Chapter 170 Talking about a Transaction
"Boy, Jin Yiwei's prestige can't scare the old man."

The shame and anger on Luo Fuzi's face gradually subsided, he slowly got up and walked towards the door, stopped when he reached the door, and said lightly: "Come with the old man."

Lu Hanjiang followed without saying a word. Before leaving, he picked up the last painting of Mr. "White Eyebrow" left on the desk and hung it at the door of the classroom.

Luo Yuanjing led him all the way to a tea room. The tangy fragrance was intoxicating, mixed with the fragrance of precious spices and winter slices. affordable.

Luo Fuzi and Meng Yuan seem to be two completely opposite types of people. This old man has never shy away from his pursuit of enjoyment, whether it is marrying a girl in the Mood for Love at the age of seventy, or spending a lot of money to build such an extremely luxurious tea room.

Looking at all the precious utensils in the tea room, Lu Hanjiang clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Your Majesty has really enjoyed your day today."

"Stop being glib, you're not here just to see the old man's jokes."

Luo Yuanjing sat down to make tea, and as soon as Tong Xing's operation was smooth and smooth, he flicked the cup full of hot tea with his fingers, and the tea cup flew directly into Lu Hanjiang's hands.

After Lu Hanjiang took it, the strength from the cup made his fingertips turn slightly white, and he couldn't help saying: "Master, why are you so stingy, it's rare for me to come here early to give you New Year's greetings, I can't make any jokes."

Luo Yuanjing didn't talk to him, but just concentrated on making tea and drinking tea. Seeing this, Lu Hanjiang felt bored, so he put the cup on the table and said, "Well, since my lord doesn't want to chat, let's chat business, how."

"Let's talk." Luo Fuzi also put down the cup and looked at Lu Hanjiang quietly.

Lu Hanjiang straightened his sitting posture a little bit, and said, "The last time my lord asked me to bring it to lord Meng, I have already told you one by one."

"What did Master Meng say?" Luo Yuanjing sat upright, his meticulous eyes were daunting.

Lu Hanjiang paused, and said, "Your Excellency told me to do things cheaply."

Luo Fuzi was slightly taken aback, looked at Lu Hanjiang and said, "You?"


Lu Hanjiang smiled comfortably, and said, "I already know what my lord is asking for. How about we make a deal?"

The word "deal" seemed extremely harsh to Luo Fuzi, his eyes were a little colder, and he said in a deep voice, "Let's listen to it."

"Before that, I have one more question to ask Master."

Lu Hanjiang leaned out and took out the upside-down cups on the tea table one by one, counting a total of seven teacups lined up, making Luo Fuzi frown.

"Playing with mystery," Luo Fuzi snorted coldly, and said, "What exactly do you mean, just tell me."

Lu Hanjiang fiddled with the cup, and asked casually: "At the last birthday banquet, I asked my master which Highness can enter the East Palace. I wonder if there is an answer now?"

Luo Yuan's mirror sank like water, and he said: "The old man has already said that this matter is not for me and other courtiers to talk about."

"If that's the case, then let me assume that the old master is supporting His Royal Highness Yu and the Crown Princess." Lu Hanjiang shrugged, and pushed the first teacup towards Luo Fuzi with his fingers.

As soon as the words came out, Luo Yuanjing glared at him, and before he could get angry, Lu Hanjiang said again: "In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see that although your highnesses provoked this matter, they are actually capable of taking that position Yes, not at all, of course, His Royal Highness Yu can't be counted."

It's actually very ironic, all the princes wanted to fight for that position, but no one dared to take a step for many years, now finally there is a thunderstorm, but the result is even more desperate .

Twenty years ago, the previous crown prince was assassinated. Who will succeed the crown prince? The princes were young and ignorant, powerless and powerless. Of course, the old emperor decided this matter with one word. Now, twenty years later, all the princes have developed Not a small force, but the old emperor has the final say on who will be the crown prince.

After all, although the old emperor has ignored the government for many years, the civil servants headed by the cabinet are all the emperor's echoes, and the military officials headed by Jin Yiwei are all his old man's watchdogs.

It is true that the princes have their own advantages and disadvantages in a horizontal comparison. It seems feasible to win the first place, but if you look at it more macroscopically, the power of the princes is not worth mentioning in front of the old emperor. , all equally bad.

That's why, it's been so long since the commotion at the birthday banquet, the old emperor didn't speak, and the stagnant water in the capital didn't even dare to have a wave.

So starting from the reality, the six princes are playing in a well-drawn circle, and it is impossible to threaten this high-ranking old emperor, except His Royal Highness Yu, because the forces behind him are hidden in the world.

"I understand what the old master thinks, to support orthodoxy, right?"

Lu Hanjiang looked at the silent Luo Yuanjing, and said with a smile: "I don't understand how Confucianism governs the country. The old master wants to choose a puppet that is easy to control, so I don't care."


These two sentences made Luo Yuanjing not only not relax, but his expression became more serious. He asked, "In that case, what do you want?"

This is regarded as acquiescing, Lu Hanjiang swept the six cups aside, and said: "I know the old master's concerns. It is said that the nine sons of the dragon are all different, but our Majesty is unreasonable. The seven highnesses are of high or low ability. They are different, but their temperaments are similar, the former crown prince was indeed very unpleasant."

When Qin Yu was not His Royal Highness Yu, there were more than one or two people who wanted to kill him. Even though some were for the purpose of drawing out the power behind him, and some were for the secrets of him, many of them just heard the rumors and planned to come to pay their debts. .

Although the former crown prince accumulated extremely terrifying power back then, he offended many people, or should I say a lot. He successfully pushed all those who did not support him to the opposite side, and he did not even allow them to be neutral.

Since Luo Yuanjing has said the words of the saint and grandson to do his best, it is likely that he has not paid attention to his personal character for a long time, and his highness who is of the same generation as the former prince, they are afraid that they will not look down on any of them, so they plan to choose someone who is younger. Hold them up in a controlled manner so that they can show off their skills.

"Old Master, you have great ambitions. I admire you at least a little bit. You don't want to intervene, and you don't plan to help. You always want to push His Highness Yu up. That's fine. Jin Yiwei has no objection."

The price Lu Hanjiang offered was very generous, and it could even be said to have far exceeded Luo Yuanjing's expectations, but because of this, his expression became more serious.

"Dare to ask, Jin Yiwei is such a generous gift, how can I repay this old man?"


Lu Hanjiang clapped his hands and said with a smile, "I want to be alone."

Luo Yuanjing looked at him intently and held his breath, and asked, "Who?"

"Crown Princess." Lu Hanjiang said word by word.


Luo Yuanjing's eyes were as big as copper bells, he took a breath, stood up suddenly and said angrily: "Lu Hanjiang, you are presumptuous!"

"Don't be annoyed, sir, just listen to the boy."

The old master's anger couldn't reach Lu Hanjiang's half. He leisurely played with the empty teacup and said, "His Royal Highness Yu is only in his early twenties. You want to control him. Isn't the princess in the way? The boy did this for you consider."

After all, Lu Hanjiang got up, straightened his clothes, and was about to leave. Before leaving, he looked at Old Master Luo and said, "I'm different from you, my lord. I've been very sensible and polite since I was a child, so I only want her. As for the dead Live, I don't care."

(End of this chapter)

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