Chapter 363 Casting Sword Villa
"The disciple is wrong! The disciple is guilty!"

"The disciple knows everything!"

"The clues left by the master, the secret of the Xingxuan knife, all the disciples know!"

"I beg the owner to forgive me! The disciple is willing to reform himself!"

The cold winter wind blew across the wall like a knife, leaving a chilling sound that made people tremble. The light spots in the brazier kept flickering, and the humble begging for mercy seemed to be possessed, intermittently, sometimes crazy, sometimes sleepy, but The only response to him was death-like silence.

Wrapped in heavy winter clothes, two disciples from Zhujian Villa sat around the brazier, stretched out their hands to warm the fire, and complained involuntarily.

One of them said: "The bloody bad guy was assigned to guard this lunatic. If you want me to say, it would be better to just kill him. I don't know what the owner and the others are thinking."

"Xiao Liu, hurry up and shut up, talk about the owner indiscriminately, if the steward overhears, be careful with your skin." Another person hastily spoke to dissuade him.

Xiao Liu smiled awkwardly, but still said in a low voice: "Brother Song, it's freezing cold, so why would the steward come here for nothing? I just think we're unlucky and just complain. People draw lots, and we are unlucky enough to be here to watch the work of the cell."

"You ah you."

Song San shook his head helplessly, looked left and right, and then said cautiously: "I know that you are not really dissatisfied, but just trying to make a mouthful, but ah Xiaoliu, my brother still wants to persuade you, you can Don't forget your duty."

"I understand, I understand."

Xiao Liu shrunk his neck, but still couldn't help asking: "Song San, what kind of secrets do you think is hidden in that Xingxuan knife? I heard other people spread that this knife is related to A big treasure, you say, if this is really the case, how much is this treasure worth?"

"Hey, good little six, you didn't listen to the persuasion, did you, and asked!"

Song San swung his fist twice at him, and Xiao Liu made a gesture to hide back, not daring to ask any more questions.

At this time, the sound of sharp footsteps came from the stabbing knife in the cold wind, the expressions of the two changed, and they quickly got up from the side of the brazier and walked outside to greet them.

A middle-aged man in gray clothes with a solemn expression came, and the two saluted: "I have seen Guanshi Li."

Li Guanshi nodded to say hello. He looked past the two of them to the heavy steel prison door behind him, and asked, "What happened to the sinner?"

Song San bowed his head politely and replied: "Sinners beg for mercy every day."


Li Guanshi responded noncommittally, and then ordered: "Remember, no matter what he says, don't pay attention to it. The owner of the villa has an order that no one is allowed to visit him. You all guard me carefully."

"Disciple takes orders." The two bowed in response.

"Yes, Not Bad."

Li Guanshi nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Also, there will be some distinguished guests coming to the door in a few days. I don't have extra manpower to spare you to change shifts. Song San, you are an old man in the villa, so you should be considerate."

"Don't worry about Li Guanshi, this disciple understands." Song San's drooping face flashed a bit of bitterness, although he wanted to decline, but the words turned into an honest promise.

"Don't worry, this time, if you do your job well, I will do my best for you." Before Li Guanshi left, he did not forget to encourage him.

"Thank you, Guanshi Li, and go slowly, Guanshi Li."

For Guanshi Li's verbal promise, no matter what Song San thought in his heart, he was always thankful on the surface. When the man walked away, he let out a long sigh, sat back by the brazier, and warmed himself by the fire in silence. .

Seeing that Xiao Liu on the other side was in a hurry, he sat down blah, blaming Song San with one mouthful: "My good third brother, that Li always fools you like this, why are you just talking about it?" Beaten, this job of the guards, it was originally agreed that six people would work in shifts, and now it’s unlucky for the two of us again, is this going to watch the prisoners, or go to jail!"

"Xiao Liu, stop talking." Song San shook his head, looking a little disheartened.

"I just don't accept him!" Xiao Liu stood up angrily, regardless of whether anyone could hear him, and said in a loud voice: "Isn't he just relying on a few filthy money to get into the position, and after winning the favor of the chief executive?" Just aim at you, third brother, in terms of qualifications and abilities, third brother, you are not better than him in any way!"

Song San's face changed, and he scolded in a low voice: "Okay, who did you listen to say this, don't say it."

Xiao Liu felt aggrieved and said: "I'm not talking nonsense, those disciples who are in charge of general affairs say so in private, and I'm also complaining for you, Third Brother Song."

"Enough! Sit down."

Song San intensified his tone, and Xiao Liu reluctantly sat back in his seat, with his face awkwardly crossed.

The unnatural silence lasted for a while, before Song San slowed down his tone, and said, "Xiao Liu, remember, misfortune comes out of your mouth. Don't mention these things. By the way, in a few days, there will be many people in the arena. Heroes came to pay a visit, don’t you like to watch the Jianghu competition the most, and it will also open your eyes.”

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Liu's eyes lit up.

Song San explained: "Xiao Liu, you have only been in the villa for a short time. It's normal if you don't know. You should know that in the past, usually every three to five years, our Zhujian Villa will take out some forged weapons. All friends from all walks of life are invited to come and appreciate it.”

Xiao Liu stood up again excitedly, he hurriedly asked: "Is this to make friends with martial arts and compete for weapons?"

Song San smiled: "This is the custom of our villa. A sword matches a hero. If you want to use the sword of Zhujian Villa, it is not enough to have silver, and you have to pass the martial arts."

Xiao Liu has always longed for knights in the rivers and lakes. Relying on his decent martial arts talent, he entered the Jianjian Villa. Although he was only a marginal disciple, he had stepped into the rivers and lakes he dreamed of.

In the past, Xiao Liu could only hear about the heroes of the rivers and lakes from the storytellers. Now Song San said that he was able to watch those heroes compete at a close distance, and he was not to mention how happy he was.

But after being happy for a while, the cold reality made him shiver again. Xiao Liu drooped his head and said, "Song San brother, we were ordered by Manager Li to guard the criminals here, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave."

Song San looked at Xiao Liu's appearance, as if seeing himself in the past, shook his head with a broken smile and said: "Xiao Liu, I'm enough for the guards and prisoners, your three-legged cat's kung fu makes no difference whether you stay or not. "

Xiao Liu scratched his head, and said with a chuckle: "Brother Song San is very powerful in martial arts, how can I compare with you."

After that, he asked again with a hopeful expression on his face: "Brother Song, I will really go to see it then."

"Go, go, see more of the world, just remember, if you meet the stewards, remember to avoid them, so as not to get caught." Song San did not forget to remind at the end.

"Don't worry! I'm very cautious." Xiao Liu patted his chest loudly.

The unhappiness just now seemed to have never existed, the two of you talked to each other, and began to chat as usual, around the sword tasting conference at Zhujian Villa, Song San always talked about the wonderful things It caused Xiao Liu to exclaim again and again.

The two chatted excitedly, but they didn't realize that the prison cell, which was begging for mercy and crying, was extremely quiet at the moment.

In the cold cell, the prisoner, who only wore a thin coat, held his breath, dragged four heavy chains, and approached the cell door vigorously, listening to the words of Song San and Xiao Liu outside.

(End of this chapter)

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