Chapter 174 Winter Snow Scene
Just a few days after the Lantern Festival, the atmosphere of the New Year’s Eve has not yet dissipated. In the cold wind facing him, Lu Hanjiang tightened his scarf and held the rein with his other hand. The thick cotton gloves could barely block the harsh winter chill. .


Lu Hanjiang sneezed uncontrollably, shivered a bit, looked at the white tower ahead, and decided to buy a carriage instead.

He sniffed, looking at Shang Luo who was having fun in the snow on a horse, he couldn't help feeling that it's nice to be young.

"Little Lu, do you have a cold?"

Shang Luo smiled and drove the horse over, her mean expression was mostly joking.

Lu Hanjiang pulled up the furry scarf to cover his mouth and nose, and then slapped the stinky girl's head lightly: "I'm fine, but you, if I accidentally get sick on the way, I won't be bothered Take care of you."

"Who did you learn that little Lu Ni likes to slap people's heads?" Shang Luo grumbled, straightened the crooked knit hat that was patted, and then waved the horsewhip heartlessly forward He ran, not paying attention to Lu Hanjiang's warning.

Lu Hanjiang was still advancing slowly, and it took a day or two for this girl to disobey people.

Anyway, there is a city ahead where you can rest your feet. Lu Hanjiang speeded up a bit, caught up with this girl, and said, "Slow down, you're so twitchy, you're not afraid of falling off."

"Hmph," Shang Luo raised her face, and said proudly: "This girl is very talented, something that no one else can learn in a lifetime."

"Don't come here," Lu Hanjiang interrupted her arrogance, and exposed her old background on the spot: "I don't know who almost fell off the horse two days ago, so don't say that I taught you how to ride a horse when you see someone later. "

Yes, Shang Luo didn't know how to ride a horse. Lu Hanjiang taught her how to ride, but it took him a lot of effort.

Shang Luo's face turned red, she pursed her lips and said, "Who knew this horse had such a bad temper, well, it's all because of its bad temper."

Saying this, the girl vented her anger on the horse, and patted it on the head twice, causing the horse to snort, and raised its head as if it understood what people said, and was quite interested in Shang Luo's nonsense. Disdain.

"Take it easy, there are not many horses that can withstand your toss." Lu Hanjiang shook his head, and carried the horse past Shang Luo.

Shang Luo giggled, stroked two handfuls of the horse's hair, and followed Lu Hanjiang into the city.

To know why the two of them went out together in the cold weather at this time, we have to start from a few days——

On the first day, Lu Hanjiang made a plan to go to Miaojiang. Naturally, Commander Meng had to explain this matter to Sir. Naturally, at this time, he couldn't explain everything to Bian Guang like that.

That's why Lu Hanjiang said to Mr. Meng Yuan: "Xuantian Sect is a great disaster for the world, and it must be eradicated. I came here to investigate the secrets of its teaching, and see if we can find a chance to uproot them."

However, Meng Yuan's morality could not be fooled by such a little trick. After all, he also watched Lu Hanjiang rise from the flag officer all the way to the town care envoy, how could he fail to detect the kid's thoughts.

But the old man didn't stop him either. After all, Lu Hanjiang came to talk about this matter, and he must have made up his mind. This kid is very wild, and he can't stop him, so after a long silence, he said: "If you come here before the wedding Not going back to Beijing."

Having said all that, Meng Yuan cast a warning look in his eyes. It would be another person, and his mind was almost paralyzed. Lu Hanjiang immediately used his [-]-point credit as a guarantee, and then ran away after the old man nodded. , Only the command left made the adults sigh in the background.

After the above was settled, Lu Hanjiang issued a formal order to Bian Guang and the others. Except for Jiang Xian who stayed in the capital as usual, the other three deputy thousand households and two hundred households each took a step ahead and headed to Miaojiang.

Naturally, Lu Hanjiang didn't need to worry, and gave them some time to lay the foundation in Miaojiang, and then he would go there, which would save a lot of trouble.

The folk customs in Miaojiang are very different from those in other places. Although the imperial court also selected some big cities and towns in Miaojiang to set up administrative offices, the natives in this place accounted for a large proportion, and most of them still lived in groups in the form of tribes.

There are many problems caused by this, the most troublesome thing is that the elders are respected in the tribe, the cohesion is extremely strong, and there is a series of laws and rules of its own. In terms of overall strength, it is not even worse than that Jianghu sect .

And because the imperial court mainly appeases the native tribes, even Jin Yiwei's penetration in the local area is only superficial. This time, Bian Guang and his party really have a lot of work to do.

So what does this have to do with Shang Luo's request to travel with her? Generally speaking, it has nothing to do with it, because this girl came together by herself, and Lu Hanjiang also felt that there was a lack of relief on the way, so he agreed.

Speaking of now, because they were not in a hurry and also gave Jin Yiwei time to open up the situation, they walked less than twenty miles on the first day, and they walked forward like a walk in the following time.

After finally entering the city, Lu Hanjiang made up his mind to buy a car this time. With his martial arts and physique, it is impossible to catch a cold, but the cold will still be cold after all.

He is a person who doesn't like suffering very much. God has given him such martial arts and status. If he doesn't enjoy it, he will be punished by God.

During this first month, the city was naturally very lively, and because he was worried that this girl would cause other troubles, Lu Hanjiang dismounted and walked with her.

Because this time they left Beijing with a formal transfer order, the two of them didn't need to find an inn to stay, but went directly to the local guard.

This Jinyiwei yamen, which is far away from the capital, has to be a lord for every thousand households who come to it on weekdays, not to mention the visit of the town governor Mr. Lu, which naturally requires a high standard of reception, and the matter of the carriage is settled in one sentence.

It was getting late at this time, if you didn't want to eat and sleep in the ice and snow, then you had to wait until tomorrow to set off.

With nothing to do left and right, Lu Hanjiang continued to play with his building blocks. With the guidance of Yanshi's manuscripts, his skills have advanced by leaps and bounds. Now the things he built have been upgraded from four images to human shapes.

The person in charge of the local guard station is a hundred households with the surname Lin. He and several general banners watched Lu Hanjiang play with building blocks from a distance, and felt that it was unfathomable.

One of them clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "Master Lu is really extraordinary, the things he plays are different from us."

The Baihu surnamed Lin glared at him and said, "Playing?! You are ignorant, you didn't realize that what your lord is playing is gossip and thaumaturgy."

"The villain's eyes are clumsy, his eyes are clumsy." The man smiled coyly, and asked again: "It's just, Mr. Lin, isn't that gossip lying on the table? Why is Mr. Lu so high-minded? I look at it as if it was that kid." play blocks"

Lin Baihu sneered, and said disdainfully: "What do you know, this gossip thaumaturgy is extremely powerful, and if it is put on the army, it is a magical method to kill millions of enemies. In the Three Kingdoms period, there was a powerful person who posted something. Eight Formation Diagram, good guy, that's amazing!"

The other person's eyes lit up, and he said: "Hey, I know this. I heard that blind man Liu on the street said, what is the Fengxue Mountain Temple of Tathagata Buddha, and a square sky painted halberd knocked down a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals!"

"Good boy, you've read a lot of books, you're promising." Lin Baihu gasped, feeling that this boy was so terrifying.

Lu Hanjiang didn't know what kind of cultural desert he had fallen into. He was happily assembling the Lu Renjia No. [-] that he had made, when Shang Luo, who was making a snowman in the yard, suddenly threw the snowball in his hand aside, and kicked the snowball. Running up and down——

"Xiao Lu, or you can teach me martial arts."

(End of this chapter)

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