Chapter 314

"The despicable villain is going to sneak attack!"

The Wudang sect was the first to notice Tianfeng's movements. Si Luochao rushed to the ring and stabbed Tianfeng's back with his sword, trying to force him back.

Miao Yunyong was also drawing the sword with him, but he blocked the other Wushan disciples who were about to move with his horizontal sword, and led the Wudang disciples to block the swarming Hengshan sect.

Over there, Si Luo stabbed with a sword, but Tian Feng once again used the phantom blade to hide his body with a phantom formation. Feng Ziye also noticed the movement behind him, so he had to increase his true energy in the blink of an eye. The output strengthens the body protection qi.

But Hao Bansheng stopped in shock and anger, even if he also resented Wudang for allowing his disciples to commit murder, he would not make a sneak attack, and Tianfeng's attack was unexpected to him.

Feng Ziye turned his attention to the back, but unexpectedly only saw Si Luochao stabbing the air with his sword. He was slightly startled, and a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart.

There was a sudden sound of wooden planks breaking, and a hole was suddenly opened in the ring under Feng Ziye's feet, and Tianfeng's sword pierced from bottom to top.

Feng Ziye was taken aback. His Taishang Shengang was like a balloon that had been pricked by a needle, and it burst into pieces all of a sudden. The force of the backlash caused him serious injuries almost instantly. Seeing Tianfeng take advantage of the opportunity to strike his heart with a sword, he had no choice but to Reluctantly resisting with the sword, the opponent's sword edge deviated from the original trajectory.

In the end, Tianfeng's sword pierced through Feng Ziye's right shoulder, but he didn't stop there. He raised a burst of true energy with his left hand, and landed hard on the opponent's dantian.

"Five senior brothers!"

"Fifth Junior Brother!"

Si Luochao and Miao Yunyong watched with amazement as Tianfeng's sneak attack was about to succeed, but it was a pity that they were completely too late to rescue them at this moment.


Just when the tragedy was about to happen, a turning point appeared again, and the person who made the move was actually Hao Bansheng, the head of the Taishan School. Although he hated Wudang, he was unwilling to act like this.

Hao Bansheng admired Chi Yiming's Gao Yi who apologized for his death, but he never felt guilty for forcing Chi Yiming to death. In his opinion, it is only natural to pay debts, but even if it is to collect debts and revenge, he will never use it. Such shameless despicable means.

In his opinion, whether it is revenge or venting anger, it should be done in an upright manner. If Tianfeng sneaks up and plots, even if he succeeds, their five mountains will never be able to hold their heads up again in the arena.

He just heard him shout angrily, then raised his hand as well, and slapped Tianfeng with his palm, attacking the idea of ​​besieging Wei and saving Zhao.

But he never expected that Tianfeng was more cunning than he thought, and this sudden rescue was completely expected by the other party.

It is well known that Tianfeng wants to send the Heart of the Five Sacred Mountains. Long ago, he conducted an in-depth investigation on the heads of the various sects of the Five Sacred Mountains. Almost nothing escaped his eyes.

He had known Hao Bansheng's temperament for a long time, and it was also expected that he would rescue him at this time, so Tianfeng's palm suddenly changed, and it actually brushed Feng Ziye lightly, not only did not hurt him, but let his body go Go in the other direction.

Hao Bansheng stared wide-eyed, Feng Ziye's body unexpectedly moved towards his palm, he didn't expect this kind of thing at all, he couldn't stop his palm, and hit the opponent's chest directly.

Feng Ziye spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

"Fifth Senior Brother!" Si Luochao hurriedly caught him, and quickly checked his pulse. He found that his breath was weak, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He immediately glanced at Miao Yunyong in the audience.

The brothers who have been with each other for many years hardly need to say a word, Miao Yunyong understood the meaning of the other party, he stomped on the ground under his feet, and the sword energy soaring into the sky forced back the Wuyue people, and then he jumped onto the ring , standing in front of the two, staring at Tianfeng and Hao Bansheng coldly: "Don't worry, Sixth Junior Brother, I will protect the law for you."

"Elder brother, be careful." Si Luo nodded towards Miao Yunyong, then immediately supported Feng Ziye to sit down, clapped his palms on the opponent's back, and poured true energy into the opponent's body continuously.

