Chapter 323

"That Jin Yiwei is dead?"

After receiving the news from the Dongfang family in Yulan Villa, Lu Hanjiang was stunned for a moment.

Tang Jin, who was alive and well, disappeared when he arrived at Dongfang's house. It is said that he was poisoned to death. But after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible. Since the princess can poison Shang Jidao, it may not be impossible to poison Tang Jin next time.

In this way, the method by which the Crown Princess can rely on to control the Eastern family is the poison on Tang Jin's body?But he actually died, so it might really be that he planned to abandon them.

Suspicions abounded in Lu Hanjiang's mind. While he ordered the disciples of the Beggar Clan to pay attention to this matter, he also secretly instructed Jin Yiwei to investigate Yulan Villa.

The Dongfang Family changed the origin of the meeting and postponed the time for two days, which gave Lu Hanjiang enough time to investigate whether Tang Jin was dead or not.

On the other side, Lu Hanjiang called Elder Qi. This elder, who opened up a new pattern, immediately found the pain point of the dirty clothes faction, integrated existing resources, and developed a new style of play. The power of the clean clothes faction reached unprecedented levels. the height of.

In just a few days, Elder Qi succeeded in splitting the Stained Clothes Sect by weaving accusations, framing and provoking, and some disciples who were longing for a better life began to move closer to the Clean Clothes Sect.

At the same time, the remaining part of the dirty clothes faction also split into a new faction. Some of them believed that it was unnecessary to fight against the clean clothes faction, so they turned to sit on the fence and did not help each other.

For Elder Qi and the Clean Clothes Sect, it doesn't matter if they can't win over, as long as they can weaken the Stained Clothes Sect.

Through Chi Cangping's running away, Elder Qi successfully isolated Elder Gan, the most powerful of the four elders of the Stained Clothes Sect, and the remaining three elders, one was stubborn, one turned neutral, and the last wavered. May be wooed by the Clean Clothes School.

Elder Qi's reputation has risen again, and at the same time, his attitude towards Lu Hanjiang has also become more respectful. This person is very self-aware, knowing that since Chief Lu can promote him, he can naturally promote others, so he always maintains his attitude. Swing low.

Lu Hanjiang is also satisfied with Elder Qi's understanding of current affairs. Of course, he can support a puppet to do things, but if there is a smart person who is willing to recommend himself, he is also willing to recruit an obedient subordinate.

So, on the eve of going to the Magnolia Villa for the meeting, Lu Hanjiang gave Elder Qi another task: "You leave for Miaojiang immediately, and ask Deputy Gang Leader Yan to come back."

Elder Qi was a little bit embarrassed, he said: "Sect leader, it's not that the disciples are shirking, it's that Yan Fengyun didn't understand the truth, we sent a letter to invite him to come to Qingshi City back then, but there were no less than ten batches of disciples, and he still went his own way."

Elder Qi's meaning is very clear, it's not that he is timid, nor is he unwilling to do it, it's just that he is incompetent, so he won't invite Yan Fengyun, the great Buddha.

Lu Hanjiang waved his hand, and said indifferently: "Don't worry, you can tell him this time, my beggar gang has found the traces of Xue Luocha, and we are going to eliminate a big disaster for the rivers and lakes. Let him immediately go north to meet with us. He It will definitely arrive without stopping.”

Elder Qi was suspicious: "Clan Master, this disciple has also heard rumors that Yan Fengyun and that Xue Luocha seem to have an old relationship. Could it be true?"

"It's true."

Lu Hanjiang knew where Yan Fengyun's fate was, as long as he moved out of Xue Luocha, he would always come to find him no matter where he was.

Thanks to Qianxi, Lu Hanjiang has fully grasped the location of Xuehua Palace, and the Beggar Gang has already fallen into his hands. It would be a disaster if Yan Fengyun kept it. It is better to deal with Xue Luocha and send this hero down by the way. The two of them had no more love, so they kindly sent them to be mandarin ducks in the underworld.

Lu Hanjiang once found two interesting records in Di He's thatched hut, one is a secret about the Gongsun family, and the other is the formula of a beauty-retaining medicine requested by Xue Luosha and Gu Zijing.

Xue Luosha changed his mind for the sword king, and asked for an elixir to keep his face forever, Yan Fengyun was obsessed with Gu Zijing and never married for half his life. The love-hate entanglement of these three people gave Lu Hanjiang a lot of room to play.

He has countless ways to call Yan Fengyun here, and he doesn't need to worry about such a trivial matter at all.

Seeing Lu Hanjiang's confidence, Elder Qi's heart naturally settled: "Don't worry, the leader, this disciple will fulfill his mission."

"En." Lu Hanjiang waved his hand, indicating that he could step back.

Before leaving, Elder Qi asked hesitantly: "Master, if this disciple leaves at this time, who should accompany me at the meeting at Yulan Villa?"

The identities of the Eastern Family are still kept secret, and the two elders, Lu Hanjiang and Chuan Gong Law Enforcement, have not made it public, so the disciples of the Beggar Clan are still worried about the gathering in a few days.

At this time, the people who were most worried about Lu Hanjiang's safety were of course the members of the Clean Clothes Sect. The figure of Dongfang Yuan killing the Quartet at the meeting was still vivid. Although he didn't know what the other party invited his leader to do, everyone was always worried.

Their worries were also reasonable, after all, it was hard to find a leader of the Clean Clothes Sect on the platform, and they didn't want to just give it up so vaguely.

Although he didn't care about these people's thoughts, in order to prevent them from worrying unnecessarily, Lu Hanjiang explained: "At that time, I will let Elder Xuan and Elder Deng go with me, so you don't have to worry."

Elder Xuan and Elder Deng were originally from the Dirty Clothes Sect. Now, the former is still determined and will never compromise with the Clean Clothes Sect, while the latter has decided to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, retreating to the back to wait and see the future.

Upon hearing this, Elder Qi couldn't sit still, he immediately said: "Clan Master, how can you entrust these two people with important tasks!"

"Okay, I've made up my mind, let's go."

Lu Hanjiang was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, he waved his hand, the impatient look in his eyes forced Elder Qi to swallow all the words in his heart, and left unwillingly.

He knew exactly what Elder Qi was thinking, but he didn't intend to bring these two elders with him to play a game of balance. Since he didn't need to think about the future of the Beggar Gang, he naturally didn't need to make such troublesome arrangements for the so-called stability.

Lu Hanjiang brought two elders who were from the dirty clothes faction, one is to give the foot clean clothes faction room to maneuver, so that they can concentrate the power of the gang in their hands as soon as possible, and on the other hand, he has other views on the Eastern family .

Now that the Eastern Family and the Crown Princess have turned their faces, it might be an option to win over each other, but Lu Hanjiang has no interest in picking up other people's leftovers, so he is ready to turn his face and deny anyone.

It would be best to be able to get some news from the Dongfang family. If not, it would be good to turn against the beggars and provoke a strong enemy. He still has useful people from the Clean Clothes Sect. Okay, so it's better to bring people from the Dirty Clothes faction.

Taking a closer look, it seems that all of these are beneficial to the Jingyi faction, but this elder Qi can't see through.

However, Lu Hanjiang was relieved after thinking about it. He needed a pawn to control the beggar gang. If it was too useless, it would be useless to ask for a Dou who couldn't afford it, but if it was too useful, it would easily become a hindrance. Looking at it this way, It's just right for Elder Qi to be on the same level, anyway, there is no more suitable candidate than him.

(End of this chapter)

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