Chapter 419
"You have obtained the captain's authority, so you should be able to predict the next reincarnation, which world it will be?"

Facing Chu Xuan's question, Li Mu nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, the next reincarnation will be the world of "X-Men: Days of Future Past."

Zhan Lan raised her eyebrows and said thoughtfully: "That is to say, our main opponents this time are those 'sentry' robots?"

Li Mudao: "That's right, that's probably the case."

Zheng Zha asked puzzledly: "Why are you so sure? What if the timeline we entered is the time when Wolverine has returned to the past?"

Holding the food box in his hand, Xiao Honglu stuffed a large, burnt-yellow spider into his mouth, and said, "It's very simple, if the timeline we entered was in the past, it would be too much for us." Simple."

"The Lord God will not let the reincarnation be so easy, so the timeline we entered must be the future timeline."

Zheng Zha smiled and said, "That's not necessarily the case, what if the main god seals off our strength again?"

Chu Xuan said indifferently: "This possibility is unlikely. Last time the captain tested the world, which is quite special. Things like sealing power don't happen often, otherwise the enhancement of the main god would be a joke."

"We can think of it this way. The main theme of this reincarnation world is 'reversing the future', not referring to the indigenous people reversing the future by changing the past."

"It's for our Zhongzhou team to reverse the future by grasping the present. Most of our main task is to find a way out for the mutants."

"In the process, we must face the attack of the Sentinels, and we must win, otherwise everything is meaningless."

After listening to Chu Xuan's words, everyone had no doubts.

Li Mudao: "The characteristics of the sentinel make the superpower of the mutant gene almost useless. Using it forcibly will strengthen the sentinel."

"So this time, we have to strengthen the strength of the cultivation side as much as possible, and the bloodline exchange can be put aside first."

Sentry robots are a very special and powerful robot, capable of crushing all mutants.

Its most special feature is that it can copy any mutant genes and superpowers it encounters, and then share them with all Sentinels.

With such an ability, the sentinel has no weaknesses, which means it can master all mutant abilities.

It can always use the most appropriate ability to fight. For example, when facing Iceman, it can use Pyroman's superpower to fight head-to-head, and vice versa.

When faced with a superpower with no weakness like Colossus, it can use the same superpower of Colossus to turn itself into a Colossus, and then use stronger power to crush Colossus.

And when facing Magneto, it can make its body free of any metal components, which directly makes Magneto's super power useless.

Therefore, when facing the Sentinels, the Zhongzhou team must not use the superpowers of the mutants, otherwise it will be equal to the enemy.

Imagine, when Sentinel has the speed of Quicksilver, the power of Phoenix, and the superpower of Storm, who else can sanction them?

The power of self-cultivation does not have this kind of problem, because the power of self-cultivation does not come from mutant genes, but from the nature of heaven and earth, which belongs to the power of the universe.

Zhang Qin suggested: "In the last reincarnation, we all exchanged our favorite genetic blood. This time, I suggest that everyone exchange for a handy magic weapon to strengthen everyone's offensive and defensive power."

Chu Xuan nodded and said: "Very good proposal, this is the most suitable exchange direction at present."

Li Mu said happily: "If that's the case, those who don't have magic weapons yet should think about what they want."

Xiao Honglu said with a smile: "I don't need to think about it, the sun-moon golden wheel, the sun-moon golden wheel has already been obtained, and the moon golden wheel is still missing."

Li Mu didn't say anything, and directly switched to an S-level branch plot, and gave Xiao Honglu 26000 reward points.

This time they have 19 S-level sub-plots, even if there is one for each person, there are still 6 spares, and even human creation can be arranged.

Zheng Zha said to Li Mu: "Brother-in-law, after you have the captain's authority, can't you search accurately in the main god? Why don't you help me search and find out what is more suitable for my magic weapon."

"Okay, let me take a look for you." Li Mu got up happily, walked to the main god's big light ball and closed his eyes.

A moment later, a beam of light was cast, and a strangely shaped broadsword floating inside was scarlet all over.

Li Mu took it off with his hand, walked back to Zheng Zha and said, "Look, do you like it?"

Zheng Zha took the knife, and said dumbfoundedly: "You have already exchanged it if you like it or not. You didn't give me a chance to choose at all."

Li Mu patted him on the arm and said with a smile, "Come on, I don't know you yet? My eyes are starting to light up."

It has to be said that the shape of this knife really got Zheng Zha's aesthetics. Compared with the Tiger Soul Knife he had taken a fancy to earlier, this knife is more powerful and domineering.

He caressed the blade, and asked enthusiastically, "What's the origin of this knife?"

Li Mudao: "This is selected by the main god according to your cultivation method and cultivation level. Among the magic weapons and weapons that are more suitable for you, the top one is the big sword."

"There are also swords, gourds, whips, flags and other things in the back. They are not suitable for you, and they are definitely not to your liking, so there are almost nothing to choose. I will exchange this knife directly."

