Chapter 181

The bandit in Qingganshan was arrested, and there was such an exciting piece of good news within two days of the turn of the year. Everyone was very happy. After learning that the Zhenwei Escort had captured the bandit chieftain, the people once sent They were made heroes.

Although Ma Datou led a group of bandits who never took action against ordinary people, whether they had their own principles or looked down on the little money, but this could not change their nature of bandits after all.

For ordinary people, they are disasters like snakes, rats, tigers and wolves. Now that someone is doing justice for the heavens, it is natural that they should be greatly praised.

Inexplicably, Mr. Hong, who became a great hero, was not happy at all, because after the county magistrate Mr. Ma sent people to escort all the bandits back, the first sentence Mr. Ma said in the hall was——

"My lord, I have already done everything you ordered, please don't break my promise."

Hearing this, several of the little bosses brought up together glared at him, and one of them immediately spat at him, cursing: "I am so blind, I mistrusted you, a bastard who betrayed my brother!"

The remaining few people were also swearing all over the sky, and some even tried to pounce on him, wishing to bite off a piece of flesh from him on the spot, but they were stopped by the guards.

Chief Ma closed his eyes, accepting all these foul words as if.

Clap——The gavel was slapped loudly, and the county magistrate Mr. Ma sitting on it was very tall and straight today. He had a chubby round face, and his two small eyes were shrewd like a businessman.

"Shut up for me, the court will not allow you to be presumptuous."

Ma County Magistrate first pointed at those little bosses, and ordered: "Put these thieves into prison, and after they are verified to be righteous, they will be executed immediately."

If this order goes on, the people watching the excitement outside will be applauded by everyone. Who cares whether you are a green forest hero or a domineering villain, banditry is the black sheep in the universal values.

Hearing those yelling and cursing gradually go away, leader Ma felt very complicated. It seemed that the matter was settled, but it seemed that there was a lot of burden. With his head chopped off, he could still live a peaceful life with his wife and children.

Above this court, Chief Ma had already begun to look forward to his future life, but Ma County Magistrate gave him a bolt from the blue on the spot.

"Come here, bring Mrs. Feng and his two sons."

Leader Ma hurriedly turned his head, and amidst the yells of crying father and mother, the two richly dressed young masters were dragged to the hall, followed by their mother.

As soon as he saw the woman, Chief Ma's eyes turned red, the woman glanced at him, but didn't speak, just sighed.

County Magistrate Ma didn't care about the various situations in the world, he just pointed to the big boss and asked Feng Shi: "Feng Shi, I ask you, is this your husband?"

Feng's bowed his head and replied: "As your lord said, it is exactly."

"Okay," County Magistrate Ma nodded in satisfaction, and then asked again: "I will ask you again, the money in your family, but this person is a bandit and comes here by force."

"Yes." Feng still spoke bluntly.

"very good."

Pa—Ma County Magistrate gave a gavel to interrupt the exclamation and denunciation of the onlookers, and he judged: "The imperial court decree states that the crime of bandits should have been beaten to death with a stick, but I think you are too much in this county." If you do good deeds, I will be the master and give you a good time, come and drag their family down and behead them."

"My lord, my lord, I have been wronged! How could this thief be my father!"

"Your Excellency, see clearly! Caomin, Caomin must have been framed by someone. Mother, please speak quickly!"

The two young masters of the Feng family were dragged out crying, but the Feng family had a bit of backbone, so they walked out by themselves without being dragged by the guards.

"Dog officer! You actually used this treacherous trick to deceive someone!"

Chief Ma broke out suddenly in the silence, and was about to rush towards the county magistrate with blood-red eyes, scaring him into hiding under the table.

Fortunately, the guards were worried about his high martial arts skills, so they put several chains on him, and the four of them worked together to barely drag him back to the original place.

Magistrate Ma felt ashamed in front of everyone, and crawled out from under the table with a blushing face, angrily scolding: "You are a fool! I am a dignified court magistrate, how can I have any connection with you, a mountain traitor? Take it away, take it away!"

A group of guards dragged Ma Datou out forcefully, and he refused to listen to the dog officials who yelled along the way, which made Nama county magistrate very angry.

Ben wanted to stay and say a few polite words to the Zhenwei Escort, which was doing harm to the people, but the words of the head of the horse were really annoying, and the county magistrate was so angry that he forgot about it.

The three people in the hall were a little embarrassed at this moment, Brigade Chen hesitated to speak, and Brigade Yu was dissatisfied with the county magistrate's attitude, it was Hong Wuye who slowly came to his senses, and he hurriedly took the two of them to leave up.

