The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 416 Seizing Power

Chapter 416 Seizing Power
"Unfortunately, they encountered a wave of beasts. Because of insufficient firepower, they all died in the mouth of the beasts. We tried to rescue them, but there was nothing we could do."

On the seashore, in a gymnasium, this is the exclusive meeting place for the Fighting Sect, and all the peripheral members of the Fighting Sect are present.

Among them were all the members of Zhan Lan's group, as well as Wang Xia, Zhao Yingkong, Usagi Yuba and others who participated in the 10 of Spades game.

They were recommended by Ze Lan and Changkong Wuji, and Su Guoduyuan accepted them naturally.

In the rest area of ​​the gym, Li Mu put the blood-stained locker keys of Jiu Mujie and others on the leisure table, and then said the remarks he had prepared in advance.

Regarding the death of the six old core members including Jiu Mujie, most of the peripheral members showed an indifferent attitude.

Anyway, they are only peripheral members, no matter who the core members are, they don't have much say.

Maybe if a few more core members die, they still have a chance to become core members.

The reaction of the peripheral members of the Wudou faction was somewhat beyond Li Mu's expectations, and there was not even a single person who questioned them.

In this way, their plan can be adjusted slightly, and there is no need to kill all the old members of the Fighting Faction.

Because once the core members such as Jiu Mujie die, these peripheral members will naturally surround them and take them as the core.

The atmosphere in the conference room was dignified and depressing, Su Guodu Yuan had a gloomy face, did not speak, but patted the table heavily.

The peripheral members were silent, afraid to say a word, because they couldn't figure out what Su Guodu Yuan was thinking at this time.

After a while, Chu Xuan said calmly: "I propose that starting tomorrow, everyone should carry at least one submachine gun or automatic rifle."

"Don't bother everyone, because you can save your life at critical moments."

After listening to his words, all the peripheral members looked at Su Guo Du Yuan.

Su Guo Du Yuan was silent for a few seconds, then slowly said: "Do as Chu said, I don't want this kind of thing to happen again."

All the peripheral members responded one after another, and this incident passed so lightly.

After all, dead people are worthless, and no one will hold the living accountable for the sake of a few dead people.

Especially when the living are stronger than the dead.

Members of the Hatter faction, after learning the news of the death of Jiu Mujie and others, most of them took pleasure in other people's misfortune.

For a long time, the Wudou faction has always dominated them, and Jiu Mujie and others have never taken them seriously. Li Mu even said that the Hatter faction is all trash.

So they hoped that a few more people from the Fighting Faction would die, preferably all of them, so that the seaside could restore harmony and stability.

Only Garner Future and Nine-headed Dragon Huiyi know the truth of the matter, and the dealer's headquarters has informed them of what happened in the amusement park.

So they knew that Li Mu and his group had evil intentions, and they probably wanted to control the martial arts faction and dominate the beach.

So now, only one opportunity is needed to start the 10 of Hearts game.

According to the analysis of Garner Future and Nine-headed Long Huiyi, Li Mu and his group will attack the Hatter soon.

Because Hatter's visa is about to expire, he will participate in the game tomorrow without any accident.

What the result is, everything will be known tomorrow night.


In the seaside meeting room, the Hatter and Su Guodu Yuan sat opposite each other, occupying both ends of the conference table.

On the left of the Hatter are Kuzuryu Keiichi and Kano Mirai, and on the right are Anri Tsuruna and Soyaya Shuntaro.

Li Mu and Chu Xuan are on the left of Suguo Du Garden, and Lord Bachi and A Nuo are on the right.

"6 of spades, 10 of spades, 8 of diamonds..."

Holding a marker pen, Garner crossed the corresponding playing cards on the wall in the future, then walked back to his seat and said, "We haven't found any face cards yet."

The Hatter nodded slowly, and said, "If there were no face cards, we would only be left with 5 of Hearts and 10 of Hearts."

Garner said in the future: "The 5 of Hearts game has appeared before, but the players in that game were wiped out and failed to get this card back."

"But the 10-of-hearts game has never appeared in the games so far."

Anli Tsuruna said thoughtfully: "If it doesn't appear, we will never be able to pass the level. Maybe this game has some trigger conditions, such as being outside Tokyo."

Nine-headed Longhui said: "We have never found a game venue outside the 23rd district."

Anri Tsuruna retorted: "But we haven't investigated further places."

