This Jinyiwei is obviously super strong but draws too much

Chapter 1131 As if meeting for the first time

Chapter 1131 As if meeting for the first time

When Lu Hanjiang saw Cui Yixiao, he only saw a man with a weathered face and melancholy eyes sitting on the edge of the window sill. A ray of afternoon sun shone on him, adding a bit of elegance to him.

There is a saying, if you hand Cui Yixiao a pipe at this time and let him puff away, I dare not say that he will enchant all the women in the world. At least most of the ladies in the capital will not be able to move their feet when they see him.

Although the embellishments of elegance, handsomeness, and gentleness have always been applied to literati, in fact, from top to bottom, the civil servants of this generation, except Luo Fuzi, can only be regarded as upright in appearance.

If we had to do the math, I'm afraid only Yang Zhiyuan and Qi Yunzhou could use the word "Jun", if those civil servants were willing to regard these two guys as their own.

Qi Yunzhou's handsomeness is obvious to all. He has single-handedly raised the expectations of women all over the world for Meihua Academy. As for Yang Zhiyuan, his appearance is also proven by examples.

Yang Zhiyuan's wife was from the Xun family in Taiyuan, which was a large family in the fifth line of "Clan Chronicle", even one level higher than the Lu family. The girl from the Xun family was also bold. She said straight up that she was attracted to Yang Zhiyuan. Nothing else, just for that face.

In fact, a low-class family like the Yang family really has nothing worth looking at.

And the reason why there are not many handsome people among the civil servants of this generation is that all the men who can rely on their reputation to make a living are in the military service system.

Let's talk about the Jin Yiwei, from top to bottom, starting from Meng Yuan, Qiu Qingyun, Wu Qiming, Yan Feng, and then to Ying Wushang and Cui Yixiao. Although everyone is murderous, in the eyes of the Jianghu people, they are outright murderers. The executioner, but I can't stand him because he is handsome.

This also leads to the fact that there is little market for Jin Yiwei's beauty trap. After all, for them, there are too many people coming to their door, and ordinary women really can't catch their eye.

So when Lu Hanjiang heard on the way that the home field this time was at Jiangnan Tianxiang Tower, he was not worried at all that Cui Yixiao would fall into trouble.

Unfortunately, the truth is indeed full of drama, and when Cui Yixiao saw Lu Hanjiang, the confusion in his eyes was not a lie, but it was not because of his current embarrassment, but because he saw the emperor who should have been in a daze in the palace actually ran to Thousands of miles away in Jiangnan.

"His Majesty."

Cui Yixiao was almost stunned. He was no less surprised than Yan Feng in the capital. The emperor's appearance made him almost forget about his embarrassing situation.

"Stop saying unpleasant things."

Lu Hanjiang stopped the other person's words as soon as he opened his mouth. He pulled up a chair and sat down, and said curiously: "Tell me, why did you end up here?"

Cui Yixiao said bitterly: "This is because the lower official is incompetent. Does your Majesty know that there is an oiran in the Xiang Tower that day?"

Lu Hanjiang didn't say anything. He looked at Cui Yixiao with a strange look. There was no oiran in the flower house. Maybe there was something else.

Cui Yixiao also realized that what he said was a bit silly. He calmed down his thoughts silently, and then said: "The courtesan's name is Madam Yu. She is said to be unparalleled in the world. Her name is Tianxianglou. There were many good people, but they all fell into trouble, including Mr. Yan."

Lu Hanjiang nodded: "It seems that this Lady Yu has some abilities, but even you were defeated, and she was defeated before taking action. This makes me very puzzled."

Cui Yixiao sighed: "It's Xiaguan's fault. The forty-three brothers who followed Xiaguan to Tianxiang Tower all lost their fighting spirit when they saw Madam Yu. Even if Xiaguan wanted to take action forcefully, I'm afraid they would be outnumbered in the end." ”

Lu Hanjiang became even more interested now. He asked, "It makes the Jin Yiwei unable to even pull out his sword. Could it be some kind of charm?"