"Fifth Lord, what's the matter with you?" Yu Biaotou was confused, and his tone was very aggrieved: "We gave up our lives to suppress this gang of bandits surnamed Ma for his court, not to mention rewards, why? Not even a word of kindness."

"This matter is weird. I think there is something wrong with what the surname Ma said. There must be a ghost here. Let's go quickly and don't wade into this muddy water again!"

To say that Mr. Hong’s intuition is quite accurate, Ma County Magistrate just got angry for a while in the back hall, so he quickly cleared up his face, and stepped forward to salute the other person in flattering steps: "The official has seen the general flag. grown ups."

Counties in the imperial court are divided into three, six, and nine ranks, and county magistrates are naturally divided into three ranks. A county magistrate who governs a small and remote county like Ma County Magistrate can only be ranked as a junior rank.

Not to mention the general flag, but a small flag, he should lower his posture or let it go, after all, this is Jinyiwei.

"Master Ma."

The Master General Banner was not polite at all, after receiving his gift, he just looked at him with a sneer and said: "You are living a happy life, let us take care of everything for you, so happy."

Master Ma was annoyed at the rudeness of Jin Yiwei, but on the surface he became more and more flattering: "It's the fault of the subordinate officials that you bothered your lord."

The chief banner dismissed him, and said lightly: "Okay, you don't have to be a good boy here, I advise you, take the initiative to submit your resignation to the superior while it's still early."

County Magistrate Ma was taken aback, and hurriedly tugged on the sleeve of the General Banner and asked, "Well, why is this? But what did the lower officials do wrong?"

Zongqi threw him to the ground, looked at him coldly and said, "It's not the first day that Mr. Ma has been an official, why don't you even understand this point? Damn it, an incompetent official like you should be even more damned."

"This this"

"At least I thought you didn't let these thieves make a big fuss. My lord will spare you and save your life to return to your hometown to retire. I don't know how to thank you, but I dare to ask why, hehe."

Zongqi flicked his sleeves and strode away, leaving Ma County Magistrate pale in place, panicked and bewildered.

The bandits in Qinggan Mountain were all beheaded. A few days later, Ma County Magistrate finally couldn't stand the sharp knife hanging around his neck, handed in his resignation and returned home.

At this time, Lu Hanjiang and Shang Luo had already left this place in a carriage.

On the way, Lu Hanjiang asked Shang Luo: "How, this brotherhood is really worthless, right?"

"Xiao Lu, you are cheating!" Shang Luo said angrily, "You threatened him with family affection. Although people in Jianghu value friendship, you can't change it like this."

Lu Hanjiang didn't care, he said: "I'm not only using his family as a bargaining chip, isn't this also promising him a stable life and status in the future?"

"You, you are not relying on your status to bribe him!"

Lu Hanjiang smiled and said: "You are wrong. If you get something, that's called bribery. Now I'm just using a bunch of empty words to make him a fortune. It's not based on status. As long as you have the courage to pretend, give him You can ask for a price to be the leader of Xuantian, it depends on whether he wants it or not."

"This, I"

Although Shang Luo couldn't find any loopholes, she was still very unconvinced, she said: "No, this doesn't count."

"Alright then," Lu Hanjiang didn't insist, he said casually, "Anyway, there's still time on the way, so I'll pick another one next time."

No matter how strange this sounded, Shang Luo hesitated for a long time, and finally asked: "Xiao Lu, is it a bit bad for us to be like this, although these people are all bad people, but"

"Why do you think so?" Lu Hanjiang looked at her with feigned surprise, and then said earnestly: "Silly girl, don't care about the process, think about the result, the villains have been punished, and we have gained happiness, um, teaching is fun. Well, look, isn't this a win-win situation?"

When Lu Hanjiang said such fallacies in a serious manner, Shang Luo really felt that something was wrong at first, but she didn't know how to refute it.

Lu Hanjiang stretched out his hand to caress her head, and said softly: "Don't worry, we sanctioned the wicked and gave them the punishment they deserved, but it's just embellishing their ending with some other colors, it's not a big deal. "

"Really? If so," Shang Luo bit her lip, and asked, "If it's not a wicked person, or a crime worthy of death"

"You think too much. You have to know that you are doing justice for the heavens. What you are doing is what everyone in the world is doing. Look at them, they are not relying on their own martial arts. Sword, you can kill someone by cursing a villain? So you can rest assured, don't say that the result is not a problem now, even if there are so many deviations, it is acceptable."

"Yes, that's it."

Shang Luo tried to accept this statement, she raised her head, and seemed to see some strange smiles on Lu Hanjiang's face in a trance, she gave a light surprise, then blinked, but found that the other's faint smile was the same as usual.

Perhaps, she was wrong.
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(End of this chapter)

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