an eye-opening talisman made by Chu Xuan, so that they could not only see things at night, but also see all kinds of energy clearly.

Fu Tianchou asked Mr. Bachi suspiciously: "Fairy Bai, why don't Mr. Zheng and Mr. Chu use magic spells to wipe out the invading enemies in one fell swoop?"

Mr. Hachisha explained: "Because this time they are just some little guys, just to test our details. If they behave too strongly, they will scare some big fish away."

Fu Tianchou suddenly realized, and said appreciatively: "So they are showing their weakness to the enemy, so that the strong people behind these people will think that you are nothing more than that, and then when they jump out from behind the scenes, they will take the opportunity to catch them all."

Bachi-sama nodded and said, "My lord is wise, that's exactly what it is."

The Qingfengyuechi sisters were secretly startled at this time. None of the men in black who attacked them had simple martial arts.

But judging from Sister Bai's words, these men in black with high martial arts skills are just young people, so how strong should the people behind them be?

"Ah, some men in black are coming." Yuechi suddenly pointed to the back garden and exclaimed.

Chang Kong Wuji said: "Second Miss, don't panic, Junior Sister, I'll leave it to you."

Zhao Yingkong walked forward silently and slowly, a dagger slipped from her sleeve without a sound, and she held it upside down in her hand.

After walking a few steps, her figure suddenly disappeared in front of several people, and Fu Tianchou, father and daughter were stunned.

What means?Shrinking the ground into an inch or changing shape and changing shadow?

What surprised the three even more was that after Zhao Yingkong disappeared, the dozens of men in black who rushed towards them fell down one by one like dominoes.

And not long after they fell, blood gushed out from under their bodies, soaking them in a pool of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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