The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 426 The Omnipotent Senior Sister

Chapter 426 The Omnipotent Senior Sister
Under a mountain wall, Li Mu pointed to the mountain wall and said to Charles and the others: "The entrance to Dongtian Paradise is here."

"Here?" Magneto looked at the mountain wall in surprise. It stands to reason that since the existence of the Paradise has affected the magnetic field of the entire canyon, then as the entrance, this effect should be the greatest.

But he didn't feel any magnetic field fluctuations on this mountain wall.

Even some metal mines in this mountain wall were clearly sensed by him, and there were only some common cave cavities in the mountainside.

He was 100% sure that this was an ordinary mountain, without any special features, which was completely different from the space gate he knew.

Charles also had the same doubts. He also didn't find anything unusual on this mountain wall.

Among all the people, only Blink had a different feeling, and she said affirmatively, "I feel spatial fluctuations here."

Charles nodded slowly, the flickering ability is space jump, and only she can sense the abnormalities related to space.

Storm suddenly hesitated and said: "Although the mutant with the mutant gene of the space system, Shimmer is definitely the top existence, but she is not the only one."

"Since she can sense the space fluctuations here, can other mutants with space-type mutant genes also sense it?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "That's not the case. The gate of space here will fluctuate because we are here. If we don't approach here, the space will not have any fluctuations."

"Then again, even if someone finds this entrance, no one else can get in except us. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

Hearing his words, Wolverine was the first to step forward and cautiously stretched out his hand to touch the mountain wall, but nothing unusual happened. What he touched was the real mountain wall.

Blink tried to pop a purple light ball towards the mountain wall, and when the light ball touched the mountain wall, it immediately spread into a circular purple light door.

But on the other side of the light gate, it was pitch black.


The mutants watched this scene in amazement, and the phantom cat asked with great interest: "Where does the space channel you opened lead to?"

Blink smiled wryly and said, "It's just a cavity in the belly of the mountain."

The surprise on the faces of the mutants dissipated in an instant, but Zhan Lan smiled, tilted his head at Li Yingqi and the others, and then took the lead towards the mountain wall, and the others followed after seeing this.


However, after they touched the mountain wall, the mountain wall suddenly became like a wave of water, and did not cause any hindrance to them.

With only a slight ripple, Zhan Lan and the others sank into the mountain wall one by one.

However, when Wolverine stretched out his hand towards the water wave, what he touched was still a solid mountain wall, even though he was following behind everyone, he still hit the mountain wall.

The mutants who saw this scene once again gasped in amazement.

Li Mu chuckled and said, "Okay, I won't play tricks on you."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and dozens of square jade pendants appeared out of nowhere, floating in the air.

Li Mu waved his hand again, and the jade pendants flew to everyone.

"If you want to enter Dongtian Paradise, you must be a cultivator of our lineage, not even other cultivators, unless they forcibly break through the space barrier."

"Otherwise, you need to wear a special token, which is this kind of jade pendant. As long as you wear this kind of jade pendant, you can freely enter and exit the paradise."

The mutants suddenly realized that this was the case.

This door of space can be regarded as a very advanced smart door lock.

Ordinary smart door locks can be opened only by fingerprinting or entering a password, and better ones need to scan the iris.

The door of this space uses the way of cultivating immortals as identity authentication, and this jade pendant is a special key that can open the door apart from identity authentication.

After Phantom Cat received his own jade pendant, he asked Li Mu, "According to you, are there other cultivators in this world?"

Li Mu shook his head and said, "I'm just making an analogy. In fact, we are probably the last immortal cultivators. At least we haven't seen other immortal cultivators for more than 300 years."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking and walked into the mountain wall first.

The mutants didn't ask any more questions when they saw this, and followed Li Mu into the mountain wall.

The mutants who entered the mountain wall felt a blur in front of their eyes, and when their sight came back, everyone couldn't help being stunned.

The phantom cat couldn't help exclaiming "Wow".

What they saw in front of them was a boundless peach blossom forest, white, pink, red, peach blossoms of various colors complement each other.

In the space between the peach forests, there are also flowers of various colors growing, just like a beautiful scene of hundreds of flowers blooming and colorful.

After entering here, clouds and mist rose from Li Mu and the others, attracting the attention of the mutants.

