This Jinyiwei is obviously super strong but draws too much

Chapter 1120 The Forbidden Land in the Deep Palace

Chapter 1120 The Forbidden Land in the Deep Palace

The Chen family actually has everything under control, but this seemingly perfect result has an indelible stain, that is, the real core figure of the Chen family, Chen Yin, ran away.

When such a bad thing happened, Ying Wushang didn't dare to blame him. It would lead to long nights and many dreams, so he asked his subordinates to speed up their plans.

As a result, everyone in the court began to count Chen's "culprits", and almost all the crimes that could be involved were placed on the other party's head.

However, unlike the draconian treatment of Wang's "rebellion" in the past, this time's treatment of Chen is considered to be quite "moderate".

At least for the courtiers who were used to Jin Yiwei's ruthless style, this time it was definitely Ying Wushang who showed mercy.

All those who served as officials in the Chen family were locked up and imprisoned, but were quickly released after interrogation. However, these people were labeled as having "deficient moral conduct" and were removed from the imperial court.

People with a discerning eye have already understood that Jin Yiwei did not want Chen's life this time, but he took action to end his future.

It seems that at least during the era when Ying Wushang served as the commander of the Jin Yiwei, there should be no possibility of Chen becoming an official. As for after that, who will know.

For a family, being kicked out of the ruling sequence not only means humiliation, but also means that they will temporarily or even permanently lose certain innate privileges.

For example, after the imperial edict was issued, a considerable number of people immediately chose to sever ties with the Chen family, and most of them were "allies" of old aristocratic families who had been good friends with them.

For these people, there is actually not much difference between losing their future and losing their head. The former may even be more serious. After all, your reputation will still be there if you lose your head. If your identity changes, then everything will really never go back to the way it was before.

Except for a few high-jumping guys, almost no one in the Chen family was harmed. But depriving them of the power to become officials was far more painful than killing them.

Fortunately, after the three-point disaster of the Chen family, quite a few people in the Chen family have already recognized the "reality". This group of people is not optimistic about the future of the Chen family and has long given up on the family's supremacy. So for them, the current situation is not too bad.

At least Jin Yiwei's knife hanging above his head has finally fallen, which means that in the future they no longer have to worry about waking up one day without their head.

Today, some people in the Chen family are crying and some are laughing, but this is no longer important to the adults in the court. The matter is over, Chen family has become a thing of the past, and they no longer take it to heart.

However, the commander Ying Wushang, who once again shined in this incident, did not look as happy as others imagined. At least his face still looked a little heavy at the moment.

The fact that Chen Yin ran away is not a big deal. At a small level, it is just that the city gate guards neglected their duties and Qianhu Liu was careless and underestimated the enemy. But at a big level, Miss Chen disappeared on the outskirts of the capital and the Jinyi Guards have not found her yet. Any clues, this is obviously a very unusual sign.

After much thought, Ying Wushang finally decided to report the matter to His Majesty. It was not that he did not take care of Liu Yishou, but it was precisely because he had to take care of this brother that he could not hide anything from the emperor.

After all, there is never just one pair of eyes staring at the capital.

"I'm here to ask for an audience with Your Majesty."

Ying Wushang said to the young eunuch in front of him with a cold and stern attitude. When facing the emperor, he would show the decency and humility that a minister should have. But when facing this group of eunuchs, he, the commander of the royal guards, Arrogance will be revealed.

It's not that Ying Wushang doesn't know how to behave, but the origin of this eunuch is also unusual. He is Cao Shun, the current governor of Dongchang.

Although the factory guards were both the emperor's eyes and ears, the two had never been at odds with each other. After all, their functions were similar. Although they naturally hated each other, their rise and fall depended on the emperor's words. No one wanted to have their power divided for nothing.

Facing the power of the enemy's leader, the young eunuch was obviously a little scared, but after thinking of the factory boss's instructions, he had to brace himself and said: "Your Majesty has important matters. Please come back tomorrow."