Cui Yixiao shook his head: "I don't understand, either, but it must be some kind of martial arts that can cause confusion. Although I was amazed when I first saw Mrs. Yu, she is no different from others in the end. It's just that the more I look at it, the easier it becomes." Obsessed, in the end, the official seemed to see the shadow of an old friend in her, and presumably the brothers too, so he lost all will to fight."

Lu Hanjiang squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then chuckled: "This is interesting." Cui Yixiao looked at Lu Hanjiang's expression and suddenly became worried: "Does your Majesty want to go there in person? I'm sorry for the offence, but this matter may still take some time. Think long term, those thieves have weird tactics, just in case."

Lu Hanjiang waved his hand: "I have made up my mind. Go and call all the brothers."

The emperor's will cannot be swayed by others at will, so Cui Yixiao had no choice but to claim it.

Tianxianglou dared to play tricks with Jin Yiwei, so naturally everything was prepared. In addition, Lu Hanjiang came here with openness and honesty this time, so Jin Yiwei got the news not long after Jin Yiwei set off.

Several stewards from Tianxiang Tower met and were a little confused about each other.

One of them worriedly said: "Your Excellency said that Cui Zhenfu is a mature and prudent person. He accidentally lost last time. If he is not confident enough, he will not come back in a short time. Could it be that he has already figured out a way to solve it?"

"Absolutely impossible," another person shook his head and said: "The maze in the flower tower was personally arranged by the masters invited by the Lord. You and I have both seen its power, and it cannot be broken in three or two days."

"Why is that? Could it be that your Excellency has misjudged the person?" the man asked in confusion.

Although they didn't understand what it meant, since the Jin Yiwei had already arrived, they naturally couldn't do nothing. After thinking about it, they had to follow the old method and block the person first.

When Lu Hanjiang and Cui Yixiao came to Tianxiang Tower with Jin Yiwei, there was still a happy scene. In the center of the flower tower, there was a two-foot-high table, on which a charming woman was dancing.

Cui Yixiao's expression changed suddenly when he saw the woman. He whispered in Lu Hanjiang's ear: "——My lord, that is Madam Yu."

After saying that, he didn't even dare to look up at the other party, for fear that he would be tricked again.

In fact, Cui Yixiao didn't need to explain anything. Lu Hanjiang already understood everything when he came to this flower house.

Although Madam Yu on the stage is a stunning beauty, her behavior is stiff and her expression is numb, almost like a puppet. Not to mention that she makes people like Cui Yixiao fascinated, even ordinary guests may not be confused by her.

The real killer move is not in the courtesan, but in the fragrance that permeates the flower house.

Nowadays, apart from himself, there is probably only one person left in the world who knows what this thing is.

Lu Hanjiang raised his hand and caught a flying petal in the air. After kneading it, the flower broke into powder and flowed away from his fingertips. It was crystal clear like starlight, and it was as if he was in a dream.


Lu Hanjiang whispered the truth about this flower house. It was precisely because of the existence of the confusing Shenglihua that Cui Yixiao and other Jinyi guards were deceived by their mental images, and then lost their fighting power.

However, the Shengli flower only grows in the Miaojiang Death Farewell Valley. Back then, Lu Hanjiang burned it completely with a fire. Even if there were still seeds left, it would not be able to grow without enough nutrients.

When he thought of nutrients, Lu Hanjiang's eyes suddenly became profound. The Shengli Flower appeared because of the Netherworld Lamp. Now that the thousand-year-old lamp has been destroyed, it stands to reason that the Shengli Flower should not appear in this world again, unless .

While he was deep in thought, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. Lu Hanjiang looked over in surprise. A guy dressed as a tomboy shouted to him with a smile on his face with a mustache.

"Hey, little scholar, long time no see."

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