When the cloud and mist dissipated, all the members of the Zhongzhou team had turned into pure white ancient Hanfu.

The men all had buns on their heads, and their long hair was draped over their backs. They looked unrestrained and unrestrained, elegant and elegant, while the women's skirts were fluttering, and they were more delicate than flowers.

The mutants had an inexplicable feeling in their hearts that the clothes Li Mu and the others were currently dressed in were suitable for the scenery here, but the appearance of the combat uniforms before was a bit out of place.

At this time, they were the only ones who became incompatible with the scenery.

Charles originally wanted to use his mental power to scan this so-called paradise.

But he was shocked to find that his huge spiritual power seemed to disappear without a trace, and he could no longer sense it.

The other mutants also quickly discovered this. From the moment they entered the Paradise, they became ordinary people and could no longer use any superpowers.

Wolverine can no longer even control his own claws, he can't even sense the existence of the claws.

Li Mu explained to everyone: "Everyone don't need to panic. In the Paradise of Paradise, only the spiritual power of the cultivator can function normally. Any other extraordinary power will temporarily fall into a dormant state. As long as you leave Paradise of Paradise, you can recover."

In fact, this so-called paradise is nothing but the "domain" of Mr. Hachichi.

Hachi-sama has the ability of space. When she was a monster, she was able to create her own alien space. Many ghosts and monsters have this ability.

And after she became a cultivator, broke through the tribulation stage, and evolved into an acquired spiritual root, this ability to create alien spaces evolved into a "domain".

Unlike the alien space, which can only suppress external forces, in the domain, Mr. Hachichi is an absolute god.

This domain is the same as Li Mu's inner universe, but it is infinitely weaker.

But no matter what, in this domain, Master Hachichi is equivalent to the Dao of Heaven, where she is omnipotent and controls everything.

Outsiders who enter her domain, unless they are masters who also own the domain or are at the same level as hers, can only be at her mercy and be slaughtered by them.

However, the domain is not the inner universe after all, and cannot exist forever.

Although she can create anything in the domain, once the domain dissipates, all the things she created in the domain will disappear.

Bringing things in the domain to the outside world will also dissipate.

However, the things created by Li Mu in the inner universe can be taken out at any time and brought to the Great Thousand World. As long as he does not die, the inner universe will exist forever.

After Li Mu finished explaining and reassured the mutants a little, he stretched out his hand towards a path in the peach forest, and said with a smile, "Please, everyone."

After speaking, he took the initiative to lead the way and walked to the small path first, and everyone followed.

After walking forward for about ten minutes, the mutants saw some simple and exquisite houses appearing in the peach forest ahead.

The houses are scattered in an open space among the peach groves. In the center of the open space, there is a linden tree several feet high.

In a circle under the bodhi tree, there are eight stone tables, and there are four stone benches beside each stone table.

The eyes of the mutants were all attracted by the Bodhi tree.

To be more precise, he was attracted by the graceful figure on the bodhi tree.

On a horizontally growing branch of the Bodhi tree, a woman in a white skirt was lying on her side with her eyes closed, peaceful and leisurely.

Even with Westerners' aesthetics, they were amazed by the woman's beautiful appearance, and they even subconsciously slowed down their steps, as if they were afraid of waking her up.

Smiles flashed in the eyes of the members of the Zhongzhou team. It has to be said that the so-called paradise created by Mr. Bachi is quite powerful and completely in line with their imagination of a paradise.

Li Muqing coughed, walked under the tree and said respectfully, "Elder Sister, we are back."

Basha-sama's eyelashes trembled, his eyes slowly opened, he stretched lazily, and then jumped down.

She fell to the ground lightly, and asked in her usual gentle voice, "How's the situation?"

Li Mu said solemnly: "The people in power have lost their minds. When we came back, they had already used nuclear weapons."

Master Bachi had a slightly cold expression on his face, and said slowly: "Since they have broken the taboo, then we have nothing to restrain ourselves."

"From now on, the ban on cultivating immortals from interfering with mortal government is lifted, and this world should change."

Li Mu nodded and said, "Understood."

When the two were talking, the mutants stood quietly aside, because they could see that it seemed that this stunningly beautiful elder sister was the person with the highest status here.