"Important matters?"

Ying Wushang couldn't help but sneered. Of course, the emperor couldn't be idle every day, but the eunuch's words obviously couldn't be trusted. Did he really have something important to do, or was he deliberately using such words to prevaricate himself?

Ying Wushang's hawk-like gaze almost pierced through the eunuch. Facing this commander who had fought his way out of a sea of ​​blood and corpses, the young eunuch was obviously no match for him. His legs had begun to tremble uncontrollably and cold sweat began to break out on his back.

Just when he couldn't hold on anymore and was about to collapse, a hand held his shoulder, keeping his limp body from falling. "You have nothing to do here, go wait elsewhere."

Cao Shun's voice was undoubtedly like rain from heaven to the little eunuch. He hurriedly supported his weak legs, bowed and left.

"Sir Ying, Your Majesty is indeed busy at the moment. You'd better come back tomorrow."

Cao Shun had a smiling expression on his face and looked very kind. He said softly: "If your Excellency can trust me, you can also tell me your story. I will convey it to Your Majesty when the time comes."

"Really?" Ying Wushang's expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Cao Shun, there is no one else here."

Just one sentence made it clear that the relationship between the two was not harmonious. There had been signs of mutual cooperation before, but they were only for the ministers to see.

"Sir Ying, Your Majesty doesn't have time to see you now." Cao Shun spoke again, but this time his words were a bit stiffer.

"Eunuch Cao is much prouder now, but don't forget your duty," Ying Wushang snorted coldly and immediately returned the favor: "May I ask, where is Your Majesty now?"

These words made Cao Shun no longer even want to pretend to be kind. He lowered his eyes to hide the venomous severity. After a long time, he just looked at Ying Wushang with a faint gaze, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised a somewhat mocking arc: "Your Majesty went to the East Palace."

"." Ying Wushang's expression froze, and when he met Cao Shun's sarcastic gaze, he just snorted and walked away.

This East Palace is not that East Palace. On the surface, the forbidden area in the imperial city is the late emperor's Zixiao Palace. In fact, it is this seemingly inconspicuous East Palace that is truly prohibited.

This gorgeous palace has been preserved because of its former owner. Even now, the emperor has not lifted the ban here, and even the queen cannot enter without authorization.

This palace is as gorgeous and magnificent as it was six years ago, but it is also full of loneliness and desolation. There is no one here. Except for the palace staff who are responsible for cleaning every day, there has never been a second owner here.

After the emperor ascended the throne, the "Crown Princess" who had been deliberately ignored had already moved to live in the cold palace.

Lu Hanjiang walked in this empty hall, just like six years ago, nothing had changed. Looking up again, it seemed that the figure would still be sitting there, squinting and laughing at his naivety.

He blinked. Everything he had just seen was false. Now there was only a dim netherworld lamp left on the spotless desk.

After this lamp was broken six years ago, Lu Hanjiang ordered it to be repaired one day a few years later. However, the lamp body could be reshaped, but no one could light the wick.

As he looked at the lamp, the mysterious and absurd past gradually came to mind.

Immortality - that is what drove the previous generation and even previous generations crazy. As this ghost lamp that lost its luster shattered, it all seemed to have returned to the void.

However, when Lu Hanjiang looked back at these two words, he suddenly realized that the Nether Lamp was never the key, it was just a prop to elicit the deepest desires in people's hearts.

Even he now has to admit that after spending so much life, after so many wonderful people spent their lives on these two ridiculous words, the word "immortality" has a different meaning in his heart. the weight of.

At this moment, he still sneered at the theory of immortality, and he did not want to live forever, but what was different from before was that now he wanted to know the secret of immortality even more——

After staring at the Netherworld Lantern without saying a word for a long time, Lu Hanjiang slowly exhaled. Even in the deserted East Palace, he could still feel a kind of cramped depression. This palace city was very important to him. It was a restraint, like an invisible chain that he couldn't break open at all.

(End of this chapter)

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