Chapter 63 Healing
The Zhike monk was a nice person, and he gave Li Mu a bag of steamed buns in a cloth bag, and a water bag filled with clean water.

Li Mu understood what Zhike Monk meant. After all, Tianlong Temple is a royal temple, and he is a sloppy bastard, so it's not a problem to rely on it all the time.

So Zhike monk gave him more food, instead of just having a full meal, he wanted him to leave here.

Li Mu was planning to leave, so he didn't do anything extra, hung the cloth bag and water bag on his body, bowed to the monk, and turned to leave.

Tianlong Temple, after he recovers from his injury, he will always come back.

Duan Yanqing wholeheartedly wants to regain everything he lost. This is the root cause of his becoming a big villain against the Duan Clan of Dali. Naturally, Li Mu has to help him do it.

However, in today's Dali, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, Duan Zhengming's policy is to benevolent, he is frugal, he is generous, and he is deeply loved by the people of Dali.

It can be said that Li Mu has no basis for regaining the throne, even if Duan Zhengming is lenient, he will not do anything to him.

However, Duan Zhengchun and the civil and military officials of Dali will never let a person in this world exist who may destroy the stability of Dali.

Don't say let Duan Zhengming take the Zen position, but if he is recognized now, the only result will be to attract endless pursuit.

So Li Mu would not just go to see Duan Zhengming naively, but he could also collect some interest first, such as the Six Meridians Excalibur.

This martial art, even if it is only practiced in one branch, will cause its own damage output to skyrocket, which is equivalent to carrying a pistol in the world of martial arts.

Although it takes a lot of internal strength, and the distance of the shooting depends on the depth of the skill, the Six Meridians Excalibur is not a real pistol.

There is no recoil, no need to pull the trigger, let alone change the magazine, just stretch out your finger, and hit wherever you point.

Beyond seven steps, the Six Meridian Excalibur must be fast, while within seven steps, it is accurate and fast, and the closer the distance, the harder it is to dodge.

Not to mention practicing all six meridians.

The Six Meridians Excalibur itself is not a simple release of true energy, it is actually a sword technique.

The characteristics of the sword energy of the six meridians are different, some are rigid or soft, some are dexterous or primitive, some open and close, some are erratic.

Once deployed, it can often form a network of sword energy that is difficult to resist and dodge.

Rather than saying it is a sword technique, it is better to say it is a sword formation.

If we talk about single-pulse sword energy, it is to use a pistol to accurately shoot the target.

The six meridians are all released, which is similar to an anti-aircraft machine gun shooting a plane.

There is no need to pursue every bullet hit, just create a barrage of bullets, block all evasion positions, and let the plane hit the bullets by itself.

In the situation of being besieged by others, the Six Meridians Excalibur is equivalent to gun fighting.

Therefore, Li Mu had to obtain the Six Meridians Excalibur.

With this kind of martial arts, in the world of ordinary martial arts, as long as he is not facing a large-scale army, he is enough to run amok.


Finding a place to fill his stomach at random, Li Mu went down to Diancang Mountain.

Tianlong Temple is only a few miles away from Dali City, but Li Mu didn't intend to go to Dali, instead he went west, away from Dali.

Jiuyang's true energy returned very quickly, and he used his lightness kung fu to hurry on his way regardless of the loss.

Although the speed was slowed down by the immobility of his legs, it was much faster than ordinary people running at full speed.

I saw his two crutches slam on the ground, and the whole person jumped forward three or four zhangs, and another three or four zhangs.

After two hours in this way, Li Mu traveled a hundred miles to Shengxiang County, Deyongchang Prefecture.

He didn't stay here any longer, but only lingered for one night. He went to a rich family's house at night, stole some gold, silver and jewels, and took a set of clean clothes for himself.

I can't change my pants for the time being, and I'm tied with a stick!
Early the next morning, after a hearty meal, Li Mu headed south, traveling more than [-] miles in one day, and arrived at the largest town within a hundred miles, Mengshe Town.

