Chapter 1109 Give in to others

In the auspicious snowy year, the capital is once again covered in silver. It is now the sixth year of the new emperor's accession to the throne. The world is smooth and the world is peaceful. Although only the common people think so. After all, as long as the taxes are not added to their own heads, they don't care at all. What big chess are the gentlemen in the imperial court playing?

Among the silver-clad and peaceful palace, there is an elegant and graceful palace that is particularly smoky. This is Fengqi Palace, which is the residence of the queen.

On the new day of the first year of the lunar calendar, today is a big day for hundreds of officials and wives to come to the palace to pay homage. The emperor had a banquet with ministers in the previous dynasty, and the queen received the families of those ministers here.

Even after six years, Yongle, who has become a mother of two children, still looks the same. Time has not left many traces on her body, and she has received too much preference.

The ladies and ladies at the seats all looked at Yongle with envy. In the past, they only knew that the Jin Yiwei were all executioners, but they didn't expect that there were actually a lot of love interests here. Several of them were like this in a row. How could anyone not be envious.

The emperor was not interested in women. For six years after he ascended the throne, there was only one owner of the harem in the imperial city. This was something that all the daughters of the world envied. Even though the emperor's reputation was already terrible among the literati, in the eyes of women, This affectionate emperor is the object of admiration by many people.

The emperor does not like women, which is both a good thing and a bad thing for you adults. The good thing is that the emperor has self-control and will not cause any big trouble. The bad thing is that they have no way to please the emperor now. Walk.

Although the emperor did not hesitate to enjoy himself, he did not indulge in it too much. From the time he ascended the throne to today, very few people in the capital could figure out the emperor's preferences. Except for the old members of Jinyiwei, there seemed to be only one person left, and that was The former minister Yang Zhiyuan is now Mr. Yang, the young minister of Honglu Temple.

Mr. Yang, who relied on pleasing Commander Lu back then, has finally made his mark. Although he still relies on the emperor's favor, he is not without ability. This all-around good character is exactly suitable for serving in Honglu Temple.

Lord Yang had been a good friend of the emperor in his early years, and now he had become the envy of many ministers, because compared to other people who gave gifts inappropriately, Lord Yang's gifts were always accepted by the emperor happily.

Therefore, under the overt and covert pleas of many ministers to please him, Mr. Yang was finally willing to open his mouth and told everyone the real method to please the emperor. To sum up, the pass can be summed up in one sentence -

Think less about the emperor and care more about the queen.

This is the conclusion that Mr. Yang has come to after years of hard thinking. Smart people will understand immediately. This is indeed reasonable. Not to mention the emperor's preferences are weird. It is easy for the censor to get caught by the censor when giving gifts to the emperor. But if It was different when his eyes were on the Queen.

As a result, the enlightened ministers gave up directly pleasing the emperor, and instead began to ask their wives to find ways to increase their presence in front of the queen.

At today's banquet, there was a woman who frequently talked to the queen.

"Speaking of which, the princess has reached the age to go to school this year. It is hard to study. If there are not a few good people around to take care of her, she will be too tired after all."

The woman's seemingly casual words caught Yongle's heart. The princess was already five years old, and it was time to find some companions of the same age for her to study with, even just to play with her.

"Mrs. Chen is right, it's time for me to prepare for the princess." Yongle nodded to the woman, who seemed to have received some affirmation and continued to speak excitedly.

"Speaking of which, this year my wife's daughter also——"

"Queen, I heard that the plum blossoms in the palace are blooming beautifully this year. I wonder if I can open my eyes as well."

Someone interrupted Mrs. Chen, and she felt annoyed. She was thinking about who had ruined her good deeds. When she turned around and saw the person who spoke, it was like a bucket of cold water was poured on her head. She reluctantly said something. Smiling face, stepped aside.

"The plum blossoms are blooming really well this year, so why don't we all go and see them together."

With that said, Yongle got up and went to the Royal Garden to enjoy the plum blossoms with the other ladies.

After everyone left, the last aunt in charge quietly called the little eunuch next to her. The eunuch's face was full of eagerness to please: "Aunt Hubo, what are your orders?"

There are two capable aunts around the queen, one is Amber and the other is Vanilla. These were the queen's personal maids in the early years, and now they have become a presence that cannot be ignored in the harem.

Especially this Amber, almost all the big and small things in the Queen's Palace require her to nod. Maybe Meng Guifei raised Yongle so well that the princess also followed her own mother and concubine. The summary is four I don't know anything about it.

Back then, there was Axiu Auntie helping out in the imperial concubine palace, but now it is Amber who is in charge of the overall situation. It can be said that without her, the Fengqi Palace would be in chaos the next day.

"That Mrs. Chen just now seems to care about the princess very much." Amber pointed out.

"Auntie has a keen eye. This is the second time that Mrs. Chen has mentioned the princess's companionship. The servant looks at it and thinks that she may want to introduce herself to her own girl. The servant has also heard that Mrs. Chen has two sons, one of whom is One, who happens to be about the same age as the princess."

Amber's eyes were slightly cold: "The princess is only five years old, and there are already people who want to start plotting against her. She is so brave. I just cut off the claws of these noble families last time. Now it seems that the scars have healed and they have forgotten the pain."

The little eunuch lowered his eyebrows and responded: "Auntie is right, these people are so bold, they are just trying to deceive the empress and her kindness, and they think nothing of the matter."

Amber sneered: "She won't have a third chance. Isn't it still in the front hall?"

"It's busy right now." The little eunuch replied.

"Okay, then go and bring a message to the commander for me." Amber glanced at the little eunuch. She didn't finish her words. I think the other party understood.

"My slave understands. Don't worry, aunt, I will definitely bring you the words."

The little eunuch understood and withdrew, then immediately set off to the front hall. The banquet in Taiji Palace was very lively. After all, while they were drinking wine, a palace maid suddenly whispered something while adding wine to Ying Wushang, Then he backed away calmly.

After the banquet was over, Ying Wushang followed his colleagues and left the palace with a few slow steps without leaving a trace. The young eunuch was waiting for him here.

"Eunuch Cao, why are you looking for me?" Ying Wushang asked.

Regardless of how this little eunuch always looks humble in front of everyone, his identity is not ordinary. His name is Cao Shun, and he is the adopted son of the previous chief eunuch Cao Yuan. Now he is the leader of the East. The factory can be described as having a high position and great authority.

"Your Majesty, Commander," Cao Shun whispered, "Mrs. Chen has often mentioned the matter of choosing a reading companion for the princess in Madam Chen's ears recently. Aunt Hubo was a little unhappy when she heard that."

Ying Wushang understood immediately, and there was a coldness in his eyes: "Chen family, Chen family, huh, it seems that the prestige of the eldest lady Chen Yin is only this, and she can't suppress the ambitions of those people so quickly. Please, father-in-law." Tell Miss Amber that I will definitely handle this matter, thank you for your hard work, father-in-law."

While he was talking, a banknote was thrust into Cao Shun's hand, and the little eunuch's face suddenly became clearer.

Cao Shun lowered his eyes and said in a voice as soft as a fly: "When my Majesty and Your Majesty are playing recently, I often mention the trip to the south of the Yangtze River with Your Majesty in the past."

Ying Wushang nodded slightly: "Thank you so much, father-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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