The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 400 The real liar

Chapter 400 The real liar
"Miss Donggu, can I ask you a question?"

Donggu Mana suddenly raised her heart. She looked at Chu Xuan warily, and said nervously, "What do you want to ask? I'm not lying."

Chu Xuan smiled, and said directly: "The International Whaling Commission clearly stipulates that endangered and vulnerable whales are not allowed to be hunted, and sperm whales belong to the vulnerable cetaceans."

"Normally, sperm whales cannot be hunted, so may I ask, why can you eat sperm whales at the hotel?"

Higashitani Mana opened her mouth wide, but couldn't say a word, it was because Chu Xuan's question was too tricky.

The whole world knows that Neon has always regarded international prohibitions as nothing. It not only hunts whales in waters where hunting is prohibited, but also hunts endangered and vulnerable whales without any scruples.

But even if everyone knew about this kind of thing, they couldn't say it publicly, especially since she was still a member of Congress.

In fact, no matter what Donggu Mana's answer was, Chu Xuan would target her, but her answer made it easier for Chu Xuan to cheat her to death.

Because she couldn't lie, she didn't dare to say anything indiscriminately, she could only tell the truth, which was doomed to her death.

From the moment she disrespected Lord Bachi, she was already a dead person in Chu Xuan's heart.

Donggu Mana stared at Chu Xuan viciously, wishing to kill him with her eyes.

But her forehead was sweating urgently, but she still couldn't say one, two, three.

Chu Xuan looked at the doctor with a smile, raised his finger to Donggu Mana and said, "I don't need her answer anymore, I will accuse her of being a liar."

His identification, Hachichi-sama and Zelan naturally followed without hesitation.

Qin Zhuyu and Zhang Heng took a step back, but they also raised their fingers to point at her.

There was a flash of joy in Fujiwara Ryu's eyes. When he came before, Higashitani Mana's contempt and ridicule towards him, he remembered clearly.

So he also raised his finger to Higashitani Mana without hesitation, sending her to a dead end.

So far, some people have identified Mana Higashitani, and her fate is already doomed.

Others didn't mind throwing stones at the situation, anyway, as long as they didn't die, it didn't matter, so others also pointed at her.

Mana Higashitani yelled hysterically: "No, you can't treat me like this. You all know what is going on with whaling."

"This guy is targeting me at all, don't believe him."

No one listened to what she said, and the doctor was even more straightforward, announcing directly: "Mana Higashitani got 11 votes, and she was identified as a liar and eliminated."


Mana Higashitani followed in the footsteps of Kazuo Matsushita. So far, there are only 11 players left in the field, and the Nakasu team is completely invincible.

Anli Hena frowned, and suddenly said: "It stands to reason that as long as everyone tells the truth, they can pass the level smoothly. No one should lie, but why..."

The corner of Chu Xuan's mouth raised, did you finally find out?
"Clap clap clap..."

The doctor clapped his hands and said appreciatively: "As expected of being from the Metropolitan Police Department, you finally discovered this."

"Hehehe..." The doctor let out a sneer, and said to everyone: "Since someone has already discovered something is wrong, then I have nothing to hide."

"The difficulty of this game is 7 of squares, how can we let you pass the level easily?"

"So, in fact, one of my companions has been mixed in among you."

"Except for the first question, in the following questions, he will deliberately lie, so that you will be killed one by one."

"If you still can't find my companion in the following questions, then there may not be many people who can pass the level in the end."

After listening to his words, Yaba Wangji said with an ugly face: "The total game time is 40 minutes, and he asks questions, it takes about 2 minutes for us to answer the questions, and then find the liar in 4 minutes."

"So, the game can last up to 10 rounds. That is to say, if the liar is still not found, it is very likely that only three of us will survive."

"This also includes the doctor's companion, so there may only be two players who actually survived."

After hearing what he said, Daisuke Ito immediately broke his guard, and he scanned the others violently.

In the end, he turned his attention to Masao Watanabe, who had been keeping a low profile and kept silent except answering questions, and called, "Watanabe, you are his companion, right?"

"Since you entered the meeting room, you haven't said a word. Apart from answering questions, you have kept yourself in a transparent state. The most suspicious one is you."

Masao Watanabe was taken aback. He didn't expect that his low-key attitude would arouse suspicion for himself.

He immediately retorted angrily: "Fart, you jumped out so eagerly to frame me, do you want to clean yourself up? I think you are the insider."