The Hatter raised his hand to interrupt the debate between the two, and said, "The strategy will not change. Continue to investigate the game venues in Tokyo."

"Pay attention to your visa deadlines and wait for the 10 of Hearts to appear. I'm about to renew my visa."

Speaking of which, the Hatter stood up, walked towards the poker wall, and continued: "I will participate in the next game, whether it is 5 of Hearts or 10 of Hearts, I will definitely pass if the clearance rate is 100%."

He turned around, opened his arms, and said impassionedly: "The day when you finish collecting the playing cards and 'going abroad' is coming soon, all cadres, please stay here and adjourn the meeting."

After listening to the Hatter's words, everyone present had different expressions.

Su Guo Du Yuan remained expressionless, unable to see what was going on in his heart.

There was a faint sneer on Li Mu's face, Chu Xuan adjusted his glasses, and there seemed to be a cold light in his eyes.

The others didn't find anything unusual, but they had been secretly paying attention to the future of the two of them in Ghana, but they had a panoramic view of their reactions, and the corners of their mouths curled into an undetectable arc.

The next night, with the farewell of all the members of the beach, the Hatter sat in his exclusive car, an old-fashioned convertible sports car.

In addition to the Hatter and the driver, there are three Hatter faction boys who are responsible for protecting the Hatter.

The game venue chosen by the Hatter this time is a street in Kabukicho, and the game type of the venue is displayed as hearts.

Before entering the game venue, the Hatter suddenly said to the younger brothers with a solemn expression: "Listen, now I want to tell you something, and I need your cooperation."

"This matter involves whether we can leave here and return to the real world alive."


At six o'clock in the morning, the sky had not yet brightened, and all the coastal cadres were woken up and gathered in the large conference room.

When Li Mu and others arrived with Su Guo Du Yuan, the Hatter Sect had already arrived first.

At this time, in the conference room, there were still two Hatter School boys who were seriously injured and wrapped in gauze.

And these two were the two of the four younger brothers who escorted the Hatter to the game last night.

Su Guo Duyuan glanced at the Hatter Sect members, and saw that their faces were gloomy, and some of them looked panic-stricken, so he couldn't help frowning and asked in a deep voice, "What happened?"

None of the Hatters sent anyone to speak, they just looked at the two injured brothers.

One of them said with a pale face: "Last night, the Hatter participated in the game and successfully passed the level, and got back the poker card with the 5 of Hearts."

"But just as we picked up the Hatter and were about to return to the beach, we were attacked by three mysterious men. They had very strong firepower, all of which were submachine guns and automatic rifles. We only had pistols."

"The Hatter and two other brothers were shot by each other in the exchange of fire and died on the spot. The 5 of hearts were also taken away by the opponent."

"We ran desperately into the car and got away with it, but were also shot a few times as we drove away."

After the younger brother finished speaking, Anli Hena looked at Zhang Qin and Li Yingqi with subtle eyes, especially the submachine guns hanging on their chests, and said: "The bullets on their bodies are Parabellum 9×19mm pistols. bomb."

"And this kind of bullet, among the firearms collected on the seashore, only Glock 18 pistols and... Uzi submachine guns are used."

After listening to her words, Hatter Pai and others all subconsciously looked at Zhang Qin and Li Yingqi.

Zhang Qin raised her brows upside down, glared at Anli Henai and said, "What do you mean?"

Anli Tsuruna looked away and said, "It's not interesting, I'm just telling what I found."

Li Mu said coldly: "It's not just Haibin who can collect firearms, there are also experts among casual players."

Garner lowered his head slightly in the future, pretending to be puzzled and asked: "But if it was done by casual players, then why did they take away the playing cards?"

"Does anyone among the casual players know that if you collect all the playing cards, you can leave this world?"

Juntaro Junya said slowly: "This possibility is unlikely. Only the seaside members know about this matter. For casual players, no one will disclose relevant information."

"It is already very difficult for casual players to survive, and it is impossible to have the energy to find out relevant information."

Zhang Qin sneered and said, "So after all, you suspect that the Hatter was killed by us, right?"

As soon as she said this, the entire meeting room fell silent.

For the Hatter faction, there is no need to doubt the word. They are almost 100% sure that the Fighting faction did it, but they have no evidence.

Just relying on the bullets taken from the bodies of the two younger brothers cannot be used as irrefutable evidence.

