Chapter 1104 The six white cranes vibrate their feathers

The main hall of Dahua Temple was turned into ruins under the bloody sword. The three people escaped from the desperate situation, only to find that the figure of Na Ba Dao King Kong was nowhere to be found.

However, the three of them followed the road and looked forward. They saw no fewer than thirty corpses left all the way from the main entrance of Dahua Temple. Almost all of them were knights from the world who came to watch the fun.

"Isn't this Monk Lingcheng a monk? Why is he so murderous!" Yan Fengyun said angrily. The hero he longed for was a hero who was as benevolent and righteous as Liang Benlang, the leader of the Beggar Clan. Like Lingcheng, A devil who kills people indiscriminately is absolutely unforgivable to him.

Gu Zijin sneered and said: "So what if he is a monk? Since he can kill his own disciples, let alone these outsiders."

Yan Fengyun clenched his fists little by little: "We must inform the Northern and Southern Shaolin about this matter. Monk Lingcheng is their Buddhist disciple. They must take care of this matter no matter what."

"Control? That's ridiculous!" Gu Zijin said with a mocking expression: "That's all if Ling evil is still alive. Now that it's a done deal, how can the North and South Shaolin attack Lingcheng again without any evidence and let outsiders laugh? Besides, Lingcheng Cheng Ye is not their disciple, that monk comes from Lotus Temple."

"Aren't they all Buddhist disciples?" Yan Fengyun said angrily: "It is a fact that Lingcheng killed someone. The three of us saw it with our own eyes. How can it be considered without evidence?"

Gu Zijin looked at Yan Fengyun with a somewhat rude look, as if she had discovered some huge fool. She chuckled for a while, and then said after a while: "I am a Taoist disciple. No matter what, they will not believe me. Li Guishou and You are just an outsider, why should Shaolin Temple trust you?"


Yan Fengyun's face turned red. Gu Zijin was not belittling them, but stating a cruel fact. It was impossible for Shaolin to believe them.

"Are we just going to let it go?" Yan Fengyun said unwillingly. He was not jealous that the other party almost killed him, but he was fighting for the injustice of these knights who died inexplicably.

"What do you want to do? As you saw just now, the three of us alone are no match for others." Gu Zijin's words are definitely not to encourage others' ambitions and undermine his own prestige. After all, this is the fact.

She even said it tactfully. The power of the bloody knife just now fell on them, and she was afraid that Gu Zijin might not have the chance to use Lingbo Weibu to take them away.

Monk Lingcheng was definitely not merciful. He probably missed the target on purpose. On the one hand, he created trouble for the three of them and prevented them from catching up. On the other hand, he could also take this opportunity to pin the blame for the murder on them.

The Dahua Temple collapsed, and all the knights outside were killed. Now there is no proof. She is a Taoist disciple and two unknown rookies. Even if she tells the truth, she cannot win the trust of Buddhism.

It seems that they have been convicted of killing evil spirits.

Yan Fengyun's ambition was poured cold water on by Gu Zijin. He was silent for a while, then turned to look at Li Guishou who had been silent: "Brother Li?"

Li Guishou looked far away at the bloody road full of corpses in front of him. His eyes seemed to be chasing the evil monk who had lost his trace.

"Blood Demon Sword Technique."

Li Guishou murmured, and after a long while he looked away: "This is the power of the Blood Demon Sword Technique."

When he said these words, the exclamation and desire in his tone were not hidden. He said: "I have fought against this 'Bad Sword King Kong' before, but his martial arts have never reached what he is now." average level!”

Yan Fengyun made sense after hearing this: "In other words, he became so powerful because he secretly learned Ling Evil's Blood Demon Sword Technique? But..."

Yan Fengyun hesitated to speak, but Gu Zijin didn't have so many worries. She said bluntly: "This Blood Demon Sword Technique is really not the right way. This martial arts is full of weirdness. Not only does it appear to be evil when performed, but also the practice People who practice martial arts also become a little abnormal."

Gu Zijin met two people who practiced the Blood Demon Sword Technique. One of them was the dead spirit evil, and the other was the spiritual master today. That day, Ling'e and Lin Yidao made a duel with Yuexia. The two of them fought hundreds of moves but still couldn't decide the outcome. However, Gu Zijin, who was observing secretly, discovered something was wrong.

The two sides in the battle were evenly matched. Lin seemed to be fighting vigorously after performing a hundred moves with his sword, and he was even more energetic when displaying his martial arts.

But Ling Evil was different. He seemed to be dancing in shackles. His moves were full of suppressed forbearance. His sword skills were like the struggle of a drowning man. He was really not worthy of his reputation.

And just after a hundred moves, Ling evil suddenly went crazy without warning. He wounded Lin Yida with a bloody knife and ran away. By the time Gu Zijin found the person, the other person had already lost half his life.

It is true that she is not the opponent of Ling evil who has practiced the blood demon sword technique, but the other party has no murderous intention, or the other party looks very contradictory.

One side of the sword is crazy and bloodthirsty, but the other side is full of forbearance and forcible restraint. Under the conflict between the two, Ling evil can't attack but can't retreat. In vain, Gu Zijin has gained an advantage and was injured by three or two swords. other side.

Because the other party never made a killing move, Gu Zijin had no murderous intention, but she didn't expect that Lingcheng would take advantage of her when she let him go.

That monk had no mercy at all. When faced with his fellow disciples, he would attack them with deadly force without giving them the slightest chance.

Thinking of the behavior of the villain with two faces, Gu Zijin was a little angry.

"Although we are not opponents, we cannot let him go so easily."

Gu Zijin said this to the other two people. Although she was cold-hearted, she was by no means an ungrateful person. When the Dahua Temple collapsed just now, even if it was not what they wanted, Li Guishou and Yan Fengyun subconsciously The act of protecting her made her remember this favor.

This was the reason why she later used Lingbo Weibu to lead the two of them to escape. Although with the abilities of these two people, a small temple might not be able to help them.

Here, after listening to Gu Zijin's words, Yan Fengyun nodded vigorously: "That's the truth, Brother Li, what do you think?"

Li Guishou also did not hesitate, but he had a different idea: "The Blood Demon Sword Technique will never let him get away so easily."

Gu Zijin frowned: "You have seen the ghostly appearance of that monk, and you still plan to practice this martial art?"

Li Guishou laughed loudly: "After all, martial arts are for people to practice. It's the people's problem how they practice it, and it has nothing to do with the martial arts itself. That monk definitely trained himself into the devil's way because his brain is not bright."

Li Guishou was quite confident, or in other words, after he saw the true appearance of the blood demon sword technique, he could not suppress his self-confidence called desire.


Gu Zijin sneered. She was really looking forward to the expression of regret this idiot would have when he went crazy in the future.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be quarreling, Yan Fengyun quickly interrupted: "Miss Gu, Brother Li, let's think about how to deal with Monk Lingcheng first. That sword technique is a bit tricky."

Glancing at Li Guishou, Gu Zijin said calmly: "I have a way. Although Lingcheng has learned the Blood Demon Sword Technique, although it is powerful, it is not without its weaknesses. After all, he is only one person. If you can trust me, we can use the formation Law to deal with him."

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