"Please believe me. I'm not an insider. I'm really the manager of a jewelry store. The store I'm in charge of is the Tsutsumi brand store, which is located in the underground shopping mall of Shibuya Station."

After listening to his words, Anri Tsuruna said thoughtfully: "I remember...there is such a store in the Shibuya Station underground shopping mall, and I even bought a little penguin necklace there."

Masao Watanabe said happily: "I know, that necklace also has a hedgehog shape, and the price is 20370 yuan, right?"

Anli Tsuruna nodded and said, "That's right, that's the price. It seems that you are really the manager of a jewelry store."

Daisuke Ito sneered: "Even if it is confirmed that he is really the manager of the jewelry store, so what? Does it have anything to do with whether he is a doctor's companion?"

"The first question was passed, that is to say, the names and occupations of everyone sitting here are true and true."

"If you have participated in enough games, you should know that some gamers themselves will be insiders."

As soon as this remark came out, Anli Hena nodded in agreement, and said, "That's true, so I just proved his identity, and didn't say that he must not be an insider."

While she was talking, she kept looking at Chu Xuan and the others, and finally fixed her eyes on Chu Xuan.

He was so calm, as if he had already made up his mind.

What exactly gave him such confidence?Is it because he has two companions?
But three people are not enough to completely control the voting results.

Noticing Anli Kuna's gaze, Chu Xuan gave her a shallow smile, which made Anli Kuna even more dignified.

The doctor said impatiently: "Okay, let's judge who is the inner ghost. We will vote in a while, and now we will start the next question."

"Don't try to delay the time. I can change the rules at any time, such as pointing out two liars each time, so that you can't delay the countdown."

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and looked at him in horror. How could he still do this? This is not giving them a way out at all.

"Listen, the fourth question, what is your favorite thing to do?"

Everyone answered their questions, and without a doubt, the red light was turned on again.

Chu Xuan simply didn't say anything this time, and pointed directly at Daisuke Ito.

Now that the Zhongzhou team has completely controlled the entire field, there is no need to find any reason.

Fujiwara Ryuichi has always followed them firmly, so when there are only 11 people left, whoever they point to will die, because they already have more than half of the votes.

This time Yaba Wangki, Sanada Yui, Yasari Tsuruna and others did not identify, and everyone frowned tightly.

Of course, they also understood the situation on the field, which made them extremely uneasy. The six people on the opposite side had formed an alliance tacitly since they didn't know when.

So after the death of Daisuke Ito and Masao Watanabe, is it their turn?

But even if they don't raise their fingers, it's useless, because more than half of the people have identified Daisuke Ito, so the doctor walked directly towards Daisuke Ito.

Daisuke Ito glared at Chu Xuan with red eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Why? I haven't offended you, have I?"

Chu Xuan said calmly: "Yes, when you show that kind of look at Ji, you are doomed to die."


Daisuke Ito lowered his head with his eyes wide open in anger, it can be said that he will not rest in peace.

Seeing this, Masao Watanabe was also completely panicked, because just now, he had looked at Mr. Hachishaku with the same unscrupulousness, and some bad images appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, after answering the fifth question, Chu Xuan pointed his finger at Masao Watanabe.


Masao Watanabe died, and the faces of the remaining three people on the opposite side became more and more ugly. They didn't raise their fingers to recognize them in the past two rounds, but the people targeted by Chu Xuan were all dead.

So who will he refer to next?
After the doctor shot Masao Watanabe to death, he looked meaningfully at the three people on the left, and said, "Now for the sixth question, you..."

"You don't need to ask, the game should be over after playing this far." Chu Xuan interrupted the doctor, and continued: "After all, the rest of the people have no way to die."

There was a sudden silence in the conference room, and everyone looked at him, even Qin Zhuiyu, with doubts on their faces.

Sanada Yui asked confusedly, "What do you mean?"

Chu Xuan smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, none of us has ever lied. In this conference room, the only person who has lied is..."

Chu Xuan slowly raised his hand, pointing his index finger at the ceiling. Everyone held their breath and stared at his index finger.

I saw Chu Xuan raised his arm and pressed it down, pointing at the doctor.

"It's you, doctor."

The doctor's gaze sank, and he said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I'm the referee..."

"No, you're not." Chu Xuan cut him off decisively, looked at him and said, "You are a player just like us, and there is no so-called referee in this game."

