"Dare to ask the ancestors, who can prove the way and become holy?"

Although the three thousand guests have already guessed the answer, they will not give up until Daozu Hongjun tells it himself.

Daozu Hongjun waved his fly whisk, and six balls of purple air emerged out of thin air and flew in front of Li Mu and the other six.

"This is the primordial purple qi, and one strand of primordial purple qi is the foundation of a proof of Taoism. The six of you are a predetermined number, and you can choose one of them."

Li Mu and the other six put away a strand of purple energy, and said in unison, "Thank you Daozu."

"Li Mu, Zhang Qin, Chu Xuan, Ba Chi Jue, Zheng Zha, Zhao Zhukong, if you can win the grandmist futon, it means that you are destined for me. You will enter my sect and be my Taoist disciples. How about you? "

The six people immediately got up and bowed down in front of Daozu Hongjun, saying in unison: "Master, please accept my disciple's bow."

Daozu Hongjun nodded in satisfaction and said: "Shan, there are many battles in the prehistoric land nowadays, and you should be my disciple, there must be some chance."

"As a teacher, I traveled through the prehistoric regions in the early years and collected all kinds of treasures. I will use my body to conform to the Tao. The treasures are of no great use to me. Now I will distribute them to you and others. They can also protect the body and defend the Tao and suppress luck."

The six people were refreshed, and the part they were most looking forward to came.

The other [-] guests were extremely jealous. They tried their best to search for spirit treasures to kill the corpses, and even risked their lives in robbery to kill other creatures, but most of the time they found nothing.

But these six guys only won the six front seats at the beginning, and now they have everything from holy seats, Lingbao, and backstage.

If they weren't disciples of the Taoist ancestor, others might consider killing them and exploding their primordial purple energy.

Future saints who have not yet been sanctified cannot be equated with saints after all.

The geniuses who haven't grown up are just little Karami.

But now they have become Taoist disciples, saint disciples, who dares to touch them?

This is the benefit of a hard background.

Daoist Hongjun waved his whisk again, and a black and white picture emerged out of thin air, slowly drifting towards Li Mu who was sitting at the top.

The figure on this picture looks very simple, that is, two yin and yang fish encircle each other, forming a circle with black in white and white in black.

But the whole picture is full of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, the avenue of prophecy outside the picture surrounds it, and the talismans of the way of heaven in the picture are hidden in it.

"Li Mu, you should be my first disciple, the elder brother of all saints, and you should be in charge of this Taiji diagram with the right number of days."

The three thousand guests were stunned, only a few creatures showed envy and congratulations in their eyes, such as Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi, Baize, Yingzhao and so on.

Most of the other creatures' faces were distorted due to jealousy.

Sure enough, jealousy is beyond recognition.

Although they have never seen it, how could they not have heard of the Three Treasures of Opening Heaven?
The Taiji diagram is transformed from the fragments of the Pangu axe, one of the three innate treasures, it can fix the earth, water, fire and wind, evolve yin and yang and the five elements, separate the mysteries of the way of heaven, and include thousands of elephants.

Li Mu put away the Taiji diagram, and said: "Thank you, Master, for giving me the treasure."

After sending out the Taiji diagram, Daozu Hongjun released another array diagram.

In this picture, the four simple long swords are clearly visible, and the fierce aura exuded by them made Zixiao's three thousand guests tremble with fear.

Daoist Hongjun said to Chu Xuan: "Chu Xuan, the way you cultivated is very good at killing and attacking, so I give you the Immortal Killing Sword Formation as a master."

"This formation is too powerful and murderous. It can destroy the world at every turn. You can't break it unless you gather the Four Saints. You need to use it with caution."

Chu Xuan put away the picture of the Zhuxian formation, and said: "Remember the teaching of Master."

With the Jade Immortal Formation, his final verdict will be truly invincible in the prehistoric world, and he will become the king of the prehistoric heads-up.

Unless Li Mu and the others join forces to get rid of him, no one in the prehistoric world would dare to fight him.

Hearing the seven words "unbreakable without gathering the four sages", all the three thousand guests turned pale with shock, and looked at Chu Xuan full of fear.

Also from this moment on, a deep-rooted idea was planted in the hearts of the three thousand guests, not to mess with Chu Xuan, otherwise they would die without even scum.

Daozu Hongjun took out another flag and put it in front of Zheng Zha, saying: "Zheng Zha, this Pangu banner can release the sword energy of chaos, and has the ability to cut through chaos."

"I hope you make good use of it. In the future, you will be in charge of the great teaching, and you can also suppress your luck."

Zheng Zha took the Pangu banner and said: "Thank you, Master."

Daoist Hongjun looked at Zhang Qin, summoned two spiritual treasures, one picture and one ball, and said, "Zhang Qin, you practice the way of good fortune, and you will have a great merit to do in the future."

"I give you the Red Hydrangea and the Map of Mountains and Rivers for my master. These two treasures can protect you comprehensively with one attack and one defense."

