The counterattack of the villains

Chapter 58 One Person Turns the Situation of a Battle

Chapter 58
When Li Mu reached the rooftop, he didn't rush out directly, but took a look at the entrance of the corridor.

After seeing the situation on the rooftop, Li Mu was secretly speechless.

The fighting situation on the rooftop is not at all easier than that on the streets below, and even more intense.

Both sides know the importance of occupying the commanding heights, so they have assembled heavy troops on the rooftop.

There are at least two squads of regular troops on the rebel side, and there are six to seventy free mercenaries.

The government army has less than ten regular troops and more than thirty free mercenaries. They are so suppressed that they dare not stand up and have almost no chance to provide fire support to the brothers below.

On the other hand, the rebels could spend their time condescendingly suppressing the firepower of the government troops below.

Thanks to this block, it is not an extremely important location, so only regular troops are exchanging fire, not even snipers are arranged.

No matter which side, as long as there is a sniper to assist in the battle, it doesn't need a top-level sniper. An ordinary sniper can quickly resolve the battle.

After all, snipers are not Chinese cabbage, and there are not as many as ordinary people imagine, and they are basically concentrated in more important battlefields.

Knowing how to shoot a sniper rifle does not mean you can be a sniper. To become a real sniper, in addition to a lot of training, you also need a certain amount of talent.

Without relevant professional knowledge about lurking, camouflage, selecting sniper points, ballistic calculations, etc., a sniper rifle is not as easy to use as a micro punch.

Although the battle on the rooftop was fierce, there were no heavy machine guns in the battle, and both sides fought very conservatively.

Basically, they hide behind the bunker, come out to shoot a few shots and then retreat.

The free mercenaries didn't even put their heads up, and just stretched out their guns to scan blindly.

After observing the battle situation on the rooftop, Li Mu resolutely stuck out his gun and aimed at a rebel who was holding a grenade launcher with six rounds of ammunition on the diagonally opposite side, and was directly facing the government army's position below.


When the gun rang out, Li Mu quickly moved the muzzle of his gun, aiming and shooting at those rebel regular soldiers who were either using casual marksmanship, or a burst of single-shot rapid fire.

"Bang bang bang..."

The free mercenaries in the opposite rebel camp were terrified. They only saw the regular soldiers being shot and fell to the ground one after another. In the past ten seconds, more people were shot than in the previous hour.

The rebel soldiers who were not targeted by Li Mu quickly retreated to the cover and did not dare to show their bodies again.

On the government side, the morale was high, and they were ecstatic. They took the opportunity to lean out from the edge of the roof and hugged the rebels on the street below.

A warning sign suddenly appeared in Li Mu's heart, and he retreated into the corridor reflexively.

"Clap clap clap..."

Sure enough, the wall and door frame where he was just now were covered by bullets.

It turned out that there were enemies not only on the rooftop across the street, but also on this row of rooftops. Just now, there were rebel soldiers who came out from the rooftop next door and shot at him.

The entrance to the corridor was relatively narrow and very dangerous. Li Mu turned and went downstairs. Next to the window at the corner of the stairs, he threw the rifle down to his waist.

After a little brewing, he used the gecko swimming skill, climbed out of the window, and swam forward quickly against the outer wall.

Encountering a location with an alleyway, with a kick on the wall, the whole person jumped to the wall of the next house, then stuck to the wall tightly, and continued to climb forward.

He's going to crawl behind the rebels and pop their asses.

After climbing a distance of about seventy meters, he popped his head out from the outer wall and looked inside. On the roof of this building, there were six free mercenaries and one rebel soldier.

They all squatted under the outer low wall, and they got up from time to time to shoot a few shots at the rooftop across the street or the window upstairs.

Li Mu stuck to the wall with his knees and left hand, and pushed the speed switch to automatic mode with his right hand, picked up the rifle, and fired at the seven enemies behind.

"chug chug... ka..."