The doctor said, "Why do you say that?"

Chu Xuan pointed to his right trouser pocket, and said, "Just now when you were walking around, there was a rectangular object looming in that position."

"If I'm not wrong, it should be a mobile phone, and in this world with no signal and no network, no one would carry a useless mobile phone."

Anli Tsuruna's eyes lit up, and he said, "So the phone in the doctor's pocket should belong to the player's game phone."

Chu Xuan nodded to her, and continued: "Don't call him a doctor, because he is not a doctor at all. From the first sentence he walked into this conference room, he was lying."

"First of all, his movements when walking are the characteristics of people who have undergone military training for a long time."

"And after he finished explaining the rules, he asked 'is it clear?' This is a soldier's oral habit, and ordinary people seldom use such a sentence pattern."

"So his occupation is not a doctor, he should be a soldier."

Everyone looked at the doctor one after another, and they found something different.

His figure is too tall and straight, standing there has an iron-blooded temperament.

They didn't think about it at all before, so they didn't see anything. Looking at it now, it was exactly what Chu Xuan said.

Only to hear Chu Xuan continue: "Secondly, you said that you hate people who smoke the most. This is also a lie. Let's take a look at his right index finger and middle finger."

Everyone looked at the past according to the words, and suddenly showed a sudden look.

The skin color between his index finger and middle finger is obviously yellower than other parts, even the nails of his index finger are yellow.

This hand feature is only formed by long-term smokers.

"Your third lie is this..." Chu Xuan pointed to the lie detector, and said, "That's not a lie detector at all, it's just a lighting device that can be controlled remotely by people."

"Don't forget, I'm a scientist by profession. I have developed a lie detector. This so-called lie detector doesn't work at all."

The doctor looked at Chu Xuan numbly, he knew that the other party really saw through everything.

Chu Xuan stretched out four fingers, and continued: "Your fourth lie is that there is one of your companions among us."

"At that time, Ms. An raised that question. If you follow her train of thought and speculate, everyone will naturally doubt the lie detector, and then further deduce the truth."

"So at this time, you throw out the statement that there is your companion among us, which not only disturbs everyone's sight and thinking, but also causes a crisis of trust among us."

"I have to say, you did a great job, and you responded smartly. It's a pity that everything is equal to zero in front of a person who has already seen through the truth."

"Your fifth and final lie is that you can change the rules at any time."

"In fact, let alone changing the rules, you are even bound by the rules yourself."

"For example, before I expose you, you can shoot me to death, but you didn't do that."

"I guess, once you raise your gun at a player who hasn't been eliminated, and you have killing intent in your heart, a particle beam will shoot down immediately, killing you before you pull the trigger, right?"

Speaking of this, Chu Xuan finally concluded: "Therefore, there are no truths or lies at all, because this game itself has been a deception from the very beginning."

"The core of this game is actually a game between you and us. It's a pity that you have too many loopholes."

"Perhaps those flaws are also a kind of rules. You have to deliberately expose those flaws because of the constraints of the rules, and bet on whether the players can find those flaws."

"If no one can find those flaws, you will kill players again and again until you kill everyone, even if there are only two people left in the end, there is no way out."

"Because the remaining two people will think that the other party is the ghost. At that time, one vote is one vote, and you can kill one person at random."

Hachichi-sama asked, "What about the last person? The last person who survived knew very well that he was not an inner ghost. Wouldn't he be able to expose the doctor?"

Chu Xuan shook his head and said, "That's not the case. Since the premise is that he failed to see through the doctor's flaws, even if there is only one person left, he still doesn't know what happened."

"And the doctor will continue the game, ask him a question, and when the red light comes on, the doctor can directly determine that he is lying and kill him."

"In this way, the player group is destroyed, the doctor successfully guards the level, and the poker card of the 7 of squares will not be taken away."

"Clap clap clap..."

After Chu Xuan's words fell, Anri Tsuruna applauded all at once, followed by Sanada Yui and Yaba Wangki, and finally everyone applauded.

Convinced, whether it is Anri Tsuruna or Yaba Wangki, they all admire Chu Xuan.

They claim to be smart people, but compared to Chu Xuan, they are nothing at all.

"call out"


A beam of particles penetrated the ceiling and pierced the doctor's forehead.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..."

All the steel bars and protective frames that imprisoned the players were released, and the notification sound of the game phone also rang.

(End of this chapter)

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