The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 405 The Central Continent Team of the Dying Kingdom

At 23 o'clock in the evening, the Toei Sendaya Apartment on the opposite side was suddenly brightly lit, and the neon lights on the signboard of the game venue began to shine.

Sitting in a group on the rooftop, Li Mu, the Hatter and others who had a good chat, got up and walked to the edge of the rooftop, looking across.

Because there is no light on their side, but the opposite side is brightly lit, it will form a dark situation under the light.

When I was in the opposite apartment, I couldn't see the situation on this side clearly, but I could see the opposite side clearly.

Not much to say, what should be said has already been said before, Zhan Lan's group and Xiao Honglu's group assembled on their own, and went straight downstairs.

Each of them carried a walkie-talkie, and they all plugged in earphones as instant communicators.

Su Guo Du Yuan on the hatter's side didn't say a word, and silently followed Zhan Lan and the others. The two parties obviously had some tacit understanding.

As Anri Tsuruna, who relies on her brain for food, although her physical strength and combat effectiveness are not bad, she usually does not participate in the spade game if it is not necessary.

Seeing Li Mu and the others leaving eight people, the Hatter couldn't help asking in surprise, "You have so many people going in? Are you not afraid of casualties?"

In his opinion, it is best not to have more than 5 companions in the same game, preferably 3 to 4, and it is limited to spades and clubs.

In the case of diamond games and hearts games, the fewer people entering the game, the better, and it is best to fight alone.

It is actually very dangerous to enter 8 people like Li Mu and the others at once, because the more people there are, the higher the casualty rate will be.

Li Mu tilted his head, and said indifferently: "There are games that can cause us casualties, but it will definitely not be a game of spades."

"In fact, for us, the danger in this world comes from the rules of various games, not the game itself."

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look at the hatter, showing a smile, and continued: "We are professionals in fighting."

After hearing Li Mu's words, the Hatter smiled helplessly, and didn't say anything more. The other party really should have such confidence.

After he learned about the composition of this group of people from Anli Hena, he was also secretly surprised.

Mercenaries, professional killers, fighters, retired special forces, scientists, such a group of people get together, I really don't know what they do in the real world.

Maybe people like me are not even qualified to meet them in the real world.

However, the Kingdom of the Dying has nothing to do with the real world. After leaving here, they will lose all memories about it.

So the Hatter didn't have the idea of ​​inquiring, and his curiosity was not serious at all.

Anyway, as soon as they leave here, there will be no connection between them. They are not from the same world, and there will be no intersection, so why bother?
As long as they can work together in the Kingdom of the Dying and work together to clear all the games, that's enough.


There is no doubt that Zhan Lan and the others are the first to enter the game venue and sign up for the game.

In the elevator room on the first floor of the apartment, 16 mobile phones are placed on the table, indicating that the maximum number of people in this game is 16 people.

Everyone took out a mobile phone and turned it on to scan their faces.

"There are currently 9 game participants, and there are 26 minutes and 37 seconds before the end of registration. Please wait patiently for the game to start."

It seems that this game, when the number of applicants has not reached the upper limit, the final start time is 23:[-].

It was the first time that everyone met, when there was so much time for registration.

Su Guo Du Yuan's personality is relatively taciturn, he just stands there coolly with his hands in his pockets, and doesn't communicate with other people.

Zhan Lan and the others had nothing to say to him, and they had no intention of borrowing his power at all.

They have to solve this game by themselves neatly and fully demonstrate their strength to the Hatter.

Therefore, everyone is just warming up and preparing for strenuous exercise.

After a while, other players arrived one after another.

The first to arrive were two pretty young women. Judging from their mutual address, one was called Aso and the other was called Xiaocai.

They seem to be novices, but they are not pure newcomers who don't know anything. Most of them are quasi-newcomers who have only experienced a game like the protagonist group.

Afterwards, another middle-aged woman and two middle-aged men arrived. They silently took out their mobile phones and then stood aside silently, obviously not newcomers.

When there were the last two phones left, a handsome man with blond mid-length hair walked in, wearing a hooded sweater.

There was a bit of cynical expression on his face, he didn't seem to take the game seriously, giving people a feeling of "hey, it's just playing".