The reason why I came here is because there is a famous doctor here who can help me heal my injuries.

After arriving in Demengshe Town, he sold the jewels he had stolen for more than a thousand taels of silver.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to run around carrying more than 70 catties of silver, so what he received was "Jiaozi", that is, the banknotes of the Song Dynasty.

With money in his pocket, Li Mu went to the clinic opened by the doctor.


This is a courtyard courtyard with a large area. The front part is a two-story building, which is the medical clinic opened by a famous doctor. The first floor is a pharmacy, and the second floor is a clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

Behind the medical hall is a spacious courtyard with three wing rooms on the left and right. The main room facing the back door of the medical hall covers an area of ​​half an acre, and there are side rooms on both sides of the main room.

In the left ear room, Li Mu is wearing a real crutch, and the simple wooden stick tied to his leg has been replaced with a professional splint.

He was instructing an old man with a pale face and gray beard and hair to scrape out the dark ointment from a small medicine cauldron and put it in a porcelain jar.

The old man had a look of joy on his face, after putting on the ointment, he got up and said to Li Mu: "Mr. Li, this black jade intermittent ointment is ready."

Naturally, he couldn't use Duan Yanqing's name in Dali, so he used his real name as a pseudonym.

Li Mu nodded with a smile, lightly exerted force with his hands, and flew towards the couch placed against the wall two feet away behind him.

Lying lightly on the couch, Li Mu let go of his crutches and hugged the old man.

The old man happily stepped forward, gently helped Li Mu untie the splint, pulled up his trouser legs, and applied plaster on him.

The so-called Black Jade Intermittent Ointment is naturally just Li Mu's name for it. The name sounds more high-end and elegant.

But the formula of his ointment may overlap with the ingredients used in Heiyu intermittent ointment, but it is absolutely impossible to be exactly the same, but the effect is the same.

The old man's name was Du Qingfeng, and he was the well-known doctor.

The reason why Li Mu was so respected by him was because Li Mu convinced him with his medical skills.

And he also promised that as long as Du Qingfeng helps him heal his wounds, he will pass on several unique prescriptions with incomparable miraculous effects to him.

This Black Jade Ointment is one of them.

In addition, there is also a "Qixu Shengji Ointment", which is similar to "Stopping Blood Dingtong Shengji Powder", but the drug effect is different.

The putrefaction and muscle regeneration cream can help Li Mu eliminate scars and restore his original appearance.

It's just that the treatment process is extremely scary, the old scars must be cut off first, and then the medicine is applied.

Li Mu didn't want his nerves to be damaged, so he didn't want to use anesthetics like Mafeisan.

At most, acupoints are used to slightly block the local pain-sensing nerves to prevent pain signals from being transmitted to the brain.

Operating a knife while a person is fully awake places extremely high demands on the psychological quality of the doctor performing the operation.

This is also the reason why Li Mufei wanted to find a famous doctor to help heal his injuries. This job cannot be done by just a random person.

In addition to the bone and trauma of both legs, there are also two prescriptions for vocal cord injury, one for oral administration and one for external application, which Li Mu promised to pass on to Du Qingfeng.

This medicine can not only treat acquired dumbness caused by vocal cord damage, but also congenital dumbness caused by vocal cord defects. This medicine also has the possibility of curing.

Not to mention anything else, just these few prescriptions are priceless to a doctor.

Not to mention that in this process, some medicine refining methods are also involved.

It can be said that Du Qingfeng made a lot of money by assisting Li Mu in healing his injuries, so he didn't charge Li Mu's consultation fee at all, and the medicinal materials only paid the cost price.

It is equivalent to saying that Li Mu just borrowed his place and tools to heal his wounds, and with a little assistance, without paying any price, he can get a few prescriptions that can make him rich.

(End of this chapter)

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