"This is the world of "Fengshen Yanyi". Penglai Yiqi Xian Yuyuan's blood-transforming sword can be used as a magic weapon for close combat, or sacrificed as a magic weapon for long-range attacks."

"The body of the knife contains a strange poison, and what ordinary monks touch turns into blood in an instant. Among the people who were wounded by this knife and finally survived, only Yang Jian, Lei Zhenzi, and Nezha were three."

"You know the origin of these three guys very well. Although they survived this knife, they were seriously injured. Without Yu Yuan's antidote, they can only resist for a while longer."

After listening to Li Mu's explanation, Zheng Zha couldn't put it down even more, it was indeed the most suitable magic weapon for him.

The Blood God Dafa can absorb other people's qi and blood to cultivate a few bodies, but this knife can completely turn the human body into bloody water, and all the cultivation base, essence, and flesh and blood essence of a body can be melted into the bloody water.

After he kills the enemy with this knife, he devours and absorbs it, and his own cultivation can greatly increase.

This knife costs an S-level branch plot, 28000 reward points, which is a bit more expensive than the Sun Moon Golden Wheel.

Zhan Lan saw that Zheng Zha got the magic weapon she wanted, so she smiled at Li Mu: "My brother-in-law should search for other people's as well, so as not to make detours."

Li Mu nodded and said, "Okay, I'll list the search results for you, and it's up to you to decide which one to choose."

Chu Xuan suddenly said, "By the way, what magic weapon are you going to use?"

Li Muzhan smiled, looked at Zhang Qin and said, "Aqin and I have always had one thought, which is to develop in the direction of Thunder God and Lightning Mother, so I have long been optimistic about our magic weapon."

Zhan Lan said dumbly, "You don't intend to take a chisel and hammer, do you?"

Hearing what she said, Zhang Qin couldn't help laughing out.

Li Mu smiled and said, "Of course not."

After speaking, he walked back to the big light ball and closed his eyes. A few seconds later, the beam of light descended, and there stood a Fang Tian painting halberd surrounded by electric snakes and flashing thunder.

After Li Mu took it out, he danced a few moves in his hand, then paused on the ground, and introduced: "The Thunder and Lightning Halberd comes from "The Legend of Journey to the West".

"The world of "Three Kingdoms Warriors" is also reflected, as the exclusive magic weapon of the unparalleled warrior Lu Bu."

"Based on this, we can think that the world of Three Kingdoms Warriors is actually the timeline of the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the world of Journey to the West and Shi'er."

Xiao Honglu said: "I've played Three Kingdoms Warriors before, and I've seen big movies. This is the Fangtian painting halberd that can absorb thunder from the sky and knock down half a mountain with one blow, right?"

Li Mu nodded with a smile and said, "That's the one, but it's in my hands. It not only absorbs the sky thunder to increase its power, but also combines it with the thunder method. My name as Thunder God can also be worthy of the name."

This Thunder and Lightning Halberd was actually transformed by a trace of spirituality from that Thunderbolt Fang Tian Halberd in his own hand.

Thunderbolt Fang Tianji has grown into an innate spiritual treasure because of its integration into the laws of the Thunder Spirit Dao.

And because he has received the blessings of heavenly merits and virtues many times, he can be called innate merits and virtues, and he can kill people without cause and effect.

Even the lightning halberd transformed by a trace of spirituality is stronger than most Houtian Lingbao.

Zhan Lan asked again with interest: "Then what magic weapon are you going to exchange for Sister Qin?"

Zhang Qin also looked at Li Mu expectantly. After putting away the thunder and lightning halberd, he faced the main god's big ball of light again, and exchanged Zhang Qin for her magic weapon.

Everyone saw two mirrors floating in the beam of light cast by the Lord God.

One of them is a round mirror, the size of a washbasin, silver in color, with a figure of eight trigrams engraved on the back, and swirling moiré patterns on the front.

The other side is an octagonal mirror, the whole body is golden yellow, and there are golden electric snakes jumping on the mirror surface, which is quite miraculous.

For his wife, he naturally has some selfishness, so this time he spent two S-level sub-plots and 51000 reward points in exchange for two magic weapons for her.

Li Mu explained: "These two mirrors are the magic weapon I prepared for Aqin. They attack and defend, and their attributes complement each other."

"The silver round mirror is the Haotian mirror. It is the Haotian of Haoran Tiandi, not the Haotian of Haotian God. It comes from "Shushan Biography" and is the token of the head of the Emei School."

"This mirror has extremely high defensive power, even surpassing the Rijinlun, and it also has the auxiliary function of suppressing and tracking targets."

"The golden octagonal mirror is called the Lightning Mirror in the Westward Journey World. It is the exclusive magic weapon of the Mother of Lightning. In the World of Conferred Gods, it is called the Qianyuan Golden Light Mirror. It is the spiritual treasure of the "Holy Mother of Golden Light", one of the ten heavenly kings of Jinao Island."

"As for the Holy Mother of the Golden Light, when she was conferred the final deity, she was conferred as one of the 24 Heavenly Monarchs of the Thunder Department, which is also the Mother of Lightning in Journey to the West."