Li Mu emptied the bullets in the magazine in one breath, and when the empty magazine hung up, the seven enemies were all down in a pool of blood.

He turned over and jumped into the roof, lying on the ground with his whole body, and with a light swipe of one palm on the ground, he slid to the side of the dead rebel soldier.

Those free mercenaries all use AK47, because this gun is cheap, and only the regular army uses AK74.

The reason why Li Mu used this gun as his main weapon was because it was convenient to replenish ammunition on the battlefield.

He unloaded the empty magazine, pulled out a full magazine from the tactical vest on the rebel soldier, and inserted it into his gun.


After the bolt was loaded, Li Mu crawled under the low wall on the left, and looked at the rooftop next door.

The rebels and free mercenaries next door didn't notice the situation here.

Because everyone was shooting, it was common for free mercenaries to raise their guns and shoot, and they didn't expect that an enemy would touch their backs.

Li Mu was not polite, raised his gun and fired a few bursts, killing all six free mercenaries on the rooftop next door, and then continued to shoot at the enemy further ahead.

Because the right side is the rear of the rebels, no one expected the enemy to touch them, so they were unprepared for the rear and sides.

Li Mu could only see the rooftops of the three houses. After finishing off the enemies of these three houses, he still climbed back from the outer wall.

By the time the rebels found out that something was wrong, the enemies on the rooftops of the row of houses on this side of the street had almost been wiped out by Li Mu.

There is only the last roof left, which is the enemy of the roof next door to the house where he was before.

Li Mu still emerged from behind them and exploded their chrysanthemums.

When Li Mu attacked the rebels from behind, the government troops on the left roof had already spotted him, and they were all amazed.

A government sergeant recognized Li Mu and said happily, "It's that Xia Guo boy who specializes in fighting rebels. This guy is getting better and better."

A soldier said, "I remember his name is Mu?"

The sergeant nodded and said: "That's right, it's Mu. Before coming here, the major specifically explained that his price is different from other people's. Sure enough, he is expensive for a reason."

"Everyone, get ready, and when he suppresses the opponent, immediately provide fire support to the brothers below."


None of them expected that Li Mu's climbing skills would be so powerful that he could climb up from the outer wall.

The government soldiers didn't see that Li Mu was swimming directly on the wall, and thought he did it by relying on his superb climbing skills.

This is not impossible. An excellent rock climber has unimaginable arm strength and body coordination, especially finger strength.

Often only a little depression or protrusion is needed to climb on a ninety-degree vertical rock wall.

Although the outer wall of this house is relatively flat and has no point of strength, there are various other things that can be used for strength.

Such as water pipes, drainage pipes, air-conditioning external racks, anti-theft windows and so on.

So far, all the thirty or so enemies occupying the rooftop here were killed by Li Mu.

With the safety of the flanks guaranteed, he can deal with the enemies on the opposite rooftop with peace of mind.

With Li Mu's precise fire suppression, the government army immediately felt that the battle had become easier to fight.

Any enemy who dared to lean out on the opposite roof could not dodge Li Mu's soul-chasing shot, and gradually they did not dare to show their heads again, and all shrank behind the cover.

The government forces and their free mercenaries were no longer threatened, and they unscrupulously suppressed the main force of the rebels on the street below.

The driver of the pickup truck has been killed, and no one can touch the heavy machine guns, anti-RPG and terminal grenade launchers, and they are given special care.

Finally, after losing half of its troops, the rebel leader had to order a retreat.

When the rebels and free mercenaries on the opposite rooftop all went downstairs, the government army took the opportunity to launch a counterattack.

Li Mu was the only one left on the rooftops on both sides. He was even more unscrupulous, and directly performed lightness kung fu, leaping across the rooftops.

Stay on the edge of the roof at any time and take precise shots at the rebels below.

Under Li Mu's strong output, the government army actually drove the rebels out of the block in one go, and regained all the lost positions.

It's like saying that Li Mu alone turned the tide of the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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