Seeing Su Guo Du Yuan, the man was obviously taken aback for a moment, then smiled as if nothing had happened, raised his hand and waved him as a greeting.

Su Guo Du Yuan just glanced at him lightly, then turned his eyes away, not paying attention to him.

The man made himself feel bored and didn't care. After taking out his mobile phone, he leaned against the wall and waited quietly.

However, his gaze was on A Nuo a few more times. In fact, no one who entered here could ignore A Nuo's existence, and anyone would look at him a few more times.

Both Zhan Lan and Xiao Honglu were secretly looking at the blond man. This guy was the number one wise man on the seashore as Li Mu said, and he was a doctor.

In a sense, he should belong to the male second in this world. At this stage, he and the Hatter are actually not of the same mind.

However, he didn't mean to oppose the Hatter or the Fighting Faction. He just felt that the situation in the seaside was too unstable, so he wanted to leave the seaside and fly solo.

One of the cadres of the Hatter faction, the karate master Shui Jiguang is his accomplice, and the two have been plotting secretly to steal the playing cards collected by the Hatter.

Because they all believe that the way to leave this world is to collect all the playing cards.

After Junya Shuntaro arrived, the last player appeared soon, a young man in his twenties.

He wore a blue and white plaid shirt and a sun hat, and from the questions he asked as soon as he came in, he was obviously a newcomer.

Just as Li Mu and the others speculated before, because the protagonist group had already known the truth about the Kingdom of the Dying, Sekawa Shota was not injured.

Therefore, when visas are sufficient, Arisu Ryohei and the others will not continue to participate in games like the Nakasu team.

Even if you want to participate in the game, you will only participate when your visa is about to expire and you have to do so.

Because they don't have enough motivation, and they don't have to try to find out the truth of the Kingdom of the Dying as in the original plot.

So their current mentality is a bit Buddhist, and they hope that other people will quickly clear all the games so that they can live in the real world.

Due to the above reasons, tonight's 5 of Spades game, the protagonist group was absent, including the heroine Usagi Yuba.

From the moment Li Mu and his party came to this world, the protagonist of this world was not Arisu Ryohei and the others, but the Nakasu team.

So the name of this world today can be called "The Zhongzhou Team of the Land of the Dying".

"Ding dong... Registration has ended. There are 16 players participating. The game is about to start. This game is 'hide and seek' and the difficulty is 5 of spades."

Although the time has not yet arrived, because the registered players have reached the upper limit, the registration will be closed early, and the game will also start early.

After reading the content displayed on the phone, the young man in the hat looked left and right, and then approached Zheng Zha, who looked kinder.

He asked with some respect: "I'm sorry, senior, what's going on? I came here before I figured out the situation."

Zheng Zha patted him on the shoulder and said, "I can't explain a few words. Anyway, this is a game. You just need to clear the game according to the rules and you will be fine."

"What is the specific situation, I will tell you in detail after finishing this game, pay attention to the rules."

After hearing Zheng Zha's words, the young man bowed again and again and said, "Oh, okay, thank you senior, my name is Longtian Kangda, what do I call you?"

Zheng Zha said: "My name is Zheng Zha, you try to follow me for a while, don't run around."

Longtian Kangda naturally couldn't wish for it, so he hurriedly said: "Yes, please take care of me, senior."

Zheng Zha, of course, is not the Madonna again. He has gone through so much, and he is no longer the Madonna.

The reason why he looked at this kid differently was because when this kid came, Zhan Lan told him quietly that this young man named Longtian Kangda was good at mechanical maintenance.

They have so many vehicles, and they are all old models, there will be some problems to some extent, and they can't ask Chu Xuan and the others to do everything.

After absorbing this kid, such logistical matters can be handed over to him, saving them a lot of trouble.

"The rules are as follows: Players cannot be caught by 'ghosts'. During the game time, find the 'field' from a certain room in the apartment, and after touching the objects in the field, the level is successfully cleared."

"The time limit for this game is 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, the time bomb in the apartment will automatically detonate."

After reading the rules of the game, Longtian Kang widened his eyes, looked at Zheng Zha in astonishment, and said cautiously: "Senior, the time bomb mentioned here..."