Everyone didn't have any idea about Li Mu exchanging two magic weapons for Zhang Qin.

After all, even Xiao Honglu has assembled a set of Sun Moon Golden Wheel, which occupies two S-level sub-plots. As long as other people need it, everyone will not have any opinions.

After Zhang Qin put away the Haotian mirror and Jinguang mirror, Li Mu searched Zhan Lan for a magic weapon suitable for her.

"Zhan Lan is not outstanding in terms of physical and magical attacks, but you are an expert in mental power, and your spiritual power is surprisingly high due to the phoenix female blood."

"So you just go for the mental attack route, what do you think?"

Zhan Lan said happily: "No problem, since this is my strength, I must use it to the extreme."

Li Mu nodded, and said: "The magic weapon that is more suitable for you, the top five are the Yin-Yang Mirror, the Falling Soul Bell, the Falling Soul Mirror, the Killing Soul Banner, and the Ghost White Bone Banner."

"These are all magic weapons for the soul, and their power is already impressive. With the blessing of your huge thought power, the power will be even higher."

Zhan Lan thought for a while, then decided: "Then the Yin-Yang Mirror, at least it is the magic weapon for one of the Twelve Golden Immortals to become famous, and it has more reputation."

The yin and yang mirror here is naturally not the real yin and yang mirror on Chi Jingzi's side, but just a low-end counterfeit made by Li Mu himself by using the way of good fortune.

The function is exactly the same as the real yin and yang mirror, but the power is not even up to the fairy level, so in the middle thousand world and the small thousand world, it can pretend to be a high-level spirit treasure.

Not only the yin and yang mirror, but all the prehistoric spiritual treasures that can be exchanged here by the main god are all of this kind.

The Zhongqian world can only be regarded as the world of comprehension, and cannot reach the level of mythology and the prehistoric world.

After Zhan Lan got her magic weapon, it was Zhao Yingkong's turn.

Zhao Yingkong is an assassin who pursues extreme damage and needs a high-explosive magic weapon, so Li Mu chose Nanming Lihuo Sword for her.

Zhao Yingkong himself is very satisfied with this magic weapon. Not only is its shape beautiful, but its power is also very powerful, and it can perfectly fit Nanming Lihuo Jue.

Mr. Bachi chose a bodhi branch, its function is similar to the wonderful tree of seven treasures, and within a certain range, it can be said that everything can be brushed.

In fact, it's not that Li Mu can't copy the Qibao Miaoshu, but it's too famous, and Li Mu doesn't have the nerve to just make it out.

After all, even the Qibao Miaoshu and other sages' treasures of Taoism can be exchanged, so shouldn't there be other innate spiritual treasures and innate treasures?

Therefore, for the sake of rationality, Li Mu did not copy the Qibao Miaoshu directly, but got a bodhi branch. After all, the main body of the Qibao Miaoshu is also the Western Gengjin Bodhi tree.

Gao Hongliang, Qin Zhuyu, Zhang Heng, Wang Xia, Zhu Wen, Lan Xinrui, Zhao Lingkong and others created human beings, because their cultivation bases were not enough, and they could not control any powerful magic weapons.

Therefore, temporarily suppress their magic weapons and soldiers, and wait until their training is over, and then exchange them depending on their level of cultivation.

Instead, Zelan and Arnold each got a magic weapon.

What Zelan got was the Qiankun bow and the sky-shaking arrows, that is, the set of bows and arrows that Nezha blind Jiba shot and killed Shiji empress Tong'er.

With her cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, she can barely control this set of bows and arrows.

What A Nuo got was a set of relatives, that of Xing Tian, ​​an ax and a shield.

These two magical weapons are a set, so only one S-level branch plot is needed, and there is no need to exchange them separately like the two mirrors of Sun Moon Golden Wheel and Zhang Qin.

So far, 10 S-level branch plots have been consumed, and 9 are left. There are still 530546 bonus points left.

"I didn't gain much reward points this time. I have to keep 15 points as a resource reserve for exchanging magic weapons. The reward points that can be shared equally are only 38 points."

Li Mu glanced at everyone, and said, "So I suggest that those who have cultivated above the Nascent Soul stage give up retreat for the time being."

"Let's allocate all resources to newcomers and players with insufficient cultivation. What do you think?"

Chu Xuan was the first to express his opinion, "I have no objection."

Zheng Zha said, "I agree."

Everyone opened their mouths to express their agreement, and the matter was settled like this. Only Gao Hongliang, Qin Zhuiyu, Zhang Heng, Wang Xia, and Zhu Wen participated in the distribution of reward points.

Since both Gao Hongliang and Qin Zhuiyu have already possessed the late-stage Golden Core cultivation base, with the support of Li Mu's pills and various cultivation resources, it will take a few years for the pill to become a baby, so each of them only takes 25000 points.

Zhang Heng, Wang Xia, and Zhu Wen each have 110000 points, which can be exchanged for 30 years for retreat and penance.

(End of this chapter)

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