Although the red hydrangea is not the most precious treasure, it is also a top-quality congenital spiritual treasure, and it is a holy weapon of merit and virtue, which can establish three marriages between heaven, earth and people.

Therefore, it not only kills without cause and effect, but also has amazing power, which is not under the innate treasure.

No matter how much mana you have, once you are locked by the red hydrangea, you will have no escape. Saints will die if they are next to each other, and they will die when they touch them.

Even a sage has nowhere to hide, he can only resist, but he will also be staggered, and the pain is unbearable.

Fighting among saints, that is, fighting for face, is enough.

As for the Map of Mountains, Rivers, and Lands, it is also a superb innate treasure. This treasure is a map of the prehistoric, recording the direction of the prehistoric mountains, rivers, and land.

There is a vast universe in it, which can breed hundreds of millions of living beings, as if there is a real world in the picture, and its birth and death are only in the owner's thought.

But as if after all, it is just as if, not the real world.

From Chu Xuan's point of view, the world in the map of Shanhesheji is similar to the world he simulated with his astrocomputer similar to a big clock.

To the creatures inside, that world naturally exists, but to those outside, that world is just an illusory world.

It is no different from the world in books or movies.

After Zhang Qin put away the ball and the picture, Lord Bachi was calm, but Zhao Zhukong looked at Daozu Hongjun eagerly.

After all, he is not the guide or quasi-ti in the original plot, but just a named disciple, and now the six of them are all the same.

It doesn't make sense to give spirit treasures to other people, but I and Mr. Hachichi don't have one.

Fortunately, Taoist Hongjun did not disappoint them. Facing the eyes of Mr. Bachi and Zhao Zhukong, Taoist Hongjun spread his hands, and a golden pagoda was suspended in his palm.

Gently raising his hand, the pagoda flew towards Hachisha-sama.

"Bachiju, you understand the law of life, you are gentle and kind, and you don't like to fight. My master bestows on you the number one defensive treasure in the wild, the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth."

"This pagoda is formed by the condensed Qi of infinite sky-opening black and yellow. Once it is sacrificed, it will be invincible without any attack."

This treasure really suits Bachi-sama, after she comprehended the law of life, she really doesn't like to fight even more.

Therefore, after she got the bodhi tree, the wonderful tree of the seven treasures that she sacrificed and refined was completely different from the original version, and was far inferior to the original version in terms of lethality.

However, it is more powerful than the original version in terms of picking up the opponent's magical weapons and trapping the enemy.

Kong Xuan's five-color divine light did not stand out at all in front of her wonderful tree of seven treasures.

Bachi-sama accepted the pagoda gladly, and bowed Yingying: "Thank you, Master, for giving me the treasure."

Daoist Hongjun finally waved his hand and released a hammer and a foot, and said: "Zhao Zhukong, the way you practice makes your methods pay attention to elusiveness and ghosts, and it is difficult to guard against."

"This purple electric hammer has the fastest speed in the world, and its lethality is not weak. It is in line with the way you have cultivated."

"This universe ruler is a spiritual treasure of innate merit and virtue. It can set the scale of the world and gather great merit. I will give it to you together."

Although it is not as powerful as the baby obtained by others, it is not bad.

Zheng Zha's Pangu Banner is enough to suppress the luck of the Dajiao. In terms of fighting, they are no match for the Zhongzhou team, so Zhao Zhukong doesn't have so many thoughts.

So far, all the treasures of the six disciples have been given away. Daozu Hongjun said to all the living beings in the hall: "The predestined treasures have their destinations. There are still thousands of spiritual treasures on the Fenbao Cliff in the southeast outside the palace. You can take them by yourself." Go get it."

Zhan Lan and the reincarnators had been waiting for his words for a long time. As soon as he finished speaking and other creatures hadn't reacted, the reincarnators rushed out of Zixiao Palace and headed straight for Fenbao Cliff. .

Zhan Lan mastered the law of space, Zhao Yingkong mastered the law of speed, and the replica Chu Xuan had the secret of the nine secrets of travel, and his movement speed was the top few.

The combination of Chang Kong Wuji and Li Yingqi can also reach the speed of the golden crow turning into a rainbow.

Although the others were a bit slower, they didn't care. They could hinder others from taking the treasure. Anyway, Zhan Lan and the others got the treasure, and in the end everyone could sit on the ground and divide it up.

Dijun Taiyi's technique of transforming the rainbow, and Styx's technique of escaping blood are all natal supernatural powers. Although they are among the fastest among all living beings, they are weaker than the law.

However, their cultivation level is higher than that of Zhan Lan and others, so they are not far behind.

The reincarnated people mainly had a first-mover advantage. They were prepared and reacted a beat faster than others.

Zhan Lan, Zhao Yingkong, and the duplicate body Chu Xuan arrived at Fenbaoya first. This cliff is not really towering, it looks like a huge rock, so Fenbaoya can also be called Fenbaoyan.