After communicating with Li Mu, Bachi-sama looked at the mutants, Wolverine, Zhanji, Iceman, Fireman, Colossus and other men, subconsciously puffed up their chests, and stood upright unconsciously.

The members of the Zhongzhou team were secretly amused when they saw this, the aura of Miss Hachichi was strong.

"Are there only so many left?"

Li Mu sighed: "Yeah, they are the only top mutants left, and we went out a little late after all."

After a few seconds of silence, Mr. Hachichi said to the mutants: "You guys should rest here for a few days first, and wait for our people to bring back enough information before going to settle accounts with the other party."

Charles nodded and said, "Thank you."

Hachi-sama looked at Charles, and suddenly raised his hand and shot a green light at him.

The mutants were taken aback when they saw this, and the irritable Wolverine was about to say something, but Zheng Zha who was beside him raised his hand and stopped him, saying, "Don't worry, Elder Sister has no malicious intentions."

Only then did the mutants restrain themselves, watching Charles' reaction nervously.

He frowned first, his face twitched uncontrollably, as if he was enduring some kind of pain.

But after a while, his brows relaxed, and a seemingly very comfortable expression appeared on his face.

About half a minute later, Hachisha-sama cut off the output of spiritual power and put down his hand.

Storm hurried to Charles and asked with concern, "Doctor, how are you?"

Charles showed a smile on his face, and said, "I'm fine, better than ever."

After speaking, he leaned forward and stood up directly from the wheelchair.

The mutants let out an exclamation, followed by ecstasy.

Decades ago, when Charles was young, Eric's accidental injury caused irreversible damage to his spine, so that he was paralyzed from the lower half of his body and could only rely on a wheelchair to move.

Unexpectedly, after coming here, in less than 2 minutes, he actually stood up again.

Wolverine suddenly remembered that Li Mu said that among them, there was also a wood spirit root cultivator, and now it seems that it should be this elder sister.

Charles bowed deeply to Master Hachisha, and said gratefully, "Thank you for allowing me to stand up again."

Magneto also silently bowed to Lord Hachisha.

For Charles' injury, he had always felt guilty in his heart, and now seeing his old friend standing up again, his guilt was finally relieved a lot.

Hachichi-sama said softly, "You don't need to do this, it's just a matter of raising your hands. You all have a good rest. There will be battles for you to fight in the future, and the world depends on you to save it."

Wolverine said in a deep voice, "It's a duty."

Hachichi-sama smiled and nodded to him, then turned around and waved his hand. The mutants were shocked to find that many houses appeared out of thin air around the original house.

They couldn't understand at all what kind of method this was, that even houses could be made out of thin air.

But because he had seen too many miracles of immortal cultivators, the mutants were almost numb, so no one made any fuss.

"Wuji Yingqi, let's take everyone to the residence first, familiarize yourself with the environment, and come over for dinner later."

Chang Kong Wuji nodded and said, "Okay, everyone, please come with us."

The houses made by Bachi-sama are small but well-equipped with a bedroom, a living room, and a bathroom.

The configuration of the abode is a combination of ancient and modern. The whole house looks like an ancient Chinese building. The bedroom and living room are the same, but the bathroom is in a modern style.

Bathtubs, sinks, toiletries, showers, toilets, etc. can be said to be everything.

The mutants also understand that cultivators don't need to eat or excrete, and their bodies won't get dirty. This is obviously set up in this way to take care of them.

Changkong Wuji and Li Yingqi took the mutants, each chose a residence, and then took them around.

Changkong Wuji said to the crowd while walking: "Although the scenery here is beautiful, it may be a bit monotonous for you."

"If you need any entertainment, such as a bar or something else, you can come and tell me, and I will ask the elder sister to create it for you."

"Create?" Wolverine asked in amazement. "Can she create anything?"

Chang Kong Wuji smiled and said: "Yes, Elder Sister is the person with the highest cultivation level among us, and she is already infinitely close to the god you know."

"This blessed place was created by the elder sister. Here she is equal to the omnipotent God. She can create everything out of nothing."


Even though they already had a certain degree of immunity to the magic of immortal cultivators, they still couldn't help but gasp when they heard these words.

(End of this chapter)

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