Zheng Zha said seriously: "It's true. You can understand this game in this way. There is a time bomb in this apartment, which is enough to burn the entire apartment to the ground."

"And in a room in this apartment, there is a device that can disarm the bomb. What we need to do is to find this room."

"But in the process of our search for this room, there will be enemies called 'ghosts' coming out to attack us to prevent us from finding that room."

"So we have to play hide-and-seek with the 'ghost', avoid his pursuit, and search for the location of that room at the same time."

After listening to Zheng Zha's summary, the two senior middle-aged people nodded secretly. He basically explained the essence of the game clearly.

Zhan Lan raised the corner of her mouth, and said unhurriedly: "Instead of avoiding the ghost's pursuit and playing hide-and-seek with him, I think it's better to kill the ghost directly, and then go to calmly search that room."

Su Guo Du Yuan raised her eyelids, and she didn't seem surprised by her decision.

But Junya Shuntaro looked at her with a face full of surprise, not knowing where her confidence came from.

A middle-aged man said mockingly: "Little girl doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, do you know what a 'ghost' is? Just dare to kill ghosts."

Zhan Lan didn't care about his attitude, he was just cannon fodder for an insignificant passer-by, and it didn't matter.

She just said indifferently: "It's nothing more than a combatant with weapons arranged by the game party. It's not like we haven't experienced such a game before."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the others, but made arrangements on his own: "After the game starts, we will each be responsible for the search of a floor."

"Zheng Zha and Long Tian are in charge of the first floor, Yingqi is in charge of the second floor, Zhu Wen is in charge of the third floor, Ying Kong is in charge of the fourth floor, I am in charge of the fifth floor, Wuji is in charge of the sixth floor, and Arnold is in charge of the seventh floor."

"Honglu, you observe the overall situation at the end of the right side of the seventh floor, and report the location of the 'ghost' at any time. Do you have any questions?"

She talked lively there, but the natives were dumbfounded.

But Shun Taro Juya had some recollection. It turned out that among this group of people, there were nine people in the same group.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhan Lan uttered the last sentence, the eight people she named, including Tatsuta Kota, responded in unison: "No problem."

After speaking, they took out the walkie-talkie from their trouser pockets, stuck it to the belt on their back waist, and put the earplugs into their ears.

Zhan Lan nodded in satisfaction and said, "Then follow the plan. When the 'ghost' appears, kill it if you can, and avoid it if you don't."

"There are two elevators and two corridors on each floor. There is quite a lot of space to avoid ghosts. As long as everyone reminds each other of the ghost's location in time, they will not be killed easily."

As I said before, Toei Sendaya Apartment has a T-shaped layout.

At the place where the horizontal row and the vertical row combine, which is where Zhan Lan and the others are currently located, there is an elevator and a corridor.

At the end of the vertical row, that is, on the far left, there is also an elevator and a corridor.

Ghosts can only appear from one location on a certain floor.

As long as you are not unlucky enough to run into a ghost, you will have a chance to dodge it, depending on how fast you are.

When ghosts appear, it is more dangerous to be in the middle of the floor, because there is a certain distance no matter which way you run.

It is relatively safer to be at the two ends, because you can escape up or down at any time.

But if everyone hides on both sides of the floor for safety, no one will search the "position" room.

There are a total of 105 rooms in the apartment, and 20 minutes is still relatively tight, so someone still has to take the risk, otherwise we can only finish playing together in the end.

This is also the reason why Zhan Lan arranges the personnel in different ways, and arranges a master on every other floor, just for the convenience of responding at critical moments.

If it is too late to avoid the ghosts, they can jump directly from the corridor or slide down the drain pipe as Usagi Yuba did in the original plot.

There are masters below to respond, so be sure to be more on the safe side.

After Zhan Lan made the arrangements, everyone in the Zhongzhou team went to their target floor by taking the stairs or taking the elevator according to their respective assignments.

Seeing this, the other players also dispersed. Zhan Lan and the others had already arranged things clearly, and it seemed that clearing the game was no longer a problem.

Then what they need to do is to avoid the ghost with all their strength and ensure that they will not be caught by the ghost.

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