The precious light on the cliff is overflowing, touching people's hearts and minds, but it is also heavily restricted and has arrays.

The so-called treasures have spirits, if they were not restrained by formations, these spirit treasures would have flown away long ago, so why would they wait until three thousand guests came to collect them.

After the three of them arrived, without saying a word, they directly plunged into the big formation of Baoya, and picked out those with strong aura to collect them.

Dijun Taiyi, Patriarch Minghe, Changkong Wuji and Li Yingqi were the second batch to arrive, and they were not too polite, and went directly to Fenbao Cliff to start searching.
Afterwards, three thousand guests came one after another, and the treasures here are not easy to find, and the binding formation must be broken first before the treasures can be collected.

Therefore, the later ones will not lose all the treasures, and they can always gain more or less, at most, the quality of the spirit treasures obtained is slightly lower.

After the three thousand guests went to fetch the treasures, Daozu Hongjun took out another bunch of spiritual treasures that were not as good as the previous ones, but were of high quality and divided them into six people.

This is the foundation of the teaching that Taoist Hongjun left for his disciples.

After distributing the spirit treasures, he said to Li Mu and the six people: "Pangu opened up the world, created all things in the prehistoric world, obtained the divine artifact for the master, followed the trend of heaven to achieve the holy way, and set up this Zixiao Palace to preach the law."

"Now that I have completed my merits and virtues as a teacher, I feel that the Dao of Heaven and Earth treats all things as humble dogs. It is great benevolence, and it is also great inhumanity. The general trend of the way of heaven is one in fifty. Although a teacher has supernatural powers, it cannot make up for it."

"After much thinking, as a teacher, I want to seek the method of being in harmony with the Tao, caring for the common people, growing the great benevolence of the world, and making up for the great inhumanity of the world."

The six people bowed in unison after hearing the words: "Master is merciful."

Daoist Hongjun's originally indifferent eyes suddenly became more emotional, and he taught the six people earnestly: "Being a teacher is the way of heaven, just care about the fortune of heaven, so far, the way is prosperous, and there are saints who come out to follow the way of heaven."

"The saint is immortal for thousands of kalpas, and will not be worn down for ten thousand kalpas. Therefore, you should not be affected by cause and effect. A saint does not do anything, so he has no failure, so he has no loss. A saint should not go too far, go to extravagance, go to luxury, and you need to keep in mind."

The six people said in a sincere and convincing way: "Keep in mind Master's teachings, don't dare or forget."

Daoist Hongjun nodded gratifiedly, looked up at the sky slightly, and said quietly: "From now on, there will be a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and Hongjun will not appear."

"From then on, Hongjun is the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is not for Hongjun. You can do it yourself in the future, and go as a teacher."

"Congratulations to send Master."

After Taoist Hongjun disappeared, the six people got up one after another and went outside Zixiao Palace. When they reached the gate of the hall, they saw two boys from Haotian Yaochi sitting on the threshold with their backs to the hall in a daze.

Now that Daoist Hongjun is in harmony with the Tao, he must not be able to reappear in a short time. They don't know how to live this day.

Li Mu rolled his eyes, walked towards the two with a pleasant face, and called out: "Junior brother Haotian, junior sister Yaochi."

The two came back to their senses, quickly stood up and bowed to everyone, respectfully said: "I have seen you, brothers and sisters."

Li Mu smiled and waved his hands and said: "There is no need to be too polite. Now that Master is in harmony with the Tao, it may take a long time. I don't know what the younger brothers and younger sisters are planning?"

When the two of them heard this, they were at a loss again. They lowered their heads involuntarily, and said aggrievedly, "We don't know either."

Seeing this, Li Mu caressed the hair of the two of them, and said in a gentle voice: "It's better for you to go to the wilderness with us and practice in our dojo, it's better than staying in this deserted Zixiao Palace."

The two boys raised their heads suddenly, their eyes brightened, and they said excitedly, "Is it really possible?"

Li Mu smiled and said: "Of course, you have served Master for many years, and now that he is in harmony with the way of heaven, it is useless for you to stay here."

"It's better to go to the prehistoric practice with us. Those of us who are brothers and sisters will always find a way out for you."

Seeing the kindness shown by the six people to themselves, the two were deeply moved, and they all bowed together: "Thank you, brothers and sisters."

The six people smiled and nodded at them one after another. Zhang Qin put his arms around the shoulders of the two of them and said, "Let's go."

In an unknown place, Taoist Hongjun opened his eyes, with a look of joy on his face, and said, "Good."

After speaking, he closed his eyes again, and the fortune jade butterfly turned into a golden wheel, and the figure of Daozu Hongjun gradually disappeared in it.

When the six left the hall and arrived outside Zixiao Palace, Zhan Lan and his party had not yet returned, so the six simply rushed over.

At this time, more than half of the spirit treasures on Baoya have been collected, and there are about a thousand pieces left.

The six of them were not too polite, after all, no one would have too many things like Lingbao. (end of this chapter)

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