This Jinyiwei is obviously super strong but draws too much

Chapter 307 The Situation of the Parties

Chapter 307 The Situation of the Parties
The Wudang faction has been feeling like it’s flourishing and declining recently. Ever since Chi Cangping came out of the mountain, they have been reciting words. First, they lost soldiers and generals at Xuantianjiao, and then lost a Taiwu Chi Yiming under the persecution of the Five Sacred Sects. .

Now they managed to regroup and planned to establish the majesty of Wudang after finding Chi Cangping in the south.

When Miao Yunyong led his disciples to search the boundary of Hengshan Mountain, they unexpectedly came across a tombstone with the inscription "Tomb of Bai Jingnian, Taoist of Ziyang".

Beside the tomb, Miao Yunyong even found Bai Jingnian's saber that had been broken in two. This was so exciting that he almost lost his breath.

They had just lost one Chi Yimingcai, and now even Bai Jingnian had gone together. The sadness in Miao Yunyong's heart was beyond words. He knelt in front of the grave in despair, the tears in the corners of his eyes could no longer be stopped.

Following the disciple who reported the letter ran back and forth, Si Luochao and Feng Ziye also arrived, both of them burst into tears.

For a moment, Si Luochao felt that the inscription on the tombstone seemed familiar, but under the great pain, he quickly forgot this little thing.

"Who killed the Fourth Junior Brother! Could it be the Hengshan School?!"

After the great grief, there was great hatred, and the juniors and brothers died tragically one after another, the anger in Miao Yunyong's heart was almost uncontrollable.

Although Si Luochao was also deeply saddened by Bai Jingnian's death, he did not lose the most basic ability to judge. He said: "It should not be the Hengshan faction's fault. Fourth senior brother's martial arts are not low, and no one in the Five Sacred Sects has any If you can kill him one-on-one, if you attack him in groups, then you can't hide this matter at all."

"Sixth Junior Brother, who did it?" Miao Yunyong asked suppressing her anger.

Si Luochao pondered for a long time, then shook his head: "I don't have a clue either, but since the fourth senior brother was killed in the Hengshan boundary, even if it wasn't the Hengshan faction's doing, they still have something to do with it."

Feng Ziye said: "Why don't I go to the Hengshan School and ask for clarification?"


Si Luochao immediately said: "Nowadays there are people in Jianghu who are deliberately targeting me at Wudang. We are in the open and they are in the dark. It is not appropriate to disperse our forces at this time. The most important thing now is to find Chi Cangping first, and the revenge of the fourth brother has to wait until later. "

Miao Yunyong gritted her teeth and slammed her fist into the mud, but she didn't say anything against it, which was her acquiescence.

Feng Ziye concentrated on not saying a word, just started repairing Bai Jingnian's cemetery silently, all Wudang disciples silently joined hands, at this time, another disciple hurried over and delivered a letter to Si Luochao: " Uncle, we found it! We found Chi Cangping's whereabouts!"

The three were shocked, and Si Luochao immediately opened the book. The content inside was very simple, that is, to invite the Wudang faction to participate in the anti-rape meeting of the Beggar Gang, and the date left is half a month later.

Miao Yunyong cursed badly in a low voice, and said with an ugly face: "Although Chi Cangping did not fall into Wu Yue's hands, he was taken first by the Beggar Gang. Sixth Junior Brother, if we come forward to ask for this person, look, will they agree?" ?”

Si Luochao hadn't loosened his brows since he read the letter. Hearing Miao Yunyong's question at this time, he said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid not, that Chief Lu told us the news first, but But it is probably not a coincidence that he took the first step to catch him."

Feng Ziye was puzzled and said: "We have searched here for nearly a month but have not found Chi Cangping. Could it be that this person has been in the hands of the Beggar Gang from the very beginning?"

This is what Miao Yunyong thought, and he clenched his fists: "What does the beggar gang mean? Are you playing tricks on us?"

"If that's the case, I'm afraid that Gang Leader Lu will not only not hand him over to us, but also severely embarrass us."

Si Luochao thought over and over again, and finally made a decision: "Let's set off for Qingshi City immediately, I want to find out the mind of this Chief Lu first."

Feng Ziye and Miao Yunyong looked at each other without any objection: "Let's do it like this."

Just when everyone in Wudang received the news and left for Qingshi City, everyone in Wuyue also received a letter from the Beggar Clan at the same time.

Because the matter of Chi Cangping has not yet been settled, people from all factions of the Five Sacred Mountains are gathered in Mount Heng at this moment. This invitation letter has been delivered, and everyone will naturally know about it.

After reading the letter, Tianfeng hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

"Pack up your luggage, we will go to Qingshi City to join the beggar gang."

Ever since he brought people to Wudang Mountain to question his master, and even finally forced the hero of Taiwuchi to commit suicide, Tianfeng has faintly become the helmsman of the big ship Wuyue, and everyone is used to him giving orders.

"Senior Brother Tianfeng, what is the purpose of the Beggar Gang doing this?"

Shi Jiuning couldn't understand the Beggars' Gang. From a realistic point of view, Wudang has fallen to the second place among the righteous forces, and the Beggars' Gang is in the third place. Now that Wudang is declining, it is a good time to catch up.

However, Wudang is now a mourning soldier, and I am afraid that it will not be too long before the end of the day. The background of the big faction is there after all. The beggar gang is now ruthless to save people's face. Although it is making Wudang worse, it will definitely make them hate it to death Beggars, it's only a matter of time before they turn around.

If it cannot be knocked down with a single blow, and the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, Wudang will stand up again sooner or later, and then the beggar gang will become their number one enemy.

Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. It is said that everything is left on the line so that we can meet each other in the future. The beggar gang must do things but can't completely step down Wudang. This is another disaster for myself.

"If my guess is correct, that Chief Lu should not be used to the Wudang Sect."

Although Tianfeng was not sure, but since the appearance of "Lu Shiqi" in various behaviors and operations, it is really unconscionable to say that he is not targeting Wudang.

He looked at the crowd and found that they seemed to be troubled, so he immediately raised his face and said: "Everyone, don't you still want to give in now? Now that we have formed a grudge with Wudang, no matter what the beggar gang wants to do, we will give up." None should be absent.”

Tianfeng's attitude is very clear, he will never let go of the opportunity to step on Wudang, but if the Beggar Gang takes the initiative to be a pawn, he is of course happy to see it. In a word, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

"What Senior Brother Tianfeng said is true." Hao Bansheng agreed after thinking for a while.

Although Shi Jiuning had scruples, he did not object, while Huashan Qianhan did not express any opinions, but just followed everyone's actions. Huashan is now "deserving crimes and making meritorious service" and is not qualified to participate in these resolutions.

As for the Songshan sect, after Ye Ming healed his injuries, the leader of the sect lost all his martial arts, and now his disciple Lu Wen is acting as an agent for the sect. Unfortunately, he speaks lightly and can only follow the crowd at this stage.

So far, the five mountains have also unified their opinions.

And when such a big event happened in Jianghu, it is reasonable that Jin Yiwei would not miss it, but because Lu Hanjiang had already said hello, so the brothers just played it perfunctory and sent a hundred households to be spectators throughout the whole process.

Because Lu Hanjiang's identity is top secret, no one except a few confidantes knows that he is now the leader of the beggar gang. Therefore, the hundreds of households in Fusi of Beizhen are not interested in this matter. Do this thankless work.

Even Qianhu, who was in charge of assignments from above, was in trouble, sending him over in a restless manner, wouldn't it be a serious crime if Mr. Lu's affairs were ruined?

At this embarrassing juncture of "no one is available", I never expected that someone would recommend himself, and everyone saw that it was Tang Jin from a hundred households.

(End of this chapter)

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