"Guo Hui Yi Yao."

Lu Hanjiang smiled and said: "Sir, you can guess what I want to do so thoroughly based on other people's words. It's really amazing. But, have you ever thought about it? Most people in the world don't seem to like others to treat themselves as such." See through the mind.”

Qi Yunzhou said: "That's true, but I feel that Mr. Lu has a broad mind and will not take this trivial matter to his heart."

"Oh? Sir, you actually think of me like this. It seems that if I continue to care about you, it will be inappropriate."

Lu Hanjiang said jokingly: "It's just that I still don't know something. Sir, your character has never been troublesome. If someone hadn't asked you, how could you have spoken up? But this time you took the initiative to send Tian Jun to me." In the house, what is the reason?"

Qi Yunzhou shook his head and sighed: "It's just that this aristocratic family is really unpopular. To be honest with you, it's not just the adults who dislike the aristocratic family. The East Palace is also displeased with them."

"I see." Lu Hanjiang understood that the reason why Qi Yunzhou, a guy who was swinging from side to side and as steady as a spinning top, took the initiative to offer advice was because this time the target was the one everyone wanted to target.

Qi Yunzhou picked up a pot and made some tea, and said calmly: "No matter who is in control of the situation in the future, the East Palace or your Excellency, this family will be an obstacle, so His Highness also hopes to provide some help for your actions this time."

Lu Hanjiang laughed and shook his head. Now Qi Yunzhou really dared to say anything. He said playfully: "Mr. Qi, will Dong Palace really watch me do whatever I want?"

Qi Yunzhou smiled warmly and said: "Of course the East Palace wouldn't hope so, but Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess herself doesn't think so. After all, she only has ideas about interesting people and things."

Lu Hanjiang pretended to sigh and said, "I don't know when the Yunzhong Chen family provoked that highness."

However, Qi Yunzhou chuckled and said: "Teacher has accepted such a female disciple in his life. I must have known how bad her character is. She probably has nothing to do with grudges. She just finds it fun, just like you."

Lu Hanjiang was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly. He drank all the tea on the table, then declined Qi Yunzhou's offer to go out and left the table alone.

After Lu Hanjiang left, Qi Yunzhou went to meet Luo Fuzi in his study. The master and apprentice sat together, and the old master asked: "What you did today is very unusual."

As a teacher, Luo Yuanjing understands Qi Yunzhou's temperament better than Lu Hanjiang. He is indeed a gyro. It is indeed difficult to get him to speak voluntarily without external pressure.

"Disciple doesn't want to either, but our Master Lu is too difficult to maintain."

Qi Yunzhou massaged his temples and said a little tiredly: "Not only is it difficult to serve, but he is also not very big-minded. If he accidentally writes something down, the disciple's life will be really sad in the future. Really, these two guys are exactly the same. .”

The old master gently stroked his long beard and snorted coldly: "Guo Hui Yiyao, what you said is not bad. I also want to say something to you. This matter has just begun, and you have planned the ending for him." , aren’t you worried that he will be jealous of you because of this?”

Qi Yunzhou chuckled, and then said seriously: "Teacher, there are still some disciples who are capable of understanding people. The premise of fear is lack of strength. Forgive me for being honest, I really don't see what our Master Lu has to be afraid of."

I dare not say that there will be no successor, but Lu Hanjiang's courage and determination to do things are indeed the best that Qi Yunzhou has ever seen. It seems that no one or anything has ever been taken seriously by this adult.

This self-esteem and arrogance may easily lead to disaster when applied to others, but when applied to Mr. Lu, it is extremely suitable.

After all, in his position, if he is timid in doing things, it will be a disaster. "Then just pray that your ability to read people is as good as ever." Luo Fuzi snorted and stopped worrying about this matter.

Qi Yunzhou smiled and stopped discussing the topic. He paused and then asked casually: "By the way, Junior Brother Shangguan has been in Beijing for several days, and Mr. Lu has also been here several times. Don't they have nothing to say?"

Luo Fuzi glanced at Qi Yunzhou and said calmly: "Where is your ability to recognize people? That kid has already achieved his goal by calling Shaoqin to the capital. As for whether he saw this person or not, it doesn't make any difference."

Qi Yunzhou laughed a few times: "What the teacher taught you is that the disciple failed to keep his composure."

Shangguan Shaoqin held the handle of the East Palace, but he was called in by Mr. Lu through the academy. This is quite illustrative.

As for these handles, as long as Shangguan Shaoqin is in the capital, there is no fear that when they are not used, what Lu Hanjiang wants is just the attitude of the other party, or in other words, what he wants is the attitude of the academy.

The words were divided into two parts. Under Qi Yunzhou's secret operation, the Academy and Jin Yiwei went both ways in a tacit understanding this time, but this was not too friendly to the other person.

There were two blisters on the Sixth Prince's mouth. The imperial doctor came to see him and said he was suffering from internal heat. He prescribed a prescription to relieve the internal heat and also told the Sixth Prince to be less angry these days.

This is why the old doctor can stand and talk without pain in his back. The sixth prince has been so busy lately that he has made wedding dresses for others twice in a row. How can he not be angry?

It's okay that the fourth prince got lucky. After all, the sixth prince didn't put much effort into this matter. He just talked about it.

Even though the fourth prince is now watching the fortunes turn, the sixth prince is angry, mainly because he feels sour and jealous.

But Tian Jun was different. The third prince admired his talent in poetry, but the sixth prince valued his ability to strategize.

How dire the situation of the second prince is. Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that a prince with great ambitions, who can't tolerate a grain of sand in his eyes, and who offends others in everything he does and does, can actually be with them with Tian Jun's help. Have the upper hand in the fight.

What an amazing talent this is. After thinking about it, the Sixth Prince could only sigh that he was worthy of being a disciple of the academy.

He had been paying attention to Tian Jun a long time ago, because his situation was much the same as that of the second prince. The difference was that the latter's crotch was stretched due to his own personality, while he had poor congenital conditions.

The maternal clans of all the princes are all aristocratic families, but not all aristocratic families are as behemoth as the Chen family in Yunzhong. For example, the sixth prince's maternal clan is really mediocre in strength.

The sixth prince is also one of the few princes who is a special case in which the mother is valued over the son. Because of his birth as the prince, his mother's family became prominent.

Compared with the maternal clan behind the fourth prince, which provided a lot of money and resources, the maternal clan of the sixth prince had almost no other role except to hold him back, which makes people feel pitiful to say the least.

That's why he eagerly hoped to get help from capable people. Unfortunately, the Sixth Prince had been planning for a long time, but in the end he forced him to go to Jin Yiwei.

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