Li Mu said indifferently: "Whether you believe it or not, Qin did not leave the beach last night."

Changkong Wuji said: "I can also prove that Yingqi never left, because she slept with me last night."

Su Guoduyuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly walked up to the two injured younger brothers, looked at them and asked: "You said that the three mysterious people attacked you, that is to say, you didn't see the face of the attacker? "

One of the boys said, "Yes, the three of them wore the same camouflage uniform and hoods, just like terrorists."

Su Guoduyuan asked again: "Looking at the figure, is the attacker a man or a woman?"

The younger brother shook his head and said, "They fired at us from a distance of 50 meters, and they couldn't see clearly."

Su Guodu Yuan said indifferently: "So, it is impossible to determine the identity of the attacker."

The two younger brothers lowered their heads together. Su Guodu Yuan turned around, looked at the members of the Hatter Sect, and said, "We will investigate this matter. Before we get the results, I don't want everyone to be suspicious."

After listening to Su Guo Du Yuan's words, a member of the Hatter Sect lost his mind and said, "When the Hatter is dead, what will happen to the beach...?"

Garner said in the future: "Let's keep this matter secret for the time being, otherwise the members will be at a loss and cause a big mess."

Nine-headed Longhui took two steps forward and said, "According to Haibin's rules, the next leader is me who ranks second..."

"Wait a minute." Li Mu interrupted him, carrying his HK416 automatic rifle, walked to the side of Nine-headed Long Huiyi, and said, "The leader of the seaside should be the strongest person. "

"If a sheep leads a group of wolves, then everyone will become sheep. A tiger leads a group of wolves, which is the real teacher of tigers and wolves."

Nine-headed Dragon Hui looked at Li Mu, and said solemnly: "The rule of Haibin is that after No. 1 dies, it will be filled up from behind."

Li Mu said disdainfully: "This rule no longer exists today, and we will use the most fair and just way to elect the leaders of Haibin."

"And the most fair and just way is democratic elections, the minority obeys the majority, and those who agree with the boss of Su Guo as the leader, please raise your hand."

The Hatter faction was still in the majority, with a total of 11 people present, while the Wudou faction had only 10 people. Excluding Su Guo Duyuan itself, there were only 9 people.

Even if all 9 people raised their hands, it was only a minority.

Seeing this, Li Mu was very dissatisfied and said, "The reaction is so cold, Arnold, please refresh everyone."

A Nuo heard that the big pineapple that was originally in his hand was picked up by him, and he pulled the bolt into the chamber with a "click".

Then he walked up to Anli Hena first, raised her chin with the muzzle of a gun, and made her look up at him.

Li Mu said slowly, "I'll say it again, if you agree with Boss Su being the leader, please raise your hand."

Anri Tsuruna looked up at A Nuo's face as cold as iron, and slowly raised his hand with an extremely ugly expression.

Garner said with a blank face in the future: " not called a democratic election."

"Hehe..." Li Mu walked to her side and said with a smirk, "This is a veritable democratic election. It's your freedom to raise your hand or not, and no one will force you."

As he spoke, he pointed the gun at the side of Garner's future neck. At this moment, he played the villain to the fullest.

Garner's breathing was slightly rapid in the future, and he raised his hand with a full face.

Li Mu laughed and said, "A wise choice."

Then he looked at Nine-headed Long Huiyi again, and joked, "The gentleman who used to be ranked second, what is your choice?"

Nine-headed Long Huiyi glanced at him indifferently and raised his hand.

The moment Li Mu looked at him, Shuntaro raised his hand directly, showing that he was very aware of current affairs.

As the four core members of the Hatter faction all raised their hands, others also raised their hands.

Seeing this, Li Mu said with satisfaction: "Suddenly there are a lot of votes in favor, that is to say, the boss of Su Guo voted to inherit the position of leader of Haibin. Everyone applauds."

"Clap clap clap..."

Only the fighters clapped their hands, and the Hatters didn't respond at all.

After the applause stopped, Su Guodu Yuan said calmly, "From today onwards, I will be the new king of the seaside."

Li Mu immediately continued: "The next step is the succession ceremony. The collected playing cards will be handed over to Boss Su Guo for safekeeping from now on."

The matter is a foregone conclusion, no matter how unwilling the Hatters are, they can only hold their noses and admit it.

(End of this chapter)

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