The door of Feng Ziye's cover was broken, and Hao Bansheng's slap in the face was blown back. If he didn't stabilize his internal injuries on the spot, he would be powerless to recover when he returned to the inn.

On the other side, Hao Bansheng was still in the palm-stretching posture, and it took him a while to recover. He pointed at Tianfeng tremblingly, unable to say a word for a long time.

What happened at that moment just now was too complicated. In the eyes of others, Tianfeng just missed with a slap, and he, Hao Bansheng, was the one who really took the opportunity to seriously injure Feng Ziye.

"You! Tianfeng, you framed me on purpose!" Hao Bansheng was furious. He was clearly trying to save someone, but now he became a despicable villain who succeeded in a sneak attack.

Tianfeng didn't care about the man-eating eyes of the other party, and said loudly: "The Wudang faction is hypocritical, and they came here to cover up the sinner Chi Cangping, we must not let them succeed, comrades, don't do anything! "

Everyone was hesitant, but under the leadership of Hu Qianzhong, the Hengshan disciples were the first to stand up and shouted at the Wudang faction, and the two sides immediately fought together.

The Wudang sect was also furious. The people who attacked them poured sewage on them. They were already red-eyed at this time, but regardless of Mount Heng or Mount Tai and Songshan, the five mountains are a virtue, and they all regard them as enemies.

Although only the Hengshan faction was the first to strike, the Wudang disciples did not let go of the other factions, and now everyone in the Five Sacred Mountains was dragged into the battlefield.

When the matter got into such a trouble, it was really unreasonable for the beggar gang not to take action as the principal. It was only the first fight that something happened. It was still a big deal. All the elders turned their attention to Lu Hanjiang at this time.

I saw that Lu Bang put down his teacup without hesitation, slapped off the melon seed shells in his hands, got up and coughed twice, facing the sight of Miao Yunyong and Tianfeng, he said——

"Everyone in the Jianghu and I have always acted aboveboard. The head of the Five Sacred Mountains is shameless, despicable and sneaky. Such a villain is really not worthy of being on the same level as me. All disciples obey the order and immediately take down the person of the Five Sacred Mountains!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar, but Elder Qi held up a brand-new luxury iron rod without any surprise, and surrounded the venue with a group of well-dressed Beggar Sect disciples: "The leader of the Sect has an order to take down the people of the Five Sacred Mountains!"


The sudden attack of the disciples of the beggar gang confused both Wuyue and Wudang. Wuyue was shocked and angry. Is Wudang really happy?
After being stunned for a moment, Tianfeng immediately yelled at Lu Hanjiang: "Lu Shiqi! You want to cross the river and tear down the bridge?!"

But Lu Hanjiang sat back on his seat and didn't even look at Tianfeng, who was so angry that he was out of his mind. This time, he felt at ease, after all, he had never promised Tianfeng anything, he just smiled to the other party out of politeness That's all, as for how the other party understands...what does it matter to him?

Smart people often only need a look and a micro-expression to understand each other's thoughts. Even though Lu Hanjiang has never met anyone from Wudang and Wuyue before, but the look in the eyes just now, Lu Hanjiang's meaningful smile, Tianfeng immediately understood what the other party meant, so he had the confidence to kill him brazenly.

But - this Lu guy actually crossed the river and demolished the bridge!Tianfeng was frightened and furious, but it was really puzzling. If the Five Sacred Beggars were able to suppress Wudang together, why did they go back on their promises?

It should be noted that even if the Beggar Gang fell to Wudang at this time, this group of guys would definitely not be grateful, but afterwards they would feel aggrieved by being coerced into repaying favors.

What's more, Lu Shiqiu on Wudang Mountain had a good relationship with Wuyue. This time, Chi Cangping was held to hold an anti-rape meeting. People in the Jianghu also generally believed that the Beggar Gang was on the side of Wuyue. They are allies, isn't this a breach of trust?

Facing Shang Tianfeng's changing eyes several times, Lu Hanjiang once again showed him a meaningful smile, which made the other party puzzled, but at the same time drove him crazy.

Looking at the chaotic scene of the conference, Lu Hanjiang changed into a more comfortable posture and continued to appreciate it.

(End of this chapter)

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