Chapter 69
In the original plot, Duan Yanqing begged to see Master Kurong to no avail, originally he had a desire to die.

After being inspired by "Guanyin's long hair", he regained his strength and left Tianlong Temple straight away to practice martial arts hard in the remote villages in the south.

In the past five years, he has practiced using a stick to replace his feet, and he has combined the kung fu of the Yiyang finger with the rigid stick, and then explored the ventriloquism, which can communicate with others.

Afterwards, it will take another five years to refine the internal strength and practice the Yiyang finger to the fourth grade.

After ten years of painstaking practice, after achieving success in martial arts, he went to Huguang Road and killed all his enemies to the ground, causing more than a dozen tragedies of extermination.

Because of his vicious methods, he finally won the title of "the world's number one villain", known as "full of evil".

Afterwards, Ye Erniang, Yue Canglong, and Yun Zhonghe came to vote for their names, and the heavenly group of Tianlong's number one villain came into being.

But today's Li Mu, it is naturally impossible to become a big villain again.

Revenge is still to be taken, because this is one of Duan Yanqing's obsessions.

Therefore, Li Mu traveled eastward all the way, and he still killed every family in the past.

It's just that he only kills the person concerned, and before killing, he will explain the reason for the killing to the onlookers in advance, and will have a fair confrontation with the other party.

In this way, even though he killed more than a dozen people in a row, he stood on the moral high ground. No one could accuse him of anything, and he did not cause any waves in the world.

After avenging Duan Yanqing's bloody revenge in two months, Li Mu turned north and headed for the Central Plains.

On Shaoshi Mountain, there is a good investment target who is just 11 years old.

With Li Mu intervening, he is determined not to follow the old path of the original plot, and he will be a good helper when he grows up in the future.


On this day, Li Mu entered the Beijing East and West Road, and arrived outside a county called Yuncheng.

The official road was built along the Guangji River. Li Mu dismounted at a place with a river beach, led the horse to the river beach, and brushed its nose.

At this time, the horse could not stop snorting, because a lot of dust had accumulated in its nasal cavity, snorting was actually a way to remove dust.

It was July, and it was a scorching summer day.

Li Mu noticed that there were a group of children playing and swimming in the river, both boys and girls, on the upper reaches of the river beach more than [-] feet away from him.

Smaller boys are mostly bare buttocks, while half-sized boys wear pants.

For girls, regardless of their size, they go into the water with their clothes on and just take off their shoes and socks.

It's just that the clothes are very thin. Fortunately, the clothes they wear are not made of silk. Although they will stick to the body after getting wet, they are not transparent.

Today is the Northern Song Dynasty, and the social atmosphere still has the legacy of the Tang Dynasty, relatively open and enlightened, not so conservative.

The society that was really poisoned by Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism was actually in the Ming Dynasty.

Children are playing in the river, and there are a group of women washing clothes and yarn by the river beach.

While brushing the horse, Li Mu looked at the children playing with a smile.

The Guangji River is more than twenty feet wide, the riverbed is V-shaped, and the river water changes from shallow to deep from the edge of the river beach to the center of the river.

The edge of the river beach can only submerge the calf, and the river is gentle, but the center of the river is nearly ten feet deep, and the river is turbulent.

These children who grew up by the river are all proficient in water, and they are like white stripes in the waves in the river.

They seem to like to challenge the turbulent central current, often swimming across the opposite bank in one breath, and then competing to see who is swept downstream by the current.

But as the saying goes, those who are beaten to death are stubborn, and those who are drowned are all able to swim.

There was a young boy who looked twelve or thirteen years old. When he swam to the middle of the river, he was naturally washed downstream by the current.

Originally, according to the normal situation in the past, when he was washed down five or six feet, he would swim through the rapids and reach the opposite slow-flow area.

But this time for some reason, his paddling hands suddenly stopped paddling, turned over, then sank, floated up after a breath, and then sank again.

Such a delay, he was washed down a full ten feet.

The adults by the river beach soon realized that something was wrong and immediately became a riot.

A slender and slender figure rushed to the rapids quickly, plunged down, and quickly swam towards the boy who was washed away.

With the impact of the current and her own paddling, she was as fast as a fish swimming. When the boy was washed to the river beach where Li Mu was, she had already caught up with him.

Those women who washed clothes and washed yarn also ran down the river beach one after another.

For some reason, that seemed to be a girl's rescuer. After catching up with the boy, he failed to drag the boy out of the rapids. Instead, both of them were ups and downs in the middle of the river.

Because the two of them were on the river beach where Li Mu was at this time, he could see it clearly.

It was the young man who was already a little unconscious after choking on the water, and at this moment he was only clinging to the young girl so tightly that the young girl couldn't use it at all.

It stands to reason that with the girl's watery nature, she should not be ignorant of the principle of saving people from behind.

But the problem was that they were in a place where the current was turbulent, and the young man was struggling in the water, so she couldn't grasp the direction of approach at all.

Seeing this, Li Mu didn't hesitate any longer, immediately put down the tool for brushing the horse, jumped up, tapped his toes lightly on the water, and quickly flew towards the two of them.

The children on the river beach all let out an exclamation.

There were already a few adults jumping into the river, ready to join forces to save people. Seeing this, they all swam back to the shallow area, stood up in the river, and looked at this scene in surprise.

"Water drifting, this is the legendary water drifting, I heard from my father." A middle-aged man shouted excitedly.


"That uncle is a hero in the world, right?"

Drifting on the water is not a specific name of light work, but a state of light work.

Flying on the grass means being able to use force to fly on the branches and bushes, and stepping on the snow without a trace means running on the snow without leaving traces.

The highest state of lightness kung fu is naturally crossing the void.

And such things as "swallows copying water three times" and "dragonfly touching water" are the names of lightness skills, and they can all achieve the effect of floating on water.

Whether it's floating on the water, flying on the grass, or stepping on the snow without a trace, Li Mu can do it.

As for Ling Kongxudu, he doesn't have the relevant lightness method, so he can't do it yet.

But Li Mu flew over the river quickly, and in an instant, he had covered a distance of more than twenty zhang, chasing at least the girl and the boy.

He didn't pause in his movements, and when he reached the position, he immediately bent down and grabbed the arms of the two, and lifted them up.

His own feet, which were originally on the river, sank downward.

Before the river water submerges the calf, the internal force surges out from the Yongquan point on the sole of the foot.


Li Mu's true energy erupted, and at the same time as a jet of water exploded, he had already jumped up and flew back towards the river beach at a speed no slower than when he was alone.

Quickly returned to the shore, put the two of them on the ground, the girl knelt on the ground, coughing violently.

The young man has almost fallen into a semi-consciousness, but his face is still full of pain.

Li Mu noticed that his left calf had a tonic contraction, and there was a clear look in his eyes.

It turned out to be cramp, cramp in such a turbulent river, if there were not so many people nearby, he would have almost died.

Although the girl failed to save anyone, there are still so many women here, presumably they are also proficient in water, and it is not impossible to save the two of them.

But when they rescued the person, there is a high probability that the girl will be fine, but there is a high possibility that the boy will suffer from a serious illness due to too much water entering the lungs